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Recording 5-15-2024 12-53-37 pm (1)

Recording 5-15-2024 12-53-37 pm (1)




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Three girls with different hair types discuss their hair journeys and share tips and tricks for hair care. They also talk about hair disasters they've had, such as DIY haircuts and bad dye jobs. They then discuss the dangers of vaping and share their favorite hair hacks for bad hair days. They end the episode by asking listeners to rate and review the podcast and to share it with others. Overall, it's a fun and informative podcast about all things hair. Welcome to Hairline, the podcast where three girls with different hair types share their journey through the ups and downs of hair, care, cosmetology, and everything in between. I'm Hian. I'm Kelly. And I'm Tatum. And together, we're here to guide you through the wild world of hair, so grab your favorite hair products and let's dive in. All right, ladies, let's kick things off with a little shut-down memory. Do you remember your first hair disaster? Oh, girl, don't even get me started. I once tried to dye my hair blonde at home, and let's just say I ended up looking more like a highlighter than a bombshell. Oh, no, Tatum. Been there, done that. My first hair disaster involved a DIY haircut that left me looking like a blue-sided poodle. Thank goodness for hats. Well, I can't say I've had any major disasters, but I did have a phase where I was convinced bangs was a good idea. Spoiler alert, they were not. The trials and tribulations of hair experience make you. But you know what's not a laughing matter? Vaping. It's time for our segment, Real Talk. Haley? Haley? Haley, we need to have a serious conversation about vaping. It's not good. It's really bad for you. So stop it. So stop it. Also, it's not safe. All right, now that we've got the important message out there, let's lighten the mood with some hair hacks. What's your go-to trick for a bad hair day? Dry shampoo, hands down. It's a lifesaver when you're running late and your hair is looking greasier than a slice of pizza. I'm all about the power of the pineapple. Nothing beats throwing your hair up into a hot pot of sauce when you can't just deal with it. Personally, I swear by silk pillowcases. Not only do they prevent frizz, but they also make me feel like a fiend sleeping on a cloud. Hair hacks. The secret weapon is in every hairless arsenal. And speaking of secrets, it's time for a rapid fire round. Quick, tell us your favorite product of all time. Moroccan oil. Coconut oil. Argan oil. Looks like we've got an oil fan club here. Well, Haley, that's all the time we have for today. Remember, embrace your hair, embrace yourself. Until next time, this is Haley signing off. Welcome back, podcast listeners. Before we wrap up today's episode, I would like to recap on what we've recovered. Today we dived into hair products and hair disasters. We explored these topics to the brim and examined them. But our journey doesn't end here. To keep this conversation going and support the show, we need your help. If you enjoyed today's episode, please take a moment to rate and review us on your preferred podcast platform. Your feedback means the world to us and helps us improve. Please don't forget to hit the subscribe button and stay updated on future episodes. And if you know someone who better fit for my discussion, please share the podcast with them. And this is Haley Potts signing off.

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