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June 2 2024 Pastor Tom Taylor 1 Corinthians 2

June 2 2024 Pastor Tom Taylor 1 Corinthians 2




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In this talk, the speaker discusses the reality of being in a spiritual war as believers. They emphasize the importance of seeking wisdom and understanding from God's Word and the Holy Spirit. They explain that the deep things of God are revealed in the Bible but can only be understood by those who spend time reading and applying it. The speaker cautions against comparing spiritual things to worldly things and emphasizes the need for discernment in our thinking and decision-making. They conclude by stating that as spiritual beings, we are called to judge and discern the things of this world. to our text today. I'm not going to take a long time this morning, but I kind of want to just touch on something that I do think it's not a question of, you know, us four here, whether we know this or not, but I'm going to talk a little bit about the reality this morning. We are, in this series, digging deeper, growing stronger, and we're looking at it out of 1st Corinthians chapter 2, but I really this morning just want to kind of iterate or reiterate the fact that we are definitely in a war. The believers in this world, in this age, always has been that way, and I haven't taken a lot of time to think about that recently. I mean, you know, we're not always thinking, oh, we're in a war, we're in a war, we're struggling against darkness, but with so much war going on in the world around us, starting there, you know, a couple of years ago now, two years, with Ukraine, that's enough to start, but just recently there in Ukraine, there in the Middle East, in Africa, there are still civil wars and tribal wars, so with all the, you know, we hear a lot in the last couple of years, we've heard a lot about war going on in this world, and that's because it's a reality, and you know, so I have a tendency sometimes to not want to dwell on the fact that you and I as believers are in a warfare, but we are, and I'll say a word or two about that in just a moment, but 1 Corinthians chapter 2, I think I'm just going to, well, I'm just going to start in verse 10, and we'll just do kind of a quick review, and we'll go on from there. Digging deeper, growing stronger, what we've been looking at is the idea that God has, you know, a plan for our lives, a purpose for our lives, that includes gaining wisdom, it includes gaining knowledge and understanding of God's Word, God's purpose for our lives, applying it to our life, and Paul here is talking about that process. He says, but God has revealed, and these are the deeper things of God, the wisdom of God, the deeper things of God that believers are supposed to be pursuing, and by deeper, what we mean is more revealed, more that is exposed in the Word of God, that you and I take the time to not just read, but adhere to, and to, you know, begin to practice in our lives. So he says, but God has revealed these things to us through His Spirit, to the believer. He's revealed mysteries, great things, you know, the wisdom of God, the deep things of God, for the Spirit searches all things. There it is. Yes, even the deep things of God, so to take the mystery out of it, when Paul talks about wisdom, or the deep things of God, all he's really talking about in a way that, you know, is, that was in their vernacular, he's talking about the things God has revealed in His Word for you and I to find. One of the reasons people get a little, oh, I don't know, mysterious or confused or suspicious when you say things like, the mysteries of God, the deep things of God, what could that even be, the deep things of God? Most people kind of, you know, just sort of have a little bit of suspicion about that, you know, or question the deep things of God. Why? Why? Because they don't read their Bibles. I'm sorry, but, you know, we don't understand the deep things of God. If the deep things of God are revealed here in His Word, then the reason we have a problem with it, for the most part, in a believer's life, is because we don't take time to read the Word of God, and to really, you know, just absorb it, man, into our lives and put it to work in our lives. So, the deep things of God, boy, let somebody else take care of that. But here, Paul is saying, no, this is the believer's portion. Verse 11. This is the believer's portion. This is a right and a responsibility. So, for what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of a man which is in him? In other words, what man knows anything about his life, or the life of any other human on the planet, except, you know, the spirit of a man, the lifestyle, the essence, the values, or the spirit of a man which is in him? Even so, no one knows the things of God except the spirit of God. Now, listen to that. How can a man know anything except he understands from being a man, from being a human being, relating to other human beings? That's how we understand each other. He says the same thing in the Kingdom of God. The only way we're going to understand God and the spiritual side of our lives is by spending time in the Word of God and allowing the Spirit of God to reveal to us what we need to know. Verse 12. Now, we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. Don't lose that statement. We know the things that have been freely given to us by God. Verse 13. Watch this. These things we also speak, not in words which are of man's wisdom or man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches. So, he's saying there's very clear division between what man learns out there in the world, what man is teaching out there in the world, and that knowledge, that understanding, that education out there in the world, he says, but that's not the wisdom we're striving for. That's not what we are supposed to be focused on as believers. He says there's a whole other world in which the Spirit of God begins to teach us and begins to compare spiritual things with spiritual, right? So, he says in the Kingdom of God, our education is different. We look to what God has given us. We look to the Word of God, to the promises of God. We look to the experience we have gained since we got saved. Spiritual things, comparing spiritual things to spiritual. Now, here's just a quick word, guys, and this is why I'm just going to say a word or two about war. The believer, the believer cannot get caught up in a trap of comparing what's happening out there in the world and in people's lives out there. We are not to get caught up as believers comparing ourselves, our lives, what's happening in and around our lives with anything in the world. You have to hear that. Believers should never get caught in the trap of comparing themselves, their life, their relationship with God, the provision they have, should never get caught in the trap of comparing spiritual things to carnal things. Spiritual things, life in the Kingdom of God, should not be compared to life out there in the Kingdom of this world. He's saying that as spiritual people, we should be concerned with spiritual issues, spiritual, you know, provisions. We should be concerned about what it is God wants to do in our lives and then ultimately do through our lives, comparing spiritual things to spiritual. Forget, forget what the world has to say about a whole lot of stuff, guys, because there's a division, there's a clear separation between God's Word, His declared Word, His purpose for our life and the world. There's a huge difference between comparing carnal to carnal and spiritual to spiritual. And that's why I say there's a war that goes on. And that warfare, what's that warfare about? Well, it's over your mind. It's a warfare over our minds, the way we think, what our resources are, what is the foundation of our value system and thinking and living our lives. That's what's important. Verse 14, "...but the natural man," there it is, carnal, natural flesh, "...but the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they're foolishness to him." This is why we don't compare our lives to people out there living in the world. We don't. We don't compare what the kingdom of God provides and teaches and requires, etc., to what the world teaches and provides, etc. The natural man doesn't receive the things of the Spirit of God. They're foolishness to him. Don't make any sense. Don't have any time for it. Fables, fairy tales, don't tell me about that stuff. Nor can he. He can't. He can't know them. Good night. No wonder we were so deaf, dumb and blind when Jesus came and found us and saved us, right? Because we couldn't understand that stuff. We can't understand spiritual things without having first come to the Lord Jesus Christ, given our life to him, and become a spiritual being ourself, follower of Christ. Because, watch this, they're foolishness to that person out there in the world. Nor can he know them, the deep things of God, because they're spiritually discerned. The condition of the believer, the health and welfare of the believer, is right there. He's saying, listen, if there are things you don't understand, if there are things that are confusing, things that, you know, you question, things that are upsetting, all of it, he's saying, these things are to be spiritually discerned. We are to take our lives, our circumstances, and what's happening in our lives and our circumstances, drag them into the prayer closet with us, bust out the Bible, start to read and pray and ask God to show us what we should be concerned about. And that's a fact, so we can spiritually discern. Verse 15, "...but he who is spiritual judges all things." Listen to that. That's not this haughty, critical, you know, judgmental, oh, gee whiz, kind of attitude that a lot of church people have, always have had. And I say church people, because don't forget, there's a huge difference between church people and Christian people. But Paul says here, "...he who is spiritual judges all things." We discern, we look at things, we determine their value. Are they of this world, or are they the kingdom of God? Is this going to help me, or is this going to hurt me? The way I'm thinking, is it setting me free, or is it bringing me deeper into bondage? That's what he's saying. We are to be able to determine that, and be able to say, no, that is of this world. That mentality, that requirement, that value system is of this world, and not for me, not for a child of God. He judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. Why? Because he's a part of the kingdom of God now. So, forget about what the rest of mankind, you know, what's important to them, what they think we should be doing, what we're required. We are to be spiritually trusting in God, and allowing God to determine the direction, purpose, guidance for our life. Verse 16 is the last one we'll read. For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we, we have the mind of God. Now, right there guys, and I'll just say a word or two, because I don't want to get too far into it. It's kind of a pivotal, you know, point to this whole purpose of this series, talking about digging deeper, growing stronger. He's talking about right here, he's talking about a warfare, a confrontation, a struggle that goes on, not out there in the hearts and minds of people in the world, people who are not, you know, believers. They don't have an experience with Christ. He's not talking about what's happening out there, and what's going on. He's talking about people who are believers, people who are seeking to have a relationship with God, and to strengthen that relationship, to protect it, to preserve it, and to exhibit it, and to testify according to it. And so, it's not the people out there in the world Paul's concerned about, it's the people in the kingdom of God. And he's saying, and the problem with the whole thing is, if we're going to think like God, then we've got to read the word of God. If we're going to understand the blessings, power, and provisions of Jesus Christ, then we've got to change the way we think about a whole bunch of stuff, guys, whole bunch of stuff. Because, if we really want to take advantage, we have the mind of Christ. If we really want to possess that mind, then we have to be busy reshaping, changing, transforming our mind into that that exhibits the mind of Christ. When was the last time you woke up thinking, boy, I'm excited about today, because I'm going to be thinking just like Jesus? Have we ever, you know, gotten up thinking that way? You know, happy, just singing, you know, the praises of God on my way to work, because the one thing I know, I think like Jesus. I would like to be, I wish that was how I thought, constantly, you know. But Paul here is saying something bold. He said, listen, you stop thinking like the rest of the world, just stop it. Quit thinking, don't entertain the insanities, I don't care what their opinion is. He says, you need to think about the kingdom of God. You need to think with the mind that is revealed, the mind of Christ that's revealed in the word of God. That's what Paul is saying. No, no, thinking like the world isn't going to be helpful to you. Thinking like the world is going to bring greater sense of division, a greater sense of deception. Thinking like the world, the Bible tells us, will put us at odds with God. Is that right? Did you get saved to become an enemy of God? Did you get saved because you just really felt like it was about time someone, you know, stood up and started to, you know, tell God how things are going? No, I got saved because I came to a place of realization that I needed whatever this salvation thing was. Gave my life to Christ. And I have to admit, I've spent my whole adult life trying to learn how to think differently. To think with the mind of Christ and therefore be a testimony, an example. I have this client, this person who comes for counseling, for help, and so on. But she has this odd view of God. She's constantly fighting with God, constantly. Talks about it every session like I don't even know. Constantly at odds, telling him off. Listen, I needed to get some rest last weekend and I got sick and you didn't help me. You know, and so I'm just thinking, well, this is, you know, we started that. But she says, and another thing, one thing that's been bugging me is I just don't, you know, I don't think my testimony is of any value. I said, well, what do you mean? She said, well, because God doesn't do for me the things I ask him to do. What, am I supposed to stand and testify about that? Am I supposed to stand and say, yeah, God let me down on every front. I said, okay, better stop right there. I said, I can see why you feel your testimony would not be of value. Because it shares only your perspective on God. Not everybody else's, yours. Which is why your perspective on God is so offensive and divisive and painful because you don't think with the mind of Christ. Even though you're a believer, you think with the mind of this world that says, God pretty much should do everything and anything I ask him because I'm a believer. Wow. Now, tell me, does that sound like a person thinking with the mind of Christ? Of Christ. And if he doesn't do it, I'm going to be so upset and mad at him. Well, that's that person. But I hope you're appreciating what I'm saying. Here's a perspective from a believer who says, God, he just doesn't do. I serve God. Basically, I serve God so I can fight with him. I can argue with him. I can tell him off and be mad at him. Well, that's not what our relationship is supposed to look like. But it is indicative of a war that goes on over our minds, over the way we think about God, about his Christ, about his provisions and promises. It's a war for the thought processes of mankind who are wanting their lives to represent Christ, who are wanting their lives to be a testimony to his goodness working out in our life. And it's a war for the sanity of the believer. It's very real. We don't say a lot about it. I'm not going to say a lot about it right now. But it's this war that involves us personally, individually, involves us as a culture, as a group, as whatever it is we're a part of. There's a war that goes on for the way we think, period. And if you're not aware of it, that's probably not a good thing. If you're not aware of it, that you're in a war for the sanity and the right thinking, if we're not aware of it, I think that that probably suggests that you've already lost the war. You know, it's not even an issue. So we don't worry about it. But the people who are struggling, the people who are up and seeking to think like Christ and apply the word of God to our lives, those are the people that are busy talking about the kingdom of God. So, you know, over the way we think, over the way we look at life itself, and listen, Paul is saying, listen guys, there's a war and it goes on over the way we think. Do we pursue the wisdom of God? Do we pursue understanding and knowledge of God? Or do we just say, praise God, and we, you know, from one prayer meeting to the next, or from one Sunday to the next, that's the extent of our Christian testimony? No, no, Paul said it. He said, listen guys, Romans chapter 7, remember, he says, you know, it's the craziest thing. He said, I have this desire to do good, to do the will of God, to pursue God, represent God, you know, to dig deep, to grow stronger, to be a testimony. He says, I have this desire, and I know, I know how to do things right. I know, you know, what is right, what is good, and I have a desire to do that. But at the same time, he says, I also know what isn't right. I also know what is not good, what is not healthy, what is not a test. I also know what isn't good, and I don't want to live that life. I don't want to do that stuff. But I find that in that tug-of-war, more often than not, I do the things I just really hate. I do the things that I wish I wouldn't do, and that, what is he describing? War. He's describing a conflict that goes on in the hearts and minds of every believer who really wants to see their lives change. That's why Paul is talking about it. He's talking about it because the warfare is real. The struggle over the way we think, over how we feel about the life God has given us, and how we walk that out, right? I tell people this all the time, just because it's a simple thought, and it's true. Human beings, we think, right? We think, and we know this. We think all the time. There is never a moment when our mind is not active in thinking. We think that the way we think has a tendency, you know, to influence everything about our lives, especially how we feel up to 90% of our emotional life. 90% of our emotional life is determined by what we're thinking on. And we think, we feel, and we do, or we don't do. Solomon said it, right? As a man thinks in his heart, right? So goes his life. We think, we feel, and we do. If your thinking isn't right, if it's not being constructed by the Word of God, if it's not being fueled by the Spirit of God, if your thinking as a believer isn't right, then your feeling isn't going to be right. Your emotional life isn't going to be right. Not going to be stable, strong, to withhold, to withstand the strategies of hell. If our thinking isn't right, definitely our feeling isn't going to be right. What do you mean? How you feel about God. How you feel about your life. How you feel about other people isn't going to be right if our thinking isn't right. And those two together, we think, we feel, and we do, or don't do. They determine our behavior. So, if the way we act is out of character, it's because we're not thinking right. As simple as that. That's what Paul's saying. Here's the key. He says, you're going to have to pay attention to how you're thinking. You think of, I think it's Matthew chapter 7, right? The parable of the fellow who, you know, the two builders, home builders. One built on the rock, one built on the sand. You think about that little parable Jesus tells. I'm sure it's down towards the end of Matthew 7. Talks about these two house builders, you know, which we know this from studying the Word of God. The building of a house is talking about the constructing of your life, my life. What we do, how we build it. House represents our life more often than not. And Jesus said, yeah, these two guys, man, they set out to build a life. To put together an existence. He says, they built, they were going to build a home. And so he said, and so the first one got out there, got him some beach side property. And threw up a structure, man, just like that. You know, invited the neighborhood over that evening because he built this house. And while they're there celebrating, you know, having a great time, new person in the neighborhood, a storm came, blew past, knocked this guy's house down, drug it away. He was a nothing more than a memory. And Jesus said, but there's this other guy. He was wise. He was a wise builder. And he dug deep to put a foundation down. Put some pylons and a foundation and started to construct his life by first digging deeper. So he could grow stronger. And the Bible says he completed his house. And when the storms came, when the winds blew, nothing. His house stood. His life had the strength to withstand that strategy of hell that, you know, comes into our lives like a flood. The wise builder who dug deep was strong enough to stand up against that onslaught. Now, all of that to say what we're talking about literally is reshaping, transforming the way we think about everything. Everything, guys, the way we think needs to be guided, needs to be led by, needs to be dictated by, needs to be determined by. Determined by the Word of God and the Spirit of God making His Word come alive in me. That's what Paul's talking about when he says, we come speaking the deep things of God, that deeper wisdom. Why, Paul? Because it's what every believer is supposed to, you know, adhere to. And so, this morning, with our heads bowed and our eyes closed, I'm going to stop right there. We're going to start, the reason I want to kind of hesitate a little bit is because I really want to jump us into the book of Proverbs, which is what I think we'll do probably next Sunday morning. Jump into Proverbs because that's where we really pick up some necessary things on wisdom and how to gain it, possess it, and walk it out. But today, Father, we're here because we love You. It is the whole purpose of why You came to save us, Lord. To transform how we think and feel, how we live our lives. To transform the things that, you know, we have loved in the past that have left us abandoned or broken or hurting or in trouble or whatever it is. To abandon those things that we've liked and loved and applied our lives to, to be transformed. Transformed in how we think and how we feel and how we live, Lord. To be changed into Your image, Lord, that we could love You and love each other with a love that is real, it's strong, it's pure, it's true. So help us. Help us, Lord, to capture the importance of changing and transforming the way we think, our mind, that we may truly possess and reflect the mind of Christ. You've birthed it in us, Lord. We want to see it develop, become stronger, better, deeper. That our lives will stand against every storm and any storm that comes our way. Thank You, Lord. We give You praise. Thank You for Your goodness. In Jesus' precious name, Amen.

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