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Keeping the Flame Alive: Love and Obedience in John 14:15

Keeping the Flame Alive: Love and Obedience in John 14:15

Wistler Charles



This message explores John 14:15, unpacking the connection between love and obedience in following Jesus. It emphasizes that true love is demonstrated through actions, and following Jesus' teachings is a way to express that love. The message encourages listeners to reflect on their faith, explore Jesus' teachings, and strive to live a life that aligns with their love for God.

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The speaker discusses John chapter 14 verse 15, which emphasizes the connection between love and obedience in following Jesus. True love is shown through actions, not just feelings. To find the fullness of this love and obedience, self-reflection is important, as well as understanding Jesus' teachings through the gospel. Following Jesus is a lifelong journey, not a destination, and there will be challenges along the way. The key is to keep moving forward in love and obedience, allowing our lives to be transformed and reflecting God's love in the world. The speaker encourages listeners to remember that their journey with Jesus is ongoing and to rely on love as a compass and Jesus' teaching as a guide. Hey everyone welcome back to the show today we're diving into John chapter 14 verse 15 a verse that speaks to the heart of what it means to follow Jesus let's jump right in imagine a conversation with someone you deeply love they look at you and say if you love me what hangs in the air anticipation right that's what we get in John chapter 14 verse 15 Jesus sets the stage with a powerful statement about love Jesus doesn't leave us hanging he completes the thought that keep my commandments ah there it is the connection between love and obedience here's the thing true love isn't just a feeling it's shown through actions so how do we find the fullness of this love and obedience in our own lives first of all it's through self-reflection take a moment to honestly consider your relationship with Jesus do your actions reflect love for him secondly knowing his will dive into the gospel understanding Jesus teaching equip you to live a life that honors him third a journey not a destination following Jesus is a lifelong adventure there will be stumbles but the key is to keep moving forward in love and obedience there's something that I want you to take away from all of this and that's a transformed life John chapter 14 verse 15 isn't about earning God's love because his love is a gift it's about expressing our love for him through obedience as we strive to follow Jesus teaching our lives are transformed bringing us closer to him and reflecting his love in the world there's something that I want you to remember during your journey an understanding that is not a destination there will be challenges but with love as your compass and Jesus teaching as your guide you can keep the flame of faith burning bright once again thank you for joining us today if you're interested in learning more about Jesus teaching or if you have any questions leave a comment below God bless and see you next time on our podcast

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