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The speaker, Teyana, introduces herself and expresses excitement about starting a podcast. She plans to discuss various topics related to accountability, integrating the Bible into these discussions. Teyana emphasizes the importance of humility, accepting correction, and forgiveness in accountability. She believes that people often avoid accountability due to pride. Teyana encourages listeners to be open-minded and hopes that her podcast will inspire and encourage them, even if they are non-believers. She concludes with a prayer for personal growth in accountability and forgiveness. Hello everyone, my name is Teyana. I'm currently a sophomore in college. I'm a sister, I'm a friend, I'm a daughter, I'm a poet. I low-key want to start introducing myself because as the years go on for as long as I'm active on here I really want to introduce myself in these different quote-unquote like titles to kind of let y'all know what era I'm in since you know your girl's getting a little bit older but most importantly I am a woman of God, a child of God. I'm really excited to do this podcast like I have been praying and just asking for advice because a lot of people have encouraged me to finally take the step and do this which will be a whole nother episode which because I connected my testimony but that's a whole nother episode that will most definitely come out for sure but I'm just so happy and honored that I'm able to do this and I really hope and pray that whoever is listening they're encouraged, they are enlightened, they are convicted and they're just willing to have an open ear and open mind to what I am talking about especially if you are a non-believer listening this is still for you there are still things in here that you can still apply to your own life this is just from you know my young adult-ish Christian perspective but I really wanted to I felt like I just really wanted to talk about certain things that happen in the church and in our world today and you know integrate the Bible with that because literally the Bible has everything and quick disclaimer if you hear some pages flipping it's because you know I'm looking at the notes I took down I'm looking at the word because one thing we don't do here is misquote the Bible because you're absolutely crazy if you think I'm going to misquote it but I'm just really excited to do this and yeah welcome to the parable pod so you may be wondering what are we going to be talking about like what is the dealio basically we're going to be talking about accountability I know the big a word um so I'm basically going to break this down especially with the Word of God I'm holding my Bible you guys can't see it but I'm holding it and yeah let's just see where this amazing topic goes because there is a lot of things that people don't see when it comes to accountability everyone wants to be the victim and it's like there's no way that every single person okay I'm not saying everyone hasn't been a victim of something that is not what I'm trying to say so don't even be like oh she said no I'm just basically saying that like in certain situations we were the bad guy and we have to be accountable for deciding and or choosing well that's the same thing to play that role in whatever situation we were in at that moment in time it's not like we're always in the right which I'll get into in a second but the definition and I look this up I'll be of accountability is the fact or condition of being accountable so when you have an understanding of what you did was wrong and you're willing to acknowledge another a word what you did was wrong that will lead into a place of accountability what we're noticing right now sadly is that nobody wants to take accountability of anything the government doesn't want to take accountability some of our parents don't want to take accountability some of our friends are significant others our bosses our co-workers nobody wants to take accountability and it's mainly because of pride which will also get into but the two things the two main components that I've researched on and read up on when it comes to what it takes to be accountable and to have and maintain accountability is humility and taking correction reading from the NIV new internet new international version I think that's what it is yes Luke 17 3 says so watch yourselves if your brother sins rebuke him and if he repents forgive him so I know you guys are probably like who rebuke who repent like I got you okay cuz when I used to read the Bible I was really like these words aren't even that big but I don't know what in the world we talking about I don't repent but like was rebuke what that means so basically to rebuke means to disapprove I'm gonna just be real especially when it comes to hearing the reaction from our loved ones we don't really want them to disagree with us but sadly that is just the reality even inside the church there will be moments when you are going to meet people who disagree with you with certain things now there are some things that's like okay we we can't disagree on things like this like racism for example which will be another episode I cannot sit here and you know logically have a conversation with someone who's just like racist especially if you're a Christian that don't make no sense but anyways in other things whether it comes to our personal lives or asking the advice of those in our lives that love us you know it is difficult to hear their disapproval of things that we have done from them and it can be difficult to tell them that hey you know I don't agree with what you did or what you said which will lead to an imbalance in a sense that the person feels like okay I don't want to be the one to take in that criticism because now it's like you're our brain you know it's in our nature to be very defensive and kind of like guard ourselves when it comes to a reaction that is not pleasing to the eye and in taking into our our spirit into our minds when we're hearing stuff even though delivery is important and you know sometimes you may be a little assertive with telling someone they're doing something wrong or maybe you have to be a little more gentle when telling someone something's wrong at the end of the day the person will still be offended I just feel like it's important to always make sure that what you're saying comes from a place of compassion I was talking to my friend Samantha today because I was telling her how like hey I struggle with giving my friend advice because even though I'm coming from a place of love due to me being over passionate of something when we have certain conversations that may cause a little tension I fire up I'm like like I'm ready to go off and it's like sometimes you don't have to do that there will be times when maybe you will have to do that okay but I'm like that all the time and even though lately I've been working on it we still got a lot of work to do so you know delivery is most definitely important when it comes to correcting others but the main important thing is also accepting that correction because the last thing we want to do is be the ones to always you know tell people what to do give people advice on what they need to hear but then when it's us we don't want to hear it so yeah Luke 17 3 then the second part that says and if he repents forgive him to repent means to change so when we are saying that hey we want to be better in accountability I want to be better in accepting this instead of always you know being on a hundred or always kind of shoving it to the side we have to be ready to go into those deep places where it's like if I say I want to change and be a different person I have to look into the parts that are toxic and do you know the best I can and do this and have the strength and the you know and have the and have the power of the Holy Spirit to really give us that that shake to be like okay you have to do this like you can't sit here and always complain and be like oh Jesus change me change me change me but then when people are respectfully calling you out on the things that you're doing that is wrong and you don't want to hear it yeah yeah babes you're gonna be in the same place because look at the look at the material every single time people are correcting you you say that oh my goodness is trauma oh my goodness it's it's a it's a it's a it's this is that no you just don't want to be corrected and it's because of your pride which I said we're gonna get into in a minute but it's just very important to know that when if you say you want to change you just have to be ready to go into those places in those places because nobody's perfect I'm calling myself out on this too I'm gonna like really replay this back and be like dang the Holy Spirit was speaking through me to talk to me because like we all got a lot of work to do I got a lot of work to do and it's just very amazing to see that people who don't want to take accountability just don't want to do it because they're afraid to say I'm wrong which is literally not the worst thing in the world there are so many terrible things in the world saying you're wrong is not gonna be it's not gonna kill you literally but it will kill your pride and even integrating into the pride part which I'm about to read another verse from Proverbs when we are in a moment or we're in an experience where we are meeting someone who has done something harmful or offensive to us but the Holy Spirit you know convicted them you know had that whole hey this is what you did to them and the person came to realize what they did was wrong you have to be the one to forgive them if they you know come up to you and they say you know I realized I did ABCD wrong you have to be willing to forgive them because it's really prideful to think that just because someone has done you wrong doesn't mean that they don't deserve your forgiveness and of course there are certain situations that will take a while which I understand girl I've been there it's it's a whole thing hashtag different episodes but you know it's literally like we have so much pride within ourselves especially as humans to think that oh since I didn't do this to someone if this person does this thing to me that like now there's like a scaling of if they deserve forgiveness or not but like we don't deserve God's forgiveness yet he literally forgives us all the time he gives us that grace all the time for things that literally we don't we don't deserve it and if you're raising your hand right now saying that I deserve it this prideful section is for you but okay but you know it's just very important to know that if someone has they have done you wrong and you're in that place and you're in that moment with them where they have done something wrong to you and they confront you with the issue you have to forgive them because accountability is not only about you know letting others know what they have done wrong but it's also about when the person is aware of what they've done wrong and now they're like you know we don't even have to be friends but I just want to come forward and let you know that now I realize this has hurt you this has hurt you you have to forgive them there's many verses in the Bible but that's the main one that I got on here right now but that is important it's important to forgive that person you don't have to be friends with them but forgive so in Proverbs 11 verse 2 it says when pride comes disgrace comes so the main thing is that if you are a person who feels like you are above someone because you believe that an experience that has happened to you you know is just far worse than maybe anything you have ever done to someone like you think that you have just never you have never put anyone in an uncomfortable position or you have never made someone angry like you're just the perfect person ever and someone does the slightest thing wrong to you or maybe they end up doing the most devastating thing to you right and you're like I don't feel like forgiving them because I want them to think about what they did on this day in this hour in this minute in this second in this millisecond it's like yeah no wonder you're so insufferable like I mean it just doesn't make any sense this is why I love the Bible because the Bible will literally check you when you think you're right and you literally read and you're like dang I was being prideful like being prideful is not only about like being super you know cocky and just walking around thinking that you have to you know the analogy of the devil on one side angel on that side not saying we have it well it's a conscious thing but you know you know that analogy like you think you walk around with a halo around your head that's not only the type of pride that the Bible goes into it talks about people who are just overly you know self-righteous like they feel like they are at a certain level of goodness than someone else because of an experience that you may have done to someone that you didn't realize and now you feel like because of them that that experience of them hurting you now you feel like you can kind of weigh that over your head listen to me here if God weighed over every single thing we've done to him that that was disrespectful that was like hateful that was downright crazy and disgusting oh we would all we would all talk about baggage that is beyond baggage like I don't even know what to call that but it's just important to know that if you want to be like Christ the main thing you have to learn the main thing you have to do is forgive forgive forgive forgive don't only forgive because it's a biblical thing but also forgive because it's something that will help you grow into understanding what love is because you cannot say that yes God is love I love love and then someone does you wrong and you're ready to be like yeah you know mess up their whole life now if this person themselves you know they're just like hey I'm just gonna go around and do whatever I want hurt people that I got what deal with them trust that right there will be dealt with but if they have come to a point in time where they're like hey I realized what I did was wrong you don't even sometimes you even go to the person yourself and you're like hey you did this you did that but I forgive you and you're coming from a genuine place not of a place of like yeah let me go back and remind them what they know you are genuinely going back and you're saying hey like you did this and it really hurt me but I forgive you because ABCD this is what the word says this is you know all of those things literally you don't even know how freeing that will be to the other person because maybe the person wanted to do that towards you but something held them back like they felt ashamed or they felt you know super guilty which I'll get into in another episode of what they did to you and it's just the world will literally spiritually because the earth does go around but spiritually go around if people started to forgive one another and I know you're like what does this have to do with accountability just mainly because if you are self-aware of something which is a main another main component of accountability I know that when you forgive someone it's because you already have the awareness of what forgiveness does so the person may be accountable for what they did or they may not be accountable for what they did but the fact that now you guys are at a place where it's all like even if you don't think you did something right I mean you did something wrong right you put it out there like you put out how you felt you let them know what it did to you but you like forgiveness is like a period it's like the ending of a sentence you can't really do anything about that you know and this is why forgiveness takes time because you don't want to just be like yeah I forgive you but then every little thing they breathe and it triggers you like you have to truly ask the Holy Spirit to go into your heart and well he's already inside of us but to really go into the places where you don't want to look ahead and ask like hey I don't know how to forgive this person or I don't want to forgive this person so Lord help me forgive this person as you forgiven me as you forgiven us and he will help you he will literally help you trust me this is this is coming from a person who does not like even talking to people she don't like and my friends know this like if I don't like you conversations won't even happen I'm just gonna look at you and be like hmm but it's just very beautiful to see how forgiveness really changes things because especially which I'll get into another episode but long story short me and my sister not on talking terms like that right we're one year apart and when the pandemic happened and we sat down we had a conversation about the things we experienced during our time kind of apart and it's like we live together but it's like we didn't talk as much and we forgave one another we held each other accountable some of the stuff we do now it's like if we fight quote-unquote it's like over small stuff like clothes and maybe she ate one of my snacks and stuff of that but we don't fight over like huge emotional things anymore because we've learned that first it takes a conversation then it takes accountability of what each other did because maybe there are some things I did that I didn't realize I hurt her with and vice versa and sometimes even if it's one person didn't like absolutely crazy stuff and the other person didn't do anything we're still able to have those conversations because having that accountability just creates more of a self-awareness not only physically but spiritually and that is what this world needs and that is what the body of Christ needs is accountability self-awareness and forgiveness those three things I know for sure that will mainly help us as a people especially in my age group because everyone wants to be in their hashtag revenge era but it's like girl you're just hurting yourself and it's embarrassing but I digress so now as we end this episode let's pray dear Lord thank you for today I pray that as I grow in my relationship with you and others I'm able to hold myself accountable I'm able to forgive others and I'm able to take accountability when it's given unto me like your word says iron sharpens iron let me go through my rifle sharpening so that I'm able to correct others not from a place of hate or hypocrisy but a place of love and humility so as I go through this process Lord continue to heal the places in my heart that are still stuck in that and unforgiveness in that place of of pride as I continue to grow in my relationship with you thank you for your grace and your forgiveness towards us in Jesus name amen so that is the end of this podcast episode thank you to everyone who listened my Instagram will be in the bio part of this wonderful podcast so if you have any questions any prayer requests be free to send it share this with a friend I just really hope that each episode builds on top of one another that you are encouraged you are inspired and you just feel the love of Christ through this podcast and I'm super excited and God loves you I love you bye

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