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Joe Radio Live is a positive and motivational community where listeners can find helpful information. The topic of discussion is "The Transition," which refers to moving from one season of life to another. Sometimes, we may feel stuck or confused during this process, but it's important to recognize that God is moving us into something new. It's also important to share our experiences and knowledge with others who may be going through similar situations. Taking time for clear thinking and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit is crucial during times of transition. It's also important to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The world we live in can be unpredictable, so relying on God is necessary for guidance and protection. You're listening to Joe Radio Live, positive and motivational content just for you. Do enjoy and share. Joe Radio Live is a community where you'll find lots of helpful info to positively impact our listeners. You can help by sharing Joe Radio Live daily with at least one person. G'day, g'day, g'day, welcome to another Joe Radio Live program. We have our good, good friend from heavenly dwellings with us today, Ms. Anika John. How are you? I am fine. First of all, I want to say thank you to all the listeners around us. You really did a lot for us on this program today, so thanks for having me. Yes, yes, always glad to have you, man. Some good, good insight coming in a little while. Alright, so, how are you all doing? As always, thanks for your listenership. Whoever you're listening from, get interactive. Remember, all the contact information is there. Call or WhatsApp us, 1-868-787-8285, or you can email jomedianetworktt at gmail.com. So, we're going to dive straight into this. Today's topic is entitled, The Transition. I'll say it again, today's topic, The Transition. And it's a funny way, not going to go through everything, but it's a funny way that, you know, the program was sparked. I was thinking about two friends of mine, and the situation that was taking place with them, and, you know, things just began to flow. Sometimes, you know, things might be taking place in our lives, and we might be feeling stuck or disappointed and that kind of thing, and we might not understand why things go in a particular way. And maybe you're doing everything right, you know, you're hearing from God and everything, and you're wondering what it is going on. I have a friend who, I remember she told me, you know, she said she tied in for years, and yet still, you know, she's in a little financial bind. But that's a separate subject. But I just gave you a little idea of, you're doing everything, and you're still feeling out of place, that kind of thing. Now, sometimes, we may not realize, most of the time we do realize, actually, that God is actually moving us out of the old and into the new. So we're actually ending a season and entering a new season, but we fail to recognize it most of the times. All right? So, I just thought that I would come on here and share this, because I believe that every time God gives us something, it's not just for us. It's for us to share, because other people are going through the same things, or even worse, and they need to hear the Word. The Word is not just for us, but it's for other people as well. So, I'm going to let Ms. John come in right about now, and what are your thoughts on the transition and the moving out of the old into the new, especially when you do realize it? Excellent question, and Casey, I just want to say that, as you were speaking, you know, something just was running through my mind, and one in particular, I think, is of sharing, whereby, when you speak of transitioning, transitioning is really a process that takes you from point A to point B, or from point A to point C, and it is important for people to know that while we're through a transition, things begin to seem confusing. You're wondering, why is this happening? Some people even cry out to the fact that, why is this happening to me? Without realizing that something is happening that is much bigger than them in the background. And I'm saying all of this to say that the point that ran through my mind when you were speaking was this. When things begin to go haywire and they seem confusing, there's always that point where we need to just stop and focus and to have clear thinking. You see that clear thinking? Most of us doesn't realize that we need it. It is similar to when you're working, working, working, and your body needs some rest. Unless your body strains and calls for this rest and demands it, that's the only time we take a break. And sometimes it is so late that we end up in a hospital, or we fall down or something on the job site, only to realize that we were stressing our body, and the body was calling for rest all along. And you don't have a choice at this point. You really have to take the rest. So similarly, with the clear thinking, sometimes we are working jobs or just planning for a business or whatever it may be. We've been planning anything. Maybe it might be even going to church and all. And you just keep doing it like a ritual. Repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive. Without taking any time to really sit, think, and analyze the particular situation. And because of that, clear thinking is necessary. Because most times, even with going to church, you can feel flustered. You know? You're rushing. You wake up in the morning, it's a ritual. You get your hot breakfast. You hurry in the chair and hurry up and get ready. We need to go to church. It is not supposed to be like that at all. True. And sometimes, because we make it a ritual thing, and we don't just move with that spiritual vibe or to allow the Holy Spirit to... Sometimes we hurry and we're not going to go to church, and it's not that we need to go to church today. Roughly, the Holy Spirit wants to direct you to a neighbor who has a problem that you could solve. Particularly, all that is a part of being at a church. Yes. You know, people watch church as just a regular church building. That's just a building. If a fire or something or some disaster strikes the building, it could be gone in seconds. Yeah. But the membership is still there flowing, and church must continue. The church is not the building that we go to. Yes. As the Bible says, where two and three are gathered, God is in the midst of that. So it means that if today God is calling you to just stop at a neighbor, that's church. That's where God's influence is at the point in time. Not in the hustling and the bustling to go to your service or to do whatever you think is necessary for you at the point in time. And I look at the clear-thinking process as God slowing us down. Yeah. We need a slowdown at some point in time. So, for the person who may be in a zone right now thinking, where to go next? Or they feel that they are at a crossroads. Like sometimes I do feel, especially in this time after the COVID situation has passed. Yeah. You know, you just want to pick up the pieces of your life and figure out where to go next. And I'm saying to somebody today, if that's your case, if you are at a point or a juncture in your life and you feel like you are not sure where to go next, just take the time, breathe, uplift your mind, clear your thoughts and let the Holy Spirit be able to come in. Amen. And be able to give you a new directive for where to push forward. This is the point where you would know it all. God slowed you down so that you could rely on Him. Yeah. So that He can open your vision, expand it and give you a next set of focus for moving forward. Hmm. Hey, that's how they do it. That's how they do it. And to you who are listening out there, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, I'm telling you. You're not listening by chance. You're not listening by chance at all. You needed to hear this. You needed to hear this to move to your next level. To move, sorry, into your new season. And everything that Ms. John said, I agree with it 100%. Right. Don't worry, you know, if you do understand everything right now. You know, I mean, that's what makes God, God and us man. You know, our job is not to understand every single thing. You understand, there are certain things you will never understand until we see the face of God. You know what I mean? And so right now, you just stay focused, talk to God. And before I continue, I like to do this. If you don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I want to encourage you right now to invite Him into your life. Right. All you have to do is believe. Believe on the Lord. Right. And be safe. Believe in Jesus Christ and be safe. And if you don't know what to say, you could say this short prayer. Just say, Lord Jesus, I come to you as sinner. I repent of all of my sins. I give you my life. Come into my heart. From today forth, I am yours. In Jesus name. Amen. Right. You said that or a prayer similar to that, like that. Once you believe, that's the most important thing in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you don't have one, get a King James Version Bible. Begin to read and study the Word of God. And go to begin to direct you and start a new life in Jesus Christ. Because you can't make it out here without Jesus. As I always say in not all the programs, but most of the programs, you see everything taking place out here. We don't have to tell you why you need Jesus in your life. You know what I mean? You know, Miss John, this morning, I don't know if you heard about it or came across it, but a gentleman lost his life this morning in Marabout. Right. He was driving a Benz and he was shot. Now, that is not even the worst part. The worst part is this. A car was passing and saw the situation. They didn't see when it happened. I don't think they saw when it happened. But they saw the car open, went and they see the injured person. The man was still alive, I believe, at the time. Right. And they robbed the guy. The guy had a gold chain and they robbed the guy. They took the gold chain and I don't know what else. Right. The camera at Jason Building saw them pick up the footage and saw them searching through the car and whatever, whatever. Take what they had to take. And they go on their way. And at no time did you see it was two persons. One was outside. The other one was the one who did the actual robbing. And at no time did you see any of them, you know, go on their phone and make a call like they call a 911 or anything like that. They took what they had to take and they go on. This is the world we live in. You know what I mean? And, you know, a couple of years ago, that might have sounded like something from a movie but that is the reality of what we live in. You understand? What is your thoughts on that? Well, similarly as before, you know, while speaking, you know, the experience brings things to my mind. Right. As you spoke about the change in the Christian Bible, it brings me back to the story of the Good Samaritan. You know, when they left the gentleman on the side of the road, you know, a place that was known for robberies and those sort of crimes. Yeah. And they left him on the side of the road for dead. You know, and the robbers did pass and they beat him up and stuff like that and they threw him down a mini kind of cliff. Yeah. And, you know, while passers were passing by, they could see the guy. Hmm. You know, and he was there crying out, wailing in pain because by this time he would have been bleeding. Yes. And he was in parts of the body and, you know, he was just crying out after the little voice he had left in him, the little strength he had. You know, he was trying to get help and I think at first a priest would have passed by. Right. And the story is told that while the priest was passing by, when he saw the condition of the man, you know, he decided that, you know, if I stopped, it would be deterring me from being on the Lord's business. Right. And so he said, I'm sorry that I can't help you, you know. I have to be on the Lord's business. And he left him there, seeing him wailing in pain. And he thought that what he was going to do next would have been more important than just stopping and, you know, at least giving some sort of assistance. Yeah. And he's claiming that he's on the Lord's business and so he left and he went about. And I want to stop there before I go to anybody else that would have come into contact with the guy. I wanted to bring a message to that first person that would have passed by being on the Lord's business because it's so irrelevant at this time and important. Because in even our daily life, we pass people by many times and sometimes we don't actually see that they are bleeding or suffering, but they can be burdens on the inside. Yes. But because we are so much in a rush and so busy, we can't even see that on the person's facial expression, sadness, that they are going through some situation and all we needed to do was just ask, are you okay? Or just run a half mile, you know, just sit next to the person and just say, brother, sister, I don't need to know the details of your condition, but I just want you to know today, all will be well. Yes. Sometimes just that alone can make a difference. Very real. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Agree. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, for real. Mm-hmm. Yes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yes. Yes. Yeah, boy. Yes. Yes. Mm-hmm. Yes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. 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