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Noah asks his dad for help with spaceship repairs, but his dad is busy. Suddenly, they hear a loud boom and suspect something is near. Noah stops the ship and they go on lockdown. They discover a creature trying to enter the ship. Gavin sees the creature at the window and describes it. They realize it's not in the Dictionary of Creatures. A green arm approaches them, but they initiate lockdown. They plan to remove the creature and chase after it. The creature dies, and they realize it was one of their friends, Giselle. Giselle reveals she is a monster that saves ships and decides to eliminate them. The podcast ends with a scream. Hey dad, can you help me with the spaceship repairs? No, sorry, I have to help your sister or something. Ugh, couldn't you just have... Noah hears a loud boom and goes silent. Noah? Noah! Where are you? Shh, be quiet. I think there's something near us. Come on Noah, why would you think that? I thought I heard some sort of crash near us. Yes, how did you know? There's actually a planet we're heading to right now called the X-T. There's been a lot of traces of life near that area. No, stop the ship. I have a bad feeling about this. Noah walks up to the control panel and stops the ship. What are you doing Noah? This could be life changing. They hear a banging sound. Could you care to explain what that sound was? It was probably just some asteroids hitting each other. Come on dad, we both know that's not what asteroids sound like. Noah said with a disappointed look. Captain, we are going on lockdown mode. We suspect that there is some sort of creature trying to enter the ship. Noah starts to smirk. It's probably just another false alarm. Sir, I assure you it's not a false alarm. Trixie wakes up. Hey guys, what's happening? There is some sort of creature trying to enter the ship, so we're going under lockdown. Gavin runs into the room panting. Guys, you won't believe what I saw when I was in the bathroom at the window. Could you please describe the creature? It was very big, slimy, and had sharp teeth. Hmm, I've never seen that in the Dictionary of Creatures. You might be asking, what's the Dictionary of Creatures? Well, it's what you expect. It's just a dictionary with all the creatures. What is that coming towards us? What is that coming towards us? They see a big green arm coming towards them. System, initiate lockdown. Oh jeez, that was close. Giselle, please head course to planet EXC. Gavin and Noah, go into the weapon room and remove that creature. I can't believe that's making us do this. Those creatures could be dangerous. Before we worry about that, we've got to first remove the creature. They start to walk through the hall with their weapons looking for the creature. Look, I see the creature right there! Fire! The creature quickly runs away, and they are not able to fight. Chase after it! Noah and Gavin start to chase after the creature. The creature stops to run and looks at them and dies. Gavin starts to shoot, but Noah does not. Gavin asks, what are you waiting for? But Noah is just trembling in fear. No, stop shooting. That isn't a creature. It's one of our friends. What do you mean, Noah? That's obviously a creature trying to kill us. Shoot already! No, no, that isn't just any type of creature. That's Giselle. So, you guys have figured it out. Why? Why are you doing this? All along, you were just some sort of monster that can save ships. Well, now you guys know too much. I'm sorry it had to end this way. Everyone on the ship hears a loud scream, and everything goes silent. Thank you guys for watching the first episode of my podcast. I know you're the only person seeing this right now, Ms. White.

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