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Yo, welcome to Hyperactive, the chaotic podcast where all things said are alleged, allegedly. I am one of your hosts. I hate that I did the double hand, immediately want to kill myself. I'm one of your hosts, T. I'm J. Nice to meet y'all. So on, so forth, et cetera. Pause. So I like, uh, the three part, well, not necessarily three part, but like the glass, uh, was the one where he's got like the 25 fucking personality split glass split. And then, uh, do you know what I'm talking about? No. Cause I'm, I'm confused. I just love that. What are you talking about, bro? It's the fucking, uh, it's, it's the, so, you know, the movie split or buddy's got like 26 different person. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then there's like a whole class where like, they're all in like the penitentiary getting like studied. I didn't see any of those. No. We have to watch it. All right. On a, on a, on a date night thing, we got to watch it on God, but, uh, so yeah, that was our introduction. Uh, you wanted to start us off with the joke. Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, let's get that. All right. So the joke of the day, what's the difference between an enzyme and a hormone? Dunno. Well, I mean, you can always make an enzyme, but you can't make a... Fair. I'm going to let you know right now. That was funny. Delivery dead. Dang. How I got to do it then? So you got to set it up for yourself, but don't, you don't have to walk everybody through it. Ready? So like, what's the difference between an enzyme and a hormone? I don't know. Well, I can't make an enzyme. They can fill in the rest. I feel, you know what I get you, but sometimes I feel like not everybody's on that level. Not everyone's that smart, but in the same sense, if they're not as smart to figure it out. I guess. It's hard as a joke at that point. All right. T-shirts. I'll give you that. I'll give you that. You know what I mean? All right. Some things are all about delivery. All right. Well, I'll do better on the upcoming jokes. I got you. I'm going to try to make this a regular thing. I'll be like your manager. When, before you go up on stage and you run, run the jokes past me, I'll be talking about some... No. You know that Bugs Bunny movie? Yeah. Yeah. All right. All right. I'm going to get my Eddie Murphy on. Your Eddie Murphy on? Yeah. You've never seen Eddie Murphy's life stand up? Of course I have. Oh, okay. I was about to say. Because I didn't know that he was a comedian, but because listen, listen, listen, listen, because when I was a kid, the first time that I had like heard or seen of Eddie Murphy, my mom's white. First time I had seen or heard of Eddie Murphy, I was watching Daddy Daycare, the Eddie Murphy version. So when I've seen, it was only in movies and stuff. I didn't know he was a comedian. And then when I got to like my early teens, I was like on Netflix or something. I was on some streaming platform and I seen Eddie Murphy and I was like, rawr. So then I put on the, but he was in that red suit. Yeah. Bro. Red leather. Red leather, bro. So my question is, now that we've said that, you've never seen like Beverly Hills cops or anything like that? Yeah. Oh, okay. So before that. But you didn't know his career before that. Yeah, exactly. Oh, okay. I only, from the time that I was born, like basically from Daddy Daycare forward is what I knew Eddie Murphy as in movies and stuff like that. And then when I discovered his standup and stuff like that, I was like, oh, he was a, he was a comedian. Okay. And then I went back and watched all the shit. Then you ran into that. Okay. What about Martin? The person, Martin? Yeah. Yeah. You, you, you know his comedy too? I know his comedy now. Oh. Man. It's the same thing with Eddie, with Eddie as, as is with Martin. Golly. It's cause it was like, uh, like bad boys and shit like that. Mm hmm. And then I was like, I like this dude, looked him up to like see what other movies he was in. And then it brought stuff about his standup and. Okay. Like, I mean, it is black history, man. So. Yeah. Bro, let's do that. Let's do that. You know, you know what actually pissed me off? Hmm. I thought I would get something from you. And I, you aired it in the group chat. It was some shit about the, we were playing spades and you were like, yeah, buddy, they just keep leaving bags on the fucking board out for our whole team. Everyone just keeps going nil, all this shit. And I said, you said one dude specifically like fucked you over with it. And I was like, damn, the audacity and during black history month too. And you just went on with the rest of your conversation. And I was like, cool. So now I just looked like. I probably didn't see it because in our group chat, bro. A lot of, a lot of us reply and then some of us don't reply and then randomly they'll reply in a different spot and it just shoots everything up. And there's what, like seven of us in what? Me, you, Mac, Mike, Preston, Brandon, six. Okay. Six. Okay. Six. But even so like six people texting back to back to back to back. To be fair. Shit just rolls. Brandon is usually working. Doesn't respond until late at night. Preston sleep. Preston is just a blue moon. He's our blue moon. He, he pops in randomly. I'm going to change his name to that. I'm going to change his name to that. Because when he does pop in, that's kind of like, I forgot you were here, bro. You know, he'll respond. And immediately I go, Oh shit. Yeah. He cares about us still. Today. Today. But either way, I mean, I'm glad we're actually kind of doing this. It's weird because it's like our first time and it's still kind of like nerve wracking and whatnot. But I mean, I'm actually glad that we're doing it because I've thought about a podcast before, but I've never actually like took the steps to make it. And I love certain podcasts. Not going to say their names. Maybe one day we'll be big enough and they'll come on. Oh, that'd be dope. That'd be dope. Because if we can get, cause we have a podcast that we watch. Yes. If we can fucking get them. I know we've made our shit. I know we've made it. That's when I go exactly like you said, we fucking made it. We've made it. Yeah. Because even when they're like guests on other people's podcasts and I watch it, it just doesn't feel right. Because I also feel like you have to have a certain energy, right? And not to sound like big headed, but I feel like we have that energy. I think it's good. Like they say all the time, like they've known each other since like grade school. Like, I don't know, like seventh grade, sixth grade, all that stuff. So like they've grown together. We've known each other through the military and I feel like it's a closer bond. Not trying to downplay their bond, but like ours is a lot closer I feel like because we've done some stuff together. Like real sketchy stuff. It's like in the sense of, hang on, before I continue, you said lower or louder? Okay. It's more of a sense of like, because let's just take them out of it. People in general who've known each other for, since they were in like either elementary school, middle school, high school, so on and so forth. There's, it also depends on the people too, because this can also translate to the people that have known each other for like since school or whatever. Like there's certain aspects and like you'll see it in like TV shows and like certain characters develop this way too when it comes to relationships, like the term trauma bonded. So like there's certain things that like, you don't have to know me since you were fucking eight years old. You can know me for a couple of years, but once we're trauma bonded, there's just certain things and aspects that because we're like minds and because we've gone through certain things together, there's no one else really understands except us. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. That's with me, you, Soroki. The whole group chat. Everybody. Yeah. Like that's, that's the reason that we're in a group chat. True. Honestly, like some of them, like say like Soroki, I wouldn't necessarily, like outside of the threshold that we've all met based on everybody's actual like outside personalities, I don't think I would hang out with some of them. Not saying I wouldn't now because obviously we do, but even so, like if I would have met them on like the street and like, or like at a random party, I don't think we would have clicked as much as we did. Yeah. And when we got there and everybody like, cause we didn't meet them until we fully got there. We only knew. Yeah. What? Me, you. Here's, here's the dynamic, right? I knew you cause I was at that unit with you for four years before we left. Which is on a whole different topic. Not the same. I didn't even know you. Know me. Cause I don't think I've ever seen you. Even Mac, he PCS or he can't, he went from active duty to IR. He went from IR to our unit and then like two months later they said, you're going, you're getting deployed. Yeah. So then he was like, cool. So the couple of drills that he was there, I wasn't there and you didn't know me and Mac didn't know me and everyone at that unit knew who I was, but they didn't know me at all. Like probably couldn't even put a face to my, to my name because, and this is a genuine thing. Even Mac, when we got down there, he explained to me, he was like, bro, I fucking love you now, but before I'm glad I got to know you because everyone just portrayed you as a fucking shit bag. I got to the unit the day we were leaving. Like I had all my bags ready to go for the bus and someone walks up and goes, E-step. I was like, yo, what's up? They go, bro, they said you were AWOL. I was like, word, word, word. So I can leave. I guess. Right. They were like, nah. Nah, but you're already here. We already see you now. And, uh, then, then, uh, I'll, I'll wear the names and shit for stuff. But Sergeant McLean walks up to me and he goes, oh shit. I thought you died. Nah, bro. Like the funny thing is they actually almost like said I was AWOL. But Sergeant Cisse was my, my first line. I was talking to him, Sergeant Vasquez, anyone like to send it up the chain. Like I was telling who I needed to tell cause it, and granted I give it to him. My shit sounds excuses, excuses, excuses, but genuinely for those cups, like that year, especially before we left, it was just nothing but bad fucking luck. My car, the car that, so I got the car and then it had to have some shit done, did the shit. Then I was working. Right. And at this point I had already moved out and all of that. So it was genuinely just me trying to work my ass off. Cause you know what was happening during that time. And I was just trying to work and everything kept fucking up my car. And in order to pay my bills, I have to go to work. Like there's nothing changing that I'm going to work. And especially cause I was still bartending. That was all I was doing was bartending and serving with Sean. And it would be the day before rent's due and I need $300 more to make my rent. And after that rent's done, I hope I have any extra money to get to work the next day for gas. Cause I lived about, with the traffic time, about 45 minutes from my job. Cause I lived in Denton. This was in Hazlitt. It's a cool, if you speed and get perfectly before the traffic or anything hits, you can get there in about 25, 30 minutes. But it's 35 from Denton to Hazlitt. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like, I don't know what to tell you. I hope I have the gas money. If I'm $300 short on my rent by tomorrow and you telling me you want me to come in to drill where I'm going to get a $200 paycheck for the weekend at that point. As an E2, probably like 200 bucks for the whole weekend. I'm not going bro. And I'm not going to get it until two weeks later. You mean to tell me that you, I told TSA, I was like, bro, like I'm, I'm behind rent. My car's still good at this point. I was like, I'm behind rent. Like 300 bucks. 300 bucks. I have to go to work this weekend because Friday, Saturday, Sunday, that's when I make my money. Friday night, Saturday night, and then Sunday morning for the, for the rich white people breakfast, brunch lunch. So I was like, bro, I, I don't know what to tell you. I'll come in. I can try to see if I can come in Friday morning, Saturday morning, but I have to leave at a certain point because I need to get there by the rush. Yeah. Right. And they were like, he just goes, if you're just going to come and then have to leave, then I'll come. Cool. Sounds good. And then after I was like at a point where I could get my car or get my rent good and was having a little bit extra money left over where I could spare the weekend, it would literally fall either in the week of or the day before or of that first day of drill. My, I've replaced three batteries on that car at this is at the time cause my ex has it right now. Hmm. Or it's her car now. I've replaced three batteries on it. I had to get two different alternators on it. I had to get replaced the radiator on it. I had to buy a completely not brand new, but from what was in it, a new engine. Yeah. A whole engine. Cause my engine block cracked in busted before the engine had completely gone to shit. I had blown like two or three gaskets on that. Yeah. I would have set that bitch on fire. That's all I had to get to work. So if this is all happening and then like hella tires, cause I don't, I'm not buying brand new. I don't have brand new tire money. I have enough money to go to ham down the street, get a $35 used tire and just let it ride. So this was all happening the week of and then obviously when the engine, I had to pay for a new engine and I didn't have that money. So I had to skip like three drills in order to just keep working, pay my rent and then accumulate the money and then ask people for money, get loans from so-and-so, so-and-so do all this just to make my fucking ends meet. And so at that point I basically had a bad year, but with, I don't, I don't want to get into how it happened, but I ended up having a good year for that year. But that's, that's what I'm saying is like at that point, um, I'm blind as fuck. Uh, Mr. Sean, I'm blind as fuck. So the highlightedness, I can't read anything inside of it. Gotcha. Um, so yeah, that was, that was just some shit. So you didn't really know me cause I wasn't ever there. Not by my choice. I mean, some of it was my choice, but it was either go to drill or be honest. Yeah. So you didn't know me. Mac didn't know me. Preston had just fucking got there. They brought Preston in on a random day and Buddy had dreads. Bro, he had dreads, the neckties. He had everything that you were supposed to have, dreads, neckties. He came in his uniform, like his OCPs didn't have anything on him. He had on some J's and they were like, just handed him stuff as he came in. Like he was, they were just like, Hey, here's a shirt. Hey, here's some pants. Hey, uh, here's a belt. Like tight stuff. And then at the end of the day, like, uh, I think Hendo was there at that point. Yeah, Hendo. I fucking miss Hendo, bro. Matter of fact, I just talked to him the other day. He's good, but still like dealing with some stuff. But, um, yeah, we went and we talked to him cause we were like, me and Hendo is cool. We're about to go downrange. You're obviously coming downrange. You got dreads, like, who are you? And you're like one of the, he was like one of the only black guys we had to like vet him essentially. To see if like he was, it's gonna sound bad, but if he was black or not. And so we started talking. Especially, especially in that unit, like between Ba and who's that one, the Ninja Turtle looking motherfucker. Bro, I can't remember his name. Mike. I can't remember his name, but, but he's loaded and I'm not gonna lie. He owes me $20, bro. And I'm just tired. He had a bet you didn't pay him? Nah, nah. It wasn't a bet. It was like one day we had went to the range or something and we stopped and everybody was eating, but he had left his wallet. So I was like, it's not even $20. It's probably like, I don't know, like $11, something between like $11 and $15, whatever. But like, he was like, yeah, when we get back, like, you know, I'll pay you back. And I was like, cool, whatever, you know. Bro, you're not gonna be the only one not eating while everybody else is eating. So I bought him a burger and stuff and like we were all talking. Not a little food truck? Nah, it was like a gas station. We had stopped at and um. Mmm, them turbos. No, it was like an Ergo. It was like burgers and everything. It was like one of them all-you-can-eat kind of places, essentially. Gas station. And um, yeah, we were in there and that's when we got to the range, me and him were talking and he was like, yeah, like, you know, uh, I guess like he's adopted and like his family's rich. Bro, they have their own private plane. Yeah. I knew I wasn't tripping. I was gonna say that, but I was gonna let it ride because I couldn't remember if it was true. No, they do. They have their own private jet, bro. And, but he was like, yeah, like, uh, I just use my credit card every month and my dad just pays it off. And I was like, oh, okay, cool. Dude, if you told me that, I said, what? Yeah, bro, like, come on, bro. And he was just like, yeah, but you know, all this other stuff. And like, I think we were, we were talking on the bus on the way back and we were like, just like, I guess you'd call it like black knowledge and stuff. And he was just like looking at me funny and he was like, I think we were talking about the cops. And by the time I got pulled up, I got like pinned down by the cops for taking the trash out. And he was like, kind of sort of like making it like my fault. And I was like, bro, I'm like, I'm like 12. I'm taking the trash to the, like the dumpster in the apartment. And like these random cops were like, came up because some kids were like egging like the apartment. I just happened to be running back. So. Honestly, it's cold as fuck outside type shit. Oh God, bro. And they like pinned me down and gun to the head, everything. And I was just like, he was like, well, you shouldn't have been running type shit. And I was like, okay. And that's when I knew I was like, you're cool at a distance. Yeah. But I have some friends like that too. We're not even friends. But like, Shrody, Shrody's cool. So he's cool. But you have, he's only cool within a certain timeframe because buddy just yaps. Yeah. Not gonna lie. There's a lot of people I don't talk to because they talk a lot. Our little circle is usually where it stays. Everybody else is cool to a certain degree, but like, you know, I can't talk to you about this. I can't talk to you about that because you're going to keep talking. And this is a yes or no question. I don't want to, I don't want to be here five hours talking to you about a yes or no question. Yeah. Like even in that same sense, it's, it's probably kind of fucked up, but it is what it is. Like if I ask you like, Hey man, uh, how's, how's this going? Or whatever, whatever. Yes. I'm asking cause I care, but really you just want the synopsis. Yeah. Just give me the breakdown. Like, ah, it's going good, man. You know, like this happened like this, but you know, I'm going to still work on this. All right. Cool, man. Like I just wanted to check on you. Have a good day. Keep pushing. I mean, I care, but I don't care. You know what I mean? But like if you were, if I go, Hey Sanjay, you know, like how's, how's this going? Like, you know, with the move or whatever, like is, and you're like, Oh man. And you get into like a 10 minute thing or whatever. I'm listening and I care, but that's cause you're my boy. But as an acquaintance, if I ask you a question like that, I care enough to ask you, but don't extend my patience. Oh God. Because I have a lot of patience as a person. Like Sean, Sean has told me before, like I have, he, what, how did you word it? I don't remember how I word it, but the put up of my ass, you need patience. Like I think one time, and this is a variation of what I heard was you have the most patience that anybody has ever had. And in, in a sense, because of like things that we talk about, yes, I have an abundance of patience and I have a lot of it. That means the same thing as abundance. We're just going to charge that. Yeah. But in a sense of, thank you. In a sense of, it only goes so far. I have so much of it, but I do have a cap. Oh God, everybody does. And depending on what the situation is, it's going to vary of what my battery level on my fucking patience is. Yeah. Because if it's about some bullshit that I don't care about, my patience is down here and don't exceed it. But if it's something that actually matters or affects my life or is like big and major, it, it shoots up, but it still does have a cap. This is true. But. Yeah. I mean, I get it, but. We were originally talking about how we haven't, we, we met each other through the army. Yeah. We were all trauma bonded, all that. Yeah. And we're definitely trauma bonded, all of us, which is cool. I mean, I wouldn't, I wouldn't take away any of y'all. I love y'all to the point where like, if y'all need me, I'll show up for sure. No hesitation. You're definitely one of those 3am, I can call and I know, well, I know, I know that actually, like the saying when you're like, oh, if you can call him at 3am, it's like, but also I know you. So I know that you're going to sleep through your phone call because I'm doing the same thing. Like depending on how I'm sleeping that night, if I'm dead asleep, I'm not answering. But if I'm sleeping like a regular night, anything goes off. I'm waking up. So I'll answer the phone and I'll definitely be there. But if I don't answer, it's not because I don't love you. It's because I'm asleep. Yeah. But your best bet is to call me at five o'clock. I'm awake. I'm awake at five. So I'm more of not the three o'clock person, the five o'clock person. Call me then. But, um, honestly, on another note, not like shifting anything since I'm, I don't sleep. I've been waking up at like five on a normal. That's like my normal wake at 5am. I'm up. If I'm not in the gym, bro, I'm watching my anime. And that segway, we have to get into your anime segment. So this is Samji's anime segment. All right, bro. So I got three animes I'm going to introduce for this week. If y'all aren't already watching them, heard anything about them, or you're not even like an anime person. Granted, one of them is a binge worthy one. You can watch it all the way through because it's actually completed right now. And that's Spirin's Journey Beyond End. And that was more of a, you know, when you watch anime and then they go on like this journey, then after the journeys, like they defeat the Demon King or whatever they got to do, it just ends. Pause. Because they don't know about it. We did shoot a pilot episode, but because I'm a perfectionist, I had to charge it. I was not allowing any, what was on there, it was good digestible content per se, but how it was structured, the lack of lighting, the lack of sound, all that shit. I wasn't letting that pass. My creative mind would not allow it. But I said something in there that needs to be said here, because this is going to be posted. He's aware. I've never been an anime person. Not at all. I've watched like three animes before and it was just from the Denton crew, shout out y'all. That was the only time I ever watched anime. And it was Akame Ga Kill, Blue... Blue Luck. Blue Luck. It's the soccer one. The soccer one? Blue Luck. Blue Luck and Chainsaw Man. Those were the only three that I ever was like, oh damn. Those are actually decent. I hated anime before that. Not even just like a hatred toward it, but just like when people are... The school I went to, if you were an anime kid, you were just weird. And you know the crazy part about that? Now everybody who's like, used to be in anime, now all of a sudden the anime is cool, everybody in they momma's part of the anime community. And that's BS. Because when we used to sit there and play Yu-Gi-Oh cards and all this other stuff in class, people used to sit there and be like, they're weird and all this other stuff. Now all of a sudden, everybody wants to be in the club. The club is full, bro. I'm going to make two points short and sweet because this is your anime segment, I don't want to cheat on that. Two things. To go with that, bro, as a kid, we were broke, bro. And I were... I came from a third world country, what are you talking about? No, bro, I get that, but I'm saying in terms of people going from one thing and then completely flipping, we were broke. I got all of my shit, like my shoes. I got a pair of shoes a year. Payless? Payless. Yeah. And I had Champion runners. Yeah. And Champion, like I had a Champion shirt. I had the Payless brand. Bro. And everyone would fucking clown on me. And this was in middle school, so like 8th grade was like the last year that people were clowning on it. I got to high school, Champion went from being a Walmart Payless brand to fucking top tier, and they made me throw my shit away and they bullied my ass so fucking hard. But I threw my shit away. Okay? I threw my fucking shit away. And then, the next year I got to school, with what I assumed was name brand shit. And they were wearing Champion shit. Bro. And I was so fucking livid. To this day, I'm still upset about that. Because I do remember that. My dad used to take me to Kmart to get Champion. And I'd be like, bro, I'm finna get clowned. And they did. And then we, all of a sudden now we're spending a hundred and something dollars on Champion. It don't click, bro. But either way, going back to my anime, Segway back, Rewind and all that stuff. Yeah, so Furin's journey beyond then is essentially, it's not essentially completed, it is completed. And it's more of a, what happens after they've defeated or completed their journey. So there's no more Demon King, no nothing. And it follows this elf, who obviously, everybody knows elves live forever, or for a long time. So her party that she was in is the one that defeated the Demon King. So you have your hero, you have your healer, all that other stuff. They're essentially all human, so now it's more of, she comes back, she's essentially training their pupils. The hero dies, you know, he's old, he's, it's like 90 years, 80, 90 years later, whatever, and he's dead. They all come back, they go see this meteor shower, all this other stuff. And then she goes back into seclusion for a little bit, and then goes back into meeting up with each one of her party members. Each one of them essentially has like a new pupil to take over for her, well for them. And it's like now they're traveling because she wants to see the hero after he's dead. So now she's like traveling, which they call it heaven, a place where they have to go to see, which ends up being back in the Demon Kingdom. It took them 10 years to complete the trek to the Demon Kingdom to defeat the Demon Lord. So now essentially it's going to be a 10 year mission to walk back to the Demon Capital to get to heaven, if it exists or not. And then in that point, like they're going through different stuff, and it's a great watch. It wasn't something I thought I'd get into, but on a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a good 7.5, 8. Because it has just enough action, but it also has just enough storyline and quirkiness to it to keep you interested. Then, on the type of anime that I like, I need to see hands thrown, boots to the face, blood, guts, all this other stuff, I'm more into action. I'm going to give you the two newest ones. One started off very slow, but was decently paced based on the... The first one that you said, how many episodes is it? Furin, I believe it's 12, maybe 13. How long is each episode? I feel like it's just something... 25-ish. If you skip credits, it's probably like 20. I don't care about the intro and all that stuff. My anime, I mean, when it starts, it gives you a little bit, then it shows the name, and then it goes right back into what it is. Where can you watch it? You can watch it on Crunchyroll, which is usually where I watch most of my anime. 9 times out of 10, if I'm giving you anime, it's on Crunchyroll. If not, it's on HiDive. Both are... Well, HiDive... Yeah, both of them are roughly around $8 a month. I pay about $8 a month for it, whatever. Get with me, Crunchyroll, because, you know, I'm giving a plug. I would love to get a free membership. But I'm just saying, you know, for the both of us, because... He's always trying to get into anime, and every time he guesses it's up to anime, because he's the same thing as me, I need the action, bro. I know. I was just explaining before the episode, I can't take, like, 5 fucking episodes that are like 45 minutes long. Um, let's put it this way. If we're gonna go on, like, straight into action, right off the top... Was it a phone call? You don't have to stop the phone. Yeah, so I'm gonna just address it. So we definitely ran into technical difficulties in, like, 25 minutes of what we were talking about. Just got... Shot? Yeah, it's shot. But, to sum it up, we know each other from the military. We've all fucking not known each other on our deployment. We all got hella close, like we were talking about before. We're all basically trauma bonders from the military, and at the end of the day, like, it's a strong bond that we ended up creating, based on that. Granted, the layout wasn't what we would normally like, and we normally wouldn't have went through to make a friendship, but the military tends to bond you to certain people for life. And with y'all, I mean, y'all boys might... I'm not gonna tell y'all it's gonna be my wedding, because it's probably gonna be at the courthouse. But, I mean, you know, hey. I was gonna say, damn. If it's a real wedding... Just fuck me, I guess. No, I mean, if it's like a real wedding, y'all definitely gonna come through, for sure. If I... That'd be like the renewal of the Thou's wedding. Type shit. Yeah. But the in-the-door wedding, courthouse. Don't nobody need to be there. Yeah. I just need me, her, and the judge. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Done. But if I do get married again, y'all definitely gonna be in my shit. But that's the thing, too, is I don't... Obviously, I would love to get married again, but I feel like I went about things wrong the first time, that I feel like I just wanna... I don't wanna make any mistakes or... And not to say that getting married would be a mistake. I don't want it to sound like that, but I just mean in the sense of like... I just wanna make sure that everything's good. And in the sense of my first marriage, I felt like, in my opinion, and this is not me talking shit about anybody or anything or any situation. Just in a general sense. I felt like I kinda rushed into my first one. Not everything was like how it should have been by the time that I had decided to get married. And so, in my opinion, I feel like with this... Like this being said, I feel like if I do get married again, it'll be a lot further down the road. And not to say I'm gonna be one of those motherfuckers that's been with this girl for like 8 years and still hasn't proposed or some shit. But in a sense of like, I'm not gonna go, dang, I wanna marry this person and then just marry it. You know what I mean? Yeah, no, I definitely do, because for me, personally, I have a 4-year wait list. If that makes sense. Not like I got females, but regardless. I don't believe in getting married one before 25. Because between 18 and 25, you've left your mama's house, you're in college, whatever the hell you're doing, and you're still trying to figure out you as an adult. Then, once you figure out who you are as an adult, then I feel like you need to start dating for marriage. Anything between 18 and 25 is figuring out who the fuck you are without your parents. Figuring out taxes, figuring out life, figuring out all this other stuff. But at the end of the day, before 25, if you marry before 25, it's very rare, in my mind, that y'all last a long time. Because you would then get with her. She's still trying to figure out who she is as an individual. You're figuring out who you are as an individual. Y'all get together. Y'all, oh, I love you, because y'all in the first year honeymoon phase. Everything's perfect. Nothing she does gets on your nerves too much that you can't brush past it. All this other stuff. Year 2, for me, is where, like, okay, like, I'm in a relationship. Cool. Let's kind of sort her in between honeymoon phase and, like, figuring it out. Year 3, I feel like y'all should have moved in roughly around here. So now you're seeing. You're seeing when she walks past the laundry mess or whatever. Or he or she is walking past and just dropping their drawers right on the floor. And you're just, like, you're starting to see the flaws of that person. And then at that point, it's like, make or break. Can I deal with picking up after this person? Can this person, I don't know, like, doesn't do dishes on time? All this other stuff. Like, that's when you're falling into those and then you're figuring out their qualms and all that stuff. And whether or not you can deal with that person. It's no longer the honeymoon phase and everything is perfect. It's now I'm actually seeing this person for who they are. So then at this point, you go into year 4. And I feel like at year 4 is where you're getting, let's get married. Because by that time, you've been with them through the honeymoon phase. Year 2 and 3, y'all have gone through something. Cheating, wanting to be with somebody else, all this other stuff. Whatever the case might be, the person rubs you the wrong way, all that. And then year 4 is where you're just like, everything they've done that got on my nerves, I can still live with. And I can still see myself being with this person until I'm 50-something plus years old and dying and on the bed. Like, that was my person type thing. So in my mind, that's how I go about it. And granted, that's how I've led every single one of my relationships. Whether or not the person stayed or not, it's up to them. But I've always had that play. Or not that play, but that script, that guideline. However you want to word it, whatever. So then we go from there to, okay, now let's get married. Let's do this, this, this, this. And so everything is not going to be perfect. Everything is not going to be expected. I feel like most times, people get in relationships and expect things to go a certain way and it doesn't go a certain way. So now, that person is not for me. The whole time, that was a person for you. But you fucked it up because you were overthinking. And you had that expectation of, person needs to be 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10. The whole time, a person needs to be 10, 10. And things you need, 4, 3, 2, or 1 in a certain category that you don't necessarily need, but you think you need. And then there's 10, 10, 10, everything else. But that 4, 3, 2, 1, you're just like, it's a deal breaker. Then you get older and you're just like, that was a deal breaker. There are certain things, as you get older, you realize aren't as important. And some things that you didn't think were as important actually are priorities that you need. You kind of just make those differences as you go. And figure out, like you said, figuring out yourself. Because once you figure out yourself, I feel like, once you know who you are as a person and what you're willing to deal with and stuff like that, that's when you can actually make the differentiation of, this is what I want in a partner and this is what I will deal with. And if this is something that I'm going to have to deal with, it's just not going to happen. Amen. And I think a lot of people nowadays are just so in love with the... Concept of love. The concept of love, but not the work of love. Facts. Because love is hard. It is hard. And I mean this, not even non-derogatory, allegedly. Allegedly? Allegedly. If a bitch is just a bitch, if she's just some meat, I don't give a fuck what your goals and views and what you're going to nag about this and that. You're just some meat. Bro, I'm just here to catch this nut and then move on, bro. And like, there's certain things that maybe, XYZ, I'm not dealing with. But XYZ, she actually does that I'm not going to deal with. But she's... Did it stop again? Yep. Again with the fucking technical shit. So, she can not be about XYZ. And XYZ has to be met in order for me to be in a relationship with someone. But if you're a piece of meat, I'll deal with XYZ because right now I'm just trying to hit. Yeah, I'm just trying to bust this nut and then move on. But once I find a woman that I'm like, okay, I actually fuck with you. Let's say it is that girl who did XYZ and I'm not down for XYZ. It's going to suck because obviously, let's say I catch... That's a conversation you have to have. That's true. That's true. But my point in that being like, if you hit those points that I'm not fucking with. That's when it, like you said, it either becomes a conversation or you charge it because that's not the person for you. And especially in that conversation, if she says, okay, cool, I can change XYZ. And then, like you said, about a year or two in, after that honeymoon phase or whatever, XYZ is still not being met. And she's like, nah, I'm the certain women who say things like, nah, I'm that bitch or whatever, that have that mentality. I'm not talking to one of them. Because, bro, in all props to you, if you're that bitch, be that bitch. And I don't mean that in a derogatory way. I do. You're not that bitch. I'm not going to lie. Because you have no feasible skills. And even that, someone eventually will love you for being that bitch or that boss bitch. That's their parameters. But my XYZ, if you're just going to be on your boss bitch shit, whatever, whatever, cool, do you. If that's all you're about, that's all you're about. But that's not for me. That's not to say that no one's going to love you because there will be someone who's going to put up with that. But it's just not going to be me. It ain't going to be somebody that you can actually spend your entire life with. You can be a boss bitch all day long. Granted, nobody cares. You can own $50 million worth of property and all this other stuff. And it sounds good. And there's going to be that guy that makes $100 million out of property and all this other stuff. And he's going to love you wholeheartedly. And y'all going to be this power couple and all this other stuff. 50 years down the road, when y'all are old and gray, what the fuck do y'all have? Exactly. Do you know his favorite color? And if you know his favorite color, do you know his favorite drink? Do you know his favorite this or vice versa? Her favorite drink? What she likes to do when you're not around? Do you still text her and be like, hey, beautiful? Wootie, wootie, wootie, woo. Or, hey, handsome, wootie, wootie, wootie, woo. Do y'all still try to do things to spark y'all relationship? Or do y'all just be like, it is what it is. We're both rich. We're a power couple. You know what pisses me off? The motherfuckers who ruin it for the few. I can't lie. I've been that person. So I can't. Because, bro, like, in what aspect? Let's take it like this. Let's take it like this. So let's take looking through her, like, phone shit, right? So there's a thing. There's a level of trust, right? There's a level of trust that you have with your partner. And, like, I've joked around before, because it's a line from You, where she's like, oh, if we don't have trust, then we have nothing. But that bitch was literally cheating, and that's why she said that, because she didn't want him to go through his phone. But that's the thing, right? So it's shit like that. But, like, there's a level of trust that you have with your person. And if you have that level of trust, there's no need to go through their phone. Granted, I don't care. My girl has my password. I don't care. My girl's having my password to my phone. I mean, I don't feel the need to give her my logins, because if you want to see it, you can go on my phone. So some people go to the extreme, but, like, if you have my password to my phone, you have access to everything. So... But then there's those people, right, who will say, like, oh, well, you don't need to go through... If we don't have trust, then we have nothing. And then those people, like... If someone genuinely is saying, like, why do you feel the need to go through my phone? Like, me personally, people wanting to go through my phone makes me uncomfortable. Not because I have anything to hide, but it's just something about it makes me really uncomfortable. It's the fact that they want to go through your phone, because they're essentially doing something, and they feel like you're doing something, so therefore there's not that trust. If we don't have trust, why are we in this relationship? Exactly. But like how you said just that right there, right? If you ain't shit, and you say that to someone, and you're still cheating, and they go through your phone, they've heard that line before. And then they were still cheating. You know what I mean? I understand. And so it's like, if... Like, the mass fuck it up for the few. Because, in a general sense, men ain't shit. Mmm, I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. Okay, hang on, because I know there's gonna be people in the comments that run with that shit. Bitches. Men as a whole aren't shit. You gotta go? Yeah, we'll pause it for a minute. Alright, sorry, I wasn't trying to...

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