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TWV ep 1 (no music)

Vincent T



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Two friends, Vinny and Judah, are starting a podcast. They talk about their friendship and their recent trip to Bath National Park. They also discuss their tips for life and share their hot takes, including Judah's opinion that curling has the hottest men and Vinny's belief that mustard is the best condiment. Okay, so we're going to start off like it's a normal conversation, and then I'll do the intro. So it's like we started as a normal conversation. So go. Honestly, how many blocks? And welcome back to the podcast. I'm your host, 6'7", number one NBA draft pick, Vinny T. And joining me today on the pod is local bald man and a high school student, Judah. Some refer to me as Calgary's own Eminem, although I don't rap, I just play like average guitar. So that works, too. Anyways, this is the first episode, Judah. Yeah, no, it feels great. Do you think anyone's going to listen to this? I think lots of people. I think like seven people, five of which will be my grandma. And the other two are just going to be me. I think, I don't know. I think we have a lot to bring to the table. I think we're both charming men. Maybe if you show your dad on the podcast more later, he will attend. So there's a segment coming up in later episodes called Office Quote, or something my dad yelled at me. And then he's going to come on to do that. So that's very exciting. That's a good idea. Okay. Yeah. So how this, how it's going to work is this is Thoughts with Vinny, where we explore the knowledge of the world through me. So each week we'll have a different guest and a different topic. And we have games and segments and all that stuff. So how do we know each other? I've known you for a long time, like since early elementary. I think we were like probably friends grade one, grade two, and then it's kind of just continued throughout. Yeah. I kind of, in grade one, I was kind of jealous of Judah because all the girls liked Judah. What can I say? So I was chasing him around the playground, and then I kind of just followed him around in grade two. Yeah, totally. I don't think we were like really, really friends until like grade five. You know, honestly, the best friendships start later in life, and then it just continued to blossom. And now here we are. I'm excited to be on the podcast. This could really go somewhere. The first guest. The first guest. We've heard Judah for this. Dude. Who would have thought? That's the real question. Yeah. But as in like later in life, it's been five years already, and we're only 16. That's quite a... Only 16. We got so many years. Like I'm at least going to live to 32, I think. How about you? Like where do you think you'd be? I'm aiming for like at least 180. 180. Yeah. You got that. Honestly. I think you got that. So do we want to... Let's talk about what we did yesterday. What we did yesterday. What we did yesterday. So we took a trip out to Bath National Park in Alberta. The first national park ever, apparently. And then we went to a thrift store, Last Temptation Thrift. Dude, literally bought these pants yesterday. We got these pants. That's how we're matching. We have like the whites. We coordinated this outfit for sure. And the brown. Yep. And then we went and we got lunch. And we went... We just kind of went all over the place. We'll cut out all the silence. And we went to the river. Some people were dropped on their faces. Not because of anybody's fault. Just because it happened to happen. Like I don't think I meant to drop somebody on their face. But you know, things happen. And I kind of went on a walk. It was kind of... It was a couple's trip. And I was a single boy. I had a hard time. I was kind of frustrated on the drive home. But since then I've like... I've had a chance to debrief. He's had a chance to reflect on this opportunity to feel so single during a trip. And this is a great segue into our first segment. Tips with Vinny T. Sponsored by Red Bull. Sponsored by Red Bull officially. Don't ask us. It's official. So in Tips, me and my guest of the week give our in-depth, expert tips to help you excel at life. And the first tip is learn to say no. Like on the drive there, I offered to pick everyone up. On the drive back, I offered to drop everyone off. So we left at four from Banff. I didn't get home until seven. Because I was just driving around the whole time. Yeah, I was not aware of that. And my GPS... I just wanted to go home and maybe take this highway around the city to get back. It really sucks. And my legs hurt so much because I was just sitting down with my wheel on the pedal the whole day. But it's okay. Do you have any tips? Do I have any tips? What makes your life great? Honestly, cereal. Every morning. Cereal is just what goes through my mind. What I wake up thinking about. Honestly, any kind of cereal. Do you add the milk before the cereal? No, after the cereal. I'm still normal enough. You're not insane. Yeah, I'm not totally insane. Just a little bit. Another hot take, referring to the Banff trip, is when you're planning a big trip with eight people, maybe a group chat isn't the best idea. Group chats are not fun. Because everyone was at different spots of the plan. Not everyone was up to date. So in the end I just had to make a phone call so we could all be on the same page. But everything worked out. We had a great time. I think another thing is never trust what Tristan has to say about his availability. Because he will just switch. I think that's kind of the diss. Yeah, honestly it is. Let's talk about the diss track. Let's start a diss track, honestly. Tristan, he's everything you want in a man. Everything you want in a man, minus the height. 5'8 is a fine height to be. Yeah, it's an average height, apparently. In the country. I think it's actually 5'9. 5'8 and a half. We'll give it to him. He's also really nice. He's pretty smart. He's got braces. He likes dogs. Braces are good. Yeah, he's got straight teeth now. I had braces from grade 7 to grade 9. I think I did some too. I think I was a little bit earlier though. I think grade 7 to grade 8. Did you do braces? I did braces. Really? Yeah. I never knew you had braces. But it was COVID, so everyone had their mask on. Exactly. I got my braces on the Friday before everything shut down for COVID. So if I didn't do that, I would have just been delayed. I actually don't remember when I got them in grade 7. And my mouth was too backed up. So a week before, I had to go to the dentist and I had four of my teeth pulled out. So the braces would fit. Gosh. And now I'm at the age where my wisdom teeth are coming in. Yeah, I know. I feel them on the back of my teeth. It's bad. I'm really worried for the month-long period I can't eat chips. Is there a month-long period you can't eat chips? There's a bunch of holes. You can't eat them or they'll hurt. Is that really a thing? And I was thinking, oh, I don't need to get them off. They'll be fine. But then I went to the dentist and all of them are coming in this way. This is a very audible, very visual. He means his teeth are all coming down like this, but then they're going like that. They're coming towards my teeth. So they're just going to ruin my mouth. It's a crosshatch. It's not good. I'm so bored. Are you okay? Okay, Judah needs to bring his guitar next time to play for us. Wonderwall. Okay, so we had a bit of a scary moment because we stopped to take a little break. And I was worried that we might have lost all the audio for like the first five minutes. But it's okay. Everything worked out. We're figuring stuff out. Scary moment. But since we're so close, we worked through the adversity together. We got that. He touched my teeth. Okay, so we can move on or we can do two more tips. No, I think we got to move on to Hot Takes. It's time for Hot Takes, sponsored by Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Officially in this segment, me and the guest of the week, which this week is Judah. Share our sizzling, flamin' opinions. Sizzling, flamin' opinions. Do you want to start us off? I love those adjectives. Word, you won't be there. No, I think I got to start this one off. Hot Take, I think curling has the hottest men. Simple as that. As a sport, if you've seen how well-dressed they are and the kind of balance and precision they need. That's everything any partner is looking for. So you think curling has the hottest men. It's mostly 80-year-olds. Whatever you're into, I'm just saying, those 80-year-old men are pretty good looking. Those of you who don't know, I curl. Look at this guy, he's hot, man. Thanks. But the other day, at my curling club, Team Switzerland, the 11th team in the world, was at my club practicing. Team Switzerland, did it all speak Swiss? Is that even a language? Don't they speak French there? I feel like they speak French somewhere. We got a researcher looking this up for us. She's looking for it. People are turning off. German, French, Italian? Romance. R-O-M-A-N-C-E. Oh, so like what they speak in Romania? Do you know that? I don't know, Romance? 62.6% of Swiss population speaks German. Okay, so German's popular there. But they're basically just like the smorgasbord of all of Europe. Yeah, exactly. They got the best of each culture. Going back to the hot take, I definitely agree with you. Curling is a bit of a stigma of being for old people. Dude, it is so underrated. It's so fun. Right in February, the Scotty's, which is like the national Canadian tournament, is coming to Calgary. I'm there to watch. I'm buying tickets to the Scotty's. I have weekend tickets for the final game. So if you're there, come say hi. Make sure you say hi to your boy VinnyT. Okay, now time for my hot take. Mustard is the best condiment. Oh, I kind of agree with that one. That might not be a hot take. I don't mean like the yellow Heinz mustard you get at the store. Like if you're in some hip, bougie store, and they have the Dijon mustard with the seeds in it. Yeah, how do you feel about how grainy do you like it? Yeah, like how much grain do you like in there? Because some of them are real grainy, like just straight grains. I like straight grains. Because that's like, I feel rich eating it. Leave some in my fridge. Honestly, I don't think that's a hot take, because think about all the different flavors you can explore. Like honey mustard, that is such a goated sauce in my opinion. It is super good. Because mustard is like an umbrella term. Because there's so many different mustards. Yeah, you guys might be shaking your head out there, but stop with the closed mindedness. You need to go test your mustards, I guess. Brooke, it's hot takes. You aren't supposed to agree. Brooke's shaking her head, but we got nods from Audrey. Cancel, cancel Brooke. Cancel Brooke for not liking mustard. And we got to cut that. Okay. You know like the marinade? Yeah, yeah, exactly. Like my dad does a salmon, he puts a bunch of these on mustard. I think that'd be good. Yeah, Audrey's so good. Yeah, Audrey thinks... I'll cut that out. Audrey's got an eye for the 40 year olds, that's for sure. He's 52. He's 52? Yo, what? He looks so young for his age. He has such good genes. He has amazing genes. I think I'll look like this to at least the age of 62 or something. This is not going to age past the age of 17. I'm 17 soon. Very exciting. Yeah, ladies, he's almost legal. Call him up. Okay, my next hot take is restaurants don't give enough sauce. Like I get a whole plate of fries and they give me like the little, little tablespoon of ketchup. Like have you ever been to like Opas and like they don't ever give you enough? Is that Tziki? How do you say it? I say Tziki. Tziki? You're white and you're not Greek. Wait, is that Tziki? I think it's dead Tziki. I think it's Tziki. I have a D in there. He's really Greek, so he might actually know this. I'm not just Greek, I'm really Greek. He's not Greek, he's really Greek. And it's like it's the Ts like in Tsunami. Yeah. Tsunami. Tzedziki. Tzedziki, so it'd be like Tsunami. Okay, gotcha. But like Opa fries are delicious, but are they as delicious without the sauce? No, I really can't say. I think it's just a little too much potato. They're a little thick cut. Yeah, and I'm also, I'm very, very anxious. I'm kind of, I really want people to like me and that's why I started a podcast. But like, I don't want to go to the waiter and be like, um, excuse me, can I have more Tzedziki please? Here, we're not out here spreading hate to all those waiters. We're just out here trying to like spread the word, get a little bit of acknowledgement. You know, maybe fix the issue instead of create a bigger one. Yeah, more sauce. We're out here looking for peace and love and a little more sauce. But if I don't get enough sauce, no tip. No tip if you don't get enough sauce. What if, what if, look. Tip as in money, okay? This is the only friendly, family friendly podcast. That's why he had to say it, man. We got to keep it family friendly. We're at 17 minutes. Hey, look, we go out here and we go extra big. Yeah, I was kind of, I was. I was kind of worried we'd go through it really fast and we'd be done in 10 minutes. No, dude. Right now we're 17 minutes in and we're already halfway through. We're just a special kind of podcast. Like, I don't know. We don't got to make these too long. We don't got to make them too short. Like, we're just, we're just going with the flow. All flowing. Well, like some podcasts I listen to are like an hour and a half long. It's like watching a movie, but you're listening to it. Honestly, but it's just, at some point, it's like, you know, Honestly, but it's just, at some point, it kind of loses like topic and it's just two friends talking. Yeah. And which is important. Friendship. Friendship matters. When we had the idea for the podcast, I was talking to my sister about it and she was like, Vincent, it's going to suck unless you have structure. So that's why we have. We have, we have structure, but like we have, we have the segments, but in between the segments, we just let things go. You know, we start chatting back and forth, just bouncing ideas back and forth. We can just go anywhere. We got range. Everyone out there, we got range. Speaking of range, do we want to move on? Yes, we want to move on. I think today we got to tackle our main topic. Today's game is called, Name That Pope. Sponsored by the Catholic Church. Classic game. Not currently, but they will later. Where does all that donation at the end of church services go? It goes to us. So in Name That Pope, I quiz my guests on the history of popes. Because like, honestly, I love popes so much. I'm not a religious person, but you read about them and they're like the wackiest, craziest people in history. Or like their haircuts too. Have you ever seen like the Christian monks that like just shave the top of their head and then they just leave a ring? That's coming back. That's making a move this century. Like I walk around, and I see a bunch of people that just shave the top of their head. So if we change, hot take, if we change beauty standards, then everyone's beautiful. Oh, he's out there giving love to everyone. Yeah. All those balding folks, not including me, I have a full head of hair, so we're fine. Yes. All right, first question. So all of these come from the internet, so, elected in 896, this pope decided to exhume the body of a previous pope, Formosus, was his name, and put it on trial. Formosus' body was propped up on a throne, while this pope shouted out obviously unanswerable questions. So just a sample. Wait, let's back up. This guy, he got a dead body on trial? Like the pope before him that died? Yeah. He dug up his body, and he didn't like him, so he put him on trial. Okay. Honestly, I like the idea. Okay. Was it A, Pope Stephen VI? He sounds like he'd do that. B, Pope, I don't know, Boniface or Boniface? B, Pope Boniface VI? C, Pope Theodore II? Or D, Pope Formosus III? Okay, so... How have you been setting up on your popes? I can't say that that has been what I've been up to with my knights. I think a lot of my knights have been chilling out, not researching popes, so... Okay. Sorry, I'll get caught up. So I honestly think I have to get rid of D, because he doesn't, he doesn't sound like a bad guy. Some popes have names where you're like, that guy did some weird stuff. C, can you read out C's name again? C, Theodore II? Theodore just sounds too innocent, honestly. I honestly have to say no to Theodore. So it's between A and B, Pope Stephen or Pope Boniface? Okay, Boniface, it makes me think like bony, like dead body, that's like a heavy tip, but Stephen, how many good Stephens have you ever met? My dad's name is Stephen. Stephen? Maybe that's why you don't like him. Your dad's name is Stephen? Honestly, just because I have a prejudice against Stephens, I'm going to have to go with A. It was A! It was Stephen. Wait, what was he in, like what line, like he was Stephen the... Stephen the Sixth. Stephen the Sixth. There was five bad Stephens before him that led him to dig up a dead body and question it. And Moses, who was on trial, was found guilty, the dead one, and thrown in the river. Okay, you see, this is crazy, okay. Yo, popes, they probably could throw some crazy ragers, like crazy parties. Yeah, they go crazy at the parties, like modern day parties. Pope Francis? Pope Francis. Okay, do we want to move on to number two? Yeah, let's hear the second question. This pope, who became pope in 1484, had the gift to openly acknowledge eight illegitimate children, though he may have had more. Eight children. That's a lot of, that's a lot of baby mothers. Especially for popes who aren't allowed to have children. What? Oh. To have eight. Dude, this pope, all I'm saying, this pope was getting some. Was it A, Pope Alexander the Sixth, B, Sounds like a player. Pope Felix the Fifth, That's my old cousin's name, never. C, Pope Innocent the Seventh, or D, Pope Clément the Seventh. Oh, Clément. Clément, he's French. French likes to get around. Um, I think that, honestly, it's a little fishy that somebody would name themselves Pope the Innocent, so that's pretty, that's pretty sketchy. Are all these real names? Like, did he actually? Yeah, these are all real popes. I, I used Wikipedia. Pope Clément the Seventh. So there were six innocents before him. So that, that has to be a lie. There's gotta be one non-innocent within that line. Could it be this one? It could be this one. Okay, but the first one, Alexander, dude, the guy sounds like he gets played. He's definitely a player. He's been in the game. He's been washing the game. You know, he's been, he's been wiping the table with all the other popes. Okay, so what, what are you thinking? So, I honestly have to go with Pope Innocent. That, I know my popes. After becoming pope in 1513, this pope became a famous patron of the arts and commissioned and rebuilt the St. Peter's Basilica. So he, he sounds like a pretty good guy. Wonderful guy. In order to help pay for these grand plans, Oh, what did he do? he authorized the sale of indulgences. Oh, man. Essentially promising a reduction of punishment time for sins. So he made people pay for him to send them to heaven. Dude, so like basically he did something good but just reversed it, right? Yeah. So, he just reversed it right away. Well, he kind of, called capitalism. Called capitalism. Okay, was it A, Pope Julius II? Oh, Julius Caesar was always pretty greedy. B, Pope Sixus or Sixtus V? Sixtus V. Or C, Pope Leo X? Leo X. Or D, Pope Paul IV? Paul, Paul IV. Let's just go by greedy names. If we think about correlation, Julius, like, Pope Julius, Julius Caesar, Julius Caesar's pretty greedy. I don't think it's the same guy. Pope Leo, Leo DiCaprio, Leo DiCaprio, he's pretty greedy. He does some messed up stuff. I don't think he would say that. I'm coming straight for Leo DiCaprio's neck. Right in. What's the other guy's name? You got Paul? Paul. Or Sixtus? Sixtus. Sixtus sounds a little bit sketchy, but he's pretty greedy. So, Pope Leo, Leo DiCaprio, Leo DiCaprio, he's pretty greedy. He does some messed up stuff. Pope Leo sounds a little bit sketchy because, once again, who names their kids Sixtus? Um, people in 1500. Okay, well, I think, honestly, I have to go with Pope Leo. Pope Leo? Yeah. The 10th? You're getting all these right. I actually got that right. Are you looking at the 10th? I haven't looked. I have not looked. Pope Leo, let's go, baby. I might just know my Popes. I think you probably do. I'm just a Pope kind of guy. Like, I love Pope. Pope Leo was described as a demon from hell in disguise of a priest. Holy. Who is primarily remembered today for being the only man to have served the papacy for three discontinuous periods and to have actually sold his office. First, leaving his position in 1044 for money. My kind of guy. He returned to reign for a month in 1045, a year later, only to sell his office again to his godfather, possibly in order to marry his cousin. His final resurgence to the papacy was met with much adversity as he was eventually forced out of Rome. Was it A, Pope Sylvester III, B, Pope Gregory VI, C, Pope Clement II, same guy, repeat, or D, Pope Benedict IX? Dude, all those guys sound like suspicious people. Honestly. All the names. Gregory, Sylvester. Sylvester, Gregory, Clement, and Benedict. Oh, Clement is back on the list again. Yeah. This guy could be potentially one of the worst popes out there. Well, I don't think he was the right answer on the last one too. No, he wasn't. He might just be the most beautiful pope ever. Man, I love these pope questions. They just have so many crazy quirks. I honestly think Dude, this is a tough one. So, usually, you have the office once, then you die. He got it, he sold it, he got it again, he sold it to marry his cousin, and then he got it again. Why would you ever sell that to marry your cousin? How good looking was your cousin then? That's all I have to ask. That's crazy. Even if they are good looking, you shouldn't do that. You know what? Honestly, Vincent, I wasn't planning on it. Thank you, thank you. Do we want to rule some people out? Yeah, let's get rid of Gregory. Gregory, okay. I think Sylvester. Sylvester is out? I love Sylvester Stallone though. So you got Sylvester, Clément, and Benedict. Clément can't be this perfect and be in two questions. I think I'm going to rule it down. We're going to go with Clément. Oh, that's the wrong answer. Dang. The answer is Z, Pope Benedict IX. Dude, there's no one ever named Benedict except Benedict Cumberbatch who's ever been a good guy. Also, I love his eggs. Eggs Benedict. We have fun around here. Okay, did you enjoy naming that Pope Judah? I loved it. I loved every moment of it. I love Popes. Yeah, Popes are pretty cool. Now it's time for the whole point of the podcast, the whole point of Thoughts with Vinny, is today's topic, philosophical ideas. Yeah, let's get spiritual. So, again, I went on the internet. I did my searching. I'll make sure I put all the links in the description of this podcast, like the websites I got the information from. But, the first one is, there is no God, no universe, no human race, no earthly life, no heaven, no hell. It is all a dream, a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you and you are but a thought, a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering, forlorn, among the empty eternities. Oh my goodness. We have fun around here. That's a deep one to start on. I like it though. I like that we're getting deep immediately. But when you spend your whole life thinking of philosophical ideas, it's not going to be a happy life. Yeah, honestly, I think there's a good balance. I think that sometimes it's good to think deep and have a bit of a good train of thought on different things and have your opinions. But like, that I feel like is a little too deep. This one is kind of like nothing exists and nothing's real. Yeah. Have you seen The Matrix? Yeah, The Matrix is pretty trippy. But to be honest, if The Matrix was a thing, would you not think that The Matrix would already be like kind of broken by now? You know how like they broke out of The Matrix? I feel like some of us would actually like break out. Yeah, but we don't know we're in The Matrix unless we see two cats run across. Is that, is that what they, what happens, I think not. Yeah, how does it, how do they figure out that they're in The Matrix again? I'll watch it before, because you got the red pill and the yellow pill. It was actually blue. I'll watch it before the next episode. I've watched it. It's been years. The next one, Determinism, the philosophical doctrine of predestination and interconnectedness of everything that is happening and the presence of a unique cause for everything that exists. Everything is predetermined. Everything will happen according to a given pattern. I think, oh, sorry Francis. That was predetermined. Predetermined apparently. Okay, I think that honestly, poor boy. Yeah, no, I think, I think this one's like so-so. I think that, I think that there's a lot of things that are like decided in life, like predetermined, you know, a bit like fate, but honest, I kind of think that a lot of it is down to your decisions. Like, you know, you're your own person. You're unique. Make your own decisions. I think we started off with a lot of energy and then we're kind of dying. Yeah, we're a little bit. No, no, we're back in here with the energy. Look, let me tell you something right to the camera. You make your own decisions, man. You don't got to live by none of this. This is all just thoughts. This is just thoughts with Vinny T. It's kind of, it's a sad thought to leave. We're following a story, but like, it's like we're not actually learning or existing or experiencing. We're just doing what's already been set out to do and we just have no memory of it. Deep. Yeah, deep. I think that we're not smart enough to understand these philosophical ideas. It's okay. This next one. Yeah, I get pretty spiritual sometimes. My auntie's a spiritual advisor. Wow. Yes. That was really good. So, the outside world is feeling God and public opinion. The only thing that could not be questioned was one's own experience since the very process of doubting one's own experience was proof of this existence. Hence, the formula appeared, I doubt, therefore, I think, I think, therefore, I am. That is so much words. Yeah. All of them down there. Thank you. I think I understand. So, by questioning existence, it shows that your conscious exists. So, by questioning existence, it proves you exist. Wow. You think, therefore, I think, therefore, I am, which is apparently this French guy came up with this. Well, obviously the French guy didn't read up on his English because that made no sense to no one. I'm sure they translated it too and that wasn't him. Wait, what did he say? He was like, I think, I think, therefore, I am. Okay. Yeah, that's real solid. I think that actually doesn't make sense to me still. It was also like in the 1500s, so I doubt they use the same language now. Yeah, they probably use Latin or something like that. It's a crazy Latin business. In the 1500s? I think English existed in those days. No way. Yeah, in grade one, this girl in my class thought that photos were black and white and everything was just black and white. Let's back up though, she was probably six years old still believing in Santa and you're out here being like, no, you're wrong. 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