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Mic Check Day 1, Day 2

Mic Check Day 1, Day 2

Willie WhittleWillie Whittle



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Willie Whittle discusses his day one and day two relationships. Day ones are the friends who have been with you since the beginning and know your journey. Day twos are the friends you've adopted along the way who support your current goals. Both relationships are valuable in different ways. Willie emphasizes that his podcast is not about gaining listeners or followers, but about helping people through their struggles and providing a different perspective. He also reflects on the importance of intention in relationships and how day twos can be just as supportive as day ones. Hello everybody, Willie Whittle. It shall be dope. So let's get into it. Today I had, I took some real big steps today to actually move towards my peace. And you know me, my mission is always peace as a warrior. And today what I did was, I took the opportunity to work from my porch today. I have my computer outside, my backpack, my phone, my headphones, everything that I needed in the comfort of my, you know, home office. But I did it from the front porch. And today it was about the ambience and just letting things clean my system, you know what I mean? Let it flush a little bit. And kind of like a mental sound check, so to speak. And what I usually call a recalibration. So today it was raining. I had the birds outside, you know, chirping. And for people who know, like, when I'm talking on the phone with them and the birds is outside, sometimes it sounds like pterodactyls are in my ear, you know what I mean? But I like that because it's like my own aviary. Like, I have blue jays outside today and a whole bunch of different other birds that was just floating around and stuff. So it was humbling to see that, to just let the rain hit the ground and just listening to it, you know, the rhythm. You know, and hey, that stuff will put you to sleep. You know how, that's how people get famous off of ASMR and stuff like that. But those nature sounds are very cleansing to your soul. So, you know, I did that and I did my job and just had some moments where I just wanted to recalibrate. And I had a couple of thoughts from this week and the conversations that I've had over the past couple of days and just letting them sink in and seeing how I could use them to to really, you know, make them my own. So one of the conversations that I had was, um, was very important because this person, I'm not gonna say who, but this person wasn't, not many conversations are hurtful by the way. They're all different people's perceptions and that's how you got to look at conversation. So when I was having this conversation, the concept was to, when I push this podcast forward, try to do it to gain viewers, to gain listeners, to try to push for that million. You know, try to get a million listeners and a million followers and people who are dedicated to your mission. But I have to be, you know, entertaining. And I'm like, I'm a pretty entertaining dude. Like, I mean, I like me. I think I'm dope. But the thing is, you know, some people judge you off of a thumbnail or they actually do judge you off of really first perception. And one of the statements, because I didn't, I didn't, I was against what this person was saying. But one of the valuable things that anybody should do and that I do nowadays, which is important, is I always take away key points that help me. So one of the key points that I took away from this conversation was, you do nowadays only have two to three seconds to grab somebody's attention. And that is the rate of perception or what is it, um, that's the, the, the time span that you have for people to be interesting or not. And our society has watered it down because we can watch five, 10 second videos and we get addicted and we want more and we want more. And hey, I can find out so much from these 10 second videos than I can find out from watching an hour worth of the news. Right? So people have transitioned into a different way of getting information, but sometimes it's an overload. And before I get off topic, um, the main thing for me is I'm not doing this for, for listeners. Like I want people to hear me and that's, and, and that's cool, but it's all about my perception and how I view things. And my goal, not one of my top goals, cause of course I would like to have a million followers and you know, that'd be great. But one of my main goals is to make sure that when you hear me, it helps you get through something that you may have been struggling with or helps you see a different perspective of how you could have handled something or maybe just give you some insight that helps you through the day. So understand that, um, you know, it shall be dope podcast. There's not a, there's not a podcast about being flamboyant or being an industry clown or nothing like that. It's literally about a man who's been through some stuff and my, my perception and my perspective is mine. It could be shared. It doesn't have to be shared. It doesn't even have to be understood. But for the people who listen, they might hear something that I say, you know what? I get that. And, and that's just as real as I could chop it up. So then with that, I took some key points, um, and, and I had another conversation. So with this individual, their birthday passed a little bit ago and I was, you know, thinking, cause I didn't, I don't think I got him a gift. And I'm like, but I, this is one of my, one of my best friends. Like I value this person as a best friend, but I didn't get a gift for him. And I thought about it a little bit and I said, I don't even know what you like. Now it's a, it's a funny story because we can talk about things for hours, but I don't know what this person likes as a, like from a personal perspective, like what from a personal perspective, like what they, what they indulge indulgent in or what their hobbies really are. You know, we all know, like, all right, you play games and this, that, and the other, or if you read and stuff like that, that's fine. But you know, it's funny, like your secondary friends would be like, what's your favorite color? How many times have you actually asked your secondary friend, like what's your favorite color? And I say secondary because the moral of the story is this is what I call my, my mic check day one, day two. All right. The mic check day one, day two. So with that being said, like you got your day ones, who was the people that you grew up with? They from the hood with you. They seen you emerge. They seen you in the mud. They, they, when you talk about we got it out the mud, they was in the mud with you. Like they knew when you left the house where you grew up at, you know, they was there with you and y'all was the ones getting it in. They know you for who you were and how you got where you are. That's your day ones and they'll keep it real with you a hundred percent because they know where you came from. Then you got your day twos. And this is something that I got that was really important. And I'm not going to lie to you. I got this off of another concept, but you got your day twos. Your day twos are the people who you're around now. They're the people that you allow to be in your care circle and be on your care team. They're the friends that you can talk to today about the current issue, the current things that you have going on in your life. And this, this friend, this person, you might have adopted them into your life, whether it be a year ago, whether it be a couple of months ago, it could be 10 years ago, but they weren't there, you know, from the start, from the start of the start. So those are your day twos. Both relationships are very valuable in each way. The viewpoint that I saw day one being valuable. They keep you humble. They let you know, listen, I get it. You know what I mean? With juice, that's me, you know, juice when I was younger. And still am. No, don't get me wrong. I'm still juice, but they'd be like juice when we was, you know, back in the day, we was doing this and that. And that's how we, you know, that's how we got down. And like, word, like, I agree with you. Like this is, this is who I, who I was and how we had to get down. And then I went through a real struggle phase. And I know I talk about it a lot and don't, you know, it's quick reference, but went through a struggle phase. And then, you know, you turn around, you get married, you have kids, you progress, you get into the corporate world, you get into the workforce, you get into having a hustle different. Your mindset is different. You change. You don't change who you are, but you change the hustle. You change the drive and you get money the way that you need to. Some people adapt. Some people don't. That's okay. Because there's a, who you are and there's a, what you do. So I'm still who I am, but my mindset, my hustle decided what I was going to do to continue to make sure that my family is good. Now the statement with that is when you adopt day twos, when you do that, your day twos are there because they see your intention. You hear me? They see your intention. They feel your intention. They know genuinely what you're there to do and what businesses you're there to handle. And they're there to help you out with that. Intentionally, they want to be there. I got some people with what happened to me, you know, and are life-changing with my wife passing. I adopted some people into my care team that have been nothing but supportive and nothing but phenomenal. They're not my day ones, but they're my day twos. And they know me today. They know where I want to go today. I don't even think my day twos know my favorite color. And it's a profound situation because when we talk, when we chop it up, we don't talk about, ain't Juice used to hoot. And he used to be, you know, he used to be hanging out back in the day and this, that and the other. And we don't talk about that. We do talk about how we're going to push our agendas forward to try to make business happen, what kind of moves we need to make, what my thoughts are today, you know, and then, and where my mind is. So one was there when we learned how to survive. My day ones were there when we learned how to survive. My day twos arrived when it was time to thrive. And I feel like those two things, they, you still need both. They both need to happen. And both relationships need to be understood. They definitely need to be embraced by everyone. If you got a day one that's still with you and that day one is now helping you thrive, that's awesome. That's awesome. Like that they're helping you towards your mission. Right. And then your day twos, the people who pop up, and I mean, the genuine people who are there for you, they're helping you thrive. They want to see you get where you need to go more than they want to see themselves get where they need to go. I'm for, and that's so crazy because I'm so for my team that I applaud. I stand up, I'm standing ovation when my team wins. No, no need to be bitter. If my team wins, I feel like I won. I feel like I'm a piece of that dynasty. And back when we were surviving, it's like we had to get to a certain point to get away from what I used to call crabs in a barrel. And I think I explained that before in another conversation, but it's okay. You definitely need to get around like-minded people who share your hustle. And it's not you that needs to change. It's your environment that needs to change sometimes. Sometimes that's the difference. And you sit back and you say, man, I need to come up with a new me. No, you just need to step to the left and see that this wall has been in your way. And once you step to the left, there's a door and then you walk through it and then you change your environment. You change your outlook. You change your perception. And that's a little bit of the mic check, right? Because you really got to check yourself at the door. You got to check everything at the door. Your day ones is there for you. Your day twos is there for you. So you sound off on that. You make sure that they know that they in your care team and you appreciate them. Let them know you appreciate them. And then have some conversation with them. Let your day ones know what you're doing today. Let your day twos find out what your favorite color is, if they don't already know. And that's if you choose to do so, but it's all towards your mission. The whole thing is toward the mission. And like I said, today I was in a very peaceful state. I didn't want a whole lot of drama popping off. And I didn't have a lot of drama popping off. I was able to calmly do my job, function, and I changed my viewpoint because I changed my environment. And I know for a fact my team will support as I speak with them, as I talk to them, but just stay fluid and go ahead and make an audible if you have to. Don't be afraid to do so. Because if your day ones and your day twos support, then it can't be too wrong because they know you sometimes better than you know yourself. Now, once again, thank you for listening. Remember that everything we do towards our mission of peace, we do it with love. And as long as we do it with love, it shall be dope. Thank you. Have a good night, y'all.

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