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Two friends, Christine and the listener, are discussing the TV show 90-Day Fiancé. They talk about the different couples on the show, starting with Gino and Jasmine. They find Jasmine to be entertaining but also insecure and jealous. They discuss an incident where Jasmine overreacted to a text message. They also talk about Jasmine's children and her plans to bring them to the US. Next, they discuss Sophie and Rob, who come from a wealthy background. They question where Sophie's family's money comes from and discuss Rob's living situation. They speculate that Sophie may be getting married for TV and career opportunities. They find the relationship confusing and question why they want to get married at such a young age. Overall, they enjoy discussing the show and its characters. I got stage fright! Hi! Okay, well, I don't know, how do you want to kick this off? I think we are two 90-day fiancé obsessed attorneys with a lot of free time and a lot of episodes of 90-day fiancé to watch. I take full credit for getting you hooked on this show, so the world can thank me for our podcast. Okay. Now you just can't stop, ever, because there's seemingly no break in between seasons anymore. They're constantly feeding our addictions. But, you know, I'm ready for UK to come back because I miss José. You love the UK and the chicken. All right, well, so anyways, I am Christine and you are 90-day fiancé. There is currently a debate, so if any listeners want to weigh in on preference here, please do let us know. I mean, the debate is that the show is called 90-day fiancé, so I came up with the name 90-day fiancé, but you told me it makes no sense. That's true. And then how will we continue? What will we do? We simply cannot. So listeners, it's all up to you. Please, the fate of our friendship is in your hands. A lot of power. Let's, I'm just going to pull up my notes here. No, season, isn't it season 11? Oh, okay. My bad. Season 10. I'm very well prepared. Yes. Who are, yes. Which, to be honest, it kind of feels rare to get an original season of 90-day fiancé these days. It's always before the 90 days or the other way. Yeah. Yeah, I guess it's probably harder for them to get, to cast the actual 90-day fiancé because they have to, you know, the person has to get approved for their visa, et cetera, et cetera. So anyways, we can kick it off. Who do you want to start with? Should we go with the classic, Gino and Jasmine? I mean, she's so entertaining. I think the peak of her amazing Jasmine content was how she admitted that she is very insecure and jealous and she loves Gino because he's so awkward, nerdy, unattractive, and just like no other girls are going to want him. So she's not going to have to worry about it. Yeah. I think she truly does love him. It's mind-boggling, but that's, it is, that's true. She's absolutely nuts. I think that, that was a, yeah, go ahead. Yeah. I think this is 100% her true personality. Yeah. I think this is 100% her true personality. Yeah. No, no. I know people like this in real life. I'm not going to name any names. And I think, oh, no comment. No, it's not you. But I think, no, I think this is who she is at her core. And like you said, she embraces it. I mean, she seems fine. Like, she seems friendly. She seems like, unless you're, unless you're Gino's family, and then she cannot stand you and hate your guts. That's probably true. But can we talk about her sister-in-law's text, or her future sister-in-law's text message? It was completely innocuous. And Jasmine was like, over the top, insistent that this was so offensive. It was the plainest text message I've ever seen. And, and Gino even said, like, oh, we were just sitting here having a conversation. And it reminded her, like, girl, she already has a vacation planned. It's a family vacation. They probably, I mean, I'm not going to say it's a family vacation, but it's a family vacation. It's a family vacation. And it's a family vacation. They probably, I mean, I'm not going to speculate about Gino's family, but I'm going to guess that they're not extremely wealthy. So perhaps they take one or two family vacations a year, max. It's probably a big deal. So I thought it was thoughtful that she wants to attend their wedding. And please don't schedule it when we're gone. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. But people plan their vacations well in advance. Most people, many people. And so it's not, you know, it seems likely that one would want to plan around it. Exactly. And they only have 90 days to get married. So it's a short window of time, you know, like, they just want to make sure that they're there, which I thought was actually thoughtful, you know, but Jasmine did not see it that way at all. I mean, I think that was her problem was that she, she said it was she just made up a narrative in her head about how it was rude when the person on the other end had absolutely no intention or idea that it could even be construed in that way. Like, I think it was just, yeah. Yeah. You are a very straightforward person. So yeah, don't text Jasmine. Well, that's true. So we can't give you the benefit of the doubt. Now, the last thing I want to talk about is, well, I also like how she can seemingly have a breakdown at any moment and any place, even the pet store. She's shopping for dog clothes. And then is like crying hysterically and shouting at you know, in the middle of this store, like, how awful is that? And then she's like, you know, in the middle of this store, like, how awkward for people around her, but she has no self awareness. She doesn't care. Yeah, she just doesn't give a fuck. But anyways, my, I think my favorite moment was how Gino wanted to know if Coco was potty trained yet. And she said, it's not her fault. She suffers from anxiety. Poor Coco. She's just nervous. Oh, God. That was hilarious. Because number one, this poor woman, okay, she just had to be on the show for Gino to come and test out her treadmill in his hat and his dress shoes. And, you know, he's like, how much were you asking for it? Did she not put that in her advertisement before you came to her house? How many miles are on it? Okay, I don't know. You would have kicked that person out of your house like leave and never return. Oh my god. That was so funny. Maybe she was appreciative to be on TV. Maybe she's a 90 day fan. And she loves Gino and Jasmine. I don't know. Oh, God. So anyways, do we want to talk about her kids? Or do we want to move on? She has two kids. So I was, at first I was confused as to why she was only mentioning her relationship with the older child, Wonsei. But then I remember, I think her other son has special needs. And he lives in the countryside. So I think perhaps out of like, respect for him or something, she didn't want to put him on television, or maybe his father didn't want him on television and something. So I think that was the reason. But yeah, it was very confusing to me at first, because I'm like, okay, she talks about she has two kids. And then she says, my relationship with my older son is so great. And I'm like, Okay, well, what about your other son? That's kind of weird. Yeah. But I guess she has plans to bring them to the US. So that was surprising to me. They don't live with her. Right. But I don't, I don't know, like, number one, I'm not one of the people who subscribe to the fact that America is always the best place for everyone. And two, like, yeah, I don't know the dad situation. I don't know their financial situation. I don't know his like, like, I don't know what their setup is. And also that his child too. So like, does he want the child to move? I don't know. But I guess. Yeah, I'm not discounting that. I'm just saying there's a lot of nuances to consider. And considering the fact that half the time, I didn't even know that Jasmine had a child, two children, and they have not been living with her for, I don't know how long. I was slightly surprised. And the fact that she doesn't want to have another baby with Gino led me to believe perhaps she does not want the responsibilities of motherhood. She doesn't. No, she doesn't. If you that's what the Googler told me. No, but Intel on the internet says she does not live with them. So perhaps she does. But I'm gonna go with people are probably right about their facts on this one. In this one instance, I believe what I read. But anyways, I think there was an article where she was quoted talking about it. So maybe that's where they've gotten their information from. Anyways, speculation aside, she's going to bring them to the US though. Good for her. Yeah. Okay, so I think we can move on to, oh, hard to choose between the next three couples. Why don't you pick? Okay, Sophie and Rob the knob. A knob is a penis. If you didn't know. I don't know. British slang is interesting sometimes. British slang is interesting sometimes. Very independently wealthy. She has absolutely no idea how her family has this money, but she asks no questions. She's just very confusing. Was the money made in a shady way? And that's why she's answering the question this way? Or is she just completely oblivious and she's been spoiled? Grew up in private school sort of thing and she just has no idea and has taken it for granted. Also, I want to know, is the money on her mom's side, dad's side? Where is it at? I had a lot of questions about this girl and how rich is she? I wanted to try to figure out what part of London she lives in. Her apartment looked nice. It had a rooftop terrace. Very expensive. She seemed to live in central London. So yeah, she is a young. For sure. Right, exactly. So yeah. So when he showed this place, I died. I was like, there's absolutely no way. Like, the fact that he described this bathroom as annoying would not be the word I would use. Like, it's like a non-starter. It's like a no-go. Like, this is where I draw the line. If I have to walk outside to a bathroom that's shared by other people, no. Mm-hmm. That's traumatic. I don't see how I could. Can you imagine, like, the roaches? Like, there has to be roaches. You get up at like 2 o'clock in the morning to pee? No, I can't. I'm sorry. Exactly. Yeah, I didn't quite. I'm confused by this relationship. Like, she seems to have, like, traveled and been around to, like, you know, many places in the world and grown up quick. Like, yeah, okay, maybe she grew up fast because she said she was in the clubs at, like, 12, right? But why are you ready to get married at 23? And, like, what is it about this guy that's, like? She's just setting herself up for husband number two. Yeah, it has to be, like, they want to be on TV and it's, like, they're trying to, like, launch their career. She does actually seem like a nice girl. Like, she seemed like she had a sweet personality. Like, she doesn't seem super conceited or anything like that. Like, oh my god, that girl. No, yeah. But I think probably a lot of that has to- I'm conflicted about her because she does seem like a sweet girl, but she also seems like she kind of hates part of herself. Probably from- no, no, no. Sophie. From growing up, she said she was bullied because of her- because she's biracial and she said she, like, went through a lot because of that and all this stuff and now she's, like, she's very white passing with blonde hair and, like, I don't know. It seems like she's trying to suppress part of herself. So, perhaps- no, no. I mean, like, perhaps that's the reason why she's not- like, she's very pretty, right? Like, she's obviously had some work done, but she's a pretty girl. Like, as in Instagram girl, you know, that kind of girl. Pretty. She could be a video girl or that kind of model, whatever. But I'm saying, like, the reason she's probably not, like, overly conceited about herself is because she probably had self-esteem issues, you know, deep-rooted trauma that she's had to work through. So, I don't know. Yeah, I don't- I don't understand that part, but I'm just saying, like, her personality. I'm trying to explain that. This is why I think she's not a bitch. But, yeah, I don't- I don't know. Obviously, we haven't seen them together yet. So, I'm- Yeah, that was also confusing, but okay. It seems like he really wants a lot of attention. And I don't know. He- I mean, he said he liked her because he always wanted a super hot girl who's way hotter than him, and she's hot. Okay. Awesome. Like, okay. I don't- I don't quite- like, I don't quite know what they like about each other. But I guess we'll- we'll see how it plays out. Yeah, I think- must- they're both biracial. I don't know. She did say they have a lot of things in common, but we'll see. I foresee it being a huge problem when she arrives in the United States and has to live in squalor. Yeah, and that was also, like, okay. She's never told anyone that she's bisexual, and she doesn't even lean- she doesn't even- yeah, she doesn't even know she's going to tell Rob, but she says it on camera for a million people to watch her and replay. Like, okay. All right, well. Not a soul. Yes, her best friend didn't know. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, seemed very, very- yeah. But, okay. We'll see. Good for her. Um, let's move on to- yeah, let's move on to Manuel and Ashley. Um, I just want to say, like, I know several Black Ashleys, so I don't quite know if that qualifies her as a unicorn, but- I know, like, yeah, like, I'm like, okay, but, you know, live your life, girl. It's fine. Hmm. I- I have, but, yeah. Maybe more unicorn-like than an Ashley. I don't know. I feel like Ashley was just a very popular name at a certain period of time, like, 80s- yeah, 80s, 90s sort of thing. Actually, fun fact, my name was supposed to be Ashley, but when I was born, my mother said I was much too fat to be an Ashley because I was a 10-pound baby. Yeah, so, and you know what? Thank God, because I don't think I'm- I don't think I'm an Ashley. Yeah, I just can't see it. So, um, okay. So, Ashley is a witch. Um, I found it very interesting that her friends and her herself is outraged, outraged that he hasn't told his mother that he's coming to the U.S. to get married to her, and it makes her very concerned about what he could not be telling her, yet they've known each other since they're in their 20s, and he's very religious, Catholic, and she's not told him that she's a witch, a practicing witch. So, this was concerning to me. I just don't see how this is gonna work out. I mean, a lot of things, but that was, that one kind of, yeah. Yeah. And then she's like at the store buying like crystals and shit for him to wear when he gets here. It's like, okay, so not only are you gonna tell him you're a witch, but you're gonna be like, do all of these things that are like ritualistic, which is totally against the Catholic faith, but let's just do them. Um, yeah, so there was that. She also said that he is a fuck boy, and he used to be more of a fuck boy, but is still currently a fuck boy. So, I really want the details there, because I really want to judge them. A fuck boy is just like a guy who is like out here being a little ho. He's cocky. He's like not a good partner. Like, I, I don't know. That's what I said. I need like, I need the backstory. So, I can't wait for that to unfold and me to understand what he's doing out in these streets. Um, I don't know. I mean, they've known each other for a long time. So, I imagine. That's what I'm saying. So, maybe he's like out here, like doing all this shit, like, and she sees it, because they weren't dating. I mean, you get to know a lot about a person in 10 years, or however long they've known each other. You'd know a fuck boy if you were dating him, so I'm going to trust her on that one. Um, she went to go see him in September of 2020. That was like peak COVID. Like, I don't know anyone who was traveling at that time. Like, yeah, like you would think you would need some good reason to travel. I don't know if you, where is he? Ecuador, right? Yeah, I don't, I don't know if U.S. citizens need a visa to go to Ecuador, but I don't know. It seems like an odd time to rekindle your relationship, but hey. She said they quarantined together, and he probably So, it's a love story for the ages. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yes, Julio and Adelaide. Oh, yeah. Yes, Julio and I don't remember her name. Yeah, I think it was Kirsten. Yeah. Well, you have no choice. Um, yeah, so I guess we'll see how this, I mean, we'll see if he even gets into the country. I don't understand, like, why would you wait until one day before your visa expires to try to enter the United States? That seems very risky. Yeah, so, but the visa would only be valid for a certain period of time as far as, like, entry. Yeah. And then the clock starts as soon as you arrive. Yeah. I've had many, many former lives and professions. Yeah, it's been a while, though. So, I'm going to brush up on my K-1 visa. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, but, you know, like, it's just, it's a lot of work to get a K-1, and, like, you have to provide a lot of documentation and evidence of the relationship and all the stuff, and it just seems, like, really risky to be, like, we're just going to wait until the very last minute. I don't know. Could be, but. Yeah, maybe, maybe. He's living on the edge because he's a fuckboy, so. The only other thing is that I found it very dangerous that not only was she having a panic attack while driving, she was also filming and talking on the phone, and if you called me and you're having a panic attack, I would be like, okay, pull over, like, shouldn't be driving right now. It just seemed, I don't know. Am I wrong? Yeah, but her friend was just like, take a breath. I was like, no, girl, she's driving. Like, tell her to pull over. I don't know. It seemed like it. I thought she was on the freeway, but, I don't know, or like a highway, at least. Anyways, yeah, yeah, because at the very opening scene was, like, her having a panic attack, yeah. Well, I think we Well, I think we saved the best for last with Justin, aka Igor, and Nikki Exotica. Bro, I thought she was way older, but, okay, let me start off by saying, like, it was not, maybe this makes me very dumb, but it was not immediately apparent to me that Nikki was a trans, or is a trans woman. I thought that she was just one of those people who really loves plastic surgery and, like, can't stop, you know, a la Darcy, but even more. So, I was, yeah, I was a little shocked when she said she was 47, because I'm like, man, I would have guessed at least, like, in her 50s. Like, she, she looks older. Yeah, but I think that once you start, like, doing, once you get to that level, it's hard to see yourself as you actually look, and people get addicted to the point where they can't stop. So, I think she's, at that point, is, like, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, she's, so I think she's, at that point, is, like, she just started having surgery after surgery, and, like, she said she's had every procedure under the sun. So, it's, like, give me more, and she just can't stop herself at this point. Plus, she's, like, a makeup artist, and, like, that's her, and then she has the whole Nikki Exotica thing. So, it's, like, performative. Like, she just, she needs excess at this point. Yeah, like, that's the thing. She's, like, they just clocked me, and I was, like, I would just be staring at you, because you look weird as fuck. Like, it's just too, you look so overdone. It's too much. Like, well, that too, yeah. But, and also, like, I don't know. I've never been to Moldova, but I feel like you're not going to be getting, like, girls in, like, full glam, full, like, giant titties, and, like, giant lips. Like, it just, she screamed very, like, look at me. Like, what do you expect? People are going to look at you. But I don't, actually, he's not unattractive. Like, he's not terrible to look at. I, I kind of felt icky about the age, because when she met him, he was, what, 18 or 19? And yeah, that's what I'm, like, I'm, like, are they stretching his age now? Because it was real, like, not, yeah. It just made me feel some type of way. I was, like, I don't know. And she was 30, if we're believing that she's 47. She was 30. I thought, I thought he's 35 now, and she's 47. Okay. Well, either way, I wasn't, I don't know. I wasn't a fan of that whole thing. I did find it. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, that was, I don't know. Like, obviously, there's probably a lot of nuances, and I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. And I can't speak to someone, you know, who's transgender and, like, all of the things that they go through. I don't know. What I found interesting was they were fucking, and he didn't realize that her percs were, like, man-made. You know what I'm saying? Like, I've never seen, I've never seen a reconstructed, like, vagina, but you would think that you would be able to tell. Like, and also, the other thing that makes me think this is she had her sex change, like, 27 years ago. Like, it cannot be as sophisticated as it is now, you know? Like, that was a really early time to be having, like, gender affirmation surgery. So, I don't know. I was, like, is he dumb or what? Like... And also, he was very young. Yeah. I mean, so I don't want to speak to the fact that, like, okay, they were dating, and she waited to tell him whatever, but I do think it was fucked up for her to blurt it out in the heat of the moment when, like, they were fighting, and she was just trying to be spiteful. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, I thought that was a little shady, but I don't know. What are your thoughts? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And he was coming to the U.S. to, like, they were on a K-1, right? Yeah. So, yeah. Well, she said it was, yeah, she said it was when he came over. So, like, yeah. But it's messed up. Agreed. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. But it, I mean, it doesn't, but at the same time, he's like, oh, we're going to have so much sex when I come. I'm like, don't break my penis. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. No, I do think it's, like, something, some issues that he probably still needs to work out. But what was most interesting to me was I want to know what crime her ex committed and, like, what was he into that he got deported? And then, like, I need to know the timeline. Like, I don't know. This interested me more than the entire story of, like, her and Justin. Like, I want to know the timeline of when this guy got deported, when she went to Moldova to find him. Did they not have telephones? And she just showed up at his doorstep and he's, like, married or something? Like, yes. Yeah. Yeah. Which is, like, so fucked up, but I just really wanted to know all the juicy details. I'm like, ooh, what did this guy do? Like, it seems like she likes, like, I don't know, a bad boy. But I don't know if Justin is a bad boy. Igor. Igor is the baddest of the boys. Yeah. So, anyways, all in all, are these the only couples? If you think so. I'm sure there must be some. Someone must have tracked it down. Is this the only couple that's going to be on this season? Or were there more that they haven't? Oh, my God. Yes. Oh, I cannot wait. I'm like, you live in a one-bedroom apartment with, like, 20 animals. The apartment must smell so bad. So bad. And then your mom lives in the closet. I like how he, like, opened the door and she just, like, popped her head out like, hey. Oh, my God. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then the one that he was like, oh, I don't know if her family accepts me or something. And they're like, at the altar. Yeah, that's true. Okay. So, more to come. Yeah. Well, do you think we're going to see Gino and Jasmine get married? Oh, for sure. That's true. If they do, Jasmine is definitely taking, like, one of his balls with her or something. Yeah. Butch up. Her hair done. That's true. Drake. Drake be commenting on her shit. So, you know, she has a backup career built in. She don't need Jeff. But I do think it's going to be, like, a Paola Russ scenario where she gets to the U.S. and she's immediately like, no, we're not living here. There's no way. There's no way. Okay. Well, Russ and Paola had kids or a kid. Equally yoked. Okay. Yeah. I get what you're saying. That's her man. That's hats and all, like. Do you know what a picture about Gino is? He probably has, like, tiny hats for his penis and he's like, like, matching hats. It's like when you dress up your pet and like a sweater and you're wearing the same sweater. Yeah. Don't come for me, Jasmine. I don't want to see it. Okay. I'm not picturing it at all. Just the hat. Just the tip. So, on that note, we look forward to seeing what unfolds this season, taking you along for the ride. I don't see a Darcy. Soulja Boy. I miss Soulja Boy and his mini Kim Bali. Baby girl Lisa. Oh, man. Petition to bring back Soulja Boy. I think that's true. He's probably got another one in the pipeline. So, all right. Well, on that note, we are out. All right. Yes.

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