Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
2023 is coming to an end and the speaker reflects on how God has been good and outstanding throughout the year. They believe that this year has been unique, with each month serving as a preview of what God will do in 2024. They emphasize the importance of reflecting on the past year and recognizing which of God's promises were fulfilled. They discuss the significance of doors in the spiritual realm and how the closing of the door to 2023 signifies the closing of certain opportunities and the opening of new ones in 2024. They encourage listeners to ensure that they close any lingering doors from 2023 and prepare for the new doors that God will open in 2024. They end with a prayer and reference a biblical scripture that speaks about God opening doors that no one can shut. They believe that 2024 will be a year of new beginnings and innovation, and they encourage listeners to embrace this shift and expect God's blessings. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah to Jesus. It's the last day of 2023. God indeed has been good. God has been marvelous. God has been outstanding this year. Here we are on the last day of 2024, 2023. The last day of 2023. At the cusp of 2024, we are getting ready to possess the gates of 2024. Tonight is a night of deep reflection. Tonight is a night of really looking into the future with the lens of the past. Tonight is not a night for sermonizing. Tonight is a night to really look into a future unknown by gratefully examining the year that we have just lived. This year has been a year in which, in my opinion and in my experience, this year 2023 has been a unique year. Unique in the sense that God took his time this year to give a snippet of what he's getting ready to do in 2024 on a larger scale. This year, God intentionally set up every month of this year as a microcosm, a microcosm of what he has purposed to do in 2024. This is my belief. And I say this because for many, many people, this year, everything that could happen, happened this year. This year started out with great promise. Like most new years, every new year we are hopeful for a wonderful year ahead. And that's because only God knows the future. Only God knows what he has purposed to do in the year. For some people who are blessed to have vision, to have revelation, some are able to see a little bit of what God is going to do because the Bible says, Amos 3.3, surely his servants, God reveals his secrets to his servants. So God tells us, like the word of God says in Mark 13.23, Behold, take heed, see, I have told you all things beforehand. This is Jesus speaking to his disciples. So God reveals the future to his servants. Jesus reveals all things to his disciples. Now the question is, do we see? The question is, do we take heed? The question is, do we believe? So God tells us his plans for the future. Now the future may not be in the year coming. The future may be next week. The future may be tomorrow. The future may be one year from now. The future may be two years from now. The future may be ten years. We don't know. All we do is when we receive, we accept it. We wait on the Lord. We pray it through. But we don't really know the time frame of God. So this is the reason why the end of every year is a wonderful time. Because it's at the end of the year that we are able to take stock. And we are able to map and see what happened from those things that God has told us. What happened? Which of those things told us by the Lord actually happened? It's at the end of the year that we are able to look back and see which of those things told us by the Lord actually happened. God's word, Luke 1.45 says, So the Lord tells us things and there is fulfillment of those things told us if we believe. But again, like I said, we don't always know when. In fact, we don't usually know when. As long as we believe and we stand in the place of prayer for expectation, the Bible says there shall be fulfillment. But the Bible doesn't say when. Again, this is why at the year end, the end of the year, when we look back and we see what and what was fulfilled out of what God said, we are able to take stock. We are able to take off on our agenda that God has created for us. We are able to say this is done to the glory of Almighty God. And it was done such and such a time. We are able to see what's outstanding so that we can look forward to the coming year now with expectation, knowing that the God who did it in 2023, who did what he said, peradventure may be God said something to you in 2021 or 2022. And then in 2023, there was fulfillment. And now when you chart God's word from when he said it to when he did it, you now know what to expect for 2024 and beyond. So before we go on, we are going to pray. Today we are talking about doors. Our subject for this evening's subject of conversation is 2024 doors. We are talking about doors. Doors are very, very important. Doors are important in the natural. Doors are important in the realm of the spirit. Every year when the year ends, the door to the year closes. The door to another year opens. That is in the realm of the spirit. Because we don't really see a door. The year itself, we don't see a physical door in the year. It's metaphorical. It's symbolic. But in the realm of the spirit, the season of 2023 has a door that opens up into another season of 2024. Now, there are doors within doors. The season of 2023 has doors. When you step into 2024, the door of 2024 opens, the door of 2023 closes, but there are doors within doors. Our conversation tonight is that even as the door of 2023 closes for you at midnight tonight, and the door of 2024 opens at midnight tonight, the doors within doors in 2023 must also close. And you must ensure that the doors within doors in 2024 are open. Don't go into 2024 with open doors in 2023. 2023 is a year that has been completed in the realm of the spirit, in the agenda of God, in the schedule of God, and the strategy of God. 2023, the door of 2023 has been closed. Many things that have happened in your life in 2023, God has closed the doors of those things. So, you need to know that as you step into 2024, don't go into 2024 with the same doors open in 2024. God is opening new doors for those things in 2024. Let's pray. Father, we thank you tonight. We expect that you have a word for us in season. You have an urgent word for us in season, and our hearts are open to hear. Our minds are open to receive. Our ears are open. We are attentive in the spirit. Breathe Holy Spirit of God. Breathe that knowledge that God has for us tonight. Breathe that secret ingredient, that key that God has hidden in this message, in this conversation that will open the doors of 2024 for us. That way, we are able to walk in obedience, and we are able to ensure that the doors of 2023, the doors within doors of 2023, are closed. For God is doing a new thing, and new doors are opened in 2024. So it is and shall be in Jesus' mighty name. Amen. Amen. So, we're going to use our scripture, the anchor scripture for this evening, because we are a Bible ministry. Tonight, we are reading from the book of Revelation chapter 3. Revelation 3 verses 7 and 8a, the Bible says, And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, write, These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that has the key of David, he that opens and no man shuts, and shuts and no man opens. Verse 8, I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it. No man can shut it. Hallelujah to Jesus. So tonight, in our conversation again, we want to emphasize that God is saying something unusual about this year 2024 coming. What is going to be unusual about this year, and this is very prophetic, this is a prophetic meeting this evening. God is saying 2024 is a unique year in that everything in 2024 is going to be new, it's going to be new, not only new as in a new beginning, it's going to be new as in innovative. The door of 2024, once the door opens at the stroke of midnight, it's almost as if God has just been waiting for the time of man. Because you see, when God does things, God isn't bound by time like we are. God isn't limited by time, God lives in eternity, He controls time. We are bound by time. So when we see things manifest in our time, God has done them in His time. But because God created time for man to regulate the life of man, God is going to do things within the time frame of man. God isn't going to do anything outside of His own structure. So when we see a year like this, a year like 2024, it's almost as if God has been just waiting for the switch of 2023 to switch over to 2024. God has been ready for what He's doing this year. This year 2024 coming, by God's grace, we will all step into it. We are going to find things on such high speed, almost like God has been waiting for the time frame to roll from one year to the other. So that those things that He has purposed will begin to manifest, begin to flow. So the doors for 2020, the door for the year 2024, once it opens, wherever you are, when you get into 2024, wherever you are on the surface of the earth, believe this, the door has opened into a new thing. The door, once the door to the year 2024 opens for you, wherever you are, the door to 2023 obviously has closed. Because once you roll into 2024, that door to 2023 has closed. But what is less obvious, what is less obvious and will be less obvious to you, is that once you roll into 2024 and you can no longer say 2023, once you start to date your documents, and you start to look at the date, once you can no longer say 2023 physically, know this, that the doors in your life, in the things that are pending in your life, those doors have also closed in God's agenda, in God's strategy, in God's government. The doors for those things that are pending in your life, they will also close immediately the year closes. This is deep and prophetic. As many as can understand what I am saying, and believe what I am saying, and move in the thing that God is doing, you are going to find yourself in a fall. There is a divine flow that is going to be released at the stroke of midnight 2024. As the Lord lives, this is what the Lord is saying. Those things that are pending in your life, the messes that have been ongoing in your life, those things that have been holding you down this year, once the year turns, once the door to 2023 closes, make sure that those, make very sure, I speak to you as I speak to myself, make very sure that those doors that have been opened, even old doors, ancient doors, make sure that they close, because in God's agenda, in God's timing, God has shut those doors. The word of God says Jesus is the one who holds the key of David. He opens and no man can shut. He shuts and no man can open. Once Jesus opens the door to 2024, no man can shut that door. Once he closes the door to 2023, no man dead or alive can open that door. So also, the key of David, Jesus has employed that key in your personal life, in those things, those abstract things, those outstanding things in your life, those doors that have been opened that should have been closed for a long time. This is the moment, this is the season, this is the year, this is the exact timing that God has elected to employ the key of David to close doors and no man will be able to open those doors. Usually, we like to pray about open doors. Open doors are good, but sometimes closed doors are even better, because there are some doors in your life that must close in order for you to walk into the new doors. Some doors in your life, they are positioned to cause you disruption. Some doors in your life, they are positioned to distract you from seeing the new doors, from seeing the present miracle that God is doing. If you don't close the doors within doors in 2023, the doors within doors in 2024, you won't be able to see them, because you will be focused on the doors within doors in 2023. Like I said, the door of 2023, with or without you, is going to close. The door of 2024, with or without you, is going to open. That's not your responsibility. This is the responsibility of the one who holds the key of David. He controls the times and the seasons, but the doors in your life, the doors in your life that will open in 2023, it is your responsibility to work with Christ the King and to employ the key of David spiritually and lock those doors. Those doors might be people, people who have been positioned in your life as a snare, a snare of the enemy to disrupt your life, to move your focus from greatness to the little things, to keep you focusing on those things that won't allow you to look at the doors of 2024. Because those doors of 2024, they are already open. All you need to do is walk away from the ones that were open in 2024, shut them, close them and move by faith into the open doors within doors in 2024. You cannot occupy both doors. You can't occupy the open doors in 2024 if you are still standing at the doors of 2023. The year has closed, but your doors within doors, they are still open. It's a mind thing. God has completed his assignment. Jesus has opened unto you doors that no man can shut within doors in 2024, however. Now, we are talking about the same issues. We are talking about the same issues. If it's your marriage, that door that needs to be closed within your marriage, you need to close it in 2023 because on the same issue in 2024, God has opened a new door in the same issue. However, if you are still standing at the old door of 2023, doing the same thing how you did it in 2023, you will not be able to move your eyes, your mind, your sensibilities from the way you did things in 2023 to focus on the new thing, the new door, the new strategy that God has designed for you in 2023. In 2024, this is a deep conversation. Not everybody is going to understand. But if you do, this is the key that you have been waiting on. It could be your business. The doors that open unto you in 2023 in business, shut them in 2024 at midnight, 2023 at midnight. The doors that open unto you in 2023, shut them at midnight, 2023 and move into the new doors open unto you in 2024 in business. What do I mean? Perhaps the way you have been doing things in your business, for example, you have been dishonest with your customers, you have been disrespectful to your clients, but you were prospering. God is saying, that door needs to close. Because if you go on down that door, where you're going isn't going to take you to where it took you in 2023. If you continue down that door, where you're going to end up isn't going to be where you ended up in 2023. The point is, 2024 is the year of coming up higher through new doors, doing things differently in a new and better way, rising in life and destiny, but it is going to be by letting go of those things that you did in 2023. Even if those things brought you fortune, even if those things ended up bringing something that looked good, on the level of 2023 it was good, but on the level of 2024, what God is getting ready to do, the new doors that God has opened for 2024, you cannot do in 2024 what you did in 2023, even if the result was good. As long as God has said, this is what I need done now, you need to close those doors for 2023. After all, God opened those doors in 2023. He opened those doors. But God is saying that even though He opened those doors for you in 2023, those doors, He wants them closed now. He wants every believer to look on to the new doors that He is opening in 2024. If you have a decision, you need to make a decision, and you've been hanging on, make that decision because that is an open door that you need to close in order to enter in to the new door that God has opened. There is no question in my mind that the Lord is saying to us in 2024, the types of experiences that we're going to have, they're going to be so extraordinary that 2024 will be a year of record. It will be a year, you know, sometimes years come like that. When you look in the history books, many remarkable happenings, certain years, when you read about certain years, you are able to record that this year was an extraordinary year. Many things happened in this year that were remarkable. 2024 is a year like that. God has been saying for a long time now that God is about to do such mind-blowing things, but mind-blowing things in a remarkable way. Usually when prophets and preachers, when they try to talk about the awesome move of God, they seem to focus on the terrible acts of God, meaning that when God comes and judges evil in such a way that men are afraid. But God is saying that in this season, God is doing awesome and terrible things in a remarkable way that will make men remember that this God is a good God, this God is a God of miracles. God is going to do things that are so outstanding and mind-blowing that the mind of men will have a hard time understanding. God is really interested this year to remind mankind of His ability to do extraordinary things, miraculous things, even here on earth. This is why it is important to make sure that the doors to the old things, the old miracles, the old showings of God, those doors, they must be closed because nothing can compete with what God is getting ready to do. We as believers must make sure that our minds, our minds are ready, our hearts are ready, our focus are singular on the new thing, the new doors that God is opening in this year, 2024, so that we can record them because there is not going to be a comparison, no room to compare 2023 with 2024. It's not going to be from jump, from the jump. 2024 is going to be a year of record. God is going to do things that are so remarkable that we will record things that when we come to the end of 2024, it's going to be obvious that the Lord did what He said He will do. I am convinced of this and I am personally excited about this. Now, I must be honest, in some of our lives, your life, my life, there are some doors that are going to be a challenge to close. Some doors have been open for so long, we have become stuck in the frame. We have become stuck in the frame of those doors. How do we close them? In our own strength, it's going to be difficult, but the same God who has sent the word, He has also released a grace to help us, to ensure, as long as we are willing to obey, as long as we are willing to obey because He said so, God has also, in His infinite mercy and wisdom, has also released a grace sufficient for us to do what He requires that we do. So my prayer for myself and for you is that we will be able to do what God wants us to do so that we can flow in this grace, this now miracle, this great and awesome thing, great and awesome manifestation of God that God has purposed to show us. And just for me, I am so looking forward to 2024 because I don't know the details of what God has purposed to do, but I believe God. I believe God and because I believe God, I am waiting patiently and excited to see what the Lord is getting ready to do. So my brothers and my sisters, believe God, trust in God, and what He has said will come to pass. So tonight, as we close our conversation, I want to just encourage us to do all we can. The strategy for strength has not changed. It's always been the word, prayer, fasting. The word, prayer, fasting. God upholds all things by the word of His power. If God upholds all things by the word of His power, that's exactly how also we are going to uphold all things. If we're going to be able to shut these doors, if we're going to be able to focus on the new doors of 2024 without being distracted by the old doors of 2023, we are going to need extraordinary strength. And that strength is going to come from the word. So we need to be ready to really do the work this year. We need to be ready to do the work. We need to be ready to labor and invest. Spiritual investment in reading the word, in praying, in fasting, and in living a holy life. My fear for many is that many who like good things to happen without paying the price, my fear is that many will see those doors, but they won't be able to possess them. They won't be able to enter in. That's my fear, because with or without you, those doors are going to open. But your own part is to be able to take possession of these things and enter into these new doors. There is a price to pay, and that price is strength in the word. That price is carrying in the place of prayer. That price is fasting and living a holy life. All these things are going to do one thing. They're going to give us the strength, the strength to walk away from the old doors, and the grace to possess the new. Amen? Hallelujah. So we're going to end with a prayer. We're going to end with a prayer and just ask God for help. Father, tonight, we thank you for your constant word, your constant admonition. We thank you for revelation, for instruction, for direction. You have never led us wrong. You always give us light for the way. You always instruct us. You always teach us in the way that we should go. So tonight, we ask Lord God for light. We ask that you will illuminate our path. We ask that you will give us strength, the grace that will enable us to do what you want us to do so that we can be in the right place at the right time. We ask for that now in Jesus' name. Jesus, it is written of you in Revelations 3, 7, and 8a that you hold the key of David. You open and no man shuts. You shut and no man opens. We ask that you will employ your key, the key of David, to open unto us the doors of 2024, those good doors that you have purposed to open unto us in 2024. We ask that you will open them. We ask that you will help us and you will close those doors of 2023, those doors that you no longer want open in our lives. The grace to enter into these new doors in 2024, give unto us. The grace to possess the gates of 2024, give unto us. The grace to win. The grace to come out victorious in 2024, give unto us, we pray in Jesus' name. Amen. Hallelujah. So brothers and sisters, I wish you a very happy new year. I join you in thanking God for a wonderful 2023, a year of victory, a year of deliverance, a year of abundance, a year of growth and increase. So my prayer for you and for myself is that 2024 will be all that God has said it will be and God alone be glorified. Amen. Happy New Year, everyone. Take care and God bless you. See you on the other side. Amen.