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cover of Title here episode 1: podcast
Title here episode 1: podcast

Title here episode 1: podcast

Zeravan Ail



Zeravan and Neb talk about why they wanted to start a podcast this podcast future, and alpha males. but the podcast comes to a quick end due too a cat and a pokemon game

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Hi everyone, welcome to title here. My name is Erebon. My name is neb broski You are okay so today's topic podcast Okay Okay, let's start off with bird What is your what is your favorite podcast my favorite podcast, you know, we're more popular than them, obviously Violating community guidelines like they're really underground. No one really knows about them. Yeah How about you though, okay, I do listen to violating community guidelines, but I like simply pod logical featuring Christine and her boyfriend Ben. I love them very much It's a very good podcast where they talk It's literally just like a conversation between a boyfriend and girlfriend and they're just like hey And they talk like do the reddit stories and it's like all very entertaining Highly recommend that unless her we love Chris, but whoever we love Christine She's definitely not logical for whoever she is. Hey Yeah, so, okay. Well, do I why do okay? You should explain to the audience why we wanted to start a podcast in the first place We wanted to start a podcast of the world Like I feel like scientists are gonna like take this recording and they're gonna study us, you know As I said, I think sure because we have so much to say mentally. Oh people period No, because I like talking. I like a podcast because I listen to them like a lot, you know So like if I'm doing work or if I'm just like playing video games, I would like to have them in the background So we hope that we can be your background noise, or you should like I suppose of us because we will occasionally Amongst the nonsense, it will bring up some valid points. No, we're not Okay, so our podcast Our podcast is called title here and Then so I don't know why I don't know how we came up with the thing For call and we were like, what should we what should our podcast be and Then I'm pretty sure I was just like let's kind of like title here so we can be like at the beginning Welcome back to title here Today's title podcast and like we that's our topic, you know, yes way. So yeah And then we just decided to go along with it But I feel like amongst everything that's happening on the internet There's so many people who have podcasts you just you utter nonsense and like that like yeah, if you tell someone you're gonna start a podcast they automatically assume the worst with the Logan Paul's and the Andrew Tate's and the Anti-feminist and very ugly people Yeah, I'm also working to be in an antithesis for that Yes, it's like say great. That's not dyslexic It's not don't lose me Before we start I just we just need to say that we're alpha males We're not beta Like you're off of nails. I'm telling you right now. We're also like bro. What do you call it? You got the word? Pro-life. There we go. Yeah, we're pro-life. We're awful males. We don't support gay people We actually hate them all. Yeah. No, okay Okay Very much not true. I was depending here in our boys, but No, I'm very I'm very straight presenting. I don't know what to tell you. Oh Okay anyway Okay, I need to know definitely there's always this negative stigma around wanting to start a podcast. Do you do you feel this? What do you mean? I feel like You can you always like if you were a giver shut up to class She's always like, oh you guys can start a podcast and talk about blah blah blah blah So I feel like if we need to tell people you want to start a podcast It's always like the vibe of like misogynistic homophobic that type of energy Huh? Yeah, I don't know. I feel like could you really ever hear about like good podcasts that are just like Two friends talking about something or like stuff like that It's always you always hear about like the worst bottom bottom of the barrel disgusting people who say like the worst thing You know Joe Rogan Yeah, my brother was here like all the time I'm like, no Yeah, you should like go sign into the Apple account and block them Well, I can't tell you he called me. She called me a bit about the other day Caught you a beta. Yes. It was just funniest thing you've ever said to me in my entire life Girl, I think they need like therapy. I was like you did not just say that They need therapy right now girl Girl that's like we're not caveman's anymore. When are people gonna realize that beta alphas don't exist anymore They don't exist period it's based on dogs Yeah, I mean existed in the past like when we were caveman So I'm wanting it to be a leader That's because we always like have the sense of like they they fear progressing or like evolving For whatever reason. No, they're just scared to change I guess honestly, like I just they use their critical thinking for even a second and they're like They're different or they're weird Like are you gonna do this stuff a little bit? Here are the red pockets as we did we interpret mr. Boyd. Oh Yeah, I don't look at that again. That was fun I Don't think we need that. It was in the middle of like the black lives matter too. So we were like extremely political. We ate that as you should So I want to know what are your goals with setting this podcast? I Want to be my goal. Okay, if I'm gonna be honest, I don't really care about like big goals long-term growth I just want to be like a text on audio, you know, like one of our viral My cat just stood it on my computer get off. Yeah, get the pussy out. Okay Oliver move Okay, okay at least get off my computer, please girl Look at him fast. You wanted to lie down. You were just running away from me earlier. I Know Okay. So what were you saying? I don't have any like big goals. Like I don't want to be like famous I don't want to have like a helpful podcast is gonna help people. I want to be a fucking pick-up audio That's gonna be like go viral, you know How are you Michael is probably I want to I want to be I want this to be a safe space where people can Come here every every week or so or month or whatever one decides to upload and like find comfort in it and money to be honestly, just to express ourselves in the sense of what we think politically and How stupid it is that you know, just to call out stupidity when you see it Huh Just to like brought in topics and like talked about them and With ways where people will maybe cause some horrible people to change their views on stuff Now, I know we're probably not gonna go anywhere in this I'm the big famous or millions of views But I just want like, you know You get out there Yeah I'm like I listen. Yes, you better Yes Yes, now she is. Okay, we should end this project now because Pokemon legends RK is all of it Yeah, I live by live Okay, thank you so much listening to our first ever episode of title here. This is everyone I am currently sick at the moment But I hope you barely enjoyed and we will be coming out with longer episodes that go more in-depth on topics very soon Bye. Bye

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