Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
to end up in a worse place than you were before. So we have to be really careful about what we allow to fill those voids in our lives. And that's where the Holy Spirit comes in. That's where God's presence comes in. And He can fill those voids in a way that is healthy and life-giving and not destructive. Absolutely. Absolutely. I love it. I love it. So, you know, just to recap, some of the things that we've talked about today, we've talked about the importance of being vulnerable with one another, of sharing our struggles and our weaknesses, and not being afraid to let people in and let people see the real us. We've talked about the importance of community and having people around us who will support us, encourage us, and hold us accountable. We've talked about the importance of leaning into God in those moments of struggle and asking Him to fill us with His presence, with His joy, with His peace, You're just going to continually add the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, And so, yeah, let's, let's, let's, let's discuss that. So we have established already, and please, please go listen to the part one of this. We've established the fact that anyone, if you're human, you can have depressing moments. You can sit in that place and soak there, but you don't want to soak too long. So we get the concept of being depressed, but we don't have to receive or take ownership of depression. Yes, and that's another thing, you know, we were talking in the last one about what our mouth, what our words say. And when you take ownership of anything, it's yours. And your words, like we said, have power. And so you're saying, yeah, I actually own that. That is part of me. Instead of saying, I have all authority over that, and I don't own that. They might be, and this comes into diagnosis and stuff like that too. You know, doctors can say things. They can diagnose you with things, diagnose you with things. But you don't have to own it. You can say, I hear what you're saying, but you don't, or they're saying, I have the symptoms of such and such. You don't have to actually say, I have such and such. You don't have to own that stuff. Or I have depression. You don't have to own that. You can say, I'm having a moment, or I'm feeling this, or something like that. But you don't have to own these big things that really can become big things. Now, Shilp, you know that some people would want to argue that, and I want to make your point bigger. Because some people would want to argue that and say, hey, well, you don't know that this particular disease or this particular thing is hereditary, or it's something that I was going to get regardless. It was inevitable that I was going to have this particular thing. What she's saying is when you take ownership, it's like when you sit at the meeting before you get the house, and they give you the keys, and they say you are the owner of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's yours. Anytime you get keys, it's yours. When you get the car, when you get the house, whatever it is, it's yours. So when it becomes yours, you have to … You have responsibility over it. Ah, come on. Now you know where I'm going. What I believe you are saying in that is I don't want to take responsibility or accountability of something that don't belong to me. Right. Because by his stripes I am healed. I would rather receive the healing more than I want to receive whatever you're trying to give me. Yes, greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. Amen. And I can give you an example because I've been dealing with vertigo. Okay. Technically, they say, in my family, it's hereditary. They say that. Yeah. Okay. They can say that. They can say that. I'm going to meet they one day. Yeah. And I might have symptoms of it, but I'm not going to own it. And you can do the necessary things that you need to do to handle when those symptoms come about. Right. But you still have to own it. Wow. That's something that we definitely need to address. There's a lot of people that would argue that. I'm telling you they would. Well, I think a lot of people like diagnosis. They like that. It gives them comfort because they've been suffering. And so you want to know why you're suffering. So a diagnosis gives you a reason for your suffering. I kind of understand that from a human level that you want that of some kind to know that you know what's going on. Well, I think it's great to have the information of something that's going on, but why would you get comfort in it? I just think some people do. I don't know if I want to get comfort in some of the things that I've been diagnosed with. But don't you see? There's a lot of people that grab on to anything. I am feeling like this. I've got an ulcer. I have this. I've got depression. And there are certain people that just really want all kinds of things to hold on to. Yes, ma'am. I can't explain why because I'm not one of those people, but there are those people out there. And here's a big one, and I might get some comments about this one, but I'm going to go ahead on record and say it. God is still bigger than Google. God is bigger than everything, but yes. People go to Google. Or WebMD. Oh, my gosh. We're all dying. If you go to WebMD, we are all dying. Whatever you have, you're dying. God is still bigger. He's greater than all of that. And, again, taking ownership, man, that stuff is so important because once you say, I own it, it's yours. It's yours. Well, you can disown it, too, if you figure that out and you go, oh, no, I ain't having that. You better disown it. And, devil, you can pack it up in a nice, tidy little package, take it back to the pit of hell where you came from. Thank you. Yeah, and you can reverse that stuff. I mean we're not saying that once you own it, you have to keep it. When you figure out that you've owned it and you want to get rid of it, you can get rid of it. You don't have to own it anymore. Here's transparency. Excuse me. I took ownership of loneliness. Oh, me, too. Do you know I had to disown that? Like I had to keep disowning it because it kept trying to creep up on me. Oh, yeah, it creeps back in. I was like, man, I don't know. You don't live here no more. No, this is not your address. Exactly. I had to disown that thing because loneliness, it was like a bad guy. Man. I guess because I kept feeding it and it kept coming back. We do, yeah. You leave the food out for the animals and they come back. That part. Yeah. We think we're being so nice feeding them. Wow. And another thing we need to talk about because you and I talked about it off mic is when you disown those things, when you ask God to remove those things, when you ask to be delivered from those things, you also have to ask that those voids, those holes that it's left behind get filled with God's presence, with God's joy, with God's peace, with God's satisfaction, with God's blessings, with his Holy Spirit. I mean, you can go down the list. Whatever negative that you want pulled, then you pray the positive of God comes into that. Whatever the positive, the opposite is of that negative thing you're asking to be removed, pray for God to fill it with the opposite thing. Oh, come on. Because if we leave those voided spaces open, they get filled back up real quickly. And the world will take on what the world wants to give us. And that's really easy to put in those voided spaces. Absolutely. And we don't talk about that enough. I'm glad you're bringing it up because we've left those voided spaces so voided for so long. Open, accessible. And now we're throwing anything in there now. We're just, oh, okay, I'm just going to throw this in there. I'm just going to throw that in there just so I can have that to be filled so I won't feel that anymore. And like we were talking, when you get a nail in your tire, you go to the tire shop and they put a plug in it. They plug it. And if it's too bad, you've got to get another tire. Right. Uh-oh. Well, that's another problem. That's another problem. You went too far on that one. Another conversation for another day, but you're right, man. They plug that, especially if you know that your tire over time has went down. It don't just go down in a day. Sometimes, man, you can have a slow leak for a week or two. I just had a Holy Spirit revelation. So your tire leaks air, right? And if you're filled with the Holy Spirit and you're filled with God's presence, but you have all these voids, you're leaking. And you can't keep it contained within yourself. You're not leaking in a good way. It's oozing out of you, but it's not oozing out in the right way. It's just you can't keep it within you to get yourself strengthened and encouraged and built up. Drop the mic. So, yeah, plug those holes. Plug them. Thank you, Holy Spirit. And ask God to reveal to you how you need to have those holes plugged. He knows. Or you can just say, Lord, fill all these holes, please. Fill them. With your presence, and he'll fill them with whatever needs to be filled. Yes. Fill them. I heard a song. Young Lady says, fill me up until I overflow. But you're asking God to fill you up. Thank you, Holy Spirit. Thank you, Shel. And the world will give you lots of things to fill those holes with, like alcohol and sex and gambling and idolatry of money and all those things, idolatry of yourself. So you've got to be real careful that we get those holes plugged by something that is not of us and not of the world. Wow. Wow. Because if you let the world fill those holes, you're going to have a whole bunch more holes, and you're going to have a lot more filling to do. Yes. And that's the seven times stronger. That's the worst that comes after that. Because you've tried to fill it with alcohol or because you've tried to fill it with idolatry or sex or whatever may have you, now you've got to keep filling those because they're not actual plugs. They're just Band-Aids. Mm-hmm. That's a patch. Wow. Wow. This is good. That preacher over there just, boy, come on. Oh, my gosh. Holy Spirit, y'all. I ain't no preacher. Nope. You're the preacher. Man. I'm here for the ride. All right. So, okay, so there's a question that I did have about being able to understand the importance of not taking ownership. When you go to a medical profession or you start feeling symptoms of certain things, and we'll use those things that causes depression, like maybe loneliness, maybe isolation. When you start feeling those things, how can you not take ownership of that thing that looks, because it gives you what you call symptoms. You're having all the exact symptoms of this thing. How can you not take ownership? It's hard. Like I said, I think there's some people that want to have a diagnosis. They want it because it gives them a solution or it gives them a reason why they've been feeling all these things. They've been suffering with these symptoms. Uh-oh. The scripts are coming. I can tell. His eyes are going back and forth. Well, now that you say that, wouldn't it be better if you did get a diagnosis? I don't know. See, I'm of the thought that if I have some kind of illness, I don't want to know about it because I tend to get defeated by stuff, and that's just being real. Now, I'll be there for a little bit, and then I'll get pissed off, and I'm like, nope, I ain't having it, but I don't want to deal with that little bit. I don't want to open that door, so I'd rather not know. And another thing, you know, when you're saying what do you do when you get those things, when you get those diagnoses or you get whatever, how do you not own it? The word says that we are to do things greater than what he did. People don't own that. That is not preached correctly. They're saying a lot of religious places tell you that that's not fact, that the word, that's not what it means. I believe it absolutely does mean that. I believe that we are to do greater things than he did when he walked this earth. I believe that we have the power, and we don't do it because the enemy has trained us to believe we don't have the power and because the religious department has decided to tell us that that's not really the case. I believe and I've seen things, so I know we have the power to heal. We have the power to lay hands. We have the power to cast out demons. We have all the power of everything he ever did and more because he said we have greater. I'm going to revisit that later. I can't believe that someone would say that that's not accurate because he said that you do greater. Yes. You haven't heard that? Well, good. I hope I'm the only one. I hope y'all are looking at me like I'm cross-eyed and catty walking. I even looked up like somebody said that? Yes. What was the whole purpose of Acts 1? I'm just saying that's how I like. People don't believe that they can heal. People don't believe that they can deliver others. It's not because we have the power. The power comes from Christ, but the word says that we're to do greater things. So we should be expecting to see greater things. And so when you get a diagnosis, expect greater things. Tim, I think we've just limited the power. Yes, because we have a finite mind because we're human. We understand that God does not have to deal in the same. He is infinite. He doesn't have any boundaries. We can't even comprehend how he can function and do things. Right. And that's why we put limits on it because we want a better understanding. We want a better understanding. And if we can't understand it, then we just put a cap on it. That's why I'm guessing it was easy for whoever told you that lie. I'm sorry, sir, but that is not true. I would rather sit in awe of God, knowing that he can wipe anything out. I don't care what diagnosis it was. Well, he wiped out death, so what else can you have? Took ownership of death, hell, and the grave. Come on. But you can't tell me. You can't tell me that he can't do it. Oh, my God, you just don't know how I feel. I honestly don't want to know how you feel. I want to tell you the truth instead of wanting to know how you feel. And we've talked about this before, though. When you're having symptoms, it is really hard to deny them. Yeah. And, you know, we've said it before. I can believe for your healing so much better than I can believe for my own. Yes. And I don't know why we're like that except for that we need each other, and that proves that we need each other. But I do know that when it comes to myself, I am weak about that stuff. That's why. That's why, because we need each other. Do you know, okay— Not me. I just own that I am weak, and I'm going to say right now that I'm not as strong as I should be. Because I'm not going to say that I'm weak. Well, saying that you're weak is not saying— I'm owning weakness by saying that. No, he said let the weak say I'm strong, right? So if you're taking on the weakness of the human form, then you know that there's something stronger inside of you. Yes, I know that, but I don't want to be a hypocrite when we're talking about not owning stuff. And here I am saying I am weak. I am not as strong as I should be. And which none of us are. Right. But I just want to give an example of flipping the script. Instead of saying one thing, you can flip it. You're still kind of saying the same thing, but you're not owning it. You're not owning it. I'm not going to say I'm going to die in the next so-and-so years because of this particular thing that has stricken my body. I'm going to say, hey, I'm going to be aware and mindful of what they said and do what I need to do to live. Because the only one that has control over life and death is God. The big one. The big guy. He has my expiration date, and he definitely had my entrance date. Yes, he's the OG, original gang. Come on. And great analogy that you use that because we do have to flip the script. And not taking ownership of it, but saying, hey, even though I'm feeling a form of depression or I'm feeling depressed right now, yeah, this is not unto death. And you can feel depressed, but don't own depression. Amen. Because depressed means it comes and goes, and it's not forever. Depression is like, ugh, I got this, and it's here. That's why I love Paul so much. In 2 Corinthians, Paul had went back to God. He was talking to God. He kept saying to God, hey, do you understand what I'm feeling? I'm struggling. And even when I try not to struggle, I struggle. I'm struggling hard. He kept saying I'm struggling hard, and then he said, look, look at this thing. It's in my flesh. This is how bad I'm struggling. T-H-O-R-N. Like right here. And God's response was, my grace is sufficient? Really? Like I got this thing looking at me. But really, it's hurting. Right. Hello? All this stuff is literally hitting me on every side, and all you can say is your grace. Okay, God, but thank you for Paul that he made it so applicable for us to understand it today that we can utilize that particular letter and say, hey, you know what? I know what Paul meant about that thorn, because I got one. It's a thorn of whatever the doctor said. It's a thorn of whatever this addiction is. It's a thorn of whatever this torment is, whatever it is. It's a thorn. So because he know I'm going to say something out of pocket, I got to disown it. God, get rid of the thorn. And God said, my grace is sufficient. My grace will cover that. You're going to have your moment for a minute. But after your moment, my grace got you. And twin sister mercy going to follow you all the days of your life, so you're good. I will fight for you. You need only be still. I receive it. When you walk up to the Red Sea and it's there and you got nowhere to go and the enemy is on your tail and you're like, well. Well, that that C word, they just told me I got that C word, which is the Red Sea and the enemy and the Red Seas in front of me. He said, I will fight for you. You need only be still. You need only be still. Yeah, that'd take a level of humility. Huge faith. God, beyond. But we can do it. We can do it. Having conversations like this, because this is real authentic moments that we have had. I can be. Go ahead and be transparent about this. And I don't want a bunch of people trying to comment to it. I received a diagnosis the other day and I text you because you can't call it. That's factual. I don't know. I'm just not a phone person. That's not just like 9-1-1. You OK? However, I text her with something and her response. If it would have been something different, I would have went down that rabbit hole. I knew you were going to go down that rabbit hole, so it wasn't going to be any different anyway because I gave you facts. I would have went down that rabbit hole. They told me something over the phone. I got some lab work back and they told me that I was diagnosed with something that, you know, in my body and something with my kidneys and this and that. And I was like, hey, guess what they said, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I sent it to her and I waited for a response. I set my phone down. I'm looking at the wall. I'm like, God, for real, for real. My phone buzzes. She said, oh, OK, we got this. Wait, what? This is fixable. Wait, what? Because I'm thinking, you know, and I was just telling her this off bike. I'm thinking, well, I guess it's time for me to go ahead and write out wills and figure out what we're going to do with this. Rebuke that in the name of Jesus. And my mind went there. That's why we can be honest, transparent and open on this platform to tell you all, no, we're not perfect either. No, we need each other. That proves that we need each other. The church, the body, we need each other. Definitely. As you said earlier, when it's you, though, like you struggle hard with you trying to encourage yourself and your own faith. But you can literally jump on a bandwagon for somebody else and jump in the deep with them. And hey, I'm going to swim for you. And play stuff. Right. You fight those huge demons of their life. Right. And stand in the gap. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. That's why we need each other. 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