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s2 e7 triocast

s2 e7 triocast




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The speaker discusses various topics including their setup, monitor choice, recording methods, camera and audio issues, almonds, vitamins, potatoes, and food preferences. They also mention a brother who helps with cooking and the history of food in Norway. Oh, it seems like he has some methods that work, so let's just go with that. Oh man, I've got some crazy-ass setup here. I haven't won, but it's really wide. Oh, this is going to look so funny. Oh. But I mean, I'll let you know, my monitor, I went for this monitor because it is the width of two monitors. It's one monitor with the width of two monitors. Yeah, I don't want to be labeled a filthy monitor-maxer. No, there's a sensible gain if you go for a wider monitor on some games, like Red Dead Redemption 2, because it ends up being really nice. Yeah, the only problem is, because of the room I'm in, the corner of my monitor is always illuminated by sunlight or something, and the problem with most UIs is they put the important information in the corner exactly. Okay, there's one problem with this recording method, and it's that if anyone messages me on WhatsApp, it's just going to show up in the master recording. Yes, I need to close it, actually, that's an easy solution. Is it? Can I even close it? Or does this thing just immute all the way to the top? Wait, hold on, can I turn it on to mute or something? God, it's so like... Well, it's this because it turned out this way because I'm lazy, and I'm just doing desktop capture instead of audio source capture. Wait. Yeah, yeah, that's what I mean, there is a way, but I am too lazy to do that, so let me just turn off all WhatsApp notifications and then I think we're okay. Hello, good morning. Sounds different. Once every two weeks is exactly the half-life of Discord's memory retention of your audio settings, so you just need to set it again. Now they're okay. I don't hear anything. No. Why is this such a problem? Everyone I come across has two monitors, if possible. What's the stigma you're talking about? Because I've never heard of this, I've never experienced this. Oh, like that. Yeah, or developer. I'm going to add physicists to that list because you need one for whatever textbook resource you're reading and then another one for whatever you're working on. Let me just grab a drink real quick. Okay. I'm recording a video for Jotun. I'm recording the video for Jotun, yeah, because you can strip the audio from the thing, right? Bigger, yeah. Well, if I don't record video the way I'm doing this, it's just going to be a black screen. Oh yeah, maybe it might be a bit too big. I mean, fuck it, if it's too big, I'll strip the audio for him, it's not that difficult. How so? What? Well, I mean, I don't know, maybe he'll come back and be like, you know, oh, I never get the chance to have an overview, because he's usually in the recording, but now he's outside of the recording, he's looking in on the video screen. I just realized, I just, you know, Daniel, I'm looking into the video recording, I just realized you like, you like fucking, your eyes twitch like every 10 seconds or something like that, like you're possessed by some sort of, you know, by the devil or something, man. I didn't notice this before, because it's like, it's like infrequency with the, you know, with the audio or something. Yeah. Yeah, that is, it's like your video feed is being like AI generated, are you actually in Honolulu or something? Oh my, oh man, I can hear the sea waves behind you. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Also. Yeah. From. User settings, voice and video, it doesn't show up, like it's just not showing up as a. If you can't find it. I think the camera. Yeah. Also, you might, you might need to change, you might need to switch your mic. I don't remember it being like that. Yeah. Also, very quickly, shouldn't the great career test cam thing in Asano be moved? Because we've done it already. Yeah, that's much better. Yeah, I marked it, it's fine. That's fine. That's fine, I'm like on a 2-3 episode haven't listened to streak, so. Oh shit, shouldn't have omitted that. No, I've heard of all of them, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Heard of all of them, yeah. Oh yeah, for the last one, right? Yeah, that's true. That's fine. We didn't talk about anything. Full stop. Didn't even realise you were gone. Anyway, is there a nice topic you want to pick out from this episode list, you want to exclude Jotung from, that we can talk about? Either of you. Okay, either of you. All six. Yeah, the camera never portrays you in a very good light, so you should just... I mean you as in general, not you as a person. I mean there's like a thing where you should never expect the camera to portray you in the way you want to be portrayed, because it's just like, human face is not a 2D thing, right? Pretty nice tasting. Alright, okay, so... Yeah. It's a nice day, yeah. I'm like fine if we give up after like 30 minutes or something, you know? It doesn't matter to me. Why wait? Right. He'll come in once in a while with a snarky remark. No, when we turn off the recording he'll be like, alright guys, I've got a list of things, list of issues that we have to go through. Okay. Is it smoked, or is it just an almond? A single almond in a plastic package. Oh, which one else have you been going to? Oh no, yeah. I'll accept the single almond. Ah. Right. Okay. My problem... Oh no, oh no. The almonds go off. Okay, that's pretty good. Surely they do. The local squirrel population is going to be descending. Yeah, is it almonds that contain trace, like cyanide or something? It's not cyanide, right? Or some sort of chemical. Ah, that might be it. Yeah, I might have... So if I accepted a trillion almonds, and I got the trace cyanide that may or may not be inside all those almonds, I could use that to kill someone. Yeah. Yeah, put into. No clue. What a terrible choice of, like... What? Gold dust? When you say get really buffed, right? Yeah, so alternatively, instead of extracting poison, you get really buffed because of all the protein. And you can... and you strangle them. Yeah, yeah. My antivitamin imbalance is bad. Oof. How many? How many pills? Wow, a bit of science. Just that? Nothing else? Maybe you need some vitamins, yeah. Maybe you need some supplements. Dude, he's got that 18th century European industrial boob type diet. What the hell? What? What? What? Yeah, you're doing it wrong, apparently. You got one, like, from yesterday, like half, and then another one in the other hand that's just freshly baked. And the one that's half is just kind of too cold, so you have one bite of that one and then two bites of the other one. Yeah. Really? Can we consider adding some cheese or something? Maybe that'll have more vitamins so you don't need to add so many pills. Okay. Oh! I remember this story. Yeah, go on. And then he- no, go. Yeah, I can see it. I can see it. No, you do. Yeah. Yeah. There is that thing where just, like, that one island in Japan, or what, one region in Japan, where they only eat- it wasn't potato, but sweet potato, and then they have, like, the longest average life expectancy in the world. Yeah. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, that's nice. I was gonna say, have you tried eating a potato while you're looking at the Wikipedia page for potato? Because I think that'll make it taste different. Yeah. Wait. You said- oh, people got shorter in the industrial era? Are you sure? Yeah. Okay. I don't think I'm gonna have to see the figures on this one, I think. Yeah. I never noticed. They got a lot of smoke there. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. That's something I couldn't get used to, potato salad. It's, like, so separated from, like, Asian cuisine. Yeah, no, that makes sense, actually, yeah. That's a long truck, man, how long does it keep for? Yeah. Does that include, like, bolognese and stuff? I always swear, they taste, like, slightly worse the longer I keep it in the fridge. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. No, it's just- there's some, like, added- there's, like, some flavor that it acquires from staying in the fridge. Maybe I'm, you know- yeah, I don't really like it. Oh, okay. Another thing is the cheesecake, when we were doing that, I swear it was getting better the longer we kept it in the fridge. Yeah. Well, he sounded so, like- yeah, cheesecake. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I only help with it. My brother made most of it. The mysterious brother, yeah. He comes- shows up whenever I need to cop out. Yeah. Damn guy, but that's why he made the cheesecake, right? To slightly redeem himself. I'll bring it next time, bro. Oh, yeah? Are you sure about that? Can you ever have more than, like, one slice? Because that shit's, like, heavy, man. And that's also the reason we kept it- sorry? Oh, goodness. Because that's the reason we kept it so long, because I couldn't have more than one slice at a time, it was so heavy. Nah, it doesn't have enough- if it had more almonds, I think I'd like it. Then there'd be more protein. Mmm. Better- Oh, damn. Yeah. And then two the third day, and then five on the- Or is it four? Fuck. Is this four? One, two, two, four? Or if it's- no, I'm just- I'm fucking- okay, whatever. No, I fucked this up. Anyway, I was gonna ask, what is, like, the main carbs in Norway? You know, historically. Yeah, because, you know, it's un- really, okay, because in China, it's unquestionably rice, right? Or at least in the north. Or no, in- okay, just- we're just gonna average it out. Yes, rice, why not? But it is potato in Norway, right? What did they eat before? Can you grow barley in that climate? Mmm. Damn. What about, like- what about, like, herbs? Like, you know, Italian, like, herbs and stuff? Did they have- was that also? Yeah, so they got real good at using those, and then in came the tomatoes and the pasta, and they were just like, alright, let's go. Now we're- now we're cooking. And the cheese was- cheese was endemic as well, right? So they were like, alright. Cheese trees. Cheese trees. I remember taking photos. Or what was the thing? It was like spaghetti trees. So it's not the- Oh, right. But then- then it- oh, and then like, what, it cools down? The tree- the tree would have some inherent temperature difference of the- it's a warm-blooded tree, oh my god. Right. So it's not the fruiting body of the tree. It's, like, in the bark. Right. It's like cheese strings. Right? There's no whey in coconut milk, right? Like, isn't the idea that coconut- wait, what even is coconut milk? God, okay. Like, it comes out of the flesh, right? Is that it? Okay. I don't think it's the water, yeah. Okay, so- so we- we buy ten coconuts, we scoop out the flesh, and then we crush the flesh with our fists. And then start punching it to get all the milk out. And then- I'm not a cheese maker- do they use some- I guess they use some sort of, like- like, enzyme. Or, like- I'm sure someone's done that. Yeah, it doesn't sound like it's that high effort. Dip your feet into it. Someone's done that. Someone must have done that at some point. You're telling me no one's done that in ten thousand years, plus, of, like- Someone must have done that. Yeah, by- yeah, by accident. And then forgotten the fact that you had to do that in, you know- Oh, how could I forget? Yeah, oh no. I thought you were gonna say cheesiest. Yeah, because he- his trepidation. I was gonna say that- Oh, I don't doubt it. I definitely don't doubt it. Is that, like, the European equivalent of Asians trying to make kimchi at home? That's so good. Yeah, but- but bro, Italian food is good enough for them to justify them being that, like, you know, elitist about it. If you strike gold, don't change it. There's no need to change it. I mean, the thing is, the thing is with, like, sriracha and stuff like that, the idea of adding sauce to, like, stuff came from Asia, didn't it? Like the, like, fish sauce? Like, I mean, Worcestershire sauce came from Asia originally. And, like, it was a fish sauce that was in South- Southeast Asia, and then it was this whole thing, there's this one factory, Lee & Perrins, which was asked to recreate the sauce that people brought over from Asia. And then they tried to do it as well as- as good as possible, and then a bunch of stuff happened. And then the Roman one, right? Garum, you mean? No, that's- yeah, that's as well. So I'm just saying they're not- they're no stranger to adding sauce at the thing. At least in the South- in the South. I don't know, if you added ketchup to an Asian dish, I don't know, they'd probably just look at you funny. They'd probably be like, you're insane. Huh? I don't know, but like, as in people get, like, if you add sauce to their food, it's like an insult to the cooking, right? I don't know if they'd take it as an insult is what I'd mean. They'd probably just be like, okay, well, you're an idiot. Like, unrolling the sushi. Yeah, okay, that would be an insult. Actually, I heard of a- I heard of an anecdote of someone in Japan, like a local, right? Like a Japanese person, didn't really go to ramen shops, and they went to a ramen shop. And it was too, like, they placed the- the chef placed a bowl of ramen in front of them, and was like, please, you know, enjoy it. And then it was too warm, apparently. So what they did was they dumped a bunch of cold water into the ramen, like to cool it off a bit, right? And then the chef was like, please leave immediately. Like, they got kicked out kind of thing. So, you know, don't really, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, some people don't view that like- I mean, food, right? Some people, I guess they don't- they might not see it as, like, art. It's just like, oh, I'm hungry. I paid for it. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I mean, like, I think they said, like, oh, I paid for this. Why would I have to leave? Yeah, well, that's what they said. Yeah. Okay, yeah. Yeah. Okay, that depends on where the lady was from. If you- if you- if it was up to me, and you added any soy sauce to your dumplings, I would look at you like you're insane. If you asked my former teacher, you could dump, like, the whole bottle in it. It would be fine. So, yeah. Okay. Yeah, she was trying to teach you of her ways. The correct way, in her eyes, of course. Yeah. Yeah, I was also gonna say, like, with soy sauce, whatever, when I was doing omakase, so, like, they make- well, that was the most American way of saying it. They make the sushi in front of you, in, like, a sushi bar, and it's kind of, like, medium-high-end kind of thing, right? The chef adds the soy sauce for you, and also the wasabi, like, the incorrect amount. Then he does all the things, like, he makes the sushi, the fish, like, everything's cut up, he adds the right amount of soy sauce, like, he dips it in, then he adds wasabi, and then he just eats it for you. Yes. Yes. So, I just lean back, and I'm like, oh, it's so good. And then, of course, when you leave, you leave a five-star review. Yeah. Oh, yeah, sure, yeah, yeah. Write that down. Yeah. How did it taste? Yeah. Oh, that's great. How did it taste? Oh, it was creamy, it was salty, apparently, or so I heard. Your mother's like, oh, I'm glad for you, honey. I'm glad you're having fun in Japan. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah, exactly, because the chef is going to be much better at understanding all the nuanced flavors than you would ever be. Yeah. Fish boards, oh, no. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The problem is, your course is like 20 different, depending on what you order, it's like 15 or 20 different sushis, and also there's like 10 chefs in the same room, right, so it's going to get a little bit messy. It is ginger, I think, yeah. Oh, ginger is one thing that you can't help yourself to. The chef doesn't eat the ginger for you. Oh, you mean the equivalent of ginger, right? Axe neutral spray. Yeah, ginger. Yeah. What if you came home with axe like... I could just drink on that day and I'd have that smell already. Now, what if you went into an Italian restaurant with axe basil? Very good for the chef. You came prepared. Oh, no, it's so good. Yeah. Yeah, but you need like the, they put you on the table next to the kitchen, right, so all the pieces come out with a little bit of the basil flavor. Yeah. Well, there, let me just stop you right there, because they've already got the precursor to smell-based institutions, right, the Super Smash Bros. Brawl tournaments. They just need to develop that. Yeah. Yeah, you mean, smell, what is it, institutions, you mean the nature? Yeah. Yeah, like... Oh, that's a good one, that's a good one. Ape me. Yeah. Oh, okay. That's the real 4D. Right, because that's, that's the Tarantino movie, like, character, special characteristics. Oh, the one with Brad Pitt, right? And then she presses her feet against the, oh, god, the windshield, yeah, oh my goodness, yeah, of course. Oh, no. Oh, no, why did you have to do this to me? Oh, no. Yeah. They picked Bounty, yeah. But unlike the other hand, on the other... Yeah. Okay. Okay. So, it's big clothing and big showers that are, like, shaking their hands. Wait, is that why? I didn't really get the logical connection there, can you explain it a little bit? Oh my god, that's the suggestion, that's the suggestion of the week, right? Shower with your clothes on. Clothes on. It's like a nice, like, yellow streak from, like, down your pants, sort of embedded in after you've done it for long enough. Oh, yeah. At the cost of interview success, you can tell if you're hydrated enough. Yeah. Yeah. What? What? What? Listen. Yeah, if he... If he, well, I mean, if he spends time in the trenches with these unshowered men, right? You know, probably around that sort of musk, right? Maybe he's found a way to embrace it instead of rejecting the smelliness, right? Maybe that... His hardened nose, that's it. Napoleon's got a hardened nose from all this time. Yeah. Alright, so anyone who would like to partner, be his partner, needs to smell like a man. Needs to be well-adjusted to the... Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I told you so. In the PS as well, in the PS as well, at the very end. Well, I haven't read this book, but it sounds like it would go in a very different direction near the end if this kept it up. What are pheromones? The things that, like... Am I thinking of the right thing? It's like the one that, like... Yeah. Yeah, so you're telling me, without realizing anything, you just start acting up, basically. Yeah. And this is why we need smell-o-vision, because otherwise there's no evidence, right? Yeah. No, but okay, but the problem is then, is it like... Or, you know, suppose smell-o-vision is a thing, right? Like, is it like a, you know... Do they record the smells of the actual scene, or is it added in post, like fully, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Career-ending stuff right there, dude. I don't know. Or he doesn't smell like shit to all the hardened noses out there. I don't know, dude. I'm not sure I wanna... Yeah. Oh, no. Oh, so it's like printer ink, basically. Yeah. Well, no, but then, okay, but just thinking about this from an engineer's perspective. It would probably be like salt, right? So it wouldn't be a problem if you dropped it. It'd be a problem if you dropped it in, like, and then, like, into, like... I don't know, like, you dropped a pot of water into it or something. Because then it would, like... Oh, my God. It'd subliminate, and then, like... Oh, no, dude. And then... Okay. In your TV! Well, thankfully... Yeah, thankfully Einstein put you covered with that, or is it boar? I forget. Yeah, luckily for us, they're really small, so you can buy them in bulk. Ha ha ha! Couldn't sleep, couldn't sleep, because there was just one studio, yeah. Ha ha ha! Yeah, you wouldn't believe how photons linger in the environment. Yeah. Yeah. They look at you, and you've got, like... You've got these glasses with slits in them, you know? Like, what? I don't... I don't notice it. Ha ha ha! No, but it's only photons, there's no ultraviolet. Oh, wait, maybe that's included as well. Ha ha ha! Just go outside, please, just go outside! Ha ha ha! Damn! You want to be real careful with TVs, man. Jesus! Jesus! What's the price range, dude? Ha ha ha! Starting bid, a month! Okay. Yeah. That's perfect, because I... Damn. Damn, I thought you said... Damn, I thought you said, I can't tell... I can't tell if you're pulling my tip. But no. You definitely shouldn't have stopped with the tea. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Did he not speak to you for a week afterwards? Ha ha ha! The defining moment in your relationship? Ha ha ha! I mean... What would... What would smell-o-vision look like? Like, is it like a nose you put onto your nose or something? Because, I mean... Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Also, like, they did that with textures, right? Like, kids' books, you know? Like, it would be like fur or like... Like, really smooth scales or something. Okay. Okay, yeah, I'm seeing this. I always imagined, like, uh... Smell-o-vision to be like, you know... Ha ha ha! I don't know why I had this image. I think maybe because of cartoons. You know, like a vuvuzela, but with like a nose attached at the end? So you have to point it at whatever you're, like, smelling. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Oh! Yeah. Speaking of dogs, they have, like... The nose has to be wet, right? To be a better, like, uh... Conductor? Absorber of, uh... Smells, right? So I guess smell-o-vision has to be dumped in water as well. So... So your dad's reading his newspaper at the table... And he sees you walk out with your 3D glasses. And your smell-o-vision. Sorry, dad. I just have to wet the smell-o-vision a little bit. Alright. Goes back to your room. Yeah. Oh! I see. I see. Wow! That... That's a good connection. That's a good connection. I'll give you props for that one. That's a good one. That was a really good one. Wow. Perfect. Okay. 1 hour 10. 1 hour 10. Minus 20 minutes at the start because Bernard was tinkering with his stuff. I think it's okay, to be honest. We... We had some good-ass topics today, dude. Oh my god. Alright, I'm ending.

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