Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is addressing a group and reminding them to turn their clocks forward one hour. They then announce their intention to study the first 11 chapters of Genesis, focusing on the six days of creation. They read from Genesis chapter one, emphasizing that God created the heavens and the earth, separated light from darkness, created the expanse, separated the waters from the land, created vegetation, created the lights in the sky, created living creatures in the water and sky, and finally created man. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the six days of creation and challenges the idea of billions of years of evolution. They encourage the audience, especially young people, to hold onto their faith in a supernatural God. All right. Does anybody need help finding Jim, is this one in your Bible again? Yeah. It's in the it's in the chapter about baseball in the beginning. All right. Just a quick reminder to everybody, I believe tonight, tonight, you turn your clocks forward. I think it is. They don't do anything. Yeah. Tonight, before you go to bed, turn your clock forward one hour. All right. Tonight, tonight, we're going to continue our journey and it is a journey through the book, the first actually the first 11 chapters of Genesis. I'm not ambitious enough to go through all the chapters of Genesis right now, but I am ambitious enough to do the first 11 chapters. So we'll take as long as it takes. You know, we we are forever people and we will take as long as we need to do it. We may have a hiatus every now and then to take care of more pressing things. But I want to say, especially to you children here tonight, I want you to pay careful attention. OK, because we have a little contest between you and the adults. OK. All right. I'm going to read Genesis chapter one and it's a little bit lengthy, but it's it's got a lot of great stuff in it. We're going to talk about the six days of creation. And every time I come to the word day, I want you to shout day and let's see who can do it the loudest. The adults are the kids. OK. All right. So we're going to have a little fun here with this, but I'm going to read from Genesis chapter one. Now, we we covered some of this and I'll just kind of skim over a little bit of what we've already covered. But I'm going to begin the reading of God's holy word. Chapter one of Genesis. Verse one. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void and darkness was over the surface of the deep and the spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. Then God said, let there be light. And there was light. Thank you. Thank you. OK. God saw that the light was good and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day. Oh, I think maybe the kids got that one. OK, let's see. And there was evening and morning one day. OK. All right with that. Then God said, let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters. Let it separate waters from waters. God made the expanse and separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters from which were above the expanse. And it was so. God called the expanse heaven. And there was evening and there was morning a second day. OK, thank you. You anticipated me. Good. Then God said, I already read that. OK. Then God said, let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place and let the dry land appear. And it was so. God called the dry land earth and the gathering of the waters he called seas. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit after their kind with seed in them. And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind and the trees bearing fruit with seed in them after their kind. And God saw it was good. There was evening and there was morning a third. I think the adults got that one. OK. Then God said, let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. Thank you. I snuck up on you with that one, didn't I? OK, I'll let you try again. To separate the day from the night. Let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years. And let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth. And it was so. God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day. Thank you. And the lesser light to govern the night. He made the stars also. God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth and to govern the day. Well, you got it. OK. And the night and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. There was evening and there was morning a fourth. Thank you. Then God said, let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens. God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves with which the waters swarm after their kind and every winged bird after its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them, saying, be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let the birds multiply on the earth. There was evening and there was morning a fifth. OK, I think that was a tie. OK. Then God said, let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind, cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind. And it was so. God made the beasts of the earth after their kind and the cattle after their kind and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind. And God saw it was very good. And God said, let us make man in our image according to our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. God created man in his own image. In the image of God, he created him. Male and female, he created them. God blessed them and God said to them, be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth. Then God said, behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth and every tree which has fruit yielding seed. It shall be food for you. And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to everything that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every grain plant for food. And it was so. God saw all that he had made and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning. The sixth day. Alright, I think the kids got that one. When we began this study, we began with verse one and as you might turn back in your Bibles, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. There were three things, remember, that we got from this verse. First of all, that there was a beginning. That the universe didn't perpetually exist throughout all eternity. It had a beginning and now astrophysicists are actually proving that with their newest discoveries. That everything had to have a beginning because there is no explanation for eternal matter. And it established in this verse that God did the creating. That there is a being that is so far above his creation and so wise and so incredibly intelligent that he formed the entire universe with his own design and his own mind. Down to the smallest detail. This is the God that we worship. This is the God that we follow. This is the God that has chosen us out of all of the universe to be his very own people. He chose you. He knows your name. He knows your phone number. He knows your address. He knows everything about you. When he formed you in your mother's womb, your substance was manifest to him. He numbered all of your days, every one of them. And you know what? He never forgets. That's the most beautiful thing. Accept our sins. Thank God for that. Because he said, your sins and your iniquities I will remember no more. Choice on his part. And it tells us that the heavens and the earth were created by him. Now we're going to dig down into the weeds a little bit in this and we're going to go a little bit deeper in detail. But tonight I really want to focus on the importance of understanding the six days of creation. We all know what the last day of creation was, right? The seventh day he rested. OK, we'll get into that in chapter two. But I like rest. Rest is good. We'll get to that rest. OK, so here on my slides, I kind of threw together, by the way, that background there that you can't see right at the moment is from the one of the latest pictures of the what's that latest telescope? James Webb Telescope. Yeah. In the infrared. So it's incredibly beautiful when you see the whole thing. All right. So day one, we're told that the heavens and the earth were created, the first of his creation. And as we'll see, that's an amazing thing, because everything else came after the earth. The earth was the first of his creation, not the universe first and all of the billions of years of everything forming itself by accidental chance, random processes and things. But rather, the earth was his special creation. And then we saw on day two that he said, let there be light. And then on day two, he said, let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, that there would be waters before everything else. And then he would separate the land from the water and he would create seas and he would create land. Everything was by design. And the point we want to make through all of this is you get this is that I believe and I'll show you why I believe it, that this was done in six literal 24 hour day periods. Now, that might sound strange to you, depending on your background and your training, because we've all been subjected to a lot of propaganda by the evolutionary wing of humanity, basically, that the universe was formed over billions and billions of years. And we'll examine a couple of those theories and I hope thoroughly debunk them in your mind, because it's very important that we understand that we serve a supernatural God. Some would say, well, why did he take six days? And I would say, why didn't he take six minutes? He's supernatural. It was a supernatural event. Why would it have to be six days? There was a purpose in it. He had a purpose in making it so. And I think that it's important, incredibly important that we teach our young people about this because they're going to be subjected, going to be planned on it, put it on your calendar, anticipate it. They will be subjected to day ages and billions of years and all of the evolutionary gobbledygook that you're going to hear. And many of us were thoroughly affected by that. So let me just move forward here and we'll kind of take this as it comes. Day is used, the word day, which is the Hebrew word yom. OK, thank you. I'll accept that. 2,301 times in the Old Testament. Now, some would say, well, how do you know that those six days of creation were? That's OK, you can stop that now. Turn that off for the moment. We'll have more fun with other words later. But yom means day and it can mean a period of time. Like if we use the expression back in my day, OK, back in my day when I was young, it's an expression of maybe the same word as day. It doesn't mean the same as a single day. It just means an era or a period of time. We can use that expression throughout the Bible because there are many, many, many examples of the word yom in Hebrew being used as a period of time or an epoch or whatever. But there's a context to be able to discern what is being specifically talked about. It's important that we do that. You remember the word hermeneutic, that $10 word that I was sharing with you before? You can pass that to Claudia. That we need to be able to discern through context, that's one of our tools in discerning the scriptures, the meaning of certain words. One other example that comes to mind is the word world. A lot of people get hung up on the word world and they think that every time they read the word world, it means everybody, everywhere, on all of the countries and every continent of the world. But it's also a word that's used for a specific people group. It's also meant to mean the physical planet. It can also mean the cosmos, the universe. And so we have to be discerning about how we apply words and that's an important thing. But do you notice that if you ever mention that the earth is young to some people, they become very upset. You know, it's the funniest thing and it's a phenomenon that if you're in mixed crowds and you start talking about the earth being 6000 years old, you'll have lots of people that will get up in your face and tell you, you're crazy. Or they'll try to intimidate you or you'll say, oh, you're anti-science or you don't believe reality. We all know that the universe is billions of years old. Why there was that big bang thing and everything became a gigantic accidental cloud of dust and then it accidentally formed itself into planetoids. And it accidentally formed itself in the moons and then it accidentally formed itself into galaxies that are extremely complex structures. And that all those accidents just piled up on each other until finally, you know, human beings began to accidentally come out of a primordial soup. You see, we are in a time and we're in an age right now of a clash, a titantic clash of worldviews. The world in its wisdom rejects God. We've established that before in other teachings, that man is basically a rebellious creature. That because of the fall of Adam, men hate God and they don't want to acknowledge his lordship over them. They want to be autonomous beings who decide for themselves, whatever it is that they're deciding. They don't like the idea. We, I don't include me, I don't particularly like, you know, being subjected to someone outside myself because the fading background radiation of my fallen nature still has a certain amount of resistance to that. Do you have that in you? Oh, yes. We're all a little rebellious at times. That's why God has to jerk our chain every now and then to draw us into that submission, that humility and that willingness by his spirit to submit to him and submit to his leadership in our lives. It's a constant battle. And we're foolish if we think we don't have any of that in our lives, because I tell you, we do. And it's something we have to constantly battle. Let me get back to this. But why do they pick on Genesis? You know, they'll accept the word yom or day everywhere else in the Bible in its own context. You know, they'll say, well, that means the day of the Lord. The day of the Lord is an epoch or it's a period of time in the Lord or, you know, sometimes the Bible in that over 2000 times will refer to a specific day, you know, in the day that you did this. You know, you read this in the prophets or in the accounts. And so when we come to Genesis, all of a sudden those days have to mean something other than 24 hour periods because our brains go tilt. Because we can't imagine that when we look up at night into the stellar heavens and we see vast distances. And, you know, we're told that light took three billion years to get to us from some of these structures. You know, by the nearest star, we measure the stars like Proxima. Proxima is supposed to be 3.2 light years away, which means it's three years before the light even gets to us. Over three years. So Proxima Centauri seems to indicate that it can't be 6,000 years. Seems to indicate that we cannot deal with small numbers when it comes to time. Why is that? Because evolution requires vast amounts of time. Chance random processes have to be, you know, the dice have to roll a whole bunch of times before they come up the way they want them to or the way we want them to be. And when we look at special creation and when we consider the God who spoke the universe into existence, it takes a leap of faith. I think it actually takes the grace of God's faith for us to accept that he is capable and well able to form everything instantly if he had wanted to. So they kind of pick on Genesis a lot. Genesis gets whacked a lot. Now, outside of Genesis, and I'll just throw some numbers at you here. Maybe you can read those, maybe you can't. But when you encounter a day and a number in a biblical verse outside of Genesis, let's just pretend for a minute that Genesis doesn't exist. Let's just look at where day is used throughout the Bible. So we find that a day plus a number, either days or day or singular, 410 times. OK, if evening and morning are mentioned together without day, we find that 38 times. Evening and morning with day, 23 times. And night with day, 52 times. I'm just illustrating that the day is used in a variety of ways throughout the scriptures. It's clearly 24 hours. It's clearly a particular day is 24 hours. OK, and this is something that indicates that for us. OK, in the six days of creation, which is Genesis 1.5, verse 8, verse 13, verse 19, verse 22, verse 31. We find in verse 5, God called the light day and the darkness he called night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day. That comes from a Hebrew, the actual Hebrew of that verse there, evening and morning, the first day. And I think I can read that Hebrew there. Let me just try. It's been a while since I studied Hebrew in Israel. So forgive me if I stumble a little bit. Do not stumble your brother. He may fall on you. OK, but no stumbling block in front of your brother. OK. OK. This means that evening. As it is actually translated. OK. And there was. That means evening in Hebrew. They, voker. Voker means evening or morning. Thank you. Morning. Yeah. Because in Hebrew, if you're familiar with this at all. The way you say good evening is Eric Tov. Tov means good. So you say Eric Tov. Evening. Good. The syntax is different in Hebrew. And if you say Voker Tov or morning, good or good morning. That's a common phrase in Hebrew, even in modern times. OK. So this very clearly delineates that this is speaking of yom day. OK. And then we read in verse eight. And there was evening and morning. The second day or yom echad. Second day. Echad means two. And then there was evening and morning the third day. And there was evening and morning the fourth day. And there was evening and morning the fifth day. And then on to the sixth day. So these are very clear indications in the original language. That this is speaking of a 24 hour day period. Evening and morning. OK. Not just happenstance. Now, some people try to put a gap between Genesis 1.1 and Genesis 1.2. You've probably heard of that before. Maybe you embrace that idea. I don't know. But they insert a gap of time between Genesis 1.1 and the beginning. God created the heavens and the earth. And they try to insert millions or billions of years or geologic ages or even Lucifer's flood. Anybody ever heard of Lucifer's flood? OK. In some circles. I got into some arguments with some brethren one time years ago about this. They believe that the present day demons of the disembodied spirits of a former pre-Adamic race that lived on the earth perhaps for millions of years. And they actually believe that these pre-Adamic creatures, humanoid perhaps they think they were, died in a Luciferian flood. In other words, Lucifer had a kingdom on the earth. He had all these minions. And then when he fell from God's graces, God flooded the earth. And that was the great flood. He destroyed the earth. And all of these beings became disembodied spirits. And they're now the modern day demons. Now, that is a belief system. That's a thing. That's a real thing out there. And people believe that. But I don't believe it. Obviously, I don't believe it. Because when you look at the word and, you see that the word and is following right along from the previous verse. It's not like in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And billions of years, billions of years, billions of years, billions of years, billions of years, the earth was without form and void. And they say the reason the earth was without form and void is because because of this previous Luciferian revolt on the earth, the earth was thrown into chaos. And that was a pre-Adamic chaotic situation. And God had to basically start all over again. There's not a smidgen of evidence in the scriptures about that. But some people do hold to it. For reasons I don't understand, but they do. And I do not. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. 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I don't know. You may intellectually convince them to a certain degree. Likely, you won't. But those who have, and this is where I blend theology into this, because I do believe that God predestines those that he calls from the foundation of the world, Ephesians 1. That your efforts at bringing compatible data to what is actually there in the word can be that catalyst that God will use to pull them over the line, so to speak. Because he uses means. That's why he says preach the gospel to everybody. Even those who are predestined for salvation need to hear the gospel, because that's the means by which God uses the foolishness of preaching to draw people that he's calling into the gospel. Into the faith. I wanted to ask you, I don't recall the exact details, but when we did the trip to Dinosaur Ridge, I love that place. There was something like that. They, the scientists, had carbon dated whatever ash or ash rock from Mount St. Helens, and when they compared it to what they were saying were million years old. Oh, right. Could you explain? Yeah. That was insane. The Christian geologist took a sample from the lava. Not the lava, but the... Back end. Well, the rock had already hardened from the volcanic rim, and it was at lava at one point, so they had radioactive material in it, and they took it to a prominent college, and they did a testing of it, and they didn't know where it came from, and they gave it, what was it, I'm sure you're familiar with the story, millions of years old, and it was only just a few months old. So then, when they told the college that that was the case, they said, well, you guys were deceptive, and you were just mixing another material. It was your fault. Your fault. You didn't give me a good enough answer. The carbon dating method makes a presumption of how much radioactive carbon is in a substance at some point in time, and then it decays over so much time. They're making a guess. They're making a presumption. That's false. It's not even scientifically based. And they make assumptions that the decay rate of the radioactivity is consistent, and it could have been added to or taken away from by external radiation. There's no way to measure that. It's also interesting, and I love this stuff. I just thrive on it. I've got to say again, I just so thoroughly enjoyed talking with Salem today about these things because it reminded me once again that we mustn't underestimate the comprehension that our children have in some of these things that, you know, of such, Jesus said, are the kingdom of God. And we need to be sensitive to that and be careful that we're not an agent in stumbling them because Jesus had some things to say about people who stumbled little ones. And they have been working very hard on six days of creation. Show us some of your work. Hold that for just a moment while we do this. Okay, hold that. Hold that thought. Okay, show and tell time. Okay, what's day one? What did Jane have? Good job. That looks great. And what about yours, Isaac? Oh, you made the waters kind of blue-green. Higher up. Hold it up. Wow, that's a good job. What did you do, Blake? Let's see. Very cool. Very cool. Very good job. And you guys were really sharp on the day. Okay, so that concludes my teaching. And, yeah. We had a birthday recently in our midst. Coming up. Coming up? Not yet. Who did it? The rich. When is your birthday? I don't have a birthday. You were just eternal. You just kind of showed up. Well, we would like to take the opportunity to share a few silver box thoughts with you. I just want to say, first of all, just to set maybe the beginning here. I appreciate your spirit. I think that you're a man of God and you really show that in your words. It's easy to tell when a person is a fool. You're not one. Because you measure your words. You're thoughtful. You're generous with your time. And I've seen that in you. And you have great taste in women. You married the right one there. You married the right one there. And I just want you to know I appreciate you as a brother in the Lord and I'm really thankful. I wish we could see you more often, but I know you're working hard and you're traveling a lot and everything. I appreciate that also about you. You take good care of your family and you're really diligent in that way. That speaks a lot. So, happy upcoming birthday. Yeah, that's a kindness that emanates from you. It's just a crying out. It's the spirit that comes out of you. It's the way you listen, the way you talk, the way you engage, the way you treat your family. I really admire and appreciate you. It's the hard work you do. I think we had some conversations earlier on when you guys, maybe when you first started coming. And I appreciate the transparency and just the openness, the thought with putting yourself in there in a new place, in a small place. I mean, that's kind of hard, you know, especially after the shower today. You know, we were talking about home fellowship and it's like, well, it's not for everybody. You put your feelings out and you take a step. And so, I appreciate that. Yeah, it's hard when you can't hide your love. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, but I appreciate that. Thank you.