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The hosts of a podcast discuss their experiences with religion and the power of faith. One host grew up in the church and has had encounters with demons and Jesus. The other host did not grow up in the church but has also had experiences with the supernatural. They discuss the misconception that only certain people have the power to rebuke evil and emphasize that everyone has the power within them. They encourage listeners to have faith and use their power to overcome the forces of darkness. so far so good that bass well he had some more bass in there did you hear that i don't think you mess with any of that everybody listening is going what the hell are you talking about sorry we've rearranged things we're a little yes we're in a new hood today new hood new area um yeah we should have did this at the start of season two but guess what we did it now and pretty soon we're gonna add video if we figure out how to do it yeah we we're getting it ready y'all man it's growing it's growing and i'm gonna put a plant right in front of my face so nobody can see me no what it do y'all welcome to word of mouth podcast with nate and shelby hey we're gonna get into it today um we've been chatting about a few things uh that is pretty important um that's going on in the world and um we're gonna touch on some stuff today last week and i think the week before last we've been talking about religious things and um i think we need to stay in that vein uh for just a little bit more because a lot of people um if if we're being honest a lot of people were or have been hurt by religion have been taught wrong have been um steered away turned away um have just said hey screw it all um and we want to use this platform to at least talk about it and if we can be an example to someone uh to let you know that jesus really is the way the truth and he is the light and no man comes unto the father but by him so if we can use this platform to at least get that word out that's what we're gonna do so we're gonna stay in this vein today and i got some questions y'all for so i'm gonna open it up with this here um because she's my friend man i i did i definitely know a little bit about her um so shelby didn't grow up in the church and she may have said this already on one of the podcasts in uh season one she didn't grow up in the church me per se i did um i've been in the church since i was five and i i saw everything from the ruda to the tutor somebody know what i'm talking about and um but she didn't and i want to ask her a lot of questions because us church people we we had strategic things and we were taught different things and we couldn't do certain things we couldn't say certain things so i got questions for her because who she is today man is just it's mind-blowing of the anointing that drips from her um but she didn't grow up in the church so this is probably going to be the most unique powerful podcast that i can say personally because we're going to tap into some real life stuff hey you just make me uncomfortable out the gate sorry sorry sorry all right shelby nay all right can i start off with what you're gonna hit me with first question um when was you introduced to god oh wow um i don't know if i can answer that i just remember always having knowledge of him i mean we were ceos christian christmas and easter only we went to church and we got all fancied up and all that stuff i mean i had to have a new easter dress every year and i hated it good lord i hated it i'm still at the ceos ceos christmas and easter only i don't even know that we went on mother's day oh okay um so i don't i just was always raised that there was god and um jesus and all of that and i know my parents were saved later in their lives they had my brothers already and then they became saved so um you know i don't think i think it was kind of fairly new to them too to a certain degree gotcha so how did you hear about just i guess jesus like did you hear it at school um well i remember like you know we we did do church on two occasions of the year and i did go to some christian preschools um and sunday school sometimes sunday school yeah went to sunday school sometimes church people we know about i hated that as a kid um but i don't know i just you know i i'm i'm a weird peculiar peculiar yes peculiar person i've seen jesus i've seen the devil my god so i don't know if that's i mean i was a real sick kid as a kid and i almost died a couple times because of a disease and so i don't know if that's part of it if i just had some kind of impartation and i i'm nothing special anybody can experience the things i've experienced so i don't like talking about it because i don't want it to be like i'm anything different what not not that you said it already you said you're peculiar and not a lot of people would know what to do when they experience that if it's uncomfortable to talk about i get it um but what if someone have already or is about to experience something to that magnitude what did you do when it happened well i you know when when i saw jesus he was speaking to me in tongues i did not understand what he said to me and i didn't even know what tongues were at that time i was only like seven um the funny thing was years later i was walking through a mall with my mom and there was a jewelry store and they had these there's a artist by the name of yadro he's an italian artist he does porcelain figures and stuff and we walked by a window just to look at the jewelry and he there was a a piece he had done and it was jesus and it was exactly the way i saw him and i was like that's what i saw that's what i saw wow i actually have it in my room now because my mom found it for me and i have that statue in my room um so i don't know if i'll ever understand what he was trying to tell me i don't know why he came to me i have no idea um i know i'm very blessed by that i know a lot of people can see angels i have never seen an angel in my life i wish i could i pray about wanting to all the time but i still haven't um but yeah experiencing the enemy experiencing satan you know like i think i've talked about it before my mom is would just raised us as he has to bow down so if you ever get that oppressive feeling if you ever feel like he's there any kind of uncomfortable feeling you just say in the name of jesus satan you got to go and so when that happened and he was in my room that's what i said and he was gone period yeah you know the best part about this and i'm gonna keep the question going out because i got a lot out because i got a lot of questions um people would take what you've experienced and use that as a platform to gain you started off this conversation saying i'm uncomfortable talking about this yeah i don't like talking about this i'm not anything special no because i don't want people to think that i'm exalting myself about that that creeps me out i don't uh-uh i don't tell people about it i mean i'm telling everybody now i guess no and that's the best part about it because we didn't even have to talk about this and you you're saying i don't want to so this is nothing about you getting you know this stature or this you know whatever may have you this is just something you experienced as a kid i know people that have lied just to get attention for stuff like this and you're like no i wasn't talking about that no it happened that was it satan himself coming to in your in in your presence literally and you saying hey in the name of jesus go away get out get out and he left and how speedy but we we have we have tried to gain more of the attention aspect where i'm gonna speak church now um sometimes it gets a little hollywood when you wanna spice it up a little spice it up a little when you want to start talking about clearing out demons and you know demonic spirits and satan himself and stuff like that it's you draw a crowd and you said i'm in my room my mama told me if you come what you do what you do simple yeah you didn't need a recorder he had knowledge of that right so that's the only reason i had knowledge of that wow and if it had happened to me and i didn't have knowledge of that i would have booked it out of my house i mean screaming crying probably would have nightmares every day of my life after that yeah and i've experienced him many ways so it's obviously something i was supposed to be aware of early on but absolutely you know but if if she hadn't had the knowledge i would never have had the knowledge wow and my children have the knowledge because i had the knowledge so much i can say to that um after that church they don't talk about this stuff in church i want to go there i'm a circle back i'm gonna circle back okay so after that let's say teenage years did you encounter anything for that sort maybe demonic activity maybe jesus himself like in your teenage years i'm sure i did but i was so caught up in the world at that point that i didn't pay attention wow okay so what was the moment that you had to pay attention as you got older um well i think i think i've always had some weird kind of something within me as a young child and then like i said got caught up in the world and that took a back seat back seat which i think a lot of us do um that's the human condition and that's what the enemy wants um but anyways and then i think i always have had a relationship with god there's never but i mean i have strayed oh like straight far away for quite some time um but you know i think after i got married and all of that and once i started having children it was like oh i gotta get my stuff together and i gotta get you know back where i belong focused on the right things is that when you realize conviction oh i'm sure it was conviction okay but even then i mean i my oldest is 22 years old so it was i didn't like jump right back into it and get on it full force it's only happened in the last few years that i've really gotten back in touch with that stuff it's so much that you're saying and every time you say a sentence i got a question there so i'm trying to catch all my questions um so all this time you're not going to a church house no we didn't i mean we would hit and miss and the kids we did like vbs and the kids were in christian preschool and they went to public school once they got into grade school um and like i said we would hit and miss church we went more than i did as a child but we didn't find anything that fit we didn't find anything that fed that need that we could agree on as a couple um but i was still studying a little bit on my own doing that kind of stuff still had my mom as a mentor i still do to this day i'm very blessed um so that that kind of stuff was still going on but until we moved here and started going to the church that i attend right now church was never a normal everyday thing and that's only been the last three years so when when you were faced let's just say in your marriage or um anytime in your your mid-adult because we have a late adult years your mid-adult years when you saw or faced anything that you knew of as a kid of demonic activity what was your response same thing satan get out of here automatically like you knew that because mom imparted that in you 100 you knew immediately what to tell satan to do yeah and my kids knew the same thing now does that mean there are times though and i'll be 100 there are times where my faith is not behind those words and he doesn't just go like he should because he knows he's got me stymied so that's why we have to be careful that he's never going to defeat us we have the victory no matter what but we got to stand in it we got to be bold in it and we have to be strong in it and not doubt it at all and there are times in life you doubt it i don't care who you are absolutely there are times in life where you're a little wishy-washy about that and i think that's just partly the human condition and it's partly what your circumstances are and you know that kind of stuff and like i said if you've never had the knowledge you got nothing to go off of you don't have anything to you know bolster you up well first off i thank god for your mom that had the wherewithal to know exactly what to do when this imp satan show up and to impart that in her children um so the the side that i i didn't get was that i knew what to do what they did at church i just mimicked them i i didn't i didn't know that we had that same power so did you think that you only had that power when you were in church in the building god almighty absolutely 100% yes so you felt like if when you left that building that power went it dropped off yes it stayed in that building oh and that's that's what we're not teaching if we'll be especially as listeners and please please comment if you can if we'll be 100% transparent and honest a lot of us have felt that like we only have the power inside the building and the church isn't even in the it's not the four walls it's you you said you was in your room yeah you was c e o owen robert c e owen but you were in your room and the power in which you possess as a kid sustained you even into your adulthood i'll use jesus for an example this is no comparison which greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world when satan himself showed up he showed up three times to tempt jesus yeah all jesus gave him was three words it is written right and if that's all he had it is written remember this you have no power let me remind you let me remind you you have no power you are beneath me that that could have been taught for a lot of people long time ago but we thought that we had to go somewhere else or have someone else to to do it i'm not coming against religion no i am coming against religion but i'm not coming against denominations um because whatever your denomination is it is what it is thank you for just you know loving god right however you do have power yes and another thing you know we've i think you and i've talked about this i don't know if it was on mic or not but you know i like there's certain things that people think i'm stronger at spiritually there's certain things i think other people are stronger at spiritually than me and we all have gifts that everyone is imparted with the gifts it's not like you have to be a certain someone to get the gifts um if you're a believer you have the gifts but i think we get caught up in well so and so understands that like let's talk about demonic or something like that because that's what people lean on me a little bit about but so they if i get into trouble with that then i'm going to go to them just that person right instead of realizing that they have the power within them i am no different than anybody else absolutely i just have more experience maybe in that realm we have i can say this from from my perspective we were taught that we were taught that we had to go to other people rely on them yes from sitting in a a titled seat in the church i myself i'm always asked to pray for people nothing against it right i'll pray for you right i've always thought after that you do know that god hears your prayers too yeah just like he hears just like you hear mine yeah i mean i don't have that that first class ticket right and yours is you don't have the red line like you can get you have the same father absolutely not that i'm not gonna pray for you exactly understand that you have the same authority that power yeah you have that power but that wasn't taught shelby that wasn't taught we thought we had to go to the pastor we thought we had to go to the people yeah and i think we think we have to use the people who we think have more knowledge than us yes we started somewhere yes we started as a babe in the woods we started as little newbie believer we all have to start somewhere yes you're imparted with the power as soon as you give your life to jesus it doesn't matter how much study you've done doesn't matter how many times matter how many times you've gone to church doesn't matter how long you pray none of that so that needs to kind of be kicked to the curb it should be and i don't know if it'll take a lot of practice yeah talking about in practice discussion and healthy conversation not divisive we gotta kill one another because we disagree type conversation but healthy conversation about it church should never have that position but it does i know but of all the things in the world we shouldn't the church should not have that position but it uh here's an example and we'll go to the bible now moses was instructed to take you know the children of israel on over right i promise you he was instructed to do it he had god told him what to do this and that um he was unsuccessful i mean he got across the red sea but he was unsuccessful there was a joshua in the making yeah and joshua got them there so when you were talking about there are gifts and the uh different things that people have yeah you got to be able to pass the baton yes it's not just about you that's true other people can do it as well and that's why we're the body amen but also don't sit thinking that you don't have the power within you to talk to him to make things change to speak against something to rebuke something to whatever because you do come against things forces in your life like don't think you don't have the power she said earlier she was seven y'all she was seven i'm gonna say this out loud about me i didn't know that i had the power to rebuke a demon until i got into a position i'm honest with it i didn't think i had that power well i think there's a lot of people that don't think they have it now because they just think they're joe whatever nothing special you're a child of god you are special so you have that power within you yes we do yeah bible gives an account in luke i think it's luke verse 18 it says um i've given you the power over all the power of the enemy overall now he didn't say a particular name right i'm giving you right so the you i can put my name your name in anybody's name that choose to believe and have faith enough they know they have the power over the enemy okay so if that veil was torn and we have that access and we have that power why are we not using it have we been that brainwashed to believe that only certain people can utilize that power i think that's part of it again somebody may take this offensive and say hey you know you can't speak this and that about i'm not talking about anybody i'm coming up against that spirit of religion to that have kept people so oppressed in their minds allowing them to think that they don't have what you had at seven yeah god and she knew every time something came about whether it was not like god satan you know and probably out of shelby's mouth so you can get the hell on nowadays yes it might be more colorful than that but anyways um but we have that power and i think that's what we need to address i wanted to start it off like that especially with yourself because you didn't have the church background you didn't have people saying well shelby you're not quite you're not christian enough oh oh that's a good one you're not christian you're not christian enough heard that one too but you got to be qualified no i was trying to figure out who you got to be qualified by man oh okay god he doesn't call the qualified he qualifies the call um thank you because he gonna give you whatever you need or he wouldn't have put you in that he wouldn't have given you that purpose whatever that purpose is and we all have different ones and we all have different purposes yeah just like moses had his purpose joshua had his purpose like you were saying yeah god encouraged joshua this is joshua one god encouraged us we said i need you to be strong and very courageous very courageous um it didn't put down moses it just basically said moses time has passed now i need you to be more courageous than what took place yeah because it's a different it's a different thing going on right satan he don't have any new tricks no right he's the same tactic but he'll flip it it's the same thing he comes to steal he comes to kill and he comes to destroy now he may flip it and come another way but it's still same steel well his ultimate goal are those three things right yeah he wants to destroy you whether it's mental whether it's emotional whether it's spiritual finite whatever it is he wants to destroy you well and what he wants most of all is to separate you from the love of christ absolutely so if he can get that done then he's got you under his foot yes but we all know that that's not the way things go because regardless you are a child of god and you get to put your foot on his neck i should have imparted the music right there put your foot on his neck let him know man where he belongs yeah and stand in that authority it's hard to do though it's not it's not an easy thing it's not easy to stand in authority it's not easy to remember every day i i 100 agree with that because we're human yeah and we live in this world yes and we face some serious stuff in our face all the time i get it however this is my only however in the back of my mind i believe that god has already won the battle yeah absolutely that gives me encouragement yeah so even when i feel like my neck is being you know pushed on yeah in the back of my mind i remember god has already won this thing let me get up let me square my shoulders yeah let me get back in right standing of where i need to be yeah and i would like to say that i'm such a faithful believer that i never have those moments but i have them a lot a lot i have a lot of insecurities i have a lot of things i fight on the daily basis and i'm a very blessed person i am not complaining at all i'm just saying i am very human amen and i've got all the junk so you know if you're looking at me thinking because i saw jesus at seven years old and i whatever and i can shoot demons away that i'm anything special i'm not i i deal with the same crap so i'm reminded of a story the book of job i'm reminded of a story how satan was spotted by god because he was in the area where he wasn't supposed to be at god said hey what you doing here and he said i'm just roaming you know just hanging out kicking it and um god asked him have you tried my servant now he singled out joe or dope he singled out so if anyone's looking at you as though you're this high and mighty person i don't think they know the attack i don't think they know what you go through because people think okay well you know if she saw god and she saw jesus at seven years old and she's just this yeah life is perfect food you know the attack the attack that's all i i can't imagine the stronger the anointing the harder the enemy comes for you maybe maybe we need to talk about that and i i don't want to i guess put a level on attack because everybody got their own yeah and i don't want to put a level on anointing either and i don't consider myself anointed i mean i am just because i'm i'm a daughter of god but i i don't you know i don't sit around think about oh i'm so anointed yeah i don't think there's levels of anointing the bible just like men right i think that when we tap into it there are certain ones that tap into it yeah and then it's like holy cow that person's on fire that part yeah they tapped into it right you can do and they're walking in it you can do the same thing if anybody can yes absolutely or lord like we can do the same exact thing that's why we need to have this conversation that's why this is so important to talk about because yeah i was told that i had to get to a certain position a certain place that i have a certain title i had to um be a certain way to obtain that and i'm talking to her if you if you was to look at her expressions on her face i mean it's kind of sad to know that a lot of us experience that and and it is sad i don't want any believer to feel that they don't they're not equipped like you're equipped amen you're you're blessed you're you got all of it you got all you need but yes if you if you tap into it like you said it'll knock you on your butt in a good way it's so amazing when you're tapped into it and anybody that's ever felt the presence of the holy spirit i think would tell you that it's the most amazing feeling and even people who like me who have experienced that i don't experience it every day i don't experience it all the time i don't experience it every three months i mean sometimes it ebbs and flows and there's a big difference between the two yeah but that's probably on me not on him and that's the human part about us we're still human not given a pass but we are definitely still human and we understand that now we don't just sit in the holy of holies all day 24 hours do you imagine you imagine how that would be we probably melt yeah pretty much now we can't sit up there all day every day because we deal with a system that is designed and constructed by satan the bible says the god of the world we hear we are here in the world so of course we're going to have not normal thoughts right we're going to do not know we have to guard our minds and our hearts but who is the god of this world nature so we have it satan is the god of the world right now please understand that this is this is from a biblical standpoint um because i don't want anybody to twist that um the bible gives an account in romans that he's the god of the world to blind minds he want our minds to believe that this system that's created here in the world is more important than god the father yeah and it has more power and it has more power and it is not no it never has and never will be nope it's just a big show yes it's a front it is and it's getting more fronty every day thank you and thank you for because somebody would have took that and you know may have said something different but from a biblical standpoint he has a domain right he gets to this is his playground you do know that's why jesus had to come here he had to get some keys because he has a domain so we we have to deal with this system that's why we can't sit in the holy of holies every day darn it all right one last question uh uh if i can ask you if if you were to have an opportunity to go back in time this is hypothetical go back in time from a kid and learn from a church going way like all of your elementary middle high all that stuff was church going would you do that the only thing i would change is my knowledge of scripture okay the rest of it no okay why are you saying because i don't really want to say okay okay you don't have to you don't have to i just think that the four-wall church tends to put god in a box and god does not belong in a box you don't fit in a box no and i don't think that we allow enough of letting god just be god without putting a bunch of parameters on it that are man-made and god is not man i wish i had to drop the mic button so i that's where i that's why i say that that i i don't miss or i don't wish i could go back and but the scripture thing yes because i really have a hard time i mean i can finish scripture when you start it but i can't tell you the address in the book i'll revisit that in a minute um i i believe i believe that it's important for us to live it more than quoted well absolutely because people need to be able to see it and there are a lot of people walking around with a lot of head knowledge and they don't have any heart knowledge and they don't have the whole spirit going on so yeah that's for sure true yeah but i will also say that i'm petty betty and yes i'm a believer and i might have anointing or whatever but i still get caught up in my flesh and i can be a very salty person and not in a good way we all we all do i mean we all can we all can say wow i think the if i was if you would ask me the same question um i don't i actually appreciate all the foundation i grew up in it yeah i started going to church at four i knew that i wanted to preach at five years old wow preacher told me you're going to be preaching the gospel before you turn 10 so i was i was ready i went to church monday tuesday definitely wednesday thursday was choir rehearsal but that's still really church right yeah i was just in church all the time because i knew that's something i wanted to do that's so neat though because he spoke prophetically over you too well the flip side to that if i got older the neatness turned into mimicking so i can mimic the authenticity was gone it was gone long gone because if i can mimic someone then i thought that that was more powerful than the anointing that god has given us wow all i can do is so you you usurped the religiousness religiousness instead of realizing the anointing that's what perfect way to say it i knew you you usurped your anointing for the religiousness yes for the religious walk absolutely by the time i turned 18 it was it was common for me to size up other people because of the knowledge that i had just the knowledge of it so you nobody no one could tell me anything about scripture because i knew it i could tell you everything from any bible trip anything i just i was yeah i know because i experienced it i mean i see the knowledge you have all the time just i kept feeding but i wanted to do that to mimic people there was no power there was no anointing so there was not a connection the connection was missing within you it was completely like just a show and i'm being real honest yeah you are no i appreciate that the show part was i get to preach i get the hoop i get to holler i get to do all that good stuff and you play yeah that was that was good for the show wow i had no power that's why authenticity is so important 100 especially when you're a preacher when you're a believer who is out there speaking when you're yeah putting yourself in any kind of a thing about god i'll tell you this small story when i first moved here um a very well-known pastor here in the city of knoxville um i came with a resume i'll tell you about that another day but there was a resume in a certain denomination and so i put my resume on on his desk and i told him what i do and what i have and all of this i even have the picture i have the picture with me with the bible holding them holding the bible in my hand with the turn back collar and across i mean i was there i was dedicated i'm like look this is me i'm going to be one of your preachers yeah in your pulpit and he looked at me he said hey son have a seat i need you to read and i want you to study and i just want you to study and just keep studying that's it that's all he told me so i said okay because i respect for him and i kept studying acts more acts and romans and i'm all these letters about paul and this and that and i'm like i don't know nothing wow i thought i knew everything i'm a sponge to this day i always listen but just think if he hadn't done that you wouldn't be who you are now yeah still fabulous and and that that was a check right that was a that was an ouch for you oh yeah so i mean that just points out that sometimes the ouches the corrections yes have an immense impact huge yeah and that's why they have to happen that's why they have to happen absolutely i'm able to relate more right i look down on people shelby i understand i understand you're not the only one it actually hurts and it saddens me to even talk about it because who am i to look down on any all have that we all have those moments you're not alone in that we all have those moments like you're not on my level i went to theology i got a theology this and you know i'm this and that you're not on my who am i like your sin is less yeah the degree into the sin right so that stuff that was a big big check man i'm talking about it set me down oh oh it set me down and to this day i'm always searching for knowledge i love talking to people will never walk around and i don't even think i told you when i found i want you to know i'm a preacher i don't even say i'm pastor this or this and that hey how you doing hey because i don't that stuff was for the birds yeah no you didn't tell me that i don't think i figured that out until a few months ago yeah because of that because i was i was rough well we all we all have our moments we all have our places in life where we get a little uppity about ourselves now if listeners heard something you can see the difference between the two right and this is just us giving our opinion right how we was raised yeah the difference between the two is at the end of the day god has to get the glory yeah and it's not about us right period at the end of the day yeah you know i was doing my study this morning and it was about it's still about idolatry and it was about um achievements and success and how those can become idols we can all get pinched on about that um and you know it said everything everything comes from him every thing every breath every cell every everything yes and it humbled me because like i was thinking like you're a gift from him my children are a gift from him my life is a gift from him all the people in my life are a gift from him if we would focus on that that the people in our lives are gifts i think things would be a little different 100 at least kind of look at it from a christmas standpoint you open your gift and be happy about the gift that's why it'd be more of the focusing on the gift instead of you kind of throwing the gift to the side or putting it in the back of the closet and not using it anymore you enjoy your gift well some gifts you get you don't want but i look at you're a gift to my life in so many different ways so many different ways but that and i feel the same way about you and i feel the same way about certain other people in my life and i mean if we just looked at it from that perspective if we viewed each other from that perspective it makes you cherish people a lot more it makes the value of them a lot more and we don't have a value of human life anymore i mean you and i were talking about that off mic how it's so easy to take someone else's life over some petty stupid you know but if we understood that everything is a gift everything is a gift this office we're sitting in this building the grass outside the breeze in the air breath yeah i mean the things we take for granted even in our own bodies you know i've been kind of battling a little bit of vertigo again and you know you don't understand what you have until it gets wonky and we should all be walking around with this huge amount of gratitude every day and we don't and i am completely guilty i am i'm out in myself right now i'm not i'm not pointing the finger at anybody i think we all miss it at times we miss the mark with understanding that we need to be grateful every day right but i just you know if we could just understand that everyone in our life is a gift even if they're there to show you something ugly about yourself even if they're there i don't know as a thorn in your side there's still a gift there's still a reason that they're there yeah but yeah you gotta cherish people a lot more absolutely i said i do i'm not i'm not i'm not getting any all of us comment on that people because all of us need to to really take a look we need to look in the mirror we really need to look in the mirror or at least look inside yeah yeah i watched speaking of looking in a mirror i was on tiktok this morning and i can't remember the creator but he was talking about how many of us cannot sit and look at ourselves in the eye in a mirror wow like you we can't do it wow there's something within us that like it doesn't want that to happen let alone he said just try doing it naked and look at your whole body and i mean how many of us can do that i can look at myself in the mirror i can look at myself in the eyes i don't know that i would sit there for a real long time doing it because i think a lot of stuff would bubble up but i just thought that was really interesting and then you said look in the mirror no that's so wow you're on point okay so this is gonna sound weird um one of isaiah's uh his friend's mom reached out to me and she was talking about some different things she was struggling with some different things or whatever she's like not only you know of course i want you to pray for me but i just want some advice from you and um i said to her this morning i'll show you the text off mic but i said to her this morning have you have you ever looked in the mirror and just looked at yourself see so there's a reason we're talking about this because that's all confirmation oh my god like i that's what i asked her have you ever just looked at yourself and not not the flaws stop looking at all the stuff that you don't have that you think other people got like have you appreciated your life yeah you that's amazing and that's something that we don't do we take that for granted a lot i think some of us maybe okay monday i look good but after people stress me out get on my nerves piss me off all of the above i may pick it back up next week yeah we got to do that we got to be grateful more we have to understand that people are putting our lives for a reason a purpose and a gift gift yeah i just got convicted of an attitude i had this we're sitting here thanks lord thanks for that check it is yep there it is and this is as real as it can get right here y'all outside of just sitting on mic talking to you we're getting convicted as we talk it happens let me tell you my goodness and you know i used to i used to get really offended at people who didn't tell me what i wanted to hear and i have someone in my life right now that tells me honest stuff and i'm so thankful for that right now i hope he knows that but i it's like dying because it makes me realize how much i think maybe people treated me like a yes man i don't know why i'm going off on this no i'm so glad that that's amazing my band teacher i knew i was the best trombone player in high school but i've been playing since i was like seven so when i walked in i was section leader i took senior spot and i used to get accolades from everybody i can do this and that my band teachers like you suck you're terrible you can get better that's that's what kind of note was that and he would make me feel like crap but what he was doing was first let me put you in a place where you don't think you're yeah let me humble you a little bit right and secondly there is room for growth i i start to appreciate people being honest with me and telling me my real self than being my yes man oh my god you just said something right there well and not only that but you can't grow if you're not in a humble place growth does not come from ego places i think you can only really learn when you're a little humble can i bring it around all the way back around to bring it around town to bring that back around yeah you don't get that um in the four walls that we it's a lot of yes people oh yes because you crossed them you know what's going to happen uh-huh okay you you are on the outside you get to look in through that little window and maybe who's telling the truth though and who would be honest to say hey you know what i'll go ahead and say it um i know of a church that that that had a pastor for a very long time and he was um in his 80s wow couldn't walk anymore and he he just didn't want to relinquish that position and no one wanted to say to him maybe they were afraid to say to him hey time for you to go ahead and sit on down there buddy yeah like are we scared we are absolutely i don't know about the next generation now they got a little more boldness than us but younger people they'll step up and be like nah if i fetch your breast thank you we'll try to hide it and smooth over and give you a piece of gum they'll be like nah you gotta go deal with that yeah in some ways that's good but there's ways to get those points across without being and i'm miss blunt but you are i know so maybe i shouldn't talk about maybe i should shut my mouth right now because you would just give it to him like boom don't you out me on what i said to someone last week amen yes let's move on so um but i think that yeah you know there used to be tact i don't know that that exists anymore and i don't know which is better complete honesty or tact or if it even matters i think complete honesty with respect absolutely respect always has to be there yeah that that's maybe what we get yeah i think that's right yeah that's a good way to say it because you can give complete honesty and be rude as crap oh yeah yeah hopefully i don't do that are you coloring it up i'm like you i try to be respectful to everybody yours is bold but it's colorful but it's bold like this is it period period and you just let it go i mean there ain't too much more to say it is what it is if we only had that um no i'm not gonna say if we only had that we can we could start practicing that more um starting with the church and that means us like starting with us we need to start we need to start practicing that more we need to definitely be honest but in a respectful way yeah i agree absolutely and and also acknowledge that everyone is a gift better give more respect if you know that they're a gift to your life right they're putting your life for a purpose well and the thing you know i don't think we ever think about when we're mad at someone is god loves that person no we don't think about that no no that's another podcast like god i am so much better than them like why are you letting him get away with this and i'm gonna give it to him and blast him and blah blah blah when really he's going i love them just like i love you same thing you don't see what i see in you sometimes yep i've heard god say yeah you you can be a butt too just like you're calling him a butt oh yeah you have been that and something yeah i'm like yep you're right sorry god sorry yeah well like i just got convicted sitting here so i'm so glad man we we share this platform i think more so for us too um i don't know if i've ever told you this but when i leave my drive is reflecting everything that we have talked about and said and of course if i have to repent i'm repenting but also um changing i'm changing uh repentance is to turn away from so i'm changing to where that don't stay the same like i what has happened in the church is we have went to this place and we stayed there for 20 30 years and we don't change and there's no growth and there's no growth because we haven't changed so it's time to change um i think michael said it best i'm gonna make a change for once in my life i'm starting with the man in the mirror and i'm asking him to change his ways like i think we need to start with us we got a lot of fingers that we can point at everybody else but i think we need to start with us yeah you mentioned some great things let's just start really realizing that people are gifts they value life more yeah and they're god's creation and he loves them just like he loves us and if maybe if we took that approach to them we have a little check check check oh and i have to say because i wanted to clarify this on the last podcast i said that you're never too dirty or something like that if you're a believer for god to get in there you don't have to be a believer you're never too dirty you're never too sinful you're never too broken you're never too whatever you it doesn't matter if you're a believer or not god can get in there yes he can and he can wash you clean it's already been done actually you just have to embrace it and you have to own it amen but i did want to clarify that because i spoke out of turn and that was not correct no i'm glad you did see that takes a lot of humbleness a lot of um courage to to say hey i don't want anybody to think they can't get fixed my gosh that's good that's really good i don't want anybody doing that i don't want anybody thinking that god didn't want to fix them or they're not worthy or any of that because that's all on him and has nothing to do with you amen yeah a lot of stuff i was taught oh yeah i don't go back and correct myself wrapping it up y'all but i was taught that because that's what i grew up in that's why man you well it's hard to unlearn things yes that are wrong and that's why we have to be careful what we teach and preach yes and live it live it yeah but yeah you're never too broken you're never too dirty you're never too ugly you're never too sick you're never too tainted none of that god can change anyone i know for a fact the thief that was on the left i know he wasn't baptized i know he didn't believe in jesus i can we keep this i know all and jesus still said to him as of this day i'll see you in paradise absolutely man praise god um so thank you so much man for tuning in to word of mouth podcast i'm shelby listen we're gonna see y'all soon god bless you love y'all bye

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