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TechFocus Episode 1 - What's AI and It's Applications

TechFocus Episode 1 - What's AI and It's Applications




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Artificial intelligence (AI) is the focus of the discussion. AI is a field of computer science where computers are programmed to reason like humans. It can learn from data and experiences to perform tasks that would normally require a human. AI has been around since 1950, and there was a resurgence in the 1980s and 1990s. Currently, there is an AI revolution happening. AI applications like chat GPT and Google Gemini are being used to simplify work and solve mathematical equations. AI can be effective in e-learning, providing tips and guidance to students. However, it has limitations and should be used alongside human learning. It is important for parents to encourage their children to embrace technology as it is becoming increasingly important in today's world. come aboard. Well, it's time for us to get to understand and get to know what is what's happening in the world of technology and it's called the tech focus. And right here I do have Wilson in the chat. What's up man? I'm good bro. He told me something about AI, which is artificial intelligence. What's up? First of all, maybe just say hi to somebody. Let me say hi to all the listeners of 96.4 GFN. This radio is yours. Yeah. We always see it. We're okay to inform you by ratio to grow together with you. That's why we're here. Yeah. Yeah. So straight to the thing, straight to the thing. Uh, we're looking at AI today, artificial intelligence, and this, uh, people are, there's some people, very few people are aware of this artificial intelligence. And what is it about? First of all, wow. Uh, artificial intelligence is no longer a new story today. If you have a smartphone, I would say it shouldn't be a surprise that you have come across, or you've used one AI application out there. Okay. Maybe just simply understanding artificial intelligence. You know, it's, uh, it's simply a field of computer science where computers are being designed to reason like human beings. Okay. Computers are being designed, like, are being programmed to do specific tasks that actually would require a human being to implement them. Let's say for instance, a computer has been designed to, to, to learn. Okay. It's been designed to understand a language. It's been designed even to solve some mathematical equations. And so it means it is actually capable of doing what you would, if you would do like a person who would take years trying to implement. Okay. That's just simply artificial intelligence. Okay. So my things are learning from data. Uh, they, they are designed in form of algorithms. Programs are written that they learn from data. Okay. They learn from experiences. Okay. So summing up at the, uh, artificial intelligence is simply that systems are being designed to learn like the way we would learn human beings learn. Okay. They learn from history. They learn from their past. They also learn from experiences to make them more effective. Okay. But that's simply artificial intelligence. Someone would ask, but when did this thing start? Okay. When we look at artificial intelligence, it's not a very, you know, it's not a very strange thing. When you look at the years, like actually artificial intelligence, the birth of AI happened in 19, I think 1950. That's when the birth came in. And then from nowhere we had in 1980 to 1990, we had a winter. They called it the AI winter and resurgence. And then now we have 2000 up to present. They call the artificial intelligence revolution. It's now the AI revolution. Okay. So it's not, uh, uh, institution like a TFM. Why would it, why, why, why does TFM need AI revolution? It actually does a lot of work. It would simplify a lot of work for TFM. We have already seen some AI applications being used out there. Let's say for instance, uh, open AI launched the chat GPT. That is actually a prompt engineering software. You can type anything and it tells you anything. It's a more of a research application. Okay. Now an institution like TFM does not need to struggle with a lot of English. Mostly maybe you're doing your program scripting and so on. You can have guidance and you can have AI guide you. Let's say chat GPT, Google launched the Google Gemini. It's, it's, it's one of the best AI prompt systems that are out there. It can actually solve every single mathematical equation, however complicated it is. So somebody does not need a calculator, for example, if there is a, an equation that needs to be solved. Now this is where, this is where we come into, you know, the right application of artificial intelligence. Mostly let's say, how do you use chat GPT? It just simplifies your work. Okay. There are tasks that you need to understand very well, but it would take you going through a lot of pages just to understand. Let's say I need to understand what binary numbers or maybe let me say, I want to understand a specific topic in mathematics. Okay. Let me say maybe probability, discrete, a discrete probability and so on. I don't need to go through a lot of books anymore. It actually simplifies my work because I can ask you to make me understand what that it is. Now the only thing we should be very aware is we use this under some, you know, under some limitations because this is a system that is also learning from data. The same way you're learning is the same way an AI system is learning. It means the information has not been provided. It cannot give you the answers. It might come up with an answer that's not accurate. Why? Because it has, it doesn't have the information yet. Okay. So that is simply how it is. How effective is artificial intelligence, especially to an organization like maybe probably schools? Does it, because I am told there are some schools nowadays, most schools actually in Kampala nowadays are going, are venturing into e-learning. So how effective is this? No, this, this is where it becomes more important because like I said, most AI systems that are already out there are more effective on research. Okay. Like for instance, we can, we have, when we talk of e-learning, it's simply having a virtual school. Okay. We have the entire information provided on the internet. The entire syllabus. The entire syllabus. It means you can go through the entire syllabus. Like let me say for instance, I have a book, I'm reading a certain book, maybe, maybe say mathematics, pure mathematics, and then I'm having issues understanding a certain topic, maybe let's say integration. Okay. And then if I have AI embedded in the system that I'm learning from, I can ask AI to tip me or guide me through. Just give me a tip on how I can approach the integration topic. Okay. You realize that it actually gives you more insights on how you should approach integration. And then also recommends the topics you should be able to learn before you, you learn integration. So it becomes very effective mostly when, when you focus it with an idea of research. It only becomes a problem when you start asking AI to do everything. You type your question, you type your answers, and then it, your question, and then it gives you the answers. That's why I love the Google Gymnast. The Google Gymnast has got limitations. Nowadays, it is actually realizing that it doesn't have to provide you with the entire answers. It gives you tips on a certain question, and then it requests you to go through it and advance it by yourself, which is very important. It means you're going to learn. Okay. It's going to guide you, give you enough research, and so on, give you all the insight that you need on a specific topic. So as a student, let me say I'm a student of mathematics. Okay. I have a book that I'm going through on the internet or on my portal, let me say learning portal, like an e-learning system. I'm having it, but I'm having a difficulty in understanding a specific topic. That's why I've seen many schools that have the e-learning systems, but also they make sure that the internet is restricted to only that system. Now the kind of request would be that they would, they would like integrate the AI capabilities to the system to avoid the misuse. Okay. It means if the learning, the AI capabilities are inserted, are integrated in the system, the student only knows that I have to study to a specific limit. I have to do research, maybe this and this. It means you realize if an answer was generated by AI or an answer was generated by a student. Okay. Okay. Well, thank you very much. That is Take Focus right here on 9624 T-Drive. And of course, we're still going on. It's a 15-minute, you know, talk. And we are at 25 minutes so far after, you know, 4 p.m. Wilson Hitchcock was here. And of course, he's still here. But of course, if you want to learn more about technology, about latest computer, you know, softwares and how they work, and of course, just be tuning in every Tuesday and Thursday. This particular time, we shall be giving you all the updates, all, you know, some of the things that you need to know. Many people, actually, I was, Wilson, I was, I visited some family here in Teroro. And this kid is at home, but she's studying. Yeah. Like, when I enter the house, they welcome me. Of course, they're like, they do this greetings. And then the child comes. And the dad was like, are you done with classes? And the kid was like, yes, I'm done with the first lesson. So, I'm waiting for the second lesson. I'm like, wait a minute. Does she have a teacher here inside the house? No, no, no. She studies online. And I was like, then I looked at the kid. I was like, the kid is around 4 to 5 years. Wow. You get. And the kid is studying using a computer, a laptop. She knows, like, guy. So, I think this is where it brings our attention to at least have our communities, our parents, to pick so much interest in the technology. Because honestly, that girl, I'm sure that girl, by the time she makes, she enters P7, I think she will be so good in computer. So good. She will be understanding. Not just computer. In everything that she's learning. Yeah. Because she has access to the latest information that is necessary. So, it means she has access to this information. She's always updated, which is the most important thing. And her laptop, she has a personal laptop, and her laptop is only, only programmed for her studies. Full stop. So, there are just some parents who are, I think, if you're capable of doing this to your child, why not? Because honestly, where we've reached right now, technology is growing, and, you know, there's so many things, so many, by the way, so many people are losing their jobs. Those who got jobs like 20 years, 15 years ago, right now they are losing their jobs simply because they do not have knowledge in technology, you know, in technology, computer knowledge, they do not have. So, if our generation picks up from here, and I think it would be good. It's very vital. So, we've, we've just, maybe you're right to say. Well, this is just the beginning of it all. Like Eric has already put it, we are, we are here every Tuesday and every Thursday. But also, we have more subsets. Actually, this partial segment is being sponsored by Quantico Technologies. So, if you want to learn more about technology, anything technology, just come to Quantico Technologies. The website is really running. Just type Quantico Technologies, and you always have access to the website. But also, we have, we have customer support numbers that are active 24-7, which are 0703-11-6644. Anytime. 0703-11-6644. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. And we are providing free consultancy with anyone that comes with, just send a text with a, with a promotion code that is DFM Tech Focus. Okay. You get free AI consultancy. Alright. Thank you very much. Let's take a break. I'll be right back to take up your phone calls on the RegatSession.com.

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