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To create a great team, have a learning project where everyone shares one thing they did to support the team and be a great teammate. This should be a standing project that is consistently done to strengthen the team. Start meetings by discussing these actions. This will keep the team's goals in mind and solidify the team. Again, assuming that you've actually created the definition of a great team and a great teammate, it is very simple to apply a learning project. It's as simple as every week come in and share one thing you did to support the team and one specific action you took that really represented being a great teammate. Now, you're going to coach your teams and you're going to coach your individuals to a variety of things. If you are really trying to increase the fiber, the strength of your team, make this what we call a standing learning project. It may not be your target area of coaching, yet if you can have that as an underlying foundation, an underlying foundational principle, it will always fuel what you're coaching to. Create a standing learning project. Every time we get together, every two weeks, everybody, I want you to come in with two things that you did to support our definition of a great team and one thing you specifically did as a great teammate and maybe one thing that you'd like to acknowledge somebody else. And you start your meetings with that. That learning project will keep the definitions and the required actions of solidifying the team at the forefront of the minds of your people.