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Q3-19890329-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-coming_to_terms_with_the_nature_of_the_body-1564 Leandra Tejedor

Q3-19890329-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-coming_to_terms_with_the_nature_of_the_body-1564 Leandra Tejedor




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Talk: 19890329-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-coming_to_terms_with_the_nature_of_the_body-1564 Leandra Tejedor Start_time: 01:09:52 Display_question: I think on some level there is a lot of suffering that comes out of being disassociated from the body, and to some degree disembodied-a mind body split, and that it's very useful to pay attention to the body and own it. Keyword_search: suffering, body, disassociated, disembodied, mind, identify, relationship, exercise, wisdom, freedom, attachment, ego, emotional, repression, therapy, liberation, selfing Question_content: Questioner: I wanted to say I think on some level there is a lot of suffering that comes out of being disassociated from the body and to some degree disembodied-a mind body split and that it's very useful to pay attention to the body and own it. And I think meditation is one way to do that. But there’s a challenge to do that at the same time where one might also likely not identify with the body. Larry: Well, see, I'm not sure I think it might be a question of our language, but let me do the best I can. It may be that if people have a very negative relationship to their body, that some remedial work is, as you say, to own it and to feel better through that's what's going on now, right? All these exercise studios, and health programs, it's so people can feel better about their bodies, and better about themselves, because they feel better about their bodies and to feel healthier, and younger, and to get more out of life. That's what's going on right now. I mean, it's like massive. Okay now, that's good. It's probably better to have that, than to be just low energy, self-deprecating, depressed, and down on yourself, for having the wrong kind of body. I got issued the wrong body in that supply room when I came out here. But wisdom is going beyond all of that. Freedom is beyond that. So that if I understood you, that would be on the way, again it turns on the word own. See, if it's an attachment to then if you're creating an entity known as you, which owns the body then we're back where we started. You're going to suffer. Questioner: I don’t think it’s just coming from a poor image, but I think it’s coming from residual, unfinished business that people from… Larry: What does that mean? Unfinished business? Questioner: (inaudible) Getting more emotional stuff taken care of. Like people who pray and put aside… Larry: Yes. So, then that would be released. There's no problem with anything that you are saying unless you make a self out of it. Questioner: It almost seems to me that you have to have an ego before you can let go of it. Larry: That's what I'm saying. That is that is it maybe. I don't know because that formulation is not exactly to my liking. It's not so simple. You have to be a somebody before you become a nobody. It sounds cute and it sounds accurate, but there's something a little but I don't want to get into that. But let's say there is. Clearly, it seems to be some just good old common sense that if a person is just tremendously down on their body, and on themselves, really, because how could the two go together? And there's a lot of repression and tension. Anything that helps release that, whether it's the functioning of the body, just like it can work better, but also in the process, emotional release is going to be helpful. But the real question is if you want to go on this journey. There are healthy states. They come about through various therapies. Break_line: But liberation is letting go of the attachment. The body can function beautifully. It's not what the body does. It's how we relate to the body, in the mind. And I think there is a reason why there's so many remedial therapies around that we need them, and that they are on the way, and they're very helpful. But it isn't the last stop because, you see, if the remedial therapies finally contribute to just more selfing, in other words ego now organizes around its very trimmed body that can run for a few hours, and that can then it's the same game. In the one hand, we put ourselves down, and now we're just incredibly developed physically good. But we're talking about his freedom from the whole game. End_time: 01:14:35

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