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The secret to unlocking your brain's full potential lies in your gut. The White Room aimed to create perfect humans, and Anakoji Kiyotaka's brain was enhanced through the gut. Illnesses were traditionally cured through fasting, as an upset gut disconnects from the brain and diverts resources towards repair. Gut problems can manifest as acne or mental health issues. To unlock your brain's power, try a 48-hour fast, hydrate with filtered water, keep the pelvic floor open, and prioritize a meat-centric diet while avoiding nuts, seeds, and fermented foods. A diet rich in omega-3 and animal fats helps combat inflammation and supports gut health. These principles can unlock a new part of your brain. Chess and reading books help, but internal factors like gut health and diet are crucial. The speaker also promotes a one-year White Room Program. The secret to fully unlocking your brain's power like Anakoji Kiyotaka, and no this is not clickbait. As you guys know, the White Room was an establishment that aimed to create perfect humans and have done so with Anakoji. I was researching, going to deep science and even ancient religious beliefs to see ways the White Room may have been used to further enhance Anakoji's brain, and I have found it. And more than likely enough, you guys are not even using it, nor are aware. The secret to fully unlocking your brain's power is through your gut. And let me explain. Since the ancient times, what was their main way of curing illnesses? Fasting. And the truth is, when your gut is freaking out, you start to lose that connection to your brain, which then causes your body to literally offset resources and put all those resources towards gut repair, which then obliterates the muscles hierarchy. The gut is the mainframe and it's the control panel for the entire perception of the universe. Anything that you think is ethereal or celestial or magical, it's all coming from your gut. And now this is where it gets a little bit crazy. Stubbing your toe, nightmares, smelling bad, being lethargic, no energy when you wake up, mental health problems, your girlfriend cheating on you, these are all gut problems. Not only that, but your skin will extrude out any toxicity in your body in the form of acne. If you have red bumps, white bumps, puss dudes, doesn't matter what it is, anywhere on your body, face, back, skin, anywhere, it is an extrusion of the damage going on in your gut. And that's a certified fact. So even all that acne, all that weird shit on your skin, that's also caused by your gut. Your gut is like your number one enemy, but also your number one ally. And this isn't something I just pulled out of my ass, this is like some rocket science that only I discovered. This was known since like the ancient times, and people like Ray Peat, Harvard University, and any educated doctor or scientist that isn't an imbecile knows this. People regard the gut as your second brain, while some people even regard it as the first. This is like more like esoteric knowledge, but like it should be common knowledge. But I'm not just here to be like, oh gut this, gut that. Now that you guys are aware of the problem, let me show you guys how to fix it so you guys can unlock your brain's full power, and get rid of nightmares, smelling bad, being lethargic, no energy when you wake up, mental health problems, and your girlfriend cheating on you. So number one, if you have any of these symptoms, like especially nightmares, I advise you to go on a 48 hour fast to quickly detox your body. Then from there on, you basically have like a blank canvas. And now all you have to do is not put garbage in your system again. Although this may seem like a hassle, and if you like bodybuilding, you're like bulking, you're like, oh I don't want to do this, because I'm like that as well. But if you have any of those symptoms, like I said, if you want to continue having those symptoms, go ahead. But if you want to get rid of those symptoms, 48 hour detox, you're pretty much going to get rid of most of them. Number two, now I'm also going to be talking about optimizing your gut. So for number two, hydrate like your brain depends on it, because it does. Drown your system in water, not tap water, lace, who knows what, but the real filtered water. If you don't have like filtered water, you can just drink tap water, because it's like, it's not like that important, you know, your body can like deal with it. Your gut's been through a desert on a horse with no name. It's parched. Hydration kickstarts the survival, flushing out lingering toxins and setting the stage for gut brain resonance. If you're not drinking two to four liters of water per day, you're mentally handcapping yourself for no reason. Water is free. For all of you guys, I don't care where you're from. Any Olympic athlete, chess player, et cetera, will tell you that water is king. Not only that, but water will help your gut digest food more better and easier, and just optimize your gut health. Like if you're not drinking two to four liters of water, like what are you even doing? Number three is opening the pelvic floor, and a lot of you guys don't know what this is, so this might be new information, but let me explain it. After every meal, you should 100% be feeling like you're on a trolley. After every meal, you should be on your two feet, running around, and walking, and just keeping that pelvic floor open, or not even after a meal, just in general. Look, in third world countries, people sit on their haunches for hours in third world countries. They have zero remnants of spinal degeneration, they don't get spinal diseases over there, and they have zero herniated discs. And they also don't have nearly the mental health conditions we have, because their pelvic floor and their gut motility is off the chain, so they're rarely able to digest food, and also they stay vertical at all times. In my opinion, only sit down when you have to. Like I'm sitting down right now because I have to. You should be up moving around at all times, and for 30 minutes in total, your day should be spent in that third world squat. And this has done wonders for me, and you won't even need to warm up in the gym anymore, you'll just be so, like, mobile. And it will unlock your brain and gut completely. And you guys might be thinking, whoa, this guy's crazy, like, what the fuck does this have to do with your brain? But trust me, do this for 30 days, and you'll find out. Now let's talk about the most important thing, which is diet. So let's cut to the chase. Humans are carnivores at heart. Our ancestors didn't thrive on grains or salads. They were hunters, relying on meat to fuel their brain expansion and survival. And this isn't just a dietary preference. It's written in our DNA. The meat-centric diet is not up for debate. It's a biological fact, backed by centuries of evolution. Our gut, our teeth, all scream for meat, and embrace it. Am I saying to never eat fruits and vegetables and carbohydrates ever again? No, because that's not practical, that's not realistic. But still, protein should be, like, the main portion of your diet. Now on to nuts and seeds. Nature's bird food. While they're marketed as healthy snacks, they're actually packed with omega-6 fatty acids, triggering inflammation and messing up with your gut big time. They offer incomplete proteins, and are frankly not designed for human consumption. It's for birds and insects. If you're serious about your gut health and unlocking your brain's full potential, don't ever eat them. And then also, fermented foods are also trash, so never eat those as well. So for diet, everyone knows what you have to do, you just don't need to eat processed foods, junk, you don't want to eat sugar, you want to eat refined carbs. The golden rule is to keep inflammation at bay. A diet rich in omega-3, a lot of animal fats, is basically your gut's best friend and your brain's ally in the fight against brain fog. And also, saturated fats are also not that bad. They're your gut's guardian, and they attack inflammation and fortify your gut's barrier against the onslaught of, like, all the bacteria. So interrogating all of these principles in your life isn't just about diet. You're going to unlock a new part of your brain that you never even knew before. A lot of people think that getting smarter and just, like, using your brain fully is just about playing chess or reading books. When it comes down to things like your gut, your diet, your hydration, everything. I mean, yeah, chess, reading books, my AV Cognitive Ability Program, all that stuff does help increase your IQ and et cetera. But it also comes down to things that are within. So that's all for today's video. Peace on the street. But also, I have a one-year White Room Program, you guys already know. It's basically a real-life class from the elite, where it classes A to D, special exams, White Room training, a 400-slide-plus protocol on how to train, like, White Room. It's like a checklist for this whole year, and, like, everything, shit's going crazy in there. There's already 300-plus members. If you want to join, there's a test in the description below, and see you guys next time.