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Omba dabo lengo si, omba dabo lengo si, ulo silu oka, osi mba dabo lengo si Eka bo, sori eso, olonu msini orono, la sini ijo the coming king ministries Sio kale siye yine kwebe fem, sio wania doji kwa ili nwe government technical college idiaba adewu kusa, emaba wakalo Li ati sikwa sheli orowa, orosi wapelu olonu, olonu msini orono In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God Ono li owa li ati tekoshe pelu olonu, the same was in the beginning with God Nipa sere li ati pia ombobo, la nyere akosi da onkon, nino ntia da All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made Nino re niye wa, iye no sini imole araye, in him was life, and the life was the life of men Imole no sini imole, nino okukun, okukun no kusiborire And the light shined in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not Ejekal badura, let us pray God our father, we thank you Accept our thanks in Jesus name We thank you for giving us the opportunity to come on this program You can see your hands and your words In a town, in a city, in a country Lord accept our thanks in Jesus name We are pleading with you That you allow peace to reign Lord in this state, in this country Let your peace reign Let every soul know that you are alive All the mighty people Let them know that you are alive Glory be to your name In your word today Lord we want you to do the work of salvation Do the work of healing Do the work of improvement in the faith Even we want you to meet the needs of people We believe you will do it In Jesus Christ name our Lord Amen We shall continue where we stopped last week God sees all things happening Everything happening to you mommy God sees it God knows it All the reproach from people God hears it By all Jews Move closer to him Move closer to God If you move closer to God He will take charge of your problem And there is no other way by which one can move closer to God Than going through Jesus If anyone does not come through Jesus He will get to God But not the kind of God I am talking about Not the God of the Bible Not the God that created the heavens and the earth Because many things are calling themselves God We have gotten to the level where people are even calling themselves God We have gotten to the level where they are referring to some people as God The difference there is this The only way by which you can get to this God that sees all things happening to you And he has a way out Is Jesus Book of John chapter 14 verse 6 says Says I am the way The truth And the life No woman can get to the Father Except through Him So people used to think that Jesus was exaggerating And it is not so All the mere men They are calling themselves God If anyone wants to get to them They have their own principle too I came from Mugu worshippers family If we want to worship Mugu There are certain items we use in worshipping him We cannot just say this is what they use in worshipping their own idol We should use it to worship our own idol too If what Jesus said to me We have items used to worship him If you don't offer to him what is used in worshipping him Such will create problems Let them know that the God that created the heavens and the earth They always live to him They can take the mountain and climb it So you can go through the middle It is impossible for someone to go to a governor in this state And there will not be a protocol to be followed It is impossible Even the local government chairman Before he gets there, that is where he will be going about Before our last election They went about the town They left their government house at the state level They went to places They went to villages They went to markets They went to the mechanic village All the places they never knew about They will take it to them so as to plead for their votes When they are yet to win the election Once they won the election The way you are seeing them now is the way you will see them later All those numbers you are using to call them You say, my people, how are you? What happened? And then you discuss with them You call that number later Maybe it will work Maybe they will be the ones to take it The words there on that scene They are protocols For anyone that will see them to follow You cannot just stand up one day and say you want to go and see the governor I want to go and see the president now No, it is impossible I don't know why you are thinking that seeing God without sheep The only way you are set is this To get to Him for salvation To get to Him for victory To get to Him for mercy and help That is the only way you are set And that is Jesus The reason is this Was the one that came to this world No other person has God sent As numerous as the angels are in heaven No, no They cannot do it He is the only one God sent He was the one that left his life He was the one that poured his blood He was the one that left his glory in heaven And came to this world And he suffered He couldn't build a house He was not riding a car He doesn't have a wife He doesn't have children Even tax collectors arrested him one day Even if he cannot afford to pay Send someone to go and catch a fish Or a fish that has money And if the tax was paid He and his disciples Amen Because of us That is the only way by which you can get to God If you are here to go through Jesus to God Any God you met yourself in the presence And you did not go there through Jesus He cannot give you eternal life I can say it boldly Through the Bible And the Holy Spirit You can get to the presence of God He can buy you a car Even he can give you children He can build a house for you But he cannot give you salvation He cannot give you forgiveness of sin He cannot give you the power to overcome sin He cannot give you the power to overcome Satan You will be offering sacrifice to Satan You will be appeasing him But if you should die like that You cannot end it to eternity But to go to eternal fire This God I am talking about It is different from all other Gods It is different from all the Gods you may be thinking about The God that is talking, the God that sees all things It is only through Jesus that you can get to Him My prayer is down Those of you that are listening to me While you are yet to be on that path The mercy of God will bring you there The grace of God will bring you there In the name of Jesus We are continuing from where we stopped last week Abraham's wife Jezebel Said the matter should be left to her King, leave it to me At this juncture I want to pray For someone that can say Amen Anyone In your compound Anyone In your family Anyone In the community of darkness That says your issue should be left to her In the name of Jesus The mercy of God will overcome them for you The grace of God will bring them down Jezebel said leave the issue to me Leave it to me And the way she wants to go about it She said it She said they should proclaim a fast When they want to end the fast There should be a kind of ceremony And Nabo should be set on high They should be put in a place of honor That is giving me a title Look at her wisdom Verse 13 And there came in two men, children of Belial And sat before him And the men of Belial witnessed against him Even against Naboth In the presence of the people saying Naboth did blaspheme God and the king Then they carried him forth out of the city And stoned him with stones That he died I prayed once again Anyone that says your issue should be left to him or her That you are at the top it will bring you down Anyone that says you should be left alone I will take the glory in your hands Anyone that says your issue should be left to him or her That you are going to die this year In the name of Jesus As Bob fell before David In the name of God you should bring them down So that you can have time to answer your case Don't forget the beginning of Christmas day Move closer to God and deliver Through Jesus One of the things that grips me when I am studying the Bible Is the death of this man As the death of the righteous Death to a believer That is not the issue Where you are going Is very important It has been appointed unto man To die once His judgment It is not the kind of death That I can tell you about But the end thereafter And even this man was very careful What to know that Yesterday Two days ago Four days ago He hacked me About my Father Until today now And the following day I decided I should not be coming to this case I should come and be given a title He ought to be very careful He ought to be wary But he was not wary As Yoruba says That talks about being very careful If you know how to pray And you are not alive in the spirit It only looks as if you have not prayed If you watch Pray If you are praying And you are not watching His case will be like that Of someone that is not praying If you are watchful And you are not praying Happiness alone is not enough We must fix this issue Your prayer must go along with what you say When you are in the midst of evil people When you are in the midst of wicked people Jesus said He said you should be meek as doves Be wise as snakes You can see the truth And be patient And be wise Pray And be watchful So that you will not fall into temptation You are praying and you are not watchful You will fall into temptation The mighty one will fall down As if he is fallen That killed the captain of Saul Through the captain of David The captain of David Is by watchfulness Please believers Learn how to be watchful Learn how to be watchful Learn watchfulness to your fast and prayers How will you have a discussion within two days And you disagree over an issue And they will not invite you To come and be the captain of the city Within three days And you will not be placed at the high table And you will put on your mask You will put on masks And be laughing You will be drinking And be dining With the amount of money you go to use And you will not be watchful Many believers Are falling into the trap of the world Through their not being watchful The Bible says Satan our enemy Is roaring He was going up and down He was watching Looking for whom to devour He who you should be watchful of Be watchful of him Very careful This man was not careful He just met a person like that And he enjoyed him And look at the end of his life And he died just like that Many believers have backstabbed him Many ministers have lost their calling Many glorious children have become nothing Many are at the top And now down Because of that Because they never add watchfulness to their holiness That was the problem of this man Let's continue Verse 14 Then they sent to Jezebel saying Naboth is stoned and is dead Jezebel said Naboth is dead Naboth is dead Naboth is dead Naboth is dead Naboth is dead Naboth is dead Naboth is dead Naboth is dead Naboth is dead Naboth is dead Naboth is dead Naboth is dead Naboth is dead If you can say amen If you can say amen The enemies will fail over you I say it the second time in the name of Jesus Your enemies will fail over you And I say it to myself That in the name of Jesus My enemies will fail over me Look at what Jezebel did He said The king knew nothing He said The queen knew nothing The work was handed over to The authority of the king And the man was not wary And they ended their mission There are many things I want to bring out of this How much How much will it cost the government It's not going to be a little amount of money Look at the ceremony Look at the funds that was declared It's not for the country to progress It's for their own will In order to fulfill their self-will Look at the amount That will go out of the treasury of the government Look at the number of people That fast will be proclaimed for Look at the food they are going to eat If they should eat a food worth 1000 Naira They will put 10,000 there But they are less concerned about that If they were able to achieve their own will It has been happening for long Up till now it is still happening The government will just bring us a policy You will think it is to help the country You will think it is for the progress of the country You will not know It is for their own benefit Maybe for their own party alone That was how it happened here Till they achieved their goal And the message was sent to the queen That the mission is accomplished Those people they were commissioned They never asked for the reason Put them in a place of honour They sent two wicked people before him Let them testify against him That when he was strong And he was happy He had abused God And stole him to death Make sure he dies He never asked for the offence of the man He just took the contract And he finished it We still have some people like that It is anyone listening to me And you are such a person That are being sent on terrible errands I am talking on the topic of the God that is here It is you Why don't you repent? Repent Let us continue Because we have a few minutes more This woman Went to her husband This is what he said Go and hear it Because it is no more He died Verse 16 And it came to pass When Eam heard That Naboth was dead That Eam rose up to go down To the vineyard of Naboth To take possession of it If he knew nothing about it He ought to ask The cause for his death What happened to him But he never asked Because he knew about it After the death of this man Naboth went down To that vineyard He went there And the word of the Lord Came to Elijah the teacher by saying Arise Go down to meet King of Israel Which is in Samaria He is in the vineyard of Naboth Neither he is Gone down to possess him That is why you know that God sees Naboth Had implicated Himself Because he was not watchful What he never worked for Had implicated him The honor Loving the place of honor Had implicated him That is not the end of the matter Go now call Elijah Now go Go Go to Israel Go to the vineyard of Naboth Beside the king's palace Go down to meet him there He had gone down to possess him If this God sees everything happening When the time comes All the people that are good at doing evil You will pity them Some people are having their own personal accounts They are receiving God's chastisement You may not know But there is no one That will be delivered from God's chastisement I am going to reach out to Elijah Now go there He wants to go and Hear everything This is what we are going to tell him And you shall see Satan says the Lord That was killed And also of taking possession He wants to repay Thou shalt speak unto him Say thou says the Lord In the place where thou leaked the blood of Naboth Shall thou leak thy own blood If you die Left up here Because of our time We will continue Because our time Is like us that we should start In the message and ending You can see that God sees My prayer is this Before it is too late The Lord will rise to your case The Lord will intervene in your case Before it is too late God will deliver you God rose up on the age of Naboth But Naboth was dead In the name of Jesus Your case will not end in death Your case will not end in death This is why you need to arise now Don't postpone your salvation I will attend to you I will attend to God This is now Confess your sins to him Believe that you are a sinner Don't die on the cross Because of me Take my life Because it may be too late All the listeners of this world Ask them to take the right steps In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen

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