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self development LP


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The best way to use learning projects for self-development is to give weekly assignments. For example, you can ask someone to come up with two examples of where they have self-educated themselves in the context of difficult conversations. This helps nurture self-development and encourages people to educate themselves. Now, to keep things easy, the best way to leverage learning projects is to give a weekly assignment, especially as it relates to self-development. In essence, the learning project is a self-development activity. Now, when you think about prescribing a learning project, our advice would be to prescribe that learning project, such as next week, Susie, come in with two more examples of where you self-educated as it relates to having difficult conversations. And let's say her goal is to become a future manager, yet she has some trepidations about conversations of conflict. And what that does is it nurtures the self-development action. It nurtures people thinking, I need to educate myself, and keep it as simple as that.

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