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You're listening to Joe Radio Live, positive and motivational content just for you. Do enjoy and share. Joe Radio Live is a community where you'll find lots of helpful info to positively impact our listeners. You can help by sharing Joe Radio Live daily with at least one person. Good day and welcome to another Joe Radio Live program. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Father we thank you, we give you all the praise, the honor, the glory. You have allowed us to see another one and we are so grateful, we are so thankful. Thank you for our dear listeners, each and every one of them, Lord God, I thank you for what you're doing in their lives, I thank you for their love and their support, Lord. I pray that you would come through and make your way for them. Each and every one of us have situations and circumstances, we have prayer requests, we have our desires. I pray that our desires would line up with your will, Lord Father, dear God, and I pray dear God that those who need healing right now would receive it, that Lord you would meet them at the point of their need, those who need deliverance, those who need breakthrough, those who need salvation, Lord God. Whatever they need, Lord Father God, I pray dear God that their needs would be met in the name of Jesus Christ, Lord Father dear God, those who feel alone, I pray that they would find a friend in you, that they would realize, Lord God, that you are the friend that sticks it closer than a brother. Thank you, Jesus. Have your way in this program, Lord, in Jesus' name. How are you all doing, beautiful people, Jew Radio family? Blessings, blessings, blessings to each and every one of you, whatever your time zone. Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, good night. All right, we are back. We are back, we are back. All right, so we are going to get into your Hitcher Scripture for this program, and we're going to come back on the other side and get things pumping. Blessings, blessings, blessings. Remember to bring a friend, bring a friend, bring a friend. When you're tuning in, share this with somebody. Let's go. Proverbs 18.21 says that the power of life and death is in the tongue. You must understand, though the tongue does not seem like it, it's powerful, maybe not muscular, but what the tongue says can speak life or death. The situations, the circumstances, to friends and loved ones, to employers and employees, you have so much power in the way you speak. You have power in the way you speak to your children or your spouse. I have learned to speak without being offensive, to listen without being defensive, and to always leave your opponent with their dignity. The Bible says in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Everything starts with the Word. Your next step, your next life, your next move, doesn't start with moving in furniture. It starts with the way you speak about it. Speak comfortably to people. Speak comfortably to the people you love. You only have them a little while. Most of all, speak comfortably to yourself. The power of life and death is in the tongue, so that means you can have what you say. Change what you say, and you can change what you have. It's not dependent on anybody else's conversation or speech or response or dialogue. Your outcomes are not determined by the metrics of their response. When you speak life, irregardless to their reaction, it will bring life. For that which is born of the Spirit is of the Spirit. That which is born of the flesh is born of the flesh. Start speaking out of your spirit and not out of your pain. You'll be surprised how that will change your life. Yes, people, life and death is definitely in the power of the tongue, so let's be careful with our words. Let's be careful what we say to people, how we say to people, all of that. Okay, so in this program, this program is actually entitled, The Power of Saying No. The title of this program, The Power of Saying No. You might be wondering what am I talking about, what is he talking about? We're going to get into it right about now. A lot of times, there are some of us that, you know, we extra nice. And so, anybody that asks us to do something, you know, it's like we can't say no to them. You know, we're always trying to help somebody, so, you know, somebody comes with this, somebody comes with that. And it's yes, and it's yes, and it's yes, and it's almost like no is not in our vocabulary. But it is very important to say no at times and to know when to say no. Alright, there are people that are sick right now. They are sick today because they didn't say no to certain things. There are people that have died that could have been a life today. They died before their time simply because they did not say no when they should have said no. No is not only for drugs. You know, they tell you say no to drugs. No is not only for that. There are many other instances where you have to say no. There are times when you have to say no to preserve your peace. There are times when you have to say no to safeguard your health. There are times when you have to say no to protect your finances and protect your family and all these different things. And we must know when to say the word no because saying yes all the time, it can cause to your health, it can cause to your life. You know what I mean? And it is so very important to do that. And I know that you listening right now, that you can relate. Maybe you are that type of person that's extra helpful. Not just helpful, but extra helpful person that really loves helping people. And so anybody comes your way and says yes and yes and yes and yes and yes. But to everything there is a time and a season. And there is a season where you have to say no. There is a season where you have to just pull away from people and spend that time with yourself, you and God alone. You know, there is a season where you just have to refuel and allow God to replenish your lost energy. Because if you keep giving yourself constantly, you will have nothing left to give. Right? You will have nothing left to give. Take a vehicle for example. You are driving everyday, especially if your job entails driving. Like maybe you are a delivery driver or something like that. You know, or Uber driver or something like that. And if you drive constantly, there will come a time when the tank will begin to get empty. And if you don't refuel, then you can't go anywhere because you have no gas in the tank. And it is the same thing when you are constantly saying yes to everything and to everyone. And not taking time for yourself. Not taking time to recoup. Time to replenish. Time to take a rest. You know, and all these sort of things. Right? So, if you continue just yes, yes, yes, yes, yes to everything and everyone, there will come a time when your tank will get empty. Right? And if your tank is empty, then you can't go anywhere. You can't be a blessing to anybody because you have nothing left to give. You have depleted your resources. You have depleted your energy. And so there are times when you just have to take some time and refuel. Even in the Bible, it shows where God did that. Jesus did that. There were times when he went up in a mountain alone to pray. Because he knows and understands the importance of pulling away at times. The importance of, you know, saying no. And, you know, I know that there are people who don't like offending other people. Of course, there are people who don't mind offending other people. Right? But for the ones that don't like offending other people, I want to let you know that there are times when you will have no choice. And when I say you will have no choice, it's not that you're intentionally offending the person. But because of your decisions and your choices, people are going to feel offended. And I want to let you know that not because someone feels offended by something that you may have said or done, that means that you have offended the person. Because there are people who, it doesn't matter what you say, and again, this is in the Bible as well. Look at Jesus and the Pharisees. Jesus and the Sadducees. They were offended by almost everything that he did. Right? And so there are people that are going to be offended by what you do or don't do, what you say or don't say. There are people that are going to be offended simply because they can't take advantage of you. They can't use you to their liking. And so they're going to be offended. And so we must understand that not because someone feels offended, it means that we have offended them. And the other thing we must also understand and remember is that don't allow anybody to put you on a guilt trip simply because they felt offended by something you said or didn't say, did or didn't do. Once you know you did the right thing, you have nothing to worry about. If that person feels offended because you did the right thing, you have nothing to be worried about or feel guilty about. If people feel offended because you made right choices and right decisions, and that is one of the things with being a leader. A leader many times has to make tough decisions and tough choices. And the same thing, we're still on topic here with the power of saying no. There are times when a leader will have to say no to the people that he or she is leading. And people are going to get offended. In this life, you cannot get away from that. In this life, you cannot get away from people being offended by whatever you say or don't say, do or don't do. People will get offended by you no matter what. That doesn't mean that was your intention. But because of your stand, of your choices, people will get offended. And you must be, we sorry, must be strong and must be mature enough to understand and not go on a guilt trip and allow people to put us on a guilt trip simply because we said no and they felt offended. We must understand that. And so I felt the need to do this program because there are people that are being burned out physically, mentally, emotionally. People that are being put on guilt trips, allowing themselves to be put on guilt trips simply because they said no to someone. They refuse to do something. They refuse to lend somebody some money or something like that. They refuse to sacrifice the family, the family needs and their needs for somebody else. There are times in this life when you just have to take a stand. There are times when people will try to make you feel or look like you're selfish simply because you did not give in to what they wanted you to do. You did not swing the way they wanted you to swing. You didn't go in the direction they wanted you to go in. There are some times you have to go against the stream as they say. You don't follow the crowd. There are many, many times in this life when you will not be able to follow the crowd if you want to do the right thing. It's very easy to follow the crowd. But there are many, many times when you have to go against what the crowd is saying or doing. Not because the majority is doing it, that makes it right. You look at so many different things in this world today and we seem to have more followers than leaders. So the minute a new trend picks up, you look at, for example, let's use our TikTok. Always some sort of challenge on TikTok. Not everybody, but a lot of people, they run with these things. They run with these challenges. Many people have died because of trying these challenges. Many people have gotten injured, almost lost their life because of trying these challenges. Always remember, not because the majority is doing it, that makes it right. I've seen, you know, you see a lot of movies with parents and the teenagers. And the teenagers want to do certain things. They want to dress a particular way. And the parents have to remind them that not because all of your friends are doing it, that means it's right. That makes it right. You know? And so, this is what we have to remember. And this is what we have to understand and remember. And this is what, for those of us who have children, these are the things, these are the values that we have to instill into our children. We have to let them know that it's okay to say no at times. Because yes can take you to an early grave. Yes, saying yes to the wrong thing, I should say, can take you to an early grave. Saying yes to the wrong thing can land you in hell. And even as I'm on that topic, for those of you listening who may not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, I want to encourage and invite you to do so. And you can do it right now. And it's very, it's so quick and easy. All you have to do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. And you can say a prayer like this. It doesn't have to be this exact one, but you can say a prayer like this. Lord Jesus, I come to you as sinner. I repent of all of my sins. I ask of your mercy and your forgiveness. Come into my life. Change me. I give you my all from this day forth. In Jesus name. You said that prayer or similar prayer, right? Basically a prayer that you believe in Jesus, right? Because that is all it takes. Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Believing in Jesus Christ. That is all it takes. Believe in Jesus. You live a life that displays and shows that you believe in Jesus. You live a life based on your belief in Jesus Christ. And you share the gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to encourage you. If you said that prayer or you simply believe in Jesus Christ. And you made that decision to believe in Jesus Christ and live for Jesus. Get a King James Version Bible. Begin to read and study the word of God. And God will begin to move. Once you are hungry, he will fill that hunger. Once you are thirsty for him, he will quench your thirst. And he will do some awesome things in your life. Whatever your situation. I want to encourage you and I want to remind you that you are not too far gone. The mere fact that you are listening to this program. There is something in this program for you. It might be a word. It might be a verse. A scripture. It might be a phrase. It might be a sentence. But there is something in this program for you. That is why you are listening to this program right now. And so I pray that you be blessed. I pray that whatever you are trusting God for. Whatever you are praying and trusting God for. I pray that he will answer your prayers according to his will. Once your desires line up with the will of God. Because it must line up with the will of God. I pray that your prayers be answered in the name of Jesus. I pray that God stops you from making that wrong decision and that wrong choice. I pray that God stops you from doing things that would cost you for a lifetime. I pray that your life will be changed forever in Jesus' name. Alright. So we are not going to be long. You know how we do it here on Joe Radio Live. I want to also remind you that you can tune in to Heavenly Dwellings with Anika John on this very network. Let's look for Heavenly Dwellings. Alright. The last program was When You Plan. You can look for that here. Right. In the list of programs. If you didn't hear it. If you weren't aware. If you didn't know as they say now you know. Alright. And you can look out for future programs that will be coming soon. Heavenly Dwellings with Anika John. Great, great stuff. Great, great stuff. You don't want to miss it. You can look out for that. I want to shout out her. I want to shout out Reverend JJ. Brother Tone and Toya. Sister Davis. And all our well-wishers and supporters. And to even our enemies and our haters. God bless you. I pray that you know. I pray that you know. I pray that you go do an awesome work in your life. And turn your life around in Jesus' name. We have to love our enemies. It's not an easy thing to do. But we have to love our enemies. Right. The Bible commands us to do so. Again, it's not easy. But it's not impossible. Alright. So, until the next one. JC Vibes is gone. Thank you for listening as always. I want to really let you know that we appreciate you. Taking the time out from whatever you're doing. To listen to Joe Radio. I encourage you to continue to listen, like and share. And you know, remember to bring in somebody. At least one person. Share it with somebody. Bring in somebody. Tell somebody about Joe Radio Live. And you know, the type of programming. Let them listen for themselves. And have their own experience. And you never know. You could save a life. Because they might hear something in this program. That might just save their life. That might just save their business. That might just save their marriage. All works in mysterious ways, people. Alright. So, until the next one. JC Vibes is gone. Blessings. Thank you for listening to Joe Radio. Join us in our next program. Remember, don't just exist. But be a blessing.

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