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TeamNade Ep27

TeamNade Ep27

TeamNade PodcastTeamNade Podcast



This week on the TeamNade Pod, we take a look at a couple of roster changes during the downtime after Major 3. We discuss the upcoming fixtures for this weekend and dive into the news regarding the next Cod. We chat about the news of the new org pickup for Foe, the Tune up results and give our final thoughts on HCS London this weekend. Cod - 4 Mins till 37 Mins. Halo - 37 Mins till end. If you have any feedback or questions, please don't hesitate to let us know!

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What is happening, everybody? Welcome back to the TeamNade podcast, episode 27 at TeamNadePod on X, Twitter, whichever one you prefer. Joined, as always, by Jain. How are we? I'm good, man. What are you saying? I'm not saying a lot. It's been a semi-busy week, you know, work, house and that, keeping ourselves busy. How about you? How's your week been? Yeah, it was alright. Pretty stressful, but not too bad. Work, is it? It's always on the go. It never seems to relax or subdue at all. Well, we get to see what is the fallout of what happened. Ah, yes. I'll be sure to keep you updated of, you know, whether... Keep me updated? I'm going to be front row seat. The big decision makers are getting involved in this situation or not. We'll find out. I'm front row seat. I'm getting the team's invite. I'm going to be sat just in the corner with no fucking camera on me. I'm just here. I'm on it, I promise. Who's this guy over here from Moral Sport? Moral Sport? In the chat. Do you think, bro? I'm your hype man. Yeah, so I sent him an email, and I think that was a good email to be sending to him, because it really put my point across. Yeah! You tell him! Yeah, so the outcome of it is that he was wrong and you were right. Told you! Shut up! Air hordes. And golf clubs. As you leave the chat, it's just me and Lester doing golf clubs. That would be so funny, bro. Speaking of teams, right? Oh, I didn't know this yet, but I had a meeting on teams the other day, right? So I joined the meeting. There's me and one of my colleagues in there. And then slowly, but surely, the rest of the team started filtering it. Yeah. So I think it was a six-man team or something like that, right? And then, like, the final boy to join the call is the newest member of the squad, right? And he joins the call, and instead of it being a video of his face or just, like, you know, like when someone joins, but they don't have a camera, like, where it's just that, like, blanked-out, like, thing, but it has their initials in it, right? Yeah. It was like an AI-generated 3D render of, like, a Bitmoji just chilling in the corner of the call. And I was like, that's wild. I didn't even know you could do that. Like, that's actually nuts. My man's meant to be doing his job, and he spent his time doing that. I think it might be generated. I don't know. No, no, surely not. You must have to activate that for that to happen. I don't. Honestly, I do not know. I didn't ask him about it, because I was, like... Well, we were already, like, a little bit into the meeting, but then it just became, like, the elephant in the room sort of situation. That's fantastic, but we need to talk about something. What is this? I can't concentrate until we sort this out, right? What is that? Where's your initials? Why have you got a Bitmoji? What's going on? Yeah, it was nuts. But, like, also pretty sick that you can do that on Teams at all. Then your meeting just turned into a tutorial on how to get a Bitmoji on your fucking Teams. The entire actual point of your meeting is just to get a Bitmoji. So after 50 minutes, I'm like, what are we talking about, anyway? Christ, is that time? Lunch. Ah, it's a shame, that. Innit, lad? Sorry, I've got a call. I like this new guy already. He could come more often. He just comes in next week, like, his Bitmoji's now dressed in Eskimo. His Bitmoji's kind of got a background, as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's, like, in space. Fucking hell, man. How do you do that? That's sick. Well, I don't. Oh, fucking hell. Right, Cod news. Would you like the Cod? Why not? Not a lot happening, obviously, because it was Major 3 last weekend, and that's all concluded, so it's sort of like a little downtime before the restart of the Major 4 qualifiers. Right, only two bits of news through the week. Would you like Miami or Boston first, John? Is this roster news? This is roster news, yes. Hit me with Miami, because I feel that'll be more interesting than watching people up to their necks in water bailing frantically to try and refloat the boat. Okay. Miami. It's roster, but it's not roster. It's not the four players. The coaching news. Yes. The coaching news. Oh, come on. Miami Heretics. The coaching news right there, people. Miami Heretics released their head coach. Okay. Which I feel is a bit of a weird one, because this is the first time they actually got further in the Major than they ever did before, and now they've decided to get rid of him. Yes, but I mean, like, what do COD coaches actually do, though? Because I feel like this is a thing as well, right? Because don't COD teams have, like, a head coach, an S&D coach, and a respawn coach? I feel like it's down to the individual organization. Individual team, yes. I know that, well, Optic have got two. They've got Karma and JP, so that's their actual coach, and then the analyst. Yes, because it's like NYSL have Drill, but they also have Sender, right? Yes, and I don't know about FaZe. I know FaZe have got Crowder, but I don't know who else. I don't know if they've got anybody else. I thought they had, oh, what's he called now? Tupac Thuglord. I thought he was their... He was the S&D coach, I'm pretty sure. We could quite easily have him as well. Have you ever seen Tupac Thuglord? I think you've sent him to me before. Not what you would expect by his name. What if you would expect that by his name, to be honest with you? If you've expected that, you need to have a look at yourself. To be honest, when I heard the name, I was expecting it to be a white. Yes, it's a wild name to have, I think. Well, get to pass in my book, because you've got a big Keekley thing behind this setup, so shout out to the boy. A what, sorry? You don't know about Luke Keekley, bro? No. The best middle linebacker ever to play the sport of football. Right. Guess what team he played for, bro? Definitely not Panthers, then. It was the Panthers, yeah. He can't be the best, then. No, he is the best. No, he can't be the best. Yeah, but he was the best. No, he can't be the best, he played with the Panthers. Why can't he not be the best? Fucking, who do you support, bro? Seattle? Yes. Yeah, that's cool, that, man. That's sick, that, bro. Seattle, bang it out. Bang average. Seven in seven seasons. Yeah, it's still better than, what did you do, what did Carolina do last season? Like, 3-15, but that's irrelevant, bro. At least it's like, you know, it's like a spiral of soul-crushing despair, but when you win a game, like, oh my God. 3-15 is still better, because I remember at the start of the season, you were like, I don't think we're winning any. Well, yeah, it's just this year. Even your own fans are not even all for it. It's been a rough year, but no, I don't think that we're dog shit, I know that we're dog shit. You can't kick up on anybody else, then? Of course I can. No, you can't. Well, of course I can, because I can't shout at people. Because you're argumentative. Yeah, well, yeah, exactly, because the Panthers are the best team in the world, and everyone else is rubbish. Sorry, in 15? You can quote as many numbers and stats as you want, bro, it's not going to change my opinion. I could give you the best point in the world, like, make it unarguable, but you'll still go, nah mate, you're wrong. Yeah, exactly, exactly, and then it just invalidates your entire argument. And those are the rules. You could give me a whole fucking 90-hour-long power presentation into every point you could never disagree with, and you'd still go, nah mate, I'm still right. I probably don't agree with that. I don't agree with that. Cap, it's all cap. Fake news, what are you on about? Exactly, I'm on fake news. Right, sorry, let's regroup now. Let's go back to this coaching news. You remember that? We started that point three years ago, bro. We got sidetracked into arguing about football. So, like, who was their coach that they've got, that they've moved or got rid of? I did have the name written down, but then I scribbled it out, not thinking you'd want to know the name of it. I think that's nearly it. Gabriel Noel. Noel... Oh, wait, that's new. Hang on. Entirely wrong. One take. Noel Garberi. Garberi? Garberi. With his caption on his Twitter, former head coach at Miami Head of Tickets. Okay. I just find it weird that this is what they've decided to do, to get rid of him now, after getting the furthest they've ever done in any major. Yeah, I mean, that is... That is kind of strange, but... Also, like... Maybe there was something going on behind the scenes. You know what I mean? Maybe. Could have been something weird going on. Yeah. And then the other roster news is Boston. Boston Breach. They have moved Pentagram to a sub role, and then, like, the substitute, I should say, not sub, substitute, and they've brought in Major Maniac. Shut up. Major Maniac is back in the league. Major Maniac is back in the league. I wonder if that will help them. I'm not sure. I don't know what Boston are going to do. I think that this season is just going to be a write-off for them. I don't think they're making champs, to be quite honest. I don't see them pulling out this remainer qualifier. I mean, I feel like they'd have to go on an absolute tear at the same time as another team. Absolutely, like, imploding. Yeah. You know what I mean? I would have to see the actual schedule for Boston's games, because I don't think they've got a too easy of a run. The two games I've got written down for the fixtures, the upcoming fixtures, are... You could argue they're winnable, but they're also difficult in the same sense, where Boston are going to perform. Yeah. I can see here they've got to play FaZe at one point. They've got to play TITOptic at one point. So they've got to play two of the top four teams. So it's not an easy run for them in whatsoever, in the run-up to Major Four. I still don't see them making it at all. I just don't. It's not happening, in my opinion. Check out the actual table as well. Right now, there are 70 points, 70 CDL points off the cut-off for champs, and you get most of your CDL points from Majors. Yeah, the higher you place, the more points you get. Right now, there's two teams with 120, which is Ravens and Rokkr, and currently Rokkr are in the cut-off, they've got the same points due to their map win-loss. I just don't see Boston doing it. They've only won five series wins the entire year, and they've played 25 games. Is that right? Series win-loss? All right, so they've only won five series over 25 games, which is just not good enough, in my opinion. They're not going to do anything better. No, definitely not. It must be difficult for them. I feel like every week we have new Boston news. Yeah. I can't lie to you, so that's definitely not going to be helpful for them. No, they're changing everything too often. They're not picking what they want and going with it. They're not sticking with a team. It's almost like they're just going, That didn't work. They're just throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. Well, I think they've had two still on their team originally, Snoopy and Priestess. They've only got two of the original people. Yeah. They're the only two that have been consistent the entire time, but even then, it's not been... That consistency is still not great. No. Well, that's it for roster news for this week. Have you seen what the coach is called of Miami? Yes. What's he called? I've tried to name him. No, that's the old coach. Oh, the old coach. I don't know who the new coach is. He's Methods, bro. Eh? Yeah. No, it's not. It is. Bollocks. Seriously. Where have you seen this, man? I'm going to send you a link down there. Let me find this. There it is. Copy. I think you're chatting shit. I don't know. According to this source, I am not. Go peek that source, bro, and scroll down until you get to the organization current. I think you're chatting shit. The timeline. The most recent thing is Noel, the head coach, please. Yeah, it keeps scrolling down, bro, to the bit where it says organization current, like I just instructed you to. I don't think that's current, though. You don't think? No. You don't think Spanish Methods is in charge of this? I don't think Spanish Methods is involved. It may. It may be. It may. It does actually be like the Spanish Methods as well. It actually does. The Spanish Methods is wild. Also, right, you know, I've just noticed, yeah, right. I think he's always been a coach. I mean, potentially. Because that says August 23 to present, he's been a coach. Yeah. So they don't have a head coach, but they've got a coach. Get Methods and Methods, the dual Methods tandem. You know what I think is interesting about his team, bro? What's that? Hang on, wait a minute. I'm about to sneeze. I guess we're just holding on to it, aren't we? Hey! Oh, my days. I almost fell off my chair. I sneezed hard. Yeah, right. What's interesting about his team, right, is it's called the Miami Heretics. Yeah. Yes. But they're all Spanish, right? Right. And historically, what did Spain have that was instrumental in catching Heretics? What? The Inquisition, bro. Right. See what I mean? Interesting. I like that. So what we can deduce is that when Heretics win the league, there'll be a new team named Heretics. And when Heretics win the league, there'll be a new team next year called the Inquisition, and they'll beat them. That's my prediction. I'm normally quite for Mystic Brian Hoop, right? You think that's a long shot? But this isn't Mystic Brian Hoop anymore. This is Conspiracy Brian Hoop. Hey, bro, just watch out when I win that lottery. I know what I'm doing straight away, bro. I'm investing. When I get that lottery money through, I've invested in the Heretics so they can get an absolute god squad to go and win champs. And then I'm pulling all my money in and setting up a rival organization that's going to have a god squad again, just so that this can be proved right. And you're going to call it the Inquisition. The Inquisition. That's what it's going to be called. Call it the Washington Inquisition, if you like. Is that supposed to mean something to me? Right. Mate, the places your head goes is mental sometimes. You realize that? Yeah, I know. It's because I'm a blue sky thinker. I think it's actually... So, Spanish methods, right? We get two methods, and then all of a sudden, Spanish Inquisition. What? What are we doing? What the fuck are we doing? What are we doing? I don't know what we're doing anymore, bro. Let's fucking rewind this shit back in, and let's go on to something new. Ready? New Call of Duty. Yeah, this looks quite interesting. I can't... Call of Duty Black Ops 6. I'm not in love with the name. We're not letting the Black Ops series die. I feel like they... I'm really not in love with the name, purely because Cold War wasn't Black Ops 5, it was Cold War. So why they didn't just stick with... Black Ops Golf War. I'm not really sure. Yeah. I don't get that, necessarily. I don't think that... I don't know, man. I feel like when anything gets to 6, you need to start changing your name and convention up. A little bit, yeah. Because I feel like when it gets to 6, it's kind of like... It's got that Fast and Furious feel about it, where they just start going a bit... a bit too mental. You know what I mean? They start going a bit too... beyond the pedal. They're just doing mad shit over here because it's the 6th installment. It's like, alright, okay. The thing is, they've already gone too far with some of them. Yeah, 100%. Black Ops 5. Oh, Black Ops 4. Because Black Ops 5 was Cold War. Cold War, yeah. Which I find strange that they've gone, Yeah, this is what I mean. Really make that much sense. Maybe they've not called it Golf War just to keep it sort of open-ended, so they're not in a singular bracket. Potentially. I feel like the thing is, they could have it... Which one was it that was like, it took place in... Was it Black Ops 2, where it took place in 2025? Yeah. There was some missions in the 80s, and then there was some missions in like 1967. Yes, yeah, yeah. Like the flashbacks and stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe they're doing it because of that, because they're like, they don't want to just pigeonhole it into this one thing. Yeah, they want to keep it like, yeah, because right now the teaser trailer is kind of hinting at the 1991 Golf War. That's the first one. Where if they're going to have it as the Golf War, they might try and branch it into the second one as well. Maybe they didn't want to call it Golf War because people would get confused over which one it was actually supposed to be. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It could be which one it is when they branch over to. Because it's like, I feel like technically like... When was the second Golf War? Like 2003? But then that kind of then spiraled from just like the Gulf into the Afghanistan. And then, you know what I mean? It's kind of the same thing, but it's all slightly different. Yeah. You know what I mean? I feel like they are just leaving it to like, they're going to sprinkle in elements of both of them and probably blur the lines between the two. Yeah, yeah. Because obviously they can't follow the same, the exact timeline of it. They're going to have to have their own fantasy twist on it. And they'll try and mix in the two. Some of the rumors that have been coming out of what's included, and I'm not going to say what it is. You can find out on your own. If you type in Black Ops 6, the very third one will be the one that Forbes is referencing. Yeah. That's one of the rumors that's in it. Don't know how much substance that has. But that's quite later in all that sort of timeline. Well, it's like 10 years after it started, isn't it? I feel like if they're going to have that in it, that has to be the big set piece right at the end of the campaign. Yeah. I like it. It's either the bit right at the end, or it's going to be the bit in the middle, which is then why it then switches to the next bit. Yeah. Or it could be that's what happens, and then they're just like... Because you know how weird Cold War's campaign was? Yeah. With all the MKUltra shit? If they're kind of like, oh, this is... It happens on the very first mission, or the very first cutscene. And then it's like, you go back in time, and then something that you do in the storyline, influences that happening. You know what I mean? Yeah. I could see them kind of relating it in that way. Possibly. I mean, I literally don't care what the campaign's got in it, as long as you get to go scud hunting with the SAS. That's all I want, bro. Yeah. I want that as a mission. It probably will be, but it's... As long as they get it right, you know what I mean? They can't... Like you said earlier, before we started recording, they've had like four years developing this. Yeah, they've had a long time to develop it. And I think what's exciting about it, is they're doing it in a... They're targeting a period of time where not a lot of games exist, I feel, that explore that conflict. Yeah. The only one that I can think about I've ever played that was even remotely close to that, was... I think it was called like Delta Force Black Hawk Down, or something like that. Okay. But then that was obviously set in Somalia, in like 93. So it's a bit different, but very kind of similar. But that was like way back in the day. And it was a very strange game. That's the thing, it's like, how long do you feel like they have to leave it to then be allowed to be talking about something that's happened recently? Well, in like a game? Yeah. I mean... Because there's nothing of like recent, recent, you know what I mean? Like in Call of Duty sense, right? There's nothing for like Iraq War. Really. No, and even when they were like... So when Modern Warfare came out, it was like obviously influenced by what was currently going on in the world. But it was never like... It was never like, oh, we're in Iraq and these are the Republican Guard. Like, you know what I mean? It was never that. It was... It's the same with like Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4 and stuff. Like they kind of like drew... like inspiration from what was going on around the world, but they were never like, this is what's happening. You know what I mean? This is the situation. Like it was never that tied in realism. I feel like they have to be careful. Like as a game developer, like because you don't want to... You don't want to insinuate that one geopolitical power is responsible for something happening. Yeah. You know what I mean? And I feel like, you know what I mean? Like if you think about like World War II games, like... those sort of like governments, quote unquote, or like people that would take offense at the way certain things have been portrayed in it, those aren't entities anymore. Yes. So it's like... So like with Cold War, for example, right? They had like the KGB in it. Yeah. And like the CIA, right? The KGB on paper doesn't exist anymore. So they can't really be like, oh, well, we object to your portrayal of the building. I can't remember what it's called. I think it was called the Lubyanka. Like because this is not accurate to how it actually was. You know what I mean? Because that's not... Whereas if it was set in the modern day and you were going into the FSB headquarters and doing the same thing, then Russia would probably have something to say about that. Yes, definitely. You know what I mean? So in answer to your question, I have absolutely no idea. I guess... I feel like it must be coming into it if they're going to start drawing on Gulf War. I mean, potentially, but like... Because they've used a fairly prominent figure in the trailers. No, I mean... Very, very prominent. Oh, they're going to have a fucking mission where you have to go and rescue them hostages, aren't they? Oh, no. No, they can't. Surely they can't. No, they can't. No, they can't. As long as they don't get... I'm not going to lie. They're thinking about what I know about that conflict. They could seriously... Oh, no. Yeah, they could seriously pull some shit here. Well, this is probably meant to be the darkest era of Black Ops. This is what they're going for. I'm really not surprised, to be honest with you. As long as they don't go through the end of it all. I mean, after the second one all ended and what happened to... the main protagonist. What, you think we're going to get the destabilisation of that region from 1991 all the way to the present day? That'd be some game, bro. No, I mean like the end... The main person, the main prominent figure in the trailer. The certain Mr. Hussain. Yes. The end of it for him. Oh, yeah, but that happened in 2004 or something, no? Yeah, but this is what I mean. How close are they going to go? I feel like they can't go... They can't go that close. But I mean... I mean, they could do. I don't know. Have you ever watched... No. The video? Yes, I remember it on the news. Yes. Have you ever seen... I even remember the video of what happened to him on... Yes. Do you remember... That was intense but with Coco Pops. I can't lie to you, bro. It's the dangerous water. It's getting choppy out here. They've shown that sort of thing before but it was in fictional characters with Modern Warfare 3. Have you ever played the campaign of Modern Warfare 3? Oh, Makarov? Yes. Yeah. I mean, the thing is that Call of Duty has never been afraid to, like... show... Yeah. Not like the darker side of warfare because Call of Duty is effectively a big propaganda tool of like, well, we're the fucking... You know what I mean? We're the good guys and those guys over there, they're the terrorists. We have to go and neutralise the terrorists and it's just like, well, that's... You know what I mean? If you made the game from the opposite point of view, I'm sure the storyline would be completely different. Yeah. You know what I mean? But my point is, because obviously that is fictional characters. Fictional conflicts. Yeah, exactly. But they're drawing on it very close to the actual events of the actual war itself. They're using certain people in it that are actually quite... They're the main poster boy for that sort of time period. So it's like, how close can they get without it causing a problem elsewhere? I mean, in reality, I think what they're going to do is they're going to use... the invasion of Kuwait as the backdrop for the story. It wouldn't surprise me if the main... Well, certainly parts of the main thing would be to do with the geopolitical tension and the build-up of troops in Saudi Arabia and then dealing with it that way. You know what I mean? That's like the backdrop is like, Saddam has gone and done this and we are going to do this in return and we're going to try and sort all this through diplomatic channels, but you're going in first because we need to know this and we need to know that and we need to know the other. It wouldn't surprise me if that was like, mission one to three. You know what I mean? And then he time hops to somewhere else. It goes back to the 80s and Adler's still cutting about with his messed up face. Well, I believe Adler is... MK Ultra and people. Adler is involved in this one, from my understanding. You think Hudson will be in it? No, because he should be dead after Black Ops 2. Yeah, but he was in Cold War though, wasn't he, Hudson? Yeah, but Cold War was before Black Ops 2. Oh, was it? Yeah. Yeah, but this will be before Black Ops 2. Will it though? Yeah, Black Ops 2 takes place in 2025. No, but Hudson died early. It was in one of the flashbacks. Oh. Well, I don't know. I don't think he will be. I think Woods is. For fuck's sake, this guy, bro. He's going to be like 60... Because based off the trailer, there's a thing that says Franks Woods. Oh, for fuck's sake. Do you think he's still going to have the bandana? Yeah. It's a staple. Which one was it that blew their head off playing Russian Roulette with the Viet Cong? Uh... Is that Weaver? No. I know Weaver's the Russian guy, isn't he? No, um... Bowman. Bowman, okay. But he didn't do that. The boy battered his head in because he refused to play. Oh, is that what it is? Yeah, okay. See, this is what I mean though. It's like in Black Ops 1 they have you playing Russian Roulette with the Viet Cong. Yeah, but again, it's pixelized. I don't think you can get away with pixelization. But that's like... That was the fucking... That's like a nod to the Day Hunter, isn't it? You know what I mean? Have you seen the Day Hunter? No. Have you not seen it? The Day Hunter's really good, man. No, I've not seen it. Christopher Walken goes fucking nuts. Give us your best Christopher Walken impression. Absolutely not, bro. I can't get rid of Christopher Walken. I think it doesn't matter about that line. It doesn't need a Christopher Walken impression. I just know from about 45 minutes in he has a permanent thousand yard stare. At any time he's on screen. It's cool though. Robert De Niro looks hard as fuck because he's cutting about with tiger stripes on and shit. Nice. It's pretty sick. Black Ops 6, there is a new game, a live action trailer tomorrow, the 28th of May, so we will not be updating you on that. You'll have to work that out for yourselves until next week. I want to chat about something I've heard about this game, by the way. Okay. This is to do with actual gameplay, right? I've heard that there is a mechanic in it where... Do you know in the campaign of Cold War you could take human shields? Yes. That that is going to be in multiplayer. Right. And I'm not sure how that is going to work. Because... Presumably it will be turned off in ranked. Yes. And then competitive, right? Because there's no way that you can play in a competitive environment. But number two, like, how... Because it's like... In my mind, right, if someone's trying to take you as a human shield in a multiplayer game, there must be some way for you to fight back against that. Yes, there must be something. Or else, you know what I mean? I don't know how they're going to implement that. I don't know how they're going to balance it. Or if this is all just here, so. Because it might be. I don't think that's a confirmed thing. It might just be because that's in the campaign again. You know what I mean? It might just be a campaign thing. I don't see it being a multiplayer thing. I don't see how they would successfully implement it in not a cheesy way. Yes. You know what I mean? Because it's like, oh, like, you're... You sprint around the corner to the direct line of sight of, like, a boy. He gets you one shot, but then you get close enough to take him as a human shield, and then suddenly you've got... You've just reversed that situation and he can't get out of it. Like, that's going to be so annoying to have to deal with. Yeah. Right. Yeah, I don't think they'll add that. Yeah, I don't know. To be fair, it's a wait-and-see sort of thing. As long as they don't fuck it up. I mean... Well, on the plus side, I'm not going to have to pay for it this year. Oh, yeah? Because Game Pass Day 1. What a dodge. What a Game Pass. That's pretty exciting. What a Game Pass. We love it. On the cod, would you like the fixtures for next week? Oh, is it back next week? Yeah, I'm going to shoot, bro. Yeah. So, Major 4 qualifiers begin on the 31st of May. Last run-up until Major 4. So, here we go. Friday, the 31st of May. Surge vs. Ultra. Rocker vs. Boston. Ravens vs. LAG. Okay. I think Ultra win. Did you say Phase vs. Ultra? Or Surge? Surge. Okay, yeah. So, I'm going to write down my predictions here. So, I'm going to say Ultra win. Yeah. Rocker win. And Ravens win. I don't see anything else happening there. Saturday, the 1st of June. Christ, it's June already. We're going to go... So, it's LAT vs. LAG. Ultra vs. Legion. Heretics vs. Optic. And then Ravens vs. NYSL. And I have LAT win. Ultra win. Optic win. And New York Subliners win. Yeah, I wouldn't disagree with any of them. Okay. And then Sunday, the 2nd of June. We have got Rocker vs. Surge. Which I'm going to have as a Surge win. Boston vs. LAT. I have an LAT win on that one. Yeah, I'm on LAT. Phase vs. New York. I have a Phase win on that one for obvious reasons. And then Legion vs. Optic. I have an Optic win. Yeah, I wouldn't disagree with any of that either. And that concludes the fixtures for next week. Which also, in turn, concludes the card for the week. So, I'm going to pass over to you, my dear friend. Take it away, Ernie. Yeah, not really a lot going on in the Halo, to be honest with you. Nice, well done. Oh, the faux announcement came out. So, they've been signed by Into The Breach Esports. I had to do some Googling, some serious Googling, to find out who they were. This next statement depends upon how you want to qualify what I'm going to say. Because you could see it in both ways, right? So, they're relatively young as an esports organization. I think they were officially founded in 2020. In fact, I think that's when they were... So, it's a UK org. They were registered with Companies House in 2020 as well. So, you've really done the research. Yeah, I trust Bro. So, depending upon which website you go to as well, they have a number of different rosters. So, I would say they're quite a young, small org. Small in terms of... They're not... This is going to sound so stupid, but they're not a big org. You know what I mean? They're not like a FaZe, Optic, TSM, any of the massive Chinese organizations whose name currently escapes me. You know what I mean? They're not a big organization. But then they have about four or five different rosters in a variety of different esports. Right, okay. So, it's like they've got Counter-Strike. They've got Rainbow Six. The Rainbow Six team recently played at the LAN in Manchester. Then they came 12th. They've apparently got an Escape From Tarkov team. I didn't even know that was an esport. And then obviously now they've got a Halo team as well. So... Really branching out, trying to get... Yeah, you know what I mean? I think it's a good thing. I think in their initial statement, they were saying that they were extremely excited about joining Halo as an ecosystem. You know what I mean? So I think it's really good for the scene, basically. The more organizations involved, the better. Yeah. Because, you know... Organizations really are the driver, I would say. Depending on how they create value for themselves will drive value for the ecosystem. Also, we had the... HTS London tune-up event. Which was won by Bittersweet. So, you know when I messaged you and I was like, Bittersweet with an extra player? Yes. Their extra player was the coach. So it was just Batchford that couldn't play. So that means he now can't play at London? No, I think he can, because I think they had the 3-4. 3-4 roster rule. Did they? Yeah. So I read it as it was like, what the team that you play with is the team that's locked in. Oh, wow. Did you see any of the 15 messages in the various Discord chats about what actually was going on? No, because it is muted, because it's just a load of shit. And it's one of them, bro. Why they've communicated and changed formats through various different Discord channels, which I don't even know what they're called. They've communicated and changed formats through various different Discord channels, which aren't really related to the organisation which is promoting the event, is beyond me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. It's just a load of fucking... It's just tidying up needs to be done on their part, really. So we'll get into this in a second, because I have some views on this. So the team, there's Bittersweet EU. They were announced, I think it was today or yesterday, as a Bittersweet organisation. And it is Warlord, Loony, HiAmNinj, and Batchford will be the team competing at London with Coach Shiesty. Obviously, as mentioned, Coach Shiesty filled in for Batchford at the event, where they won the team pass, and they got their £250 refunded, so congratulations to them. Nice. Technically, I suppose, means that they're already placed in Italy, the HCS major. Well, they just start on zero, I guess. I don't really know how you want to put that. But fantastic for them. I don't think Warlord's price has gone up. Lucky for me, I've already bought into it, so... Cool. But yeah, so the way that this event has been run, obviously, when it was announced, maybe like three, four weeks ago, spoke about it on the podcast, said that didn't really understand anything about it. Like, who it was aimed at, who they were hoping... You know what I mean? Like, who it was aimed at, who they were hoping to attract, who they thought would be interested in doing it, the sorts of players that would be interested in going to it, considering it was such short notice. It was like, literally, this weekend it happened, so it was just a week before the major, right? Yeah. And then... They were trying to... I think they only had like two or three teams signed up, or it was like one and a half teams or something was signed up. One and a half. Or like, there just wasn't a lot of interest in it. I mean, when did you check it? Like, Thursday? Yeah, it's all right, but yeah. You know, and I think that they were realizing what was going on. And in the run-up to... Well, now, there's two things that I think has happened here, right? Which I'll get onto in a second. But in the run-up to it, they apparently were in contact with the HCS about turning it into an online event. Which the HCS said, no, it has to be a LAN event. And so they proceeded as instructed. And then, so that was in one Discord channel. Then in a different Discord channel, it turned out that the roster thing was going on, where they were changing it from whoever the four players that competed, it was now going to be three quarters of the team. You were allowed like one random Donnie to help you try and get the team pass. And then in a different Discord channel, it was revealed that it would be played online. But you could go to the venue to play from there if you wanted to. Which I feel means that like some of the series might have been a LAN and some of them might have been online. Yeah. I really don't know. It was kind of like a weird hybrid thing, I think. I feel like at that point, they've already got the venue, so it's like... Yeah, they've already booked out the venue and stuff. I think that's why the HCS were like, no, it has to be a LAN. We've booked the venue, we've paid for it. You know what I mean? You know, and... It just... I just don't... I just don't get it. Like, I... Don't... I just don't understand so many different things about that event. I don't understand why they decided to do it that weekend. I don't understand why they assumed that it was going to be a LAN. I don't understand why they assumed that they would be able to attract... I mean, I feel like with the way it was originally set up, of like, well, the four guys that play in it, if you win the team pass, that's the team. It was probably as a... As sort of like a... You and three of your mates come down here. Your skill level doesn't matter. Play in this thing. If you win it, you get to go to the event next week. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? Maybe it was sort of, you know, to try and, like, inject a little bit of... halo into the local esports scene. Yeah. Which is fair, which is fine. But the point where they then allowed teams to compete to try and win their money back, it was never going to be that, because they were only allowing ten teams to go to play in it. So... Only ten teams? It was only ten teams. Christ almighty. And the three teams that I watched were, like, good teams, like... household names, if you will, in the European competitive halo scene. The team that won it has got a boy who coaches for money. Yeah, exactly. Like... You know what I mean? So it's, like, I just don't... It just seems really confused. So I think, like, partly one reason why they might have been... deciding to... change... the format and allow people to compete from home was because they didn't get as many sign-ups as they thought they would. I think the other thing might be to do with the Conservative Party. Oh, really? Yeah, because I'm pretty sure that after they... called that general election, that the Conservative Party booked out that venue for, like, an entire month. So I think that the venue have been trying to maybe limit how many people are going in and out because of that going on. Because realistically, if you've got an entire political party down there planning for an election, you can't have... 40 blokes milling about out the front smoking tabs and talking about shooting people. Like, you know what I mean? True. That's not something you can have going on. Yeah, you might have a point on that one. So, you know, I feel like... I don't know... is the honest answer. I don't really know. The event should always have been online from the get-go. But the event should always have been online from the get-go. The event should have taken place before team passes went on sale. Yeah. Having it as a LAN event was just a silly thing because you're making everybody to pay to come back to London the week later. Yeah, exactly. And it's just not... So it's just not feasible for a lot of people. No, it's not financially viable and it's not just viable in general for people to go back and forth, depending if you don't live in the area. For any of you who live in the area, well, brilliant. Yeah, it's nipped down, isn't it? You know what I mean? If you have three mates that live locally and you all play in Halo, fuck it, go. I think it was like 15 quid. You know what I mean? Yeah, but if you don't live locally and you've got travel... No, it's just not doable. It's not feasible. No. So, yeah. That is what it is, I guess. But definitely looking forward to next week. Yes! Next weekend! Next weekend, Friday, bro. Four days. Four days. We're going to be late to the Friday, you know. Yeah, I know we're going to be late to the Friday. I'm going to be there. Like, 11. Cutting a bit of the gaff on my own. Backpack in hand. Suitcase. Suitcase? You're not bringing a suitcase, lad? Why do you need a suitcase? I don't know. What the fuck do you need a suitcase for? For all the merch you're going to take home with you. Merch I'm taking home with me? Yeah. To be fair, I've got something that's going to take up a lot of space in my bag. What's that? Oh, yeah, sure. I remember. The curse thing. Oh, bro, how are you going to get that through airport security? Easy. They're going to... Oh, mate. Odds on, right, when you... When you get there, right, you pull it out... When you go through security at the airport, you pull it out of the bag and you go, yeah, I'll fly with this because it makes me so comfortable. And film it because I need to see what their reaction is. To be fair, they probably won't give a fuck. They're not known for being good at jokes, are they? You know what I mean? Yeah, I'm going to take it out of my bag and they're going to be like, all right, so what's this? I'm going to be like, ah, tried to give it to the ex-girlfriend, you know, she didn't want it anymore, so I've got to take it home with me. Ha ha ha ha! Oh, mate. Still a bit rock, you know, it just happened, so, you know. Really made him really awkward. It's like parking in a child... I'm like a parenting child being in a car park and just getting out in front of you. You don't have a child and be like, oh, it's been... It's been so short of a time since we lost him. I just forget. I'm just in the habit of it. Are you what? What the fuck are you on about, bro? If you park in a fucking child... Parenting child parking in a car park, right? Someone kicks up a bit, like, why are you parking the child... the parenting child parking? You've not got a child and you just be like, oh, I'm just in the habit of it, ever since we lost the little, well, John. No, it's just so hard. I forget that we don't have him anymore. Yeah, maybe not the best things to admit to on the podcast, bro, but fuck it, we poor, man. I don't know any car parks that have parenting children parking. What are you on about? You're lying. I mean, I tell you that, you're lying. No, you're lying. I mean, I haven't been to many supermarkets recently in a car, so it's not something that I really look out for, but I don't... I mean, I imagine they must do, but I haven't noticed any for ages. There's just, like, loads of disabled spaces now. Like, Sainsbury's up the road from me. Like, literally 50% of the car park is disabled spaces. Does it just have disabled Sainsbury's? No, it's very disability-friendly. It's all flat. I feel like most of them are all flat now. Yeah, that's true. I think they've always been flat, to be fair. Most, like, vague places. I don't know, because Tesco, you have to go up by the fucking 15 escalators, three lifts, and a flight of stairs to get onto the shop floor. Because they keep insisting on building... They buy their plot of... To be fair, right, it's quite smart, because they buy their plot of land in the footprint of the store and then build the store on stilts. So you can car park underneath it. Yeah, exactly. It's a smart idea, but, like... That's still disability-friendly, because they have the airport... Travelators. Travelators, yeah. Yeah, I just don't like Tesco, bruv. I mean, I don't like Sainsbury's either, to be honest with you. You don't like shopping, lads. There's something everywhere. No, I don't. I like Aldi. Is it really shopping, or is that just thieving at those prices? Well... If you can't beat them, join them. And I'm telling all the listeners here, you cannot beat the shoplifters in the UK right now. They are on next level. They've evolved like a Pokemon. They will do stuff you have never seen in your life to get away with their £5 steak. Just in time for HGS London. I don't even know if shoplifting is that bad in London. I know the worst clip I saw of shoplifting in the UK actually happened at a store here. Really? Yeah, it's the one that... our mutual friend used to work at. Okay. And I've been past there, and it was a shit hole. So I'm not surprised that that video happened there, but when I found out, I was just like, Jesus, fuck, man. I thought I had it bad, because a crackhead comes in and screams at me every five minutes. You know what I mean? Like having a mob outside the door, trying to boot the door in. You've been dreaming about Teenage Mum to get big. Like the Teenage Officers. Yeah, the Teenage Officers and that mob trying to boot the door down and get in. We want mugs. Shout out to Team Ned Mugs, man. Oh, that's another thing. I've been told by listeners. Have we mentioned it? I feel like we alluded to it ages ago, but I'm going to say this now, yeah? On the Sunday, we'll be pretty easy to spot. And if you can find us, yeah? You've got to pay attention to the detail. If you can find us, and you come and chat to us, there might be something in it for you. That's all I'm going to say. Don't expect much chat out of me. Say hello. How are you doing? And that's it. That's me using my conversation playbook. Yeah, all right. How are you doing? Yeah, nice. Yeah, I'm doing all right. There you go. Have a nice weekend. But yeah, we got some T-shirts made up. They look pretty cool. We got them in a variety of sizes. Not many, though. I think we only got like... five spares, I think. Yeah. First come, first serve. If you find us, have a little chat. Might be an old... T-shirt in it for you. Let's go! And you too can be a human billboard. Yeah, you know, represent. It's going to be super sick. Huh? What? It's going to be super sick... to actually have them. Yeah, it's going to be sick, bro. Super, super sick. Super sick to have them and to wear them and to actually have it out there. They're quite good quality. I was wearing one the other day. Have you put it through the wash yet? Yeah. And how did the wash go? I actually haven't looked, to be honest with you. I'll put it in... You just hear washing machines, they've got a QR code all over it. I'll put it in inside out. Because... I wear a lot of screen-printed clothing anyway. I know that you have to wash them inside out to preserve the quality of the print so it doesn't crack. Even doing that, it still cracks. Oh yeah, 100%. I think that's the false economy of screen-printed T-shirts, right? Because they will just crack eventually. Yeah. I've got a really nice Supreme T-shirt and when I bought it, it was a little bit cracked but now it's just a mosaic. Check you, you bougie bastard, with that Supreme T-shirt. Shut up, man. Big up Supreme. It doesn't need any more publicity. Not on our platform, anyway. You don't want the Supreme team-made crossover? Nah, mate. I'm holding it for the manscaped. A manscaped X team-made Razor. It's just your face on it. Yeah, you know. My face on every team-made manscaped Razor out there. It's not a world of its own. Yeah, and then we can get the Raid Shadow Legends and we can put your face on our Raid Shadow Legend. It's also not the world I want to live in. It's not the world I want to live in. I'm liking this. I'm going to get on to them. Hang on. After the end of this podcast, I'm going to go fucking market it for like 19 hours. Have you ever heard the team-made podcast about what we would like to do, Raid Shadow Legends? To be honest with you, we probably can get sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends. They sponsor everyone, don't they? Yeah, everybody and their mum's got Raid Shadow Legends sponsors. Oh, no. Like who? Farmers. Who else? Farmers' mums. There it is. Farmers' mums are sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends. Oh, dear. If you are a farmer and your mum is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, please let us know, at teamnatebottomtwit. Spray-painted a sheep with Raid Shadow Legends. It wouldn't surprise me, actually. That's actually giving me an amazing idea for a marketing campaign. We are not spray-painting a sheep. I'll make that clear. We're not having a big TN over every sheep in a field. Yeah, we could get a stencil in it. We could just go randomly tagging stuff. I'm thinking of one spray-painted sheep. I'm thinking of one spray-painted sheep. I'm thinking of one spray-painted sheep. I'm thinking of one specific property in Ealing. And a car outside of it. With a car outside of it? Yeah. To be fair, I don't know what car he drives, so we'll just do the whole street. What do you mean? Spray-painted a TM logo on it. Yeah, but... Oh, wait. Ah, yes, yes, yes. Fucking hell, Forbes. Oh, my days. Yes, I'm there now. Penny's finally dropped. Yeah, yeah, I'm with you now. I could easily find that information out. Well, I mean, you'll have to do it now. That's fine. Remember, I decide when these episodes get released. Actually, you heard it here first, Steve. We get an episode 27 before you get an episode 26. To be fair, everybody, if this comes out on the Friday, you'll know why, because the person we're talking about needs to give over the information. If you don't have the information, it's on him. Saying that, I don't even think I could ask him. I think I could ask somebody else. I think I could have asked several other people, and I'd find out. Well, there we go. Where can you buy spray paint in London? Oh, before we jump off, because I think that's the end of the hallow. Lots of word on that. Yeah, there's been a quiet wait for both Cod and Halo due to the little breaks in between. This is like our down period for the breaks between two majors. Thoughts on Extra Fine? I don't know. I find parts quite fun. It's quite a replayable game. Some parts are quite cheesy and a bit... I personally don't think you should be involved. I feel like most of the abilities are a bit cheesy. There's some that are just useless and some that are really, really good. I don't think it'll be a Cod killer, as everybody thinks. No, I don't think it's going to be a Cod killer. I don't think it's going to be a Cod killer. I'm indifferent. I'm still on the fence. I'm not convinced. As I say, some of the stuff is quite cheesy, like dying around corners and the netcode and the hit registration is annoying. The desync is worse than Halo Infinite and the netcode is worse than OG Battlefield 4 multiplayer. If you know, you know. How bad this shit feels to play sometimes. The camo doesn't really work, in my opinion. I don't think it's that good. The intel scan on that same operator, I feel, doesn't work sometimes. The intel scan's weird, right? I've noticed, I think when people are coming off spawn, it doesn't ping them. But it will ping someone in a camo. To be honest with you, I kind of like that. I actually think it shouldn't ping people in camo. Because the camo isn't hard to see. The camo's really good. If you use it to reposition quickly, I've been using it a lot to, like I'll start shooting at someone, especially if they're sniping, I'll start shooting at someone, back down, camo, and then just hard shell the corner. You get peekers advantage, because peekers advantage is massive on that game, I've noticed. You get peekers advantage, you then also get that split second where they have to work out what it is that they're looking at, and by the time they've done that, they're dead. I think there's a lot of opportunity for skillful usage of it. I'll tell you the one that I hate the most, bro, the power-up I hate the most, well, two of them actually, right? The spider bot that everyone's running now that they've unlocked Dead Circ, that shouldn't be in the game, I don't think. I came up against that playing, is it Times Square? Yeah. Escort. One, I was just next to the police car, next to the subway, defending. One was chasing me, I ran away from it, it grabbed my face, I went around the corner, I was like, alright, I'm nearly dead here, 34 HP. Went to go back out, another one grabbed my face, took me down to 28 HP, backed up, ran to the police car, bang, nade went off my feet. Yeah. I found it so funny, it's just robot, robot, nade, no even chance of coming out of this, I'm just dead. I think if that's going to be a thing in the game, you need to be able to, there needs to be some mechanic for you to remove it off yourself, whilst it's on there, and if there isn't going to be a mechanic, then it shouldn't do damage, it should just slow your movement, and obscure your field of view, and stop you from sprinting. That's what it should do. See the one I find is, sorry, sorry. It's just like, the fact that it does all of those things, it should be OP. Like the other one that I hate is, I think it's like a tactical ability for the cleaners faction, and it's like, you can just like, it's almost like you detonate a grenade on yourself, but you take no damage. But it's like a one shot. Yeah, and it's like literally, I was trapped in the other day, this guy just runs up to me, doesn't even try and shoot me, just runs up to me, presses the button, and I die, and I'm like, well, because that's a lot of skill. I've been skillfully outplayed there, like I was skillfully outplaying your entire fucking team. And you just killed me in an unskillful way. That annoys me the most, because I feel like as a game, it offers a lot of opportunity for skill expression. Yes. And then there's so many abilities, that just cut down on your skill expression, because it's like, oh, well, I just got bullshitted by a spiderbot, or I just got bullshitted by this guy with a fucking martyrdom perk. That doesn't kill him. You know what I mean? It's like, it's not... The one I find is, I've started using, which I think is bullshit, is, you know, the mesh shield, the like, barricade one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I've been using it, obviously playing Escort, and they're defending, they're going to come out the door, so I drop it down, hide behind it, as they come running out, and I'm just standing at the side, and they can't do anything about it. So it's like an easy three kills right off the start, which then puts them in a staggered spawn from the start. I think the funniest thing about that ability is the amount of people that will throw one down in the middle of a lane, but then won't fight from out of cover, because in their mind, they're perfectly safe behind their shield. Until you throw an EMP grenade at them, duck back behind cover, re-peek it, and see them stood there in the middle of the open getting shot at, and now they have to work out either how to get to cover before you die, which is not easy, because you will die around the corner, or how to outgun someone who's not missing. Like, you can see the cogs wearing in their mind as they realize that they're fucked, and that the only way for them to stop what's happening to them is to out-shoot you. And they always realize way too late. Yeah. Because so many people just abuse that in the cheesiest of ways. You know what I mean? They'll run around the corner, bait you to chase them, and then when you run back around the corner, there's like four guys stood behind the shield. I've had that happen to me, and I was just like, oh my god. That's my fault for chasing, but at the same time, like, what the fuck are you doing? Like, what is this? Like... It's like they've gone like, oh yeah, we've got this game with all this movement potential and skillful outplayers and nice gunplay and stuff, and we're going to turn it into World War I. Like, fuck you, bro. You're going to sit in this trench behind a big fuck-off barricade with a machine gun. Like, yeah, nice. Nice, man. Nice. So sick. But yeah, I mean, I think it's a really fun game. I really like it. No, it's good fun. I just think it'll... I don't know. I'm on the fence. I'm not convinced it's going to have the longevity, which I think is going to be the problem. I think it's going to bleed players. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Because like, the no SPMM thing, like, is good and bad at the same time because you really never know what sort of lobby you're in. And quite a few times I've been on a team where, like, I have the most damage in the lobby and the most kills in the lobby, but we're just getting stomped because everyone else on the team is just, like, not... On it. On it, yeah. You know what I mean? You create so much space for them, but because they don't play into it fast enough, like, it doesn't matter how much you do. You're just not capable of taking advantage of the situations. But then, conversely, I've also played where, like, everyone is peacing. You know what I mean? Yeah. So it's like, you know, I quite like the no SPMM thing. I like, like, bro, I like the fact that at any time of the day I can go on, press search, and I'll find the game within 30 seconds. Yeah. I like, I forgot that that's how games are supposed to be. Yeah. Considering, like, you know what I mean? Like, Halo, you sit there, not find the game. And Call of Duty, whilst it doesn't have the same problem, it still has an issue of, like, you'll go into a lobby. Like, you know what I mean? Maybe it takes, like, 30 seconds to a minute to find a lobby that you fit into within your bracket of the matchmaking. And then you finally get into it, and it's, like, Wasteland and Estate, and everyone leaves. You know what I mean? It's, like, this doesn't seem to have the same feel of, like, I don't know. It's just, it just feels playing online. It feels, like, a lot more, like, organically matched, if that makes sense. Okay. Which, like, I don't know. It's just, like, the games just have a certain feeling about them, and it's, like, it's nice to, like, be able to, like, meander around the map, and do whatever you want to do, but not have to worry because everyone on the other team is part of a challenger's organization. You know what I mean? Like, it's, like, you also, like, you don't get, like, punished for having a good game. That's, like, it doesn't feel, like, you know, like, you play COD, and, like, you have a game where you, like, pop off, and you know that you're loaded into the next lobby, and it's a brand-new lobby, and you don't know anyone, and they're all, like, oh, right, no, I'm in it now. Like, this is going to be, like, the sweatiest thing in existence. Yeah. It's, like, you don't have that same experience. Like... You can do sometimes. Yeah, I mean, sometimes... I feel like that's just a rule in the day. If you rule it, it's going to come out. Yeah, I think that's the thing, you know, it's just, like, that random matchmaking algorithm, the way that it prioritizes and works through its different, like, reads, basically. Uh-huh. You are eventually going to end up in a lobby with... people that are the next scum. Right? But I think, like, I think the good thing about it is, is in situations massively outbalanced, the game ends super quick. Yeah. Like, super quick. So you're not even just there, like, oh, I've got to... You know what I mean? It's not like, um... Like, I've played, like, Hardpoint games on COD, where one team is just stomping, but they'll let you run up, like, a ridiculous Hardpoint score, whilst they just kill everyone else around the guy on the hill, and then they will just, like, sit one boy in the point, just out-rotate, and whilst they... continuously again. You know what I mean? To, like, maximize their kill potential. Yeah. Which is fair, but, like... It's just so fucking jarring. Yeah, it's just very annoying, because it's... You just feel like you can't do anything, because you can't do anything. Like, you know what I mean? Yeah, I get you. But Street of Life would urge everyone to give it a go. It's very... different from Call of Duty. Because there's no... ridiculous aim assist. In fact, actually, right, I played this time today in a week, and I noticed just how strong the aim assist on Halo is. Really? Yeah. Because, like, after, like, playing that game, like, where there's very minimal aim assist, like, it's there, but it's not that strong. And it's, like, very strong on Halo. I played Black Ops 2 yesterday, it's very strong on that as well. It's just weird. Like, you know what I mean? Really need to go play some Halo before the weekend. Very weird. I've not played any Halo for months. I'm going to have to go to a Halo event with my controller. But we can get some in, bro. Yeah, catch Forbes on the main stage Sunday afternoon. In the Quadrant Showmatch. With a guy on the other stage, I'm going to shout abuse at him. Followed by the hashtag TeamNadePod. I think they'd kick us out if we did that. Yeah, they would. Yeah. What an ad campaign. Well, yeah, this is true. Like, so I was thinking about this the other day, right, if they just get, like, two, like, super sweats up there. You know, like, I'm thinking, I'm specifically thinking about people in the playlist, right, who pop off but are also, at the same time, just, like, cussing you out for everything you've ever done in your life. You know what I mean? I have one. I have one name. Just these, like, next-level, ridiculously toxic individuals. Like, what happens if one of them gets up there? And they're like, we're gonna go to a listening with Eagle Team. And then you just have, like, like, I don't wanna say any names, right, but, like, I was playing the other day and there was a French Donnie on the team. I'm like, fuck me. I've never heard so many French swear words in rapid succession in my life. Like, but it's like, what if he gets into this and they go to a listening and it's just him screaming at his own teammates? They won't do listens, then. No way. Well, they might do. No, no, never. It'd be wild if they did. I think that would be interesting. You'd be like, you'd be like, what are we doing? Delete that. What are we doing? Oh, can't go forward out there. What are we doing? Hmm. Interesting if you had the 360 stage works. Oh, yeah, that's another thing, isn't it? First 360 stage. I don't know if I like it. Yeah, I'm not sure if I rate it. The other thing I was thinking about is as well, once we get to the stage, the players are going to have to walk to the crowd. Yeah. Which means... Do you reckon they can raise them out of the ground? That'd be wild. I think, come on, play to stage. Just smoke and then blazes in the middle of them. Like The Undertaker. Yeah. All goes dark. Couple of lights. Oh, mate, that'd be amazing. Four lights. Five lights come on, right? But one after the other in each corner for each player. And then one right down the middle and it's blaze. Starts talking as it rises up. And then it's like Optic. It just all goes green. Yeah, that's true. It all goes yellow. But this is the thing, though, right? For example, in Optic, when they played when they won the World Championship and Cloud9 reset the bracket and they all went offstage to go for a chat. Right? Here, when they walk offstage to go for a chat, they're going to have to walk through the crowd who will be shouting stuff at them. Yep. Not all of it is going to be nice. In fact, what has happened out of it isn't going to be nice considering UK football culture. Half of it is going to be unaudible. Audible? What's the word? I don't know how that's going to work. You're going to have a certain section of the UK shouting at Formal and be like, I don't know what's going on. I think Formal will never come back to the UK. He already doesn't want to be here because his idea of London is top boy. That's where he's got all of his information from. I don't know what London is like. Pretty accurate, isn't it? Well, it's not. That's not all of London, is it? It's definitely Chelsea. It doesn't matter, though. It's not taking them. Well, it might be. Sharp. There's no rugby on any time that we're there, is there? No. Oh, good. You've got football. You've got a Champions League final on Saturday. Well, they're trying to dodge Range Rovers and Barber Jackets, to be honest with you. Why the fuck are you going to London, then? This is also very true. Standard issue tackle, that, isn't it? A Range Rover and a Barber Jacket. A Range Rover and a Stoney. You've got to get the badge in. Get the badge in. Stoney, CP Company. Any of those. You see there, just water turning the other way. Do you think we're going to see the first event of eSports Ultras? Probably. Three of them are staying in the same room together and they're off in two other places. Oh, no. Just have five fat blokes called Dave, no tops on. Optics, Peter, on all of them. It's like, you know what I mean? Instead of having, like, having, like, God Save the Queen, a Bulldog and a Union Jack on one arm, and then, like, a Pint of Stella and another Bulldog on the other arm. They just have, like, Formals Face tattooed. And they're just like, you know what I mean? They're just going for anyone that comes near them. Got them going, Optic, Optic, Optic. Hopefully there's none of that. Oh, man, I'm going to be right there. Let's go, Optic. You're going to be there sounding like a fucking muggle and let's go, Face. I'm not sitting anywhere near you, bro, if you start doing that shit, I'm not. No, you're going to have to. I'm leaving, I'm checking out, I'm flying home early. You can fly home early all you want. As long as I've got my team nade top, I'm alright. Fucking you, sat there going, Green! Whoa! Like, what a champ that is. No, everybody else around me will be doing that as I'm doing the grenade celebration. You've got to do the backflip, though, as well, bro. The backflip? Yeah, he backflipped into that shit. I'll hit the gritty. I'll do that instead. No, I do not want to see that. In fact, no, I actually do want to see you try and hit the gritty. Yeah, you do. See me hit the gritty. If you play in that show, like, bro, right, if you 360 no-scope someone in the show match and then hit a gritty on the stage, I'll pay you £100. Will you? Yes. I'll pay you £100 for that. He's falling down Get down and hit the gritty. If you do it to me, I'm not giving you anything. I don't do you. You've locked the door. You're only getting in to sleep on the lawn then goodnight. Mate, if you fucking if we play in that show match and you and then gritty over to me to talk shit, like, fucking Yeah, if I get in that show match, I'm going to just try and trick I'm going to go for the snipe and I'm going to trickshot everything I can. I think you have to, right? Yeah, it's just me. Yeah, you have to. As we know, bro, play for the montage. Play for the win, play for the montage. No, play for the montage. It was like, did you really lose if you're only killing a slayer as like a Xenoscope reporter? Mate, you know what we should have done? What? This should all be future merch. Different T-shirts with different quotes. So it's like you're getting like different you've got like a different personality to them. Yeah, we got one I said it's not hard to not be a knob. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And then the other one I think that one is to be honest. Don't play for the win, play for the montage. Play for the montage. Yeah. Delete that. Yeah. One take. One take. What else do we have on there? There'll be other quotes somewhere in there as well. Fuck's sake. We say that a lot. Yeah. The fuck are we doing? What are we doing? What? I'm just laughing. There's going to be like multiple different quotes you could take. Yeah, there'll be so many. Oh dear. I think that's a pod. Yeah, I think that's it then. Right. Well, it's your week for the outro. Oh, is it? Yeah, yes sir. My time to shine. Go for it. Like I said, we're just 27. Fucking hell. Well, all you've got there Lister is an insight into what happens just before we start. In fact, last week Forbes told me five times it was episode 26 and I still started the intro with, welcome to episode 29. That was, that was real good. That was really good. That was, that was really good. But yes, it is episode 27. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is episode 27. Take it easy. Can I provide all of this entertainment for free as well, bro? You know what I mean? You could at least pay me like some kind of like court jester. To be fair, you've got to pay me. What for? I'll tell you later. Not time again, bro. Not time again, yeah. Fuck me. I swear I literally only paid you yesterday. No. Yeah. Alright. Sure. No, but I, I, I took it off the hotel payment. That's what I did. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. I paid you, I paid you like yesterday, like two months ago. Two months. Bye. Might as well be yesterday. I mean, I forgot to pay my rent. Oh, fantastic. No, I forgot to pay it as in like I meant to do it yesterday, but I did it since then. To be fair, I don't think it really matters because obviously like my Sunday, I swear. They're also not open on a bank holiday. So, regardless of when it was paid, they were getting it tomorrow. So, it's kind of irrelevant. Right. Take it away. But yeah, that's it people. Another episode in the books. Hoping to see as many of you as possible at HCS London. If you're making the trip, obviously travel safe. We'll be cutting about, making a fool of ourselves, no doubt. But yeah, thanks for listening and tune in next week where we'll be going over what happens at the weekend and our opinions of what a HCS London event is like.

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