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Ep 2: Goal Setting

Ep 2: Goal Setting




So... I spoke to my mic about goal-setting, as we enter the new year. I'm reminding myself of my theme and to accomplish it, I need to put down my goals as they're essential. I hope you like it.

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The person in the transcription is discussing the importance of goal setting and planning. They mention the need to be specific and detailed when setting goals, using the example of wanting to become the president. They also talk about the concept of a vision board, which is a visual representation of one's goals. The speaker shares their personal experience of creating a vision board and how they use it to stay motivated and track their progress. They emphasize the importance of regularly reviewing and adjusting goals. I can't be the one for you I know that you love me too And I know I love you too I probably remixed that song but forgive me GK I'm sorry I'm still one of your biggest fans I feel like I'm your biggest biggest fan but I'm still one of your biggest fans so hi guys welcome to voice of an angel podcast again I'm your host am I a host or am I just talking to my microphone well this is the podcast where every episode is a composition of inspiration and self-discovery I am the unseen voice so we've had the first week to make merry work has resumed where are you at how do you get started that's a question I ask myself every time now I'm a strategist so I know the importance of asking these questions to yourself especially as it pertains making plans setting goals um setting performance metrics so don't just be an overall and it's something I'm so guilty of in my personal life don't just be an overall planner granular come down to the very bottom like guy I want to do this so I want to be the president then how do I be the president how do I become the president so your overall goal is I want to be president but now make it granular how do you not become president oh I have to set my my records right I have to ensure that all my academic credentials are top-notch I have to keep myself abreast of political activities in the nation I have to know all of economic all the economical activities happening in the nation I have to understand where we stand as a nation in bilateral trade and multilateral trade I have to have a good opinion some people will say you have to have good fathers but then when you have got the father what do you mean you got father stop so that's how to be granular so that you are now ticking off the boxes because it's little drops that make the mighty ocean it's as little grains that makes a field of sand imagine how you want to do Gary you cannot do you cannot have a bath from one grain of Gary you have to have people and for that a bath for that Gary to be edible in quotes my word it has to go through a certain process I mean Gary is not planted now we don't harvest Gary so how are you arriving at Gary? Gary came from something cassava that was taken and dried through a lengthy process cutting or let's start from harvesting cutting washing um there's the grinding there's the frying there's the drying I think the frying you know you have to now check that it is quality there's the bagging there's logistics and transportation and then it gets to you and all you have to do is boil hot water and pour inside and you have a bath one minute right but then again where are you at in your goals today I want to talk about goal setting goal setting I know I know I know it's a new year but this is a hard truth to face new year comes with a lot of on set on set expectations well maybe set expectations but there's pressure to achieve to attain to prove something to someone to be excellent at something to be the best you new year knew me right tell me about it but it's a saying that failure to plan is planning to fail and that's that's a very popular saying by Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin so how do you plan so you do not fail set goals you set goals if you're a professional like myself even as a business person because goal setting is not just in your business or work life it's also your personal life and how you relate how you spend your every day so if you're a professional person in middle or say executive management level you know how important strategic planning is to the direction of the company so I worked I worked at the strategic plan for almost a year that's the plan for next year I started working on it in like May of this year it was wild it broke my at some point I would tell my line manager I'm having brain freeze I cannot think again because I had to put all of these like headings together it gets back to serious then the CEO accesses it sits with management team and stuff so I'm literally the one doing all the granular work and I know I was not the management level and this was the management level assignment where I was doing it or I am doing it I'm trying to close it up for the end of the year but I still have some like furniture to put up in terms of design but my content was done so you know what you want to achieve when you plan so goal setting or planning usually streams down from long-term goals you break into medium you break into short term because plans are your compass they are your north star to your destination you cannot do you move around life without a plan SETA will make mess of you SETA will make mess of you so I came across a video on Instagram that was shared by my friend my darling friend and it was about the creation of a vision board this was um it was the end of 2022 and I was coming out of a trying time that trying time we'll talk about we will talk about another episode but before then I had never I mean never ever heard about vision board I've never heard of it that much more create one it was a short reel but was very detailed especially at the caption so I took to it what's this thing if anybody can do it I can do it if somebody is doing it then I can also do it I'm like that if you can do it then I can do it you're not bigger than me you're not better than me you don't have to do it so if you can do it that means it's doable it's just that I haven't come across it before so to come off like the first person to do it's okay it's okay there's no need to comment here so I'm getting some like feedback from my microphone and I'm not exactly liking it I don't know why that is excuse me I'm trying to get it all right so talking about my vision board yeah I've been asked to write my plan for the year so the year I am in 2022 coming across vision board usually I have like a mental note of what my plans are I plan but I don't put them down but I started to put them down come 2023 I write them on a notepad it's what I want to achieve it's what I want to achieve it's what I want to achieve then I put them on a vision board so the vision board is a visual representation or a pictorial representation of your plans so say you want to be president all right become the president or become the president of Australia or Nigeria or Canada whatever or US you will now put a picture of a president or maybe a picture of the world president and then picture of Nigeria or maybe president of Nigeria so if you go on Pinterest go on Google images and other images on free imaging platforms you'll find free pictures that you can use when I say free I mean they're not watermarked so you don't have to like pay for them or something then you put it on a board like a mood board so there really is no template to this it's just pick your pictures representing whatever your goals are and place them like I said there's no template so you can put all of these pictures on any platform I use Canva or I think Figma can also work as long as you can download them like a picture so you can download the board where all your pictures are as a picture it should work as a png file it should work then you go ahead to make that your wallpaper green paper whatever else you call it on your laptop your phone you can also decide to print it and paste it maybe on your mirror or your wardrobe you know a place where you see it every day so it's supposed to remind you to keep going so rather than paste a book where you've written out all your goals I tend to go ahead to paste them on all of the places I've talked you know words can sometimes be very boring to the eyes but pictures never fail so I went on out back to my study after I found the vision board and all I went on out to create mine for the very first time it looks beautiful I'm still beautiful but the arrangements weren't exquisite but it didn't matter the arrangement doesn't matter just put it anywhere as long as it makes sense to you it's fine to throw in a few words here and there you know family finance spirituality career travel some people have put the headline to what you should be planning but your plan to own it yeah back to my vision board I loved it I loved my vision board when I did it because it wasn't arranged it wasn't it wasn't going uh linearly vertically diagonally like I understood it when I looked at it then I went ahead to make my wallpaper on my laptop and on my phone of course I had the plans written down in my notepad app and I check very often fast like four or five times a week the best in a day I could check my plans like two to three times just hey are we on course so it's something I do for my personal life and something I do for my home um like what's our plan what was what is what do we want to do this year what do we want to accomplish here we want to buy a car we want to jaffa are we jaffaing to jaffadah or is it jaffa to romandia you know so I write them down and periodically by periodically I do quarterly I sit with my husband and I talk to him about something so I'm like hey this is where we at now this is what we said we wanted to do how far have we come what are we saving towards getting a house how much do we have okay what's getting out how much do we have where we at what do we need to do where do we need to adjust what have we done wrong you know just basically review right this has been a culture for me since last year I'm not faithful with it but I'm consistent sometimes when I have it in my talks to my husband something comes up we're quarreling about something so we don't now talk about it and I'm like gee then life goes on and then I'm like you know what I already know this but how does this go I already know where we are and sometimes I talk to him about it even though it's quarterly I can just bring up in the fifth month density of the fifth month of the year hey nigga let's talk about this where are we what are we doing and all of that so I'm someone who writes down my plans as they come to me so I could just be sitting here and I'm like I need to know how to drive and then I write it down I may not exactly be aware of or I may not have it detailed to the point of knowing when I want to learn how to drive like do I want to learn how to drive in 2003 do I want to do that in 2004 do I want to do that in January February or March and all of that I just think I want to learn how to drive so I write it down and then when I'm reviewing during my periodic spontaneous reviewing I check oh this school of driving you know what I have some used cash let's pay for it let's let's do it this year let's do next month no let's do this month or you know what let's do next one let's use this month's salary to pay for that kind of spontaneous planning I know that some people are like oh you have to be strategic yeah sometimes there's spontaneous planning it just comes to you like your friend just got engaged just told you about a tribute of course you do not plan it in the beginning of the year you don't know she's getting it or your friend just texted us or you know how people are quiet about their pregnancies now and then they're like oh I have a baby now you have to visit and you have to gift baby that's spontaneous but you have to get a plan because you have to put it down you have to know where your resources are going where was I on this day at x time what event do I have so one thing I do now is well the way I plan my time is use my calendar so every activity I have thank god for smartphones every activity I have that's actually a major activity as soon as I know about it and it's time bound I set it on my calendar like straight up and then I set my reminder to be a day two and then an hour two so that a day two is remind me here you've got the stuff to do tomorrow and I'm like oh yeah yeah that's okay then an hour two reminds me that hey this stuff is in like one hour okay I try to set sometimes I set like three alarms sometimes I go back to my my alarm app or my clock app set an alarm that rings like hey this thing is today at x time so I do anything that helps me remember I haven't had my baby well after having my baby almost a year later or maybe after a year I noticed I'm having mumbrain so mumbrain is that thing for those of you that don't know mumbrain is that thing where you forget things very easily very fast so you think of something now now and you've forgotten it in the next second so it happens so much that at some point I wasn't even aware before I got the awareness that I had such I just noticed I'm trying to say something I'm trying to say a word I know the word I know that I know it because it's in my vocab but I'm not remembering at that time like it's like you can see the word but you can't pronounce it I go ah this word I'm looking for it starts with d maybe okay for instance maybe you're trying to say opinion and you're trying to say someone is highly opinionated and you're like what's that word what's that word it starts with o I know it starts with o it's like you're trying to say somebody somebody always has something to say so you're not saying something so I found that I was now not speaking in the vocabulary that I know myself to be speaking in so I was now breaking down my words I have to talk to someone oh you have you've got mumbrain oh okay what can what can be done to make you better some research says it passes with time some say you never get better never get over it yeah I get over it I started reading books again when I was younger I used to read the dictionary that's by the way okay so growing up I used to be and I still am I still do I still carry a pen and notepad with me like I always appreciate when I go to events and get this souvenir notepad so I don't do short ones you can just put in your bag not the big ones and I carry a notepad with me everywhere even a sticky note suffices so I just make sure that my notepad app is very close in like my shortcuts or something easy to reach once across once a thought crosses my mind so I pen it down write it down so maybe you're like me it's a good thing I mean you always pen down everything it's a good thing but if you're not like me if you haven't adopted this approach you should you need to start now you know so let me tell you what making plans or goals at 10 helps you to do helps you to manage your time now it's fine mentally planning your day your time your activities is okay but your brain can get clouded if you've ever experienced that thing where your brain like crashes seductively and then you have to take like a moment to rearrange your thoughts you're like what just happened like I have to find myself very quickly and it's like your brain is doing some mechanical or chemical or scientific stuff where you're fixing all the puzzles together so that it makes it makes sense to you and that moment that short time where you have to do yourself together it's very daunting it's like can I just have amnesia like what just happened I just blanked out but if you pen it down somewhere you can always remember two years it will be there unless you use a pencil where someone can easily erase it it will be there you can always come back to it so in the work of Mark Bateson he says the shortest pencil is greater than the longest memory so I heard that um saying that's a saying that's a proverb for the first time at Oregon fourth grade gospel church where our youth pastor then said it and it stuck and I'm like the shortest he's a 10 the shortest pen is greater than the longest memory and it just makes sense I'm like yeah when you write things down they will be there for life and you can always bring them back to remember so get writing today another thing that's making plans and writing them down helps you to do is to be effective so writing your plans helps for effective application if for instance you have a brain freeze as always happens when your brain is clouded you can always refer to your notes I do I have notepads scattered everywhere around my house like I have a bag I can choose with notepad both used and unused sometimes I don't even go I don't like intentionally go to the bag I say well let me see what's in this book but maybe when I'm reading through just like cleaning the house I'm like what's here so let me see what's here and I open the bag and I'm like ah this is where I wrote this thing I wrote this and sometimes when you read it you're like this was me I was this wife two years ago no point if I sound foolish when you're writing it but when you come back to you it makes a lot of sense maybe because you've gone through a situation or you've been through a phase where you can now relate to that word that sentence that statement then you're like oh I knew this then my wife so I write things down I write things that have finished that whole because when you want to go grocery shopping that's the worst to go grocery shopping without a list is the worst thing to happen to anybody so today I decided to go buy my kid ice cream because someone dashed him 2k I put it into his colo but I'm like I'd already told him I'll buy him ice cream so I said let's go and get ice cream when I reached the supermarket just to pick on myself I'm like you know what instead of ice cream let's take yogurt let's start damn nature and care yogurt so that we can always like have it over time I bought yogurt I bought another fruity life yogurt in between one you can just drink I bought parfait fruity life parfait I bought um what's the game and I bought his cereal two cans of cereal I think there's something about having knowing that you have money somewhere it just makes you want to spend so if I'm going to buy a 2,000 naira worth item I ended up spending 10,600 I just tell myself I bought my baby food and ice cream so I'm fine so I write down things a lot I write down like I read my market list I put it on my phone I write it on paper in case I lose the paper I have it on my phone sometimes I will write it on my husband so that maybe if I lose my chat I can always ask him to send it back to me or maybe I'm just coming back maybe I intend to go to market on Saturday but I see opportunity to go on Wednesday and I don't have my list with me I could always have it like digitally so I can tell oh please text me that list I can show you about so I write down right now things I need to talk to my husband about I write down things I want to do for my son I write down things I need to do for work on a daily basis so so it helps me plan like oh what are we doing this week then what are we doing on Monday what are we doing on Tuesday so what I do is especially for work I write my weekly to-do and then I don't necessarily break it down to say okay this one is Monday this one is Tuesday unless I have a deadline otherwise I know that okay this week this is what I want to accomplish I need to take it all off so I start filling them in what I can't finish on Monday I can consume from there on Tuesday just making sure that the ones that I have deadlines on I've met the deadlines and then I start doing the others as simple as making a LinkedIn post I write it down it's my to-do as simple as taking my duolingo classes every day because I'm learning French I write it down in my to-do so making plans and writing them down can also help you curb procrastination you find that when you are mentally doing this you know what I'll do tomorrow so I'm supposed to cook today but here I am sitting down binge watching oh you know what I'll do tomorrow and before you know it the week is over and you're like I haven't even done that thing it happens to me a lot it happens to all of us so let's not even go down that lane of being it's not me it can't be me it can't be you and it's you there writing things down can also help with accountability so you're accountable to yourself so I know I've mentioned I'm an accounting graduate yeah but growing up before I knew I wanted to study accounting I had a pattern of ensuring I account for my resources especially my money and time those are two resources I don't joke with my mother used to call me stingy because anything that's not my budget I'm not spending money on it that's to the point where I would sit down and oh I had 1000 naira this morning or maybe I had 10 000 this morning and now I have 9000 what did I do with the 1000 I'll be right as little as transport that I paid to this place and this place not because I'm trying to be funny or you know be petty or something I just want to know how money leaves my heart I don't want to feel I feel wasteful anytime I'm not able to account for like a bulk of my resources so I need to be accountable like 90 percent okay I was paid 100 000 I did this I did this I did you can think of three major things that I did with that money then I'm okay what I can't think of if I can't say it's all I did with the money then I've been wasted with that money and the same goes to my time I'm pretty sure there are others like me but well this is what it is lastly resource allocation um setting goals and writing them down helps to be strategic about your resource resources here means time and money so for money we call it budgeting right and according to john c maxwell a budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went that's budgeting and for time and other maybe well other intangible assets it's called strategy they're all planning or I call it strategy because according to jack welch strategy is simply resource allocation because when you strip away all the noise that's what it comes down to resource allocation so making plans it helps to clear your head it helps to clear the noise around you and bring you down narrow you down to what really matters like hey uh I have to send mommy money I have to send daddy money so anybody that comes to you just like hey let's go and jayay and you know that it's not putting me money for jayay I'm gonna sit down your arse oh no I'm not available that day whatever this ah every weekend or which day you know I do that a lot which day is this ah I have something to do with pups yeah hubby said we're going to visit one of his uncles so I'm not around something like I just say if it's there by close friend I give you like an explanation but not my close friend you're like hey I'm not really but I travel I travel a lot I remember someone told me you travel a lot I'm like yeah I walk remotely so I can walk from anywhere ah so like I said resource allocation we're able to you're better able to prioritize and it creates room for a great economies of scale so you're able to find opportunity costs and remove debris every day this is what I did with my money so my money goes you're accountable to yourself you manage your time properly you're effective there's like effective application of your of your resources and you it calls for passionation so yeah set your goals thank you for listening to my gibberish I know I'll speak to you again I will we will talk so till I come your way next time this is voice of an angel thank you

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