Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Nate and Shelby discuss various religious myths that people often believe. They debunk the idea that saying "oh my god" is using the Lord's name in vain, explaining that it is more about being in awe of God. They also talk about the misconception that Christians cannot be angry or judge, emphasizing the importance of righteous anger and judgment. They address the belief that not being baptized or tithing leads to damnation, clarifying that these are personal choices and not requirements for salvation. They also challenge the notion that there are different levels of sin, stating that all sins are equal. Lastly, they discuss the topic of swearing and tattoos, expressing that these things do not determine one's salvation and should not be used as reasons to judge others. They encourage people to be open, authentic, and relatable in their faith. hello hello hello lovely people out there it's word of mouth with nate and shelby and we're back again yo get rid of us we keep coming back for more it's surreal oh we're gonna have fun today this is a no fear episode just like all the rest oh my god no fear no fear episode fearless faith is what we're doing today oh let's do it let's do it we're going to talk about things that the church won't teach and religious myths buckle up everybody things the church won't teach yeah religious myths or we should say false maybe it's false teaching yes yes but yeah that people take and run with sure but which one you want me to start with okay let's talk about the oh my god let's do it oh my god you're not supposed to use the Lord's name in vain that's number one I've heard that yes and people think that means oh my god don't say oh my god or don't say Jesus Christ which I don't personally say that but oh my god so that that means when I when I say that phrase that means that I'm using the name of the Lord in vain that's what people believe okay I wonder why like let's let's dissect that oh my god mm-hmm so the way I see that particular phrase is I am in awe of him mm-hmm so when you're calling on him right yes uh-huh he's my father yeah so my personal pronoun is my mm-hmm and he's God yep I don't see how we are using the name in vain but I don't believe that's what the word even means when it says that Wow Amen to me personally it means that you're not supposed to use his name in vain unholy prayers in yes ruthless manner in anything that's going to paint him as something that he's not thank you so we're in the book of Exodus chapter 20 there were commandments mm-hmm that was given right yes first commandment I believe I am the Lord that God now shall have no other gods before me mm-hmm second one was somewhere make any graven images of likeness and the third one I think was around the do not take the name of the Lord or make the name of the Lord in vain mm-hmm I don't think that oh my god meant that we're taking the Lord's name in vain I would agree with you yeah I don't think God told Moses to tell us don't say oh my god I'm fine so if you're listening and you do you've heard that growing up and you think that that was like the worst thing ever yeah and you've been persecuted for it and the church has made you go oh I'm a terrible person because I say that oh you're not you ain't terrible you ain't your God's creation baby and he loves you regardless thank you Harlan you ain't you ain't you are blessed man God is he wants you to call on him the Bible says he inhabited the praises of his people reach out to him yearn for him want him need him all the time that's what he's there for he wants us to lean and depend on him at all times right so saying oh my god is bringing him into the situation isn't it I believe so saying hey hey big guy I believe so oh all right yes more oh okay so that's are we done we're good okay let's touch the I don't know should we let's touch the anger that Christians are not allowed to be angry or judge so why are believers not supposed to be angry you do know that the Bible says God was angry mm-hmm you like we can agree with that I can give you a agree that God was angry and with him being angry this is just me kind of really making sense to the logic he created me in his image and after his likeness so I'm pretty much a low G but there's a scripture that Paul wrote that says we can be angry but don't sin behind the anger maybe the person that came up with that phrase mm-hmm thinking that we don't supposed to get angry was prompt he didn't have the rest of that could be yes and that's what we probably need to address more than anything if you're gonna read scripture can you read it all the way exactly yeah what would the context is important very and how you use it is important but there is such a thing as righteous anger and righteous judgment if we didn't have righteous judgment there would be no standards in this world there would be no morals Wow that's righteous judgment yeah cuz that that's another one that oh don't judge yeah but that means don't to me that means don't judge another person's journey with the Lord don't condemn another person thinking that they ain't ever going to get to heaven just because what they're showing you in your face is something that makes you uncomfortable or goes against what you believe everybody's on a different journey we all have different convictions at different times and all that stuff and you know what my belief is in your last breath you could be the most heinous person on the world and you could say oh my god Jesus help me mm-hmm and I think I'll see you there when I get to heaven none of my business yes please there was a thief yes on the cross next to Jesus yeah he was smart enough to figure that you better know it I don't know where a lot of this it's it's so it's weird for me to believe that people think that those things are major like you can't get into heaven when you get angry or especially righteous judgment the way you said that was so so powerful righteous judgment says hey this is what's right mm-hmm and this is what's wrong correct and we have to have those things we're losing it but we have to have those things 100% yeah I think it's important to know right from wrong I sure hope so it's it's pretty blase nowadays but yeah another podcast yeah and you know what speaking about the thief because let's go into another mm-hmm baptism that you have to be baptized in order to make it you sure well because we're talking about the thief that's a prime example that man was not baptized he was not now am I saying don't be baptized I am absolutely not I think you should absolutely because to to show the world that you're a new creation and to claim it you go down under and you come back up mm-hmm as a new creation I totally am I'm for baptism but I do not believe that you will not get to heaven if you have not been baptized I know it's religious spirits shaking right there there's we're gonna just put them all off right now speaking truth y'all I mean there's no way possible that it says you're going to hell if you're not baptized no that no your baptism is a symbolic for the people to acknowledge that you believe yeah and for yourself too I think it yeah you're you're making a not a confirmation you're showing outwardly mm-hmm that this is what you believe I will say affirmation thank you very much yeah and you absolutely should do it 100 but are you gonna go to hell if you don't absolutely not we were told that we were told that you don't get baptized you're going to hell yeah no yeah you're not going to hell can I can I touch on one right yeah I was told that I was going to hell for this this is a touchy one I was told I was going to hell if I didn't tithe oh I think that tithing we get that really messed up as people as humans because we think it's only monetary tithing oh my god okay you have talents you have time you have all kinds of things that you can give it is not just about the dollars in your pocket tithe your time tithe your energy towards something tithe your voice if you're a singer tithe there's all kinds of stuff everything that you can do to give back to yeah if you're into drama teach kids how to do drama I mean there's so many things it's not just about money which yes it's important to have money but it that's not what God's after I was I was told if I didn't tithe I was going to hell really going to hell Wow I'm talking about the hell the big hell to make matters worse should I say it yep I'm already out here okay so there were people that would check tithing record oh wow they're accountants for God they're not accountants for God they're accountants for themselves they're accountants for the building they would check to see how much and then I've even saw it done where they take okay if this is your check and you're supposed to be given 10% of Wow then why didn't you give this amount if your check was this I'm talking about it Wow Shelby now we're not saying don't tithe I'm not saying that but it's your own conviction it's what you're convicted to tithe what the Holy Spirit puts on your heart I am saying you're not going to hell exactly yes you are not condemned if you don't tithe but you are supposed to give of yourself whatever that is whatever you are led to do absolutely like time talent whatever to take it a step further for me um the understanding aspect in the book of Luke it talks about this so vividly and we miss it in Luke 6 it says give and it shall be given unto you didn't say tithe it said give right now when you give something you ought to give it cheerfully absolutely because God loves what a cheerful giver so if I'm giving a tithe and I'm like I really don't want to get it don't don't do it ain't no point purpose mm-hmm there's scripture behind that because I know somebody like well no no I go deeper yes God says um there's no reason to give grudgingly or of a necessity God loves a cheerful giver you should give of your heart absolutely out of the kindness of your heart so if I'm being forced to give something how is that even received by God that's just like he says when you're forced to love someone how does it count any different like you you're supposed to love everybody can you talk about I think they missed that part about the loving you know we were talking about isn't that the greatest commandment I promise it is yeah kind of important and you're not to be forced to love any but you can't so there's a lot well it talks about you know if you love someone who loves you where's the reward in that it's you're supposed to love everybody even the ones that you want to throat punch into next week you're still supposed to love them well I have to be dramatic about giving them an example cuz sometimes people really piss you off and there's not much you can do about it wow yeah never never never feel forced to love anybody if you can't love them freely what's the purpose it becomes a chore yeah it becomes a chore now you but that's the greatest commandment is that we're supposed to love it is it is but we think the greatest commandment is thou shall not commit adultery oh we're gonna go there I'm saying what about oh I was just gonna touch on something that might not where maybe we're not ready for this we're talking about these religious things that we have been told that will sing you straight to hell but they won't yeah and and religious spirits that's what we're talking about if you've heard someone talking about religious spirits this is what it is yes we're talking about right now and on this platform the man-made stuff we're not and I can speak for Shelby on this we're not making you believe anything no out of whatever you choose to believe if you believe it you believe it go to the word please please I would encourage you to do that we can give our opinion upon a place like this and we just have a normal conversation behind it instead of it getting blown out of proportion and we got a debate you know back and forth I would rather give scripture everything that Shelby has said thus far I would rather give scripture and you go read it for yourself and if you get a different understanding let's talk about it well not only that but the Holy Spirit will reveal it to you when you're supposed to have it revealed amen we're not all on the same schedule and that's why we can talk about life walk or any of that right yes right let's do it anyway so you mentioned adultery what do we I mean the people have thought well I mean it's another people think other stuff is the greatest thing or the greatest everything that's when we need to discuss there is no level to sin they're all the same okay well you go there I'm gonna sit here and I'm gonna sit here and watch thou shall not kill is the worst or thou shall not bear false witness that's the lying part killing and lying is the same I promise you mm-hmm adultery is in that same boat yeah they're all the same there's no degree to sin sin is okay so someone's saying how can you say that because there is levels to sin well let me take you to the book of Romans chapter 6 verse 23 the wages of sin is death it didn't say a particular one it said of sin is death and the gift of God is eternal life so if you can put a wager on a sin then what's the biggest sin yeah then you just get to judge everybody and that's where we get the holier-than-thou stuff oh come on so now that's that's what holier-than-thou is mm-hmm I sinned but my sin ain't as bad as yours now that religious spirit looms oh it's everywhere in and out of the church yes because now okay well I just lied on my taxes but you went and slept with so-and-so yeah that's just a paperwork flaw you know it's forgivable oh my god you killed someone oh you can't be forgiven that's putting conditions on on Jesus death on the cross and we have no right to put any conditions on what Jesus wants to do or doesn't want to do because it's already done and it ain't up to us and it's none of our dang business oh go ahead boom button boom drop the mic and let's talk about swearing because I tend to curse and I know people get all uppity about that it's just a thing and it's just part of me and sometimes I apologize for it but you know what that is kind of what I am and you know I can pray for you and I will pray for you just like anybody else just just cuz I swear it doesn't mean anything you know people have I've heard people say man a person that you know if they say a cuss word they're going to hell oh I guess I'm fried chicken I've heard it don't curse don't lie don't do this don't it like it was it was military that I was boot camp church and if I did anything out of the confines of whatever belief system it was for someone else's rules and regulations then I was outcasted or I was but literally on the cross well I think with the swearing people get the the part where it says you're not to curse I can't remember the verse right now language well no it's actually it's something about it actually says curse I think but they're talking about curses yeah but I think that's sometimes where people get that cursing thing no that's an actual like witchcraft curse that's like blue weirdo well in there's a scripture in I think it's Galatians and don't quote me on that one but it speaks about no perverse thing not the perverse me it's a some type of language foul no not foul not foul but it's something else and they have attached that to cursing because I'm hoping that you're not speaking about the Old Testament when it said curses like curses is something completely different right no I understand that I'm just trying to make sure that we can clarify please what we're talking about here is it vain it's not vain thing I'm trying to find that verse it was it's one of those things and please keep looking for but I don't think I'm cursing continue to heal can I can I say that please please do cuz I don't plan on going there so all these things that we have mentioned already like the tithing or you being angry or you know just different things even being baptized like these are not your death sentences these are things that you can either refrain from doing go get baptized I mean like this this is not a ticket to hell right and we want to put light to it because I don't know people are afraid to talk about it or they are talking about it and they're you know speaking death over you thinking that if you don't do what is ordered for you to do then you're not right and I want to expose that enemy I'm exposing big-time and I don't care what nobody think about how about tattoos oh that's a big one tattoos well we don't talk about tattoos we we go off what grandma and mama didn't see and I got a tattoo of the devil the devil you are just throwing me think of water boy oh my god you're destroying the temple listen I have not read and feel free to chime in respond something I've not read a verse that gives anything yes this is it anything about you having a tattoo okay so we were talking about the cursing part in Colossians chapter 3 verse 8 says but now you must also rid yourselves from all such things as anger rage malice slander filthy language but it also says anger rage and slander from your lips it said rid yourself from those so that's that tells me that I thank God for Jesus that he gave us an opportunity to understand that we're not perfect and me not being perfect I may go to a place that can be rageful or angry or I may slip up and say you know you bad words and when that happens I didn't read that I was going to hell yeah I ain't getting no ticket yeah and I am NOT perfect people I am far far far far far far far far from perfect so if it bothers you I'm sorry I don't mean to offend anybody but that's just me I'm questionable you you can go to a sporting event and I promise you they're gonna be in there cussing all day long mm-hmm and it's okay but Shelby can come on a podcast word-of-mouth podcast made Shelby and she says and oh my god Shelby you're wrong oh let the Holy Spirit get me in line with that one then I don't think that's the whole thing like we ain't supposed to be judging each other we're supposed to let the Holy Spirit work on that and yes we're supposed to guide each other but we're not supposed to be like looking down our noses at people that's the holier-than-thou spirit but the whole purpose when me and Shelby sat down then we're going to be honest yeah and authentic and this is who I am period we're gonna be open and until the Holy Spirit convicts me to be someone else this is it baby amen amen and the good part about it is we don't I don't think that there's people that want you to change from who you are because relatable people are real people yeah and I don't sugarcoat stuff thank you I'm just gonna tell you how I see it square thank you please don't relatable people are real they're authentic I can relate to someone that is more more truthful than a person that's putting on a front pretending counterfeiting lying on it yeah I can't relate to that I think that's why and this is just my own personal belief Jesus was very smart when he used a particular person like Saul Saul he knew would go into the territories that church folk wouldn't go to my god I'm gonna try not to preach this one but he knew how powerful it was for Saul to be that that people have already shunned away mm-hmm so he said now I'm gonna change you and I want you to get them where they are because these other holier-than-thou people yeah they can't touch them well and Saul is a prime example of what I said about condemning someone we have God can use whoever he wants and usually he uses the ones we ain't expected and I'll tell you another thing that's going to be happening soon and it's already happening those people with the tattoos and the piercings and the colored hair and they may have come out of Wicca and they may have come out of cults and all that stuff they're going to be leading the church my god so if that bothers you I'm just going to say you might want to get prepared uncomfortable yeah you're going to get real uncomfortable here shortly yeah my goodness because I think God's going to start I mean I already know using them people you already have yeah but let's talk about tattoos because we didn't really finish that conversation did we no no I'm ready so if y'all don't know I got tattoos I got a lot of tattoos I have some piercings too judge me I want you to judge me and I don't have a dang one yeah I'm probably going to be the only person to die with no ink on their body she has no tattoos whatsoever but I am full all right I'm thinking about getting some more oh hey so I was told I was told that um how can you and I sit in the seat um of a pastor and I was told that pastors cannot have tattoos well you know nowadays they tell everybody nobody can have tattoos if you if you're going to be a believer you can't have a tattoo I was only just pastors but I know right like you can't be anything you get a tattoo you just they amen so I've not read it I've not read I I have saw something in Leviticus where it said um the markings on the temple and I guess that can be in reference of a tattoo now when I read that out of the book of Leviticus because it's the book of Leviticus is considered the book of laws and there were laws that was given because the breakdown of the Old Testament they were just kind of doing whatever whichever and kind of like today there had to be some order put in place and so these things that was given because they they went crazy with it when they start putting stuff in a in a way where people can understand what to do and what not to do people took that and kept it to where it's something that if you ever did it then you are just the worst of the worst um but there was a man named Jesus that wanted to redeem us from the curse of the law yes now I said redeem us don't don't miss the word redeem redeem us that means he bought us back so he had to pay a man he had to pay a major price in full that's not that's not giving a ticket because somebody like well you know you just saying that we can do anything not it's not giving a ticket the price that was paid is that we can be forgiven through repentance and the blood of Jesus can wash us and and replenish us and get us back in right standing with God that God does not see any of the things that people would judge us for based upon the blood that was shed on the cross right and so we we are unblemished God so when people sit up and they talk about these tattoos I get what you're saying amen amen to that and I'm not going out just to prove a point I am basically saying if I choose to put my mom on my arm because I love her I don't think God gave me a ticket to hell to do that I have saint corinthians on my shoulder you do I see that there's no way I don't think I got praying hands yes you do you do on my arm so that I'm going to hell for this ain't I I just love Jesus and he loves you I hope I don't get a ticket you know based upon what people have told me over the years like you just you can't do that that is so wrong this and that I guess I'm sorry if you're offended by it but I might go get another one on my back oh so in it um that that was a scripture out of the book of Leviticus there was a lot of laws that was in the book of Leviticus that um the markings of your temple um but I thank God for grace do we keep all of the laws in Leviticus anymore do we keep the mosaic oh my god we would be under hell if it was we're under it man keep all the laws and oh my god we would be done and over with but the best part about it and this is again it's not giving a doorway for you to just do whatever you want to it's basically saying God I thank you that you gave us your son and he took the curse to the tree to redeem us and live in reverence of that that's it that's it so I'm not afraid to talk about these religious beliefs for people to make other people feel like that they're crap because you want to look better than them holier than thou those holier than thou people my little mindset um they're just going to hell on a clean bus oh my god yep wow oh okay holier than thou uh yeah how much time we got we've already passed 30 oh there was one more no we extended nothing oh we're doing the whole hour today we got to stay right here okay well this one's real spicy let's do it okay so when you're single and uh you're doing things with yourself let's do it let's do it let's talk about that m word I don't even know if I want to write it down okay so you had written it down the other day you need to flip your pages back because it was pretty funny yes so uh what she's speaking about and I know a lot of people really want to touch on that it's self-pleasure say it louder for the people in the back for the people in the back who didn't hear it masturbation we're going to talk about that in its entirety okay so what's your entirety now wait a second I didn't plan out for that I just you know what's your thoughts on it uh I want to see what you had that did I have I got to find that go ahead I'm going to find what you wrote down the other day because it cracked me up yeah so okay a lot of people have um have mentioned that yikes that was a topic too that was a topic so a lot of people have mentioned uh that masturbation is a major sin um I've not read it I've not read it um okay so let's break it down break it down you have um images in your head men and women can have images in their head and what can enhance those images is things that you see yes uh so the we're focusing on now the eye gates these when the eye gates open you can look at certain things and they begin to create pictures in your mind and they begin to create other things in your body and so when you have those pictures uh it start off with just you know a picture then it turned into a you know a video in your head moving and then it becomes a commercial that's longer than a video and then now it becomes a whole sitcom now it's 30 minutes a movie right and then it's just life it just takes over head on um so I think that when when Paul gave an example about the lust of the flesh and having those um sexual desires um being in either marriage or even single um there wasn't a sin based upon I've not saw based upon the arousal of yourself the arousal it's what you put in your eyes and how much you focus on that because that can become an addiction absolutely and those things and and also like if you're getting to the point where every woman you see you're having a reaction to then there's a problem because you've created that monster yes yes or man now it becomes you know I have to do this and it's a caution to become or to want it to happen in the natural form based upon those gates that have been opened yeah with so many things so porn can be a problem yeah so it's worth the lust of the flesh is the issue the actual physical act when you're single by yourself whatever is not the issue I've not read it it's not because you're going to the human body is the one thing is the issue yes yes it was created um by God for us to enjoy of course with our partners and stuff like that right not trying to go to that other subject but it was it was made for us to enjoy and if it's not the person that God has put you with and you're still single um the arousal of your human body will will be that in which it's going to be you're not this terrible sinful person because you're horny he said it I'm sorry I wish I can say something different but and that's what she was talking about I wrote down the other day we're going to talk about horny believers there's some believers that are literally probably waiting on their spouse or their significant other to come and haven't you know interlude place yet of getting a person in their life so they sitting up and I wish a human would say oh I'm not horny I'm gonna tell you you're lying bro male or female because God created this thing for us it ain't like you ain't gonna see it you can't close your eyes to tv no but you have to have control absolutely yeah self-control 100 yes and self-control says did you get you you have the capability not to react based upon your desire at that moment yeah right that's self-control right it ain't taking away from you feeling horny well yeah and I I forgot what I was gonna say I looked up there and it just went for for a lot of people to because they probably gonna rip this apart and be like well no you can't do this and you can't do that I'm not telling you what you can and cannot do because it was it was a big debate I had years ago with the guy saying uh I moved in with my wife about six months before we got married um and they were like man you that's just so wrong that's against God this and that I was like it was economical why why we finna we're gonna live together here real soon so why keep paying these two risks that's how I saw it right it wasn't the fact that we're gonna go ahead and get it going we're getting ready to merge everything and we just did it six months earlier yeah but that was me and her decision period sorry you don't like it sorry well I think yeah we just need to focus on the lust is the issue it's not it's not what you're doing with yourself it's not but if you're sitting there and you're focusing and you're marinating on that lust anything that draws you away from God is the problem and you will get attached to it right whether it's yeah whether it's alcohol whether it's drugs whether it's lust any of that lying anything you know shopping gambling anything reading I mean anything that takes you away from God is the issue yes but the actual physical act within yourself is not the issue thank you thank you for saying that how do people struggle with see we talk about everything we ain't scared he ain't scared he ain't gonna scare us you mentioned something uh you were talking about those things that would take you away from God one of them and we said we're going to talk about today um did we touch drinking no we haven't talked about that yet jump on that okay let's jump on that so you know drinking um I don't know if you were told but I was told that's the devil yeah but you know what they did it back in Jesus day they did yeah actually before him but yeah it's been around forever a lot of time uh-huh but they did yeah yeah they did they really did how I see uh how people have been critical when it comes to drinking because I don't think they understand the difference between drunkenness and drinking and drinking yes a lot of people have just taken the phrase because you were told as a kid or you heard it in church hey if you drink it's the worst sin in the world you're going to hell blah blah the degrees of sin has come back again yeah how is that possible secondly drunkenness can put you in a different mindset a different place and it causes you to do things that that may not be appealing to do yes you react to things in a not wonderful way and so with drinking a lot a lot of times people say well you know I I want this but I can't do it because uh God just gonna get me no it doesn't work like that I'm sorry to tell you but it doesn't work like that if you're refraining from doing something let it be because you choose not to do it not because someone else told you not to do it yes and sorry yeah I like the crickets right there and I can't find the verse right now but I do know that the word says something about be not drunk with new wine be drunk with the Holy Spirit yes that's not saying don't drink that's saying don't get drunk and if you're going to be drunk be drunk with the Holy Spirit yeah but when I pull up drunkenness in the word all I get is don't be drunk it's like the drunkenness is the bad part yeah that is a bad part because like Nate said your inhibitions go out the window and you do things that are very sinful but sin is sin is sin and it doesn't matter it's all the same but it does not say do not drink a lot of people say man it's wrong to drink that's a religious spirit I think someone turned water into wine and I know everybody points at that and says everybody that verse right there that verse right there you know this and that listen at the end of the day I really believe that we need to point our attention back to Jesus can we remember that if it wasn't for the son of God like none of this would be possible we would all be condemned amen that part so why are we why are we focusing on what people are doing and not the fact that Jesus said hey if you mess up if you do this if you fall prey to this whatever you're doing I made a way John 14 and 1 I am the way I made a way for you to get to God through me right and I'm the only way I'm the only way mm-hmm our attention should be on that not to take advantage of that no but to understand God thank you for giving me because I'm a human yes thank you for your grace because because this human stuff and Paul gave a great example in Corinthians this human stuff is starting to get to me I keep making mistakes because of this human flesh system yeah and I keep trying not to but it keeps screwing me up over and over and the more I try the worse it gets help me God take take this alive my flesh come on grace it's sufficient and I think the grace aspect with it being sufficient it lets others know and this is what it says in Revelation 12 we have overcome by the blood of the lamb by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony so that others know that if you can overcome it I can too that's the whole thing right we're condemning each other based upon me looking better than you but the reason we go through all of this stuff is so we have a ministry it's so we have a testimony that's what we're supposed to do with all of our trials and tribulations and the things that we struggle with and temptation is very real and it always will be please say it again the people in the back didn't hear you it's real people it's real and the enemy knows your weaknesses he's a spirit yeah does that write you a free hall pass no it doesn't and that's the thing that I think believers don't understand or we we've had preached to us so much is that you know I think there's two sects one is that you know the grace everybody lives in grace you get to do whatever you want to do kind of like what you've talked about before and then there's the other side of oh no you don't get to do anything and if you break any rules you're going to hell and all that which is kind of what we're talking about right now there's a balance in the middle my god and it's called once you're a believer you're involved with the holy spirit and the holy spirit will that's the whole point of the holy spirit is the holy spirit yes is to sanctify you every day and to get you closer and closer and closer to jesus in his whole form and closer in your relationship with him but it doesn't work the same with each one of us we are all individuals and god knows that because he designed us before he did all this we are all not the same and made us that way for a reason because we each have an individual purpose and we have individual gifts and we're all supposed to work together as the body so we can't get on this gravy train of condemning people and and um putting our convictions on others when they might not be in that place and that's not our judgment call to make that is between the holy spirit and them all we can do is love them that's what we're supposed to do is love them it sounds simple yeah and when you want to stand there and critique someone and you want to make a point of something how about you go save someone instead take that time take that moment point them back to jesus come on come on instead of calling out your brother or your sister why don't you go save someone maybe if we did more of that we'd be in a better place so worried about how great we would look pushing someone else down and yes yes you can't say that all of us haven't fallen prey to that i want my sins to be you know mine's over here because i only did x y and z right and i'm trying to make it look real pretty yeah you did the big thing like and yours is nasty you know i saw something in church uh as a kid oh my god it hurts to talk about it but they would they would bring the young lady in front of the church that wasn't married and she was pregnant and she had to repent to the people oh my gosh because she was pregnant and she wasn't married as a kid i felt bad for that that's horrible that's church hurt that you can't get around man how does that show the love of jesus good please explain that how is this helping her that is that oh that's all done it's all done those are the things that need to stop yes if we want to try and make this world a better place those are the kinds of things that are not going to create that atmosphere at all amen redemption is for everyone everyone everyone the homeless on the street come on the guy in the high tower in his really fancy office the girl that was brought in front of the church as a young pregnant single woman the best analogy and i thank god for women especially strong women like yourself the best analogy jesus gave that i saw for women was when that woman had kneeled before him i think it was mary magdalene she kneeled before him and it was a bunch of men getting their rocks together yep for the cutest woman i mean stoned her to death yep he went in front of her and he began to draw a line in the sand and he asked the question i think we need to ask that question he who was without sin cast the first stone i ain't doing it i can't do it come on if you have no sin killer stone her to death but that's what we do yes in the church not in a physical form but that's what we do we're throwing these stones with our words we're throwing these stones with our actions as you spoke with humiliation we're not even loving them anymore we're killing them with our words oh and we're humiliating people that's a stoning to me yeah stone's the spirit come on that's the best analogy that could be given period because sin is going to happen with every human person ever and if you don't have that sin if you've never sinned kill it i love it and the one who was pointing that out was the only one who hadn't sinned ever this lady gonna have me running we in the church so she's gonna have me running thank you lord so we we we wanted to dispel a lot of these religious spirits and what perfect way is to to ask the question if you are without sin you may you may never drank no you don't have a tattoo nope maybe you've never been horny whoops sorry maybe you've you've struggled with tithing maybe maybe you've have anger issues maybe you've lied maybe you've committed adultery maybe you've cheated all kinds of stuff the list is so dang long even thinking vile thoughts so if you are without any of this throw the stone throw it i don't think nobody can we'll just be sitting here waiting that's when the crickets come on you cannot cast a stone in my shelby voice we need to love more oh yes instead of killing people with these religious whatever ways absolutely and you know nate and i were talking off mic earlier today because we mentioned in our podcast a couple times ago that um to say to someone that you are enough or you're worthy i believe is the same way as saying to them that you're loved but we don't want to say the l word nate and i have decided we're going to start using that word amen amen because people ain't going to understand unless you use that word you want to make sure that the understanding is complete you got to use the word yes don't be afraid of it you know i was told to be afraid especially as a man oh man don't say that word even to another man well yeah um yeah that's dangerous territory right there it is it's not common you don't tell another man you love him i have raised especially especially sons i've raised them to know that they will hear it from me i love you son and i mean it and i'm not afraid to tell you and growing up i didn't hear a lot of men say nate i love you women yeah yeah a whole lot of women said that but men i didn't hear it but women i mean you're the nurturers though yeah you're the ones who're supposed to say it you know when i think of the story of david like i i see the dad as though he had his first seven lined up when when when the prophet came to door he had him lined up but i i think that david was out there with his mom i think david was just chilling man his mom sitting over there you know in the garden and he over there you know killing bears and whoever trying to touch the sheep i think he was kicking it with his mom because the dad like you know you got to be this and you're there you're there yeah that where they use no factor where'd that get you so man it's okay it's okay i don't have a problem with telling another man hey man i love you and i mean it i want you to know it i heard pastor willie said yep i'm saying his name i heard him say it's sunday and i shouted out when he said i said pastor willie i love you too i need you to know it and that that's not a i cannot say this that's not a a form of homosexuality yeah it's not a sexual love it's a love of christ thank you very much which we're all supposed to do and maybe if more of us did it the stigma of all that other crap would go away well has it has it become something we can't even say women no more because if a man say that to a woman then you're trying to get with him can't say that too many you can't walk around and be like hey shelby i love you and me and you and kroger but we at walmart and i say i love you i can't just say i love my friend there's love we already went over this in a podcast there's loving you and being in love with you yes yes so as long as you don't sit there and say i'm in love with you we're all good with that sound yes oh my god but loving people is what we are supposed to do it is the greatest commandment it is whether you want to throat punch them into next week or not because guess what jesus still loves them and he sees everything they do and he sees everything you do and he still loves you too he was watching them try to kill him and he still said father forgive me yeah okay and i'm sure there's people want to throat punch me into next week too so you know no yeah there might be i think i think it's someone i just talked on the phone too but we're not gonna let nobody throw punch shelby because she's she's sweet she's nice however um as we end this um shelby i i guess if i can end it off with uh something from you basically giving an encouragement to someone that has i know people have separated hurt and they've used the word church hurt um i believe it's to me it's it's called um a religious hurt i want to label it as a church hurt caused by a religious spirit yes because it was caused by a religious spirit someone struggled in an area and as we end this can you encourage them well baby let me tell you i struggled in areas too and i still will until the day i go home to jesus because sanctification is a process that happens every day cling to him don't cling to people but you have to love people where they're at not where you want them to be not where you think they should be but where they're at and they should do the same for you but even if they don't that's where you gotta step out in faith and do it anyways because that's what we're called to do put others ahead of ourselves but jesus can heal all hurts if he can and he can be whatever you need him to be to sustain you right now and get you through each moment each hour each day until you're out of your hurt and whatever else comes along with it wow thank you and just mark all the ugly stuff return to sender and send it back to the pit of hell and tell them hit seven times on you buddy ah return to sender love it love it thank you we're gonna have uh i'm gonna have to ask shelby off mic but i'm gonna have a section where it's called shelby's corner you're putting me in the corner no it'd be like a two to three minute segment of just shelby's thoughts or the world ain't ready for that you know in god rest his story i think he just passed away the other day jerry springer he used to have jerry's thoughts yeah i used to watch the show man you might be going to hell for that you know i just gotta tell you he would have these thoughts at the end of his show and he would end the show off and it in in such a positive way where whatever happened on the show it did it didn't display what he felt and how he encouraged people behind it and so um we're probably gonna have some shelby thoughts okay well grace is for you honey whoever you are grace is for you just like everybody else everybody gets it come on we got to give it to each other too though if you give it if you get it freely you got to give it freely we struggle at that and i'm speaking i'm speaking shelby right now i'm not speaking anybody else amen amen and you're loved we love you love you yes for reals and that that is for real not for pretends because we don't do that no we're not counterfeits no we're not milly vanilly all right it's been it's been wonderful word of mouth podcast with nate and shelby thank you all so much hey we'll see you soon bye you