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Laurence Goff - The Pantheon of Polish Ambassadors

Laurence Goff - The Pantheon of Polish Ambassadors


Lives in Newark, Nottingham, United Kingdom Former Mayor of Newark. From Newark Upon Trent, Nottingham, United Kingdom Wielki człowiek - pół życia poświęcił na działalność społeczną m.in. dla spraw Polaków w UK. https://www.justgiving.com/page/laurence-goff-1688905419640?fbclid=IwAR0OkrmXtB1JUCj4HcCJ__ue6SN_G5taiqW5IfBAbrGFwzajCDUfAJ4z9jk www.newarkcemeterynottinghamshirememories.weebly.com www.laurencegoff4newark.wordpress.com www.newarkresidentsviews.wordpress.com

Podcastlaurence goff polish ambassadorFormer Newark Town Mayorthe pantheon of polish ambassadors

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Lorenz is involved in charity work and is dedicated to preserving Polish-English history. He has been actively involved in the Newark Cemetery and is a founding member of the Friends of Newark Cemetery group. He has been attending events and making videos to promote the cemetery and its significance. Lorenz acknowledges and appreciates the contributions of Polish people to the UK, especially during World War II. He is particularly focused on honoring the Polish pilots buried in the Newark Cemetery. Lorenz also wears medals he has received for his contributions and is involved in fundraising efforts for a Polish-English Bomber monument. He collects flags from different countries and is friendly to everyone. in Polish Voice of Families, Lorenz, God, I believe he's in Poland. Lorenz, you are so childish, man. You are a positive guy who is doing a lot of childish things. Could you please explain for Polish listeners, for Polish people, the Polish community, what are you doing to help Polish history, Polish-English history? Well, it all goes back 18 odd years ago, when I first got involved in a cemetery. When I first got elected on the Newark Town Council, their responsibility is the Newark Cemetery. And I was a founding member of the Friends of Newark Cemetery group of volunteers. And I've been attending all the Air Bridge and All Souls events for the last 20 odd years. So, and of course, I've done lots of videos from the cemetery, inviting people to come to our cemetery and give them updates when there are major events. And we just unveiled John Sikorski's 80th anniversary of his death, a big memorial statue in the cemetery. And Irina Sandler, who helped lots of Polish children in Poland, she has a statue in Newark. And she is well known for supporting the Polish during the Second World War. She risked her life and they have a video, which is in Polish. I'm not sure if you've seen it, I'll get you the link to that one. So we want to make sure, we are grateful for the Poles that came over to the UK when we were part of the European Union. A lot of our Polish people work in the factories in our area and we're grateful for their contributions. We should be grateful for the hard work they do for us, especially in our factories around the country, in our care homes and other places. So we should always be grateful for their contributions. And we should be wholeheartedly grateful for their support in the Second World War. They risked their lives to fly Spitfire, Hurricane, Lancaster bombers in the Battle of Britain and beyond. And a lot of them are buried in our cemetery in Newark. 400 Poles are buried, plus ones that choose to be buried or cremated remains in our cemetery. And they choose to be there. And people from far and wide come to our cemetery and they're always welcome. And we've had lots of lanterns lit in the cemetery over the last few days, remembering All Souls and All Saints Day. That's the tradition of the Poles, to remember people that lost their lives and are remembered. So that's very good to remember as well. So I am really very positively impressed of the total things you're doing here. This is not like one thing you're doing. You're doing a lot of things. You are a long time involved in the charity work. We know that you are, when you've been, some public person on the matter of Rynkosz, right? So until now, when you are off this work, but you are still involved in the charity work. And you've got very good things you're doing, because you keep your focus on positive friendship between these two nations. The Polish people, they're still here. Maybe now they are not maybe Polish, they are currently English. Because the next generation, they applied for British citizenship and they are currently British now. But they still have got some fathers and grandfathers, they are Polish. So I think that you try to keep memories of this relationship, especially... You have a medal. Yes, I see that. I received that from the Polish and I wore that, you know, proudly to receive this medal. A gold medal with an eagle on it. And for my contributions over the years, so they gave me that. And I had another one which I handed over to the town council. A bronze cross, which is carried by the... I had worn that in Warsaw. But this one, I got to keep this one. So that's very nice. So it's a special medal, which I like to wear. On Remembrance Day, I'll be wearing it. On the, you know, next Tuesday in Newark, we have the Children's Remembrance Service. And I'll be wearing that and my former mayor's badge. And the 11th is the... In the marketplace, we have a special commemoration. The 11th day, the 11th hour, the 11th month. And of course, Remembrance Day was on the 12th of November. So I'll be wearing all my medals. Show me, show me all your medals. I've got to show you. That's very important, because some people, they see just only you in some specific clothes. With some extra shine, gold shine, etc. Some Napoleon hat. But you're doing that because you try to impress people and try to get them involved into the charity work. And I like it. This is very, very positive job you're doing. We have Polish-British radio going to Doncaster. Very new and very small one. So here's my former mayor, the retired mayor's badge, which I'll be wearing, which I wore on All Souls Day. So I get to keep that as well, by the way. All right. So that was my former mayor. My former mayor has got the Newagon Trent badge, and the sea, the river Trent, an eagle and an otter. And that's... Lovely. That's lovely. Yeah, I've got that. Like I said, it took me a long time to get the honour to become the mayor of our town. But so at least I got to do it eventually. And like I said, I was happy to go and represent the town, every organisation that I go to. And like I said, I didn't anticipate I would go to Warsaw, but it happened and that was great. And you can see a lot of my videos on YouTube of All Souls Days and Airbridge. And... Yeah, I'm contacting you, we would like to... And also I fly all the international flags. I've got a flag collection of all descriptions of all different countries. And I don't know why this thing... Hello? Are you with me still? I think I've lost you. Let's get back. So if you... Polish listeners, if you are listening me or watching me now, behind of me there is the Polish Bomber, Polish-English Bomber. This monument is supposed to be located only across from Newark. I'm talking to you today with... Lawrence Goss, which is ex-mayor of the Lincoln. And he's involved in plenty of charity work. I try to help him in some giving campaign. He's doing to collect some money for charity organisation to building this monument. They're also doing a lot of good things, which are some... like cover the Polish-British cementers in Lincolnshire, which is very, very hard job, but very, very positive job. There's a lot of videos on his personal profile. So I'm still waiting if he can join me, maybe battery gone, or something like that. So I hope we can still get back together and finish this conversation. I'm back. Yeah, yeah, I see you're back. I just want to ask you... I try to explain to all listeners who are speaking... Can you hear me? Yes, yes, I can see you. I've got this white thing covering your face. I will try to get rid of that. Oh, why? No, it's got this meeting is being recorded, so it's covering your face. Oh, so that's supposed to be not covering, but you have to move it, so if you can... Oh, that's what that is. Yeah, you can click and drag, you can make some bigger screen, and you can see my full face. I moved it now, because I... Yeah, yeah, and behind of me, you can see your... Oh, yeah, the Lancaster bomb. Well, that's been... I only got involved since July, and I've raised £6,000. I was in the market today, and I go three days in the marketplace. I have been going around other places. Anybody invites me to go to their place, I'm happy to go. And I also got a JustGiving page. Anyone help you? Or are you on your own? I'm doing my own... I'm doing this... It's a lot of people, but I'm doing my own thing in Newark. There are other organizations doing their work in Lincolnshire, but I decided to do my own in Newark, as a one-person, and so I'm in the market three days a week. I have a stall, and people collect or whatever. So this is £6,000, and that's until sales only? So the total cost is more? Well, people put money in my bucket, or they sponsor me, or they put money on the JustGiving page. On the JustGiving page. So most of the money I raise is going around, with loose change. And if people want to... I've got the link for the JustGiving, which is on your page, and people can give, and they can also give JustGiving, the link. They photograph my link, and they can JustGive, and they can be topped up by gift aid, which is an extra 25%, which the government gives to charities. So on top of my... If they gave me £5, or £10, or £20, the government will give me 25%, without no extra charge. Yeah, because they split the difference in tax. So the gift aid, right? Yeah, so they... I had two people who did gift aid today. They both gave me a tenner, and they gave me gift aid. I did just £120 in a market raise today. Hello! And two people gave me JustGiving on my page. Last Wednesday wasn't very good, but that was last Wednesday. I'm not sure how the weather's going to be good tomorrow, because of the weather, it might be raining. Like I said, I put my Polish flag out today, with the British, I've got a Canadian, Australian, all sorts of flags from all different countries, and I've had people from Australia that are grateful that I put their flag up for them. If I know somebody's coming to town, I put the flag up on my sole, you know? And I've seen, I've bumped into... So nobody today recognised the Polish flag, but, you know, I put it up anyway. So it goes up, with the eagle on it. I've got a larger one, I've got a very large Polish flag, with the eagle on it, which I, you know, I collect flags of all different countries, so I'm friendly to everybody. Yeah, of course, you're the one from each country. But may I have a question about these monuments? Could you tell me more? What this idea is? Is it exactly a one-to-one scale? Is it original bomber, which will be located on this? It's a sculpture. It's going to be the same size as a normal, as a regular, or an old Lancaster bomber. You can say, why haven't we got a proper Lancaster bomber? Well, this one's a built one, out of steel. And it's the same length as a normal 31-metre wingspan of a Lancaster bomber. And it's going to be on a big, big post. Yeah, that's what I've been saying. It's going to be taller than the Angel of the North. Yes, and it will be quite deep under the trees, right? It's looking to... The plane is leading towards Swinomey, where a lot of Polish people flew out of. Swinomey, in Lincolnshire. The RS Swinomey is no longer there, but the plane will be leaning towards, looking towards Swinomey, where a lot of Polish people flew their planes out of Swinomey, and other places. So, because of COVID, it's been delayed. And then there's the other problems. The cost of living crisis has affected people. Every time you delay it, the price goes up. The water too, as the steel has gone up in price. And so I said I'll try and raise 15,000 to do a skydive next summer. So 15,000 is my target. That's your personal target, but what is the total cost of this? Well, they've already paid, they've already spent £150,000 on getting people to work on the memorial. And so it's going to be, it's long overdue. I've got the booklet for you. Lovely. I'll do the Polish audition. We'll make some audition on the Polish language. So I can explain. Here's the booklet here. It tells you all about the different terms. So, there's lots of pictures in here of all the different, working on the plane itself. And like I said, people don't understand why it's taking so long because there's all sorts of factors, I suppose. Price of living goes up. When the price goes up, the delay is delayed because it gets delayed. Especially after COVID. There was Brexit. So after Brexit, the prices rise up of everything. And the money makes some devaluation. So currently, we're raising lower salaries than before, even if they go up a little bit. Because in relation, the money into the market is much different than before COVID. So we can buy less. We can buy less for the same money, right? So at the moment, they spent... The cost of building is £750,000, approximately. So the engine size... There's no engine, so there's no worry about that. The height is 29 metres. 29 metres high, wow. That's 29 metres. 29, it's close to 39. And the wingspan is 31 metres. And that's the same size as a Lancaster bomber, 31 metres. The length is 21, which is also the length of a normal Lancaster bomber. 21 metres length. And the weight will be... Sculpture is 92 t, I suppose that... 92 tons? Tons. 19 tons, not 92. 92. The foundation is 1,300 tons, foundation. So that's what I'm worried about. Because I'm worried about the wind. You know, there's a lot of hurricanes in the UK. So if they rise so quickly, like... It's been cemented in the ground. So the frame is there for all to see. And they're saying it might take two more years to get the money together. So it might be two more years. But I'm doing what I can at my length. Of course. It's not... So it's been in my local newspaper. I put it on my Facebook every... You know, I put the updates on my page, on my Facebook page. So here's the picture. Yeah, a good picture by me. That's another one, yeah. Amazing. So there are lots of pictures around on the internet. So people know what the... There's an artist's impression, the big picture of the artist's impression of what it looks like. Amazing. May I have one question? How about disaster managers? Could you tell me more about what you're exactly doing for, especially Polish disaster managers, but also for all as well? Because I know you have told me before, but on private conversation, I would like to, you know, listen to this, about your things you're doing. We have a Facebook page called Friends of Newark Cemetery. And I've got lots of people that have joined that group. And people can send in pictures or whatever they want to put, if they want to come. So I'll put my updates, what's happening in the cemetery on there. Like I said, that's just a Facebook page. And of course, I can't imagine... If you go and put Newark Cemetery in the Google, you'll see what comes up. Pictures of all different people that come to the cemetery over the years. We've got a street course. The course is closed in Newark. That's what we'll do after this conversation. I'll try to put some videos, because this conversation will be one video, which is on YouTube. But another one is like an audio for our radio. On the radio, I cannot make some links, but on YouTube, this is a message for all our listeners. So I'm speaking with the mayor of Lincoln, Mr. Lawrence Gough. Former mayor. Former mayor, OK. I'm the former mayor. I left in May. Yes, you left in May, so you're ex-mayor. Well, we say former mayor, it's good. Former mayor. Ex-mayor doesn't sound very good. OK, I understand. I'm still the mayor. I was the mayor. Yeah, officially, you can use the title of the mayor. Not really. But you're no longer mayor. I just put down former mayor on my Facebook page, so people know. Yeah. Because, like I said, I've done different things for the community as a whole. We've got the... In the Newark town hall, we've got the flag which draped over one of the coffins for the Polish presidents. So I got to get presented with that nice big flag, folded up, which was then given to me as the mayor. And that's in the parlor now. A nice big picture of... A nice photograph of... Formed a photograph of the flag with the eagle in the middle, folded up. It's in a casket now. And that was presented to me, and I put that... That's in the mayor's parlor now. So for all to see. Whenever it comes to Newark, they can see that lovely flag we got from Poland which draped on one of the coffins. Yeah, that's really amazing. I'll tell you why. Because this is a very positive relationship. I know that in Lancashire, there's a lot of Polish folk. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of... Next generations of... Previously, the members of the Bomber Squad, they left the UK, they stayed in the UK, and the rest of their life, maybe they're gone now, but the next generation, their sons, sons of sons, they're still doing a lot of good things. So for this reason, we would like to have a radio. A very small radio, but we're still doing something, something extra to... I'm just puzzled about the... You can't open... Because I put it on my Facebook page, the link, the Newark Cemetery, Lancashire Memories. When you put it on Facebook, when I put it on your page, I don't understand, did it not open up? Yeah. I cannot open it up. I don't know why, but this is something related to VPN and to some new iMacs, or iOS, security is updated in the Google browser, because they just done something new, and we had all the same problems with some openings. It's the first time that anybody's mentioned to me it's been blocked. So currently, everything is locked, because probably of some security reasons, maybe related to protocol, you know, privacy protocol on the website. You have to maybe update some certificates. That's what Google shows me when I try to make some analysis of this. It's false. It's the first time they've done that to me. I never had it done before. Yeah, because the website is an old one, so when you started, the certificate has been OK, but currently it's maybe expired, because of new different things, so you have to just go to server and update that SSL certificate. That's it. And maybe not you personally, but someone who is helping you in providing your website. So I don't know what, how I, not, it says not secure, it says here. Yeah, so this is not secure, so I can't open it. But I will check also on other systems, because I've got, I'm using iOS, including my iPhone, iMac, and some iPads, et cetera, so I'm using Apple systems. So maybe on Windows will be different. It could be different, but basically, so the browser, Google browser has applied new different things, which every single profile is related to your Google account or your email account, and to single browser, so you cannot open other things on the browser. Only this one, you are logged in as an application. I've got it open now. Can you open on your computer? I just opened it now. And you are on Windows? I've got it on my, I just opened it, I just put, it's open now. You can't... So we can't see, sorry, I can't do... I just get rid of the www, I just put, I just, so I have it open now, on my table. You can show your screen now, because I'd like to show for our watchers, for people who are watching us. So these are things, there's a number, and you personally, because there's quite dark on your screen, so we cannot see you perfect. So that's the website. So that's the website, JustGiving, Laurence Goff, former New York mayor, then the country gave it to us. So that's the website, the page on JustGiving. You can apply and get some money if you would like to help. So we also share this website on our... I have a... So that works, but that's on JustGiving website, right? And I've got the link there, you can get the link. Yeah, so all the links, we apply to the video, and we write down under the description of this conversation, so it will be easy for others to find out more information about you, especially for specific links, to get involved in the gift aid, etc. So I will share this information in Polish language as well, especially for Polish community, to help you and your friends to raise some money, because that really is... We are proud of your job, because you really make some good impression of the Polish community, especially on your local community. You're involved to get into a good job, so we're very lucky. Cool. Yeah. So is there anything else? I can look for others. Let me have a look. I'll put the link back on the page and see if it shows up on my page. Yeah, so I can try open another one. So that's the picture, the story. So your goal is 15,000, but it's your personal goal. So you have raised it over 54,000 people currently, right? Yes. Wow. 24,000 people will be able to see the memorial when it gets up. Ah, right. So people can see it. So that's the... Who can reach this memorial, right? So people can see it from the A46. Mm-hmm. All right. 34,000 people in a car. So that's potential... That's roughly... People who can see that, like a marketing information, right? It's not people you have reached yourself. It'll vary from week to week and month to month, so that's an estimate. Roughly 34,000 passing on the A46, going to other places. So... So for other Polish people, I can just advise that you can help using this link and help for Lawrence, or you can create some own JustGiving campaign to help this project. So we will share some information about the charities here, charity member, et cetera, until you can find out how you can help. So it depends on what you want to do. You can be involved in fundraising or you can just give a money, so it's up to you. Not like I'm just talking to my own listeners, right? Polish voice listeners. So I think for now, that's quite... Do you want to see the website, because I'm going to open now. Yes, if you can share your screen. One second. I've got it working now, but I don't know what happened, because it's opened up on my page here. Where do I put it now? So I have done the options for you that you can share your screen. So if you use the button on the bottom, green button, and press the share screen, so we can see the video, we will see what you're sharing for us. Where is that then? Where do I do that? Yeah, on the bottom. If you make some cursor down, and there is options, green one, share screen. If you press that one... Share screen. Where is that button? Where is share? On the menu. On the menu. Share. Yeah, there is microphone on the left, video, et cetera, security, and if you follow that from left to right, there is one of them, share screen, with the arrow. Share. I can try to share my screen for you, and I believe, I'm sorry, that's the music I can't hear, but if you can see my panel now, can you see my panel now? Hello, there is microphone, there is video, security, chat, summary, and there is share, new share. So, if I can do... You press this one, you can share for me, because currently I'm sharing for you. So, I'll switch this off. I've got share. Oh, yes, yes, that's it. That's it there. So, I'll switch off now, and you can share your screen now. Let's see if I put it on. Let's have a look, if you can do it. Yes. There it is, share. Oh, yes. That's what we are doing. So, while, and then, like you see here, I've got... Yes, so just to make some video... So, you can see all the lanterns on the grave, and the flag, and there is that nice picture. There is a Lancaster bomber, a Spitfire, and a Hurricane picture. And there is me with your Polish flag in the market. And I've got the Welsh flag here, and that's the big banner I have in the market. So, it explains what's going on. That's a beautiful idea, because that's a big monument. Father Michael, at Holy Trinity, the church I go to, Father Michael, he was my chaplain. And there is a big statue of General Sikorski there. General Sikorski, and his Polish flag. Yes. And there is a Lancaster bomber plaque in the town centre. It tells you all about how many people sacrificed their lives by flying, mostly at night. And there is a video of Sikorski's statue being unveiled. And there is a nice little video about remembering General Sikorski in Newark. And there is my medal, the Mayor's Medal, former Mayor's Medal, badge. And there is that medal I told you I got from Poland. Lovely. And then I got one, there is me in, there is the Mayor, the Mayor of St. Dominic, and myself, and there is the Pope. The Pope said Mass there, in St. Dominic. Yes, that's beautiful. And there is me, so, and there is all the medals. Everybody else got a medal as well. There is the flag I told you about. They gave that to me as the Mayor and it's in the parlour now. Here is a letter I sent to the local newspaper saying thank you to the Polish community for their contributions. Lovely. A lovely letter there. Thank you very much for that. I speak on behalf of my Polish community. I went up to London to RAF Nordholt. Have you been to RAF Nordholt? Yes, I did. Yes, so as you see I put the flag. Here are some of the children, some Polish children from Lincolnshire came to Newark and I made sure I get the flag out for them. And, as you can see, I took loads of pictures over the years. Yes, a lot of sacrifice lives. Yes. Yes. And these are all the videos of all the years I've been. And there is one of your former Presidents. And there is their pictures. The three Presidents who went back to Poland. And there is the sculpture picture. And there is RAF Nordholt. And I was there to lay a wreath. Anyway, all these videos, anybody can put Newark Cemetery in and you'll get all the information. Yes, we do and we share these videos and this information. I believe we can open, maybe from different devices, we try to open this website to read this information and maybe translate part of them and make some better campaign to help you raise this money and to give this monument because this is a really good idea. Because this is the part of our history together. Your and mine. The video now? Yes, I see. I can see that. I can see that. Good. So who has done this job? It's not families now. The community is alive. So Newark can always be our friend for Poland and these are all the parades in the cemetery over the years. And here is the service. So that's tradition, right? And look at the graves of new Germans who gave their lives fighting for England. And if anyone asks you what the English think of Poland, tell them also to come here and see how they honour the graves of those who gave their lives fighting for Poland. So let's find Poland and bring them together today for it's the same we found after the war there. And I do not need excuses to ask the politicians or any economic interests. It is simply that we care about freedom. Ours and yours. And we were both prepared to stand together, to fight together and, if need be, to die together. But both Poland and Poland So that's very specific and very lovely event. Everybody comes more over the country. Yeah, every day is going more. But maybe you know that on 11th of November there is very special day for us. Because Poland has been in occupation plenty of years before, long time ago. And 11th of November is Independence Day. So, especially for this season I contacted you. I was there in Poland. You was there. Have you seen the march? There is so many people walking with the flag, etc. Thousands of thousands of thousands. I was there. I was there. I came back. I came back on the 11th. Yeah, so 11th is the Independence Day. So it's a very great specific day in our country. So everyone has the day off, like a holiday. And there is a lot of people outside there walking with the flags and getting involved. It's a very specific and lovely day. Yes, I have the picture. I took in Sandomierz, which is... Sandomierz. Yes, and that's where I had laid a wreath. It's coming up now. So, that's it right there. That was the Independence Day. Yeah. That one right there, yes. You were in Poland on Independence Day. In Poland on Independence Day. That's lovely. Gloriusz, it's really great. It's really great to speak with you. Thank you very much for this conversation. I'm trying to share this information provided for our Polish community, our listeners and others. And we ask all our friendship media from newspapers and others to help you and share this information. And all the things you're doing, because you're doing a very great job to building a strong relationship between two communities, Polish community and British community. And we're still together. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. We're paying some taxes together and we're doing it kind of like ours. The link should work. Have you tried the link again? Because it's open on my page. Yeah, it's open on your page. Currently I have no access to your page because I'm getting... I'm just checking. That's my page. That's my private. You have to find radio. If you can go and write some Polish voice at some radio station. So there will be on Facebook as well. So you can find those and make some like. If you press like, we will be able to tag you on our post. You will see then what we are posting about you. Happy with that you're doing this. And we as a radio Polish business would like to help you and share this information as well for all listeners and followers. Thank you very much. Have a good night, my friend. I was talking with Lawrence. A former mayor of Newark. Thank you very much. Have a good night. Watch this bomba. That's the thing you are doing. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba. Watch this bomba.

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