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The speaker discusses the importance of increasing one's pain threshold both mentally and physically. They use the character Kaneki from the series Tokyo Ghoul as an example. To increase physical pain tolerance, the speaker suggests exposure to controlled stress, such as cold showers and intermittent fasting, as well as adapting to repetition through exercise and pushing past the pain barrier. They also emphasize the importance of recovery and not relying on rest days. To increase mental pain tolerance, the speaker advises embracing discomfort, building mental resilience through journaling and mindfulness practices, developing a strong support system, and reframing one's mindset from victim to warrior. In my white room program filled with killers, sometimes when a new person joins I'll see a message like this, I have to battle in school, studying, gym and jerking off, I can't stand this stress or something like, this is too much. The funny thing is that only balancing those 3 is so ridiculously easy but there's a catch. Only for people who have a high pain tolerance both mentally and physically. And whether you have a high one or a low one, it doesn't matter because today I'll share how to increase our pain threshold using Khan, Ken Kaneki as an example. Your pain threshold is one of the most important things to master. The pain you can handle both mentally and physically will be directly proportionate to your success in life, I mean just look at this video clip. Kaneki has taken more pain physically and mentally than any normal human can bear. Just taking a deep dive into his psyche and using scientific information and observations from real life, I'll show you guys how to increase your pain threshold both mentally and physically. So to begin, what even is this pain threshold this that banana bonkers? Well checking what Google has to say about it, it is, pain threshold is the minimum intensity at which a person begins to perceive or sense a stimulus as being painful. So to hop right into it, I'll separate this video in two parts, mastering your pain threshold physically and mentally. So let's start with physically. So to begin, you need to have exposure to controlled stress. So Kaneki transformation began with brutal trials. But look, you don't have to save schools, let's start with something much more easier but something that will also cause a lot of stress, cold showers. But that is just an example, but it is something I want you to do. So the exposure to controlled stress is something like set your alarm for 5am and get up without snoozing. Do something uncomfortable every day, like for example, try a 30 day cold shower challenge. Start with 30 seconds and work up to 5 minutes. Feel that icy sting and learn to love it. Start intermittent fasting every day, this will put your body and mind in a primal state at the beginning of each day and slowly but gradually your pain threshold is going to just widen all the way like the ocean. Next, I want to go on to Adaptation to Repetition. Your body adapts to repeated stress, hit the gym and push past the pain barrier. When you feel that burn during your workout, do 5 more reps and although that sounds obvious, genuinely try to remember this, so like for example, drop down right now and do as much pushups as you can. And right when you think you can't do anymore, do 5 more no matter what and guess what, you are able to do it. Just shit like that, running until your legs scream, then sprint 100 more meters. And then lastly, do sports like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu where you get physically tested every session and get battered each session. Each time you push past your limits, your pain threshold increases. Next, let's go on to Recovery Fraudulent. Get 8 hours of sleep, bullshit. Rest days, bullshit. Do you think any of our ancestors, katakis, who was at war the entire series, took any rest days? Do I mean be stupid and get 0 hours of sleep? No. But I also take no rest days and I'll stand on that. So what I mean by this is that look, don't worry about sleep, worry about getting your tasks done then sleep. Rest days will make you more fragile so screw that shit also. So if you want to increase your pain threshold, don't be so rigid in saying I need to get 8 hours of sleep but just be more flowing. Get 2 hours sometimes, get as much as you need but focus on getting your tasks done. Lastly for the physical pain threshold realm, I'm going to do pain is like a muscle. So look, in Muay Thai, the leg kick is extremely deadly. So what do fighters do to prepare themselves for it? They take a shit ton of leg kicks to condition their shins. A guy who wants to be a pick up artist, what does he do? The more rejections he gets, the more confident he gets. So therefore, if you want to increase your pain threshold, you want to increase pretty much pain. Just take more than you can handle. Then smile. And now let's go on to mastering your pain threshold mentally. Kaneki's psychological battles were tougher than his physical ones. Here's how to build a mind of steel. Number 1. Embrace discomfort. Kaneki faced constant torment. Emulate this by seeking discomfort. Take on public speaking, even if it terrifies you. Push through that fear and own the stage. Pick up a new, challenging skill like learning a new language or coding. And then struggle through the initial confusion and frustration but then, like Kaneki, just overcome it. Next, build mental resilience. Mental resilience isn't built overnight. Start journaling every morning. Write down three things you're afraid of and tackle one each week. Use apps like Headspace or Calm to guide your mindfulness practice. Consistently challenge your negative thoughts and replace I can't with I will. Now let's go on to develop a strong support system. So even lone wolves need a pack. As we know in the series, Kaneki was in a hotel. I don't know what the organization is called, like OWL or something, but he was like those hotel people or like coffee shop people. So you want to surround yourself with people who push you to be better. Join a mastermind group or join my One Year White Room program. Share your goals and challenges with them and let them hold you accountable. Kaneki found strength in his connections and so can you. Now I want to go on to mindfulness and meditation. Practice mindfulness like it's a weapon. Start your days with 10 minutes of meditation. Use apps or guided videos to stay on track, like apps like Medito, etc. When stress hits, take a moment to breathe deeply and say to yourself, Kaneki had moments of clarity and missed chaos. Find yours. And lastly, I just want to reframe your mindset. Shift your mindset from victim to warrior. When faced with a challenge, ask yourself, how can this make me stronger? Instead of saying, oh, this sucks, man. Say affirmations daily. Simple, powerful statements like, I thrive under pressure or pain is my ally. Kaneki transforms his identity. You can do the same. Thank you guys for watching. If you want to join my One Year White Room program, it's in the description below. Peace on the street.

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