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TeamNade Ep22

TeamNade Ep22

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This week we talk about the Halo Open for the upcoming major in London along with some roster moves and Mystic BryaNoob takes another punt after a listener question. The CDL announces who will be hosting Champs and we talk through the results for the record breaking weekend and the upcoming fixtures. If you have any feedback or questions, please don't hesitate to let us know! Follow us on Twitter! https://twitter.com/TeamNadePod Halo - 21 Mins till 51 Mins COD - 51 Mins till End

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what is happening people welcome back to the greatest show in the world team nade podcast at teamnadepod on x slash twitter slash whatever you want to call it joined today by the main man whose birthday actually is on the date of recording 4z98 what you saying brother i'm parallel how are you doing i'm i'm good man i'm all right another year older want to dance all right 26 now that's 26 right yeah it's all downhill from there you know i i found a gray hair the other day did you yeah well i've been receding since i've been 14 so that's all right it's done for you it's your denial you're gonna need a hair transplant bro hair transplant no i'm gonna i'm gonna do what my dad did and just go bald you have to get that lebron james wayne rooney treatment i just want to i want to get to the point where i can be so bald and like wax it to the point where you're like a cue ball with how pale you are i don't think that i'd be uh a great difficulty to be honest i could probably do it now to be fair yeah more than likely i mean you get the sun up there like once every three years for two seconds yeah it was out today so that's it that's the time that's done for the year man it's done for the decade that's all day what the one thing would be what about me going bald is the is the headphone the headphone line i'm not convinced that that's actually a thing man i mean i've got i've got a divot in my head of my headset so it's uh like a bad divot get the iems bro the iems see the thing is i was confused by iems like it's you know like in the call you've got like the iems and then the headset yeah but that wild yeah no but like yeah i've got iems yeah do you wear just the iems or do you wear like both um i think it depends like it depends what's going on like um i think like you know if we're playing cod and i want to hear the game chat then i'll use the iems with the headset over the top and run it through the computer so i can still be in the discord yeah so then how do you have like the games into the iems or is that the voice chat yeah no it's all game on the iems because it comes through the mix up right okay so it's like um it's kind of annoying because like i've got astros so it's kind of a backwards way of doing it but then the iems i've got are actually like not that bad they just hurt my ears after a while i feel like iems in general are just because they're all they're just uncomfortable to wear especially like when it wraps around your ear yeah exactly i mean impression i think like if i was gonna maybe push this up into like a little bit of a different direction then i'd get like better iems and like a freestanding microphone or something like that you just get a pc it's strange you should mention that oh yo because i was looking um i was looking at some yesterday but then our mutual friend very kindly reminded me that 48 months is four years and i thought it was two and he was like so we were talking about like finance and stuff like that and i was like for the record yeah like i don't like the concepts of buying things on finance unless it's like a car or a house or a fridge freezer or a washing machine you know like a big white white good that you need in your house or like something else that you need but like a tv a computer like clothes from asos you can buy them on carna now and so it's like i don't i don't really agree with that but like i feel like for the specification that i would need or i would want then doing it on finance is probably going to be better because i'm impatient and i don't like saving money i'm like waiting to save money you know i mean um but yeah it was like it was like 48 months at like i don't know like 25 pound a month or something like that and he was like you'll be paying that off for four years and by the time you've finished it will be so obsolete it won't be worth anything and i was like yeah that's actually a good point so maybe i won't do that but like it's definitely something i'm going to be looking into it depends because it depends on what type of what sort of build you're looking at well i mean because if you're getting a motherboard that has ddr5 and it's like the most latest chips they they've got more upgrade options in the future yeah it's like i'm not interested in it unless it gives me a significant performance boost over my xbox yeah there's no need at that point really like that's the thing like when i was speaking to same person yesterday it's like i went from an xbox one to a series x and got four times the frames you know i mean yeah so it's like realistically like i want to see somewhere close to that like i want at least double the frame rate you know i mean i mean i know that frames aren't everything but like if i have a computer that can run halo at 240 fps it means i've probably got a computer that you could launch a space shuttle from so you know i mean yeah that's the thing man but like it's definitely something to think about further down the line yeah it's just one of them though isn't it like i don't know how it works for you but like having to like the concept of having to rebuy certain games if i wanted to play them just kind of yeah i did it at a time where it's still model more for two and i couldn't use the pc at the time because obviously i didn't have model for two in the pc and i was like i'm not buying it again but it's like the next one's coming out so i got it just as model 53 was yeah you know it was about to be coming out and stuff so that worked out nicely for me but at the time i was able to play halo with you anyway so i had a really nice music yeah like i guess it's one of them isn't it the thing is if you're not wanting to play call it either apart from wars it's free anyway isn't it but yeah that is true it's just like that that's like another thing though that kind of like blacks my head a little bit about getting a pc because it's like when's the next course come out in like i don't know seven six seven months yeah november so it's like november so on so on i mean it's it's rare that i'll play call of duty realistically you love a camel grind but that's that's that's the thing though bro right and it's like so you know i mean like get the computer everything's chilling we're playing warzone new season of warzone and i'm like i don't know if new season comes out the new op guns there and it's like well now i've got to go back to the xbox to play on there to grind the gout so i can grind the camos out so then i can use it in wars like you know i mean it's like i don't really want i don't want to do that ideally you want to get it at the time where you're buying cod at the same time yeah because then that way you'll probably find yourself not going back to your xbox at all really the only time i ever go back to the xbox i think when's the last time i used the xbox actually fully just to play how let loose when it yeah i was yeah how let loose because because i could yeah yeah there's a crossplay well word on the street is is that the new call of duty is going to be on game pass anyway yeah because obviously they've got the the rights to it now don't they yeah which i would expect to be announced on thursday if they're going to announce at any time soon because on thursday we have the microsoft have their q3 investor something they're probably yeah yeah because they'll the the new and the next month's announcement for game pass games should be soon as well yeah so i think that that's when they're going to announce the old cord you used to win the game pass i can't wait for that honestly then we get to run it back on every card yeah and then you have to deal with your faith you fear bro of the mcc settings menu it's honestly such a junkie shop it is but also it's not like you just set it once then press x once you've backed out to the main screen see i did that and it still didn't work you must have done something wrong bro yeah probably but that's not i what you're doing this whole fucking point of complaining about it should not work on this because it's not meant to worry it's not my fault it's not a user issue it's a game issue okay you should know this by now it's never your fault it's always the game's fault so it's you have a scale issue with any sensitivity is for example fifa it's scripted it's not my fault yeah but fifa actually might be scripted i've never i've always played perfect fifa when i played it never did anything wrong you should know this by now i think the thing with fifa is it's like it's not scripted as in you can be like five nil up at the 70th minute and then the game just goes oh you thought you were gonna win no and then they'll just gift the other player five goals in quick succession it's more with like the weird things that these like super op cards have especially later into the game cycle you know i mean you know like the mbappes and stuff where they're like they just like they just have that feeling about them where you just like oh god something's crap yeah like you know i mean like something something's fundamentally broken about this card it's got to that time of the year where they just stopped giving a shit and they're like oh here's everything here's every carbon 99 everything no worries i noticed it with like um messy cards on like one of the older fifas where like if you tackled him he had like a custom animation where he would immediately tackle the ball back immediately if you tackle him and get rid of it like he just automatically just stripped the ball off you and run away it's like it's like that sort of thing which is like quote unquote the scripting you know i mean no i mean i've never done anything wrong if it's all bullshit it's all the game's fault although right there's a little uh trip down memory line okay fifa 22 i think they did a promo where it was all these like fancy silver cards right yeah yeah and um one of the like challenges was like play play so many games of weekend league with a full silver team so i was like yeah why not like these cards are fun to use like put together a team loaded in was like gucci first first first match right and i'm playing against like croyff fancy and buffet cards like just like the most ridiculous thing i've ever said and i was just like i'm gonna get absolutely mullered here like absolutely mulled right anyway i i can't string three passes together to save my life because his players are just all over me but every time this guy goes anywhere near my goal and bear in mind i've got a 74 rated um goalkeeper in that yeah every time this like croyff or mbappe card with like 99 finishing 99 shot power and like all this time either right all the op traits and like everything shoots in the box it's like pinging off the woodwork it's bouncing off of like another one of his players it's like bouncing off the keeper's face like you know i mean it's like it's just going any everywhere but in the back of the net right i think like the guy did like a like the most like op skill move of that fifa where he did like um i can't even mind what it was but it was like basically i just like glitched him through my defender and he shot from point blank range and still missed and it got to the point where i was like this guy's had like 15 shots on target out of like 20 shots within the first i don't know 30 in-game minutes of the first half and i was just like yeah so like this is this is the scripting especially when i went up the other end of the pitch shot on the two star weak foot of the brazilian right winger that i had like has like no finishing no shot power no like nothing remarkable about him whatsoever and he just goes top bins and said well and i was just like this is this is the bullshit i could feel it and it was working in my favor i was like this is this is the bollocks this is this is this isn't this isn't what i signed up for looks like you're on the right side of it though well yeah i mean i did like score i think it came like like towards the end of the game i just started scoring on goals and i messaged the guy and was like that whole thing was bollocks like everything about that was fake like it was fixed from the start mad because i've got that uh bought them packs for the 12th man you know i mean little little cheeky 500 fifa coins to the referee before the game starts 500 fifa points yeah man if you don't know you can do that big dollars yeah if you if you load your account up with like 9 million fifa points it unlocks a special option where you can just pay off the ref oh okay that's fact i i i see if you load up with 10 million you get the all right let's see what was it what was it called again you got the i mean you could trade players and not the actual coins and stuff what was that called again yeah i know i know what you mean yeah you know i was a little bit before my time on fifa oh i've you worried about if you spend 50 if you load up on 50 mil fifa points you know what happens what's that pele comes down right not even if i've got 100 rated pele card and instead of it saying pele it just says god and like the game just finishes immediately then you win you know every single game like it's wild bro i've seen a slightly different uh version of yeah pele comes down and it just says fraud mate like when i had like any pele card that i've ever had like giza could not score when he's on side but he's offside he's roofing it every single time yeah right and it's like you know like sometimes where you'll get that animation where they're just like what it's offside no like no way like even they can't believe it like my like i scored once with him my guy was like a good 20 30 yards offside and it played that same thing and like for no other player does it do that it just immediately just goes to the free kick but i got like a cut scene and like an interview and like all this random bullshit that was just like this is ridiculous like pele massive fraud fraud on the game maybe not in real life there he is oh he scored all against he scored all these goals against all these different teams that you've never heard of and it's never actually been confirmed that he did that so yeah hey it's like um it's like my man the basketball player in it who apparently had like the most ridiculous game of all times like a hundred point game or something i don't know you heard about this it was in like 1960 something 1940 something but there's only like radio transmissions of it there's no like actual footage of it right but then you can go on to like the internet and watch a full color nfl game from like 1942 right okay and it's like so how is that how do they have this but they don't have this guy scoring 100 points for like 50 rebounds uh you know i mean conspiracy theory because it didn't happen fake news media i think that was that probably was the sort of people he was playing against to be honest with you maybe that's why they didn't televise it probably because because he was playing against the greatest athletes of in the world at the time you know like bobby mcgee who is a chain smoker and like his pre-match warm-up is down in a bottle of jack daniels but actually that's who he was like getting these hundred rebounds against my mom's chromato is doing like hey what is that'll do so i just have a guy that's like you know like a really tall guy that's like reasonably athletic and then you've got my man he's like five foot nothing smoking a smoking a cubana on the court being back at school and having that one really cool really tall kid that was just classic basketball everybody else was shit yeah yeah he couldn't do anything any other sport because he was so tall but he comes to basketball he'd wipe the floor with all what he is that and badminton he's classic badminton classic badminton i never i never had a geezer that was like that badminton volleyball and basketball just because it was all on net he had to be told to do well in it i would tell you about the time i played football against one of the girls that place for england no yeah that was fun that was incredibly fun i can't even lie to you like you you know how good i am at football bro like you know how sick i am at football okay okay all right you know i'm you know you know i've got the texas bro but like yeah i have to play against this like this girl who literally is is plays for england like plays for barter like it's just like yeah she was just different gravy it was really really annoying i can't lie why was it annoying again because she was better than me right but then i mean i i can't kick the ball to save me love it's not hard to be better than me dogs in the park about me at four you're a class of football you're on about i'm going outside outside the boot you remember that yeah well outside the booter that definitely didn't go in the bush uh good times at foot golf man shout out apart from doing the fucking shot that the fucking hip flask ah but yeah like the hip flask that was sat in someone's pocket on the hottest day of the year yeah oh jesus like i was grim man i came back from that and like had a hangover before going on the night out i didn't even get to the night oh yeah you didn't get to the night i did either shots of patron finished you off mate that's yeah shot was nasty yeah that like that random girl that was there pops back into my mind every now and again as well bro it was the way that i was like i don't like coffee patron she was like it's just coffee what what are you all about i don't even do bro i was uh no i do do you not patron shut up just shut up all right she was weirder that's like taking it like fucking like guinness or bitter and be like i don't like that tastes horrible like it's just guinness why not but it's sharp you know i used to work with a guy who couldn't drink moray really yeah because every time he did it he went home and pissed on the bed with his much older girlfriend to sleep in it so he couldn't drink is that a thing or just a beer thing like he said he said right that he's only he's only gone out and only drank twice in his life i don't both times that he only went out and drank pints did this happen and she said to him like she woke him up the next day and she was like you go out you drink more again and then when we went on the christmas party i was like i'll get you a drink i bought him a moray in euceland playing a dangerous game it's like the fear of my eyes man oh my god right take us away with the halo um yeah a big a big week a big weekend for halo um yeah we'll return to the open series ahead of hcs london which is in like a month and a week now yeah about six weeks out um so we had the eu one was like as standard it's all in one day it's all on the sunday um the na for some reason right like with this week's open series they decided to go back to the season one hcs na format where they would play x amount of games on the sunday and then the top 12 i think it is it's either the top 12 the top eight will play in their own bracket on a thursday evening with me i didn't really i don't i don't really have any issue with that i don't have any opinion with that like it's nice to have some high level esports to watch during the week you know i mean yeah um but also but obviously like it's kind of one of them like if you're just like an average average person and you're playing through the open bracket you know i mean like you play into the open and then you progress far enough that you then get to play on the thursday and then you get to play it kind of screws you up because i think it starts at like five or six or something and then it's like we've got a you know i mean maybe it starts even earlier like you've got to get on from work you've got to do all this down here like you know i mean it's like it's one of them where it's can cause some uh some issues i i guess um so i think after so they're going to play that on thursday and then it's going back to a saturday sunday for the na only i think don't quote me on that but i do remember reading something like that somewhere um interesting so yeah all right the eu one um pretty interesting foe who are still not signed to an organization um beat quadrant twice to win the open the map count of three to six which is obviously huge for them oh yeah um i think they beat quadrant in the winner's finals and then they beat him again in the grand finals three two uh so that's that's class we love to see that shout out wonder boy although apparently wonder boy said that like he wasn't um he wasn't about for half of it or something really so i mean obviously not just shout out wonder boy shout out the players as well but wonder boy is the goat he's not been streaming recently no i i checked earlier today to see if he was live because like i couldn't get a game and he just wasn't i was like yeah bit too busy getting like getting himself started yeah i mean it's one of them i don't know i don't know what he does outside of halo but i imagine he must do something outside of halo yeah um but yeah the the na the na open series like i had a almost had a heart attack last night when i checked the face it bracket and saw the optic game and had gone out in like losers round two to a team that i'd never heard of before and they got three out i was just like what the fuck is going on and then yeah i sent it to you and i was like what is happening and then i think i ended up um i can't even mind where where the intel came from like it was either tchat or twitter but like basically someone said that they signed up by accident so they didn't actually play um because they were scrubbing phase phase did play and lost the sentinels three two in there's an amazing video i think it's paradise halo on youtube um has uploaded the full 12 minute slayer game but the last two minutes is like the most ridiculous shit i've ever seen in my life yeah yeah it was like 48 it was like 48 47 or something like that like and it looks like phase have managed to even it up and then out of nowhere renegade just gets like molly whopped from somewhere like i don't know where from but like he just dies like really really quickly okay um but i mean i don't know i think something going on with phase at the moment but like i feel like they'll definitely figure out like i know when uh we see the the recent round of rostamania um someone was in a twitch chat saying that like phase should drop renegade because he's playing too fast on the map or something and then they should pick up someone else and it was just like i'm not so sure about that i feel like renegades the sort of renegade like the type of player that like if he's playing too fast then that's not a him problem that's a fucking you problem yeah yeah you know i mean like um um but yeah so be interested on thursday we got some obviously like the rostamania news as well so uh gilkey is now on native gaming which apg did his announcement stream for it the other day just about 19 hours to do that was like bro that was amazing that was amazing viewing like the geyser people like someone was just like stop milking it and just announce it and he's like yeah i'm waiting for the i'm waiting for the the graphic to be made right and like fair enough he has like the custom graphic made and like he was putting a lot of effort in to make it like a big thing even though everyone already knew it was gilkey um so it's like fair play that he was putting the effort in but then like he kept stopping like he had like music on he like stopped the tunes and he was like directly addressing this guy that i've been like stop milking he was like yeah i'm not milking like i do this uh and like i don't have to do this like you know like i could just not do this and you could all wait and like just find out on sunday who it is that we've picked up and like i'm just like mate like just announce it already bro like you don't need like stop like just going at these people because you're just giving them the energy just to keep poking you you know i mean yeah i feel like he kind of lives for that to have the yeah i think he does i think he i think it's part of his enjoyment of it yeah i mean i think like i mean i don't think this in a bad way but like i think he's definitely got oh sorry i don't mean this in a bad way but i think he's definitely got like he feels like people don't respect him as like as a halo comparer and then i was like a yeah i mean um but to be fair i have seen some people go into his chat and say some like straight up out of pocket disrespectful shit so it doesn't surprise me yeah i feel it is entertaining though you are you still with uh roller coasters and apg string 100% if you sit there and like watch and listen to him like cussing people out in game and stuff like you learn so much about the game but at the same time it's like it's like pg going mental at people because one way you get the information about the game and you learn so much more or you get the look at like hang on let me go get my ring i'll be back in a second comes back with his ring yeah no okay jesus it was like did you see the stream where he just started getting all of his designer clothes out i know that was amazing bro like i love it when he goes band for band with chat he's like i got the rico in the trainers like you got the rico in the trainers no you don't because he's looking broke it's sick bro that's fucking cool man oh my days like please just get back to playing halo what are we doing here to watch you show me your wardrobe i want to see you playing halo come on now um um but sentinels new fourth is precision from complexity which i think is a good um is a good pickup and well very clearly it's a good pickup because they beat fez okay improvement or on paper obviously not in practice because we've not seen an awful lot of it all just now yeah on paper like precision was good on complexity but like i mean like better pickup in the sense of better than spartan i feel it's like a risk reward thing with spartan like i mean we spoke about this last week i think like when he's on he's like you're getting 150 percent of a player yeah you know i mean and when he's off maybe you're getting 50 to 75 percent like and at the level that these guys play out like having that like sort of like that under performance even if it's only by it could even be as little as like five percent or one percent but that like under performance for whatever reason i obviously know spartan's got um the situation at the moment with his health and stuff like um and it seems like that from like what he's been putting on twitter and stuff like it looks like that is sort of like under control like he's taken a lot of steps to manage that situation and try and like figure out a way to get out of the situation you know i mean like he's getting the treatment and stuff but like i know man like it's kind of like a business decision at the end of the day in it you know i mean especially from the side of sentinels like that you know and maybe they were just not like i think part of it as well maybe they just weren't buying them with him that much i don't know obviously like we don't know what goes on behind behind the scenes yeah so it's like it's all conjecture and stuff but like i mean i don't think that his exit from sentinels from what i've seen was particularly fantastic as in like not like the way that he left but then the way that that like the other people on the team responded to it yeah i mean um but i think precision's a good player i think he was good at um arlington was it arlington the opposite guy yeah yeah i think he was good at arlington um i think complexity are a really good team and i think complexity are now going to be again a really good team because they've picked up spartan and in my opinion spartan played his best halo when he was teaming with ryan noob okay and obviously spartan and ryan noob like there's a historical sort of beef there like apparently they're not the like when he when spartan left e united or when he was when he benched himself on e united um i know that there was some some stuff said on twitter between spartan and ryan noob there was also some stuff there was like a video of an eights lobby that they were in there was some stuff said in the eights lobby like um but i think they i think that you know they are two players that really do complement each other quite well yeah um which is fantastic to see and i think like obviously i think that the the sort of system that ryan noob puts together in terms of like how they approach playing the game i think that is like something that spartan does really well within like within that framework um because i feel like with like like you know the way that ryan noob looks at stuff and then the way that his team therefore looks at stuff like it's very like methodical and like you know like what phase you're in and what you need to do and where you need to go and like i think that's that's like something that helps a lot um and also like you know two veterans and two younger players i guess and ryan noob and spartan and then huss and descendant formerly known as carmeier like you know i mean i think i think that's a good team i think i'll be one to watch um in london definitely all right yeah but tell me the only way they can only really go up i feel adding spartan to their roster yeah 100% and they did really well in the last major as long as spartan is able he doesn't have any more health issues and it doesn't go the same way that the major did go for him i know because that's the risk right like it's all fine and well and doing well online and stuff but if you get to the major and the same thing happens again or he's not feeling his greatest or like whatever then it's like you know that's that's the the risk reward factor i guess um just just as a side note um i don't think spartan has been officially announced by complexity yet okay so that might not be uh that might have just been a he was playing as a substitute like to fill in so are we saying this is another mystic brand new prediction it could be i mean they played yesterday and i would imagine that that is sort of where he goes i mean i can't see spartan having to team with like the you know like the the quote-unquote leftovers like i don't think that'll be a thing for spartan i think he's well he's got a proven track record on top teams you know i mean like a proven track record on top teams so you know i mean i think that um i think it'll work out in the end i think that's the sort of place where it'll be i saw that um suspecter played on a different team yesterday as well but for the life of me i can't remember who it was um it was it was a strange change though i'm pretty sure ah that was it cloud nine so suspecter played in the open yesterday with cloud nine which i think is um obviously cloud nine and not a very good team i wouldn't say good players all of them really good players but i think they need something more like i've seen videos of people doing analysis of cloud nine and um it's just shocking stuff that i've ever seen in my life like playing like pit like pit flag and all four of them go for like the os or like they or like they don't it was like all four of them just kind of like fanned out but then didn't push up the map you know what i mean and it was like this is like a really weird strategy that just in that that scrim resulted in them just getting wiped off the map and them like bringing a flag all the way back and then like getting a second one halfway home you know what i mean so it's like it's like a defensive strategy yeah so i i don't know like i don't know what's going on with that but like any any change there i would say is positive because yes their apartment team like they shouldn't be playing through um open bracket no in my opinion seems we've had one mystic brian in prediction gone we've had a question from a from an og listener all right where does gunplexion end up where does gunplexion end up obviously yes i seen yesterday he was playing in the lies team but where do you think he he ends up for the for the the london major because i can get it probably you'll end up going i reckon i mean it it's there's a couple of possible situations here right like number one like you see it's it's difficult with complexion because the geezer is very clearly a very very good player yeah like very clearly a very good player and he's getting a lot of attention from the top of the like the best of the best inhaler like you know i mean i know he's played with renegade i know he's played frosty know he's played with a couple other people like i know that he said on stream that him and frosty had spent a long time going through vod yeah um working out stuff that was going on which to me like if someone like frosty is taking the time out of his days to sit down and go through vod with you that means something with your like to do with your um capabilities on the map yeah yeah the kind of the issue with complexion is though is like he's had i guess he hadn't had his big break yet quote unquote yeah like he's been playing with i mean like what he played with like rob the turtle and that for the last split um that was forsaken wasn't it yeah um or that team competed as team forsaken um i mean maybe maybe like a complexion would be a good fit for like a card nine or something like that you know i mean maybe i could i could potentially see that happening um especially with collect floating around as a free agent because i feel like complexion comes from this school of like super super aggressive on the map like style of play i feel personally like i haven't really spent a great deal of time looking at gun collection as a player and working out sort of play areas um it wouldn't surprise me if potentially see a lot of teams trying to emulate the space station strategy or the space station formula if they continue to see success of just having three absolute nut jobs and then someone calling the players like you know i mean um yeah one puppet master yeah and then just like just three absolute good guys yeah like you know i mean good guys yeah like um but yeah i could see that i mean i could also see potentially in playing as a part of business if for some reason druck can't compete in london um i don't i think i think he should be fine to compete in london because he's canadian and obviously canada is still part of the commonwealth and apparently there's a thing to do with like with the commonwealth and coming to the uk where like you can come and work or like compete or do something and like there's no issues with it or like something to do with the visas like you don't have to have any special kind of visa you can literally just get on the plane and go which i think is pretty cool for him because it'll be the first time that he's competed out on for a while you know i mean um um because i think like what you missed you missed the last well you missed the first one of this year i think you missed like the last two or last year when he was on native red um you know so that'll be that'll be great it'll be nice to see if he can um if he can play but i mean other than that i feel like complexion if complexion like teamed with collect and then i don't know maybe i feel like potentially like an envoy collect complexion yaksen team would be would either be absolutely amazing and terrifying play or it just work out like it'd be one or the other i'm really sure there'd be any in between yeah um but like i mean i feel like he is definitely one of the one of probably one of the better free agents out there right now yeah he's just waiting for someone just to scoop him up realistically he's quite high up in the ranked list yeah like yeah yeah he is he is um really high in the ranked leaderboards as you say he's he's all kind of he obviously he's interacting with these top f*****g pros like he's got somebody somewhere yeah i mean i mean i think i think that's the thing right like he's he's got this dialogue with the top tier the top level of pro players like i think um he will um you know as long as he keeps that that dialogue open and it stays on good terms like i i feel like it's only a matter of time until he gets an opportunity um which i think is the only thing that you know anyone can ask for realistically is just to be given the opportunity to go out and show what it is you bring to the table yeah exactly um show what it is you bring to the table yeah exactly um you know and hopefully like when that opportunity comes around for him like he takes it with both hands and he he puts on a show um because i feel like he's quite a likable person as well you know yeah so it would be nice to see him um do well but definitely we'll have to see we'll have to see what happens with that but yeah i mean that that's that's my answer to that question of where does gunplexing i'm sorry if that wasn't a uh c9 that's what you thought the most amazing answer i think like c9 potentially would be i think i think i think c9 realistically is probably like the ceiling of opportunity that you would get right now yeah you know i mean it's a team of that level like i think is probably where it will go um but you know i mean i i can't say for sure we'll wait and see what happens exactly we'll just have to wait and see uh how the cookie crumbles mystic brain noob rubbing the mystic ball again yeah like the crystal ball yeah two predictions today two predictions what was the first one um sparring oh yeah sparring yeah for sure so i mean gunplexing played with sylvanic etso and ivanized i don't think that's a bad team to be honest with you i don't think that's a team yeah like i think um you know i think that like that team would do would do well like but i mean obviously like i feel like you know teams have a definite ceiling um especially in this ecosystem hey 100 i'm waiting to see what happens there though but yeah man i'll tell you i'll tell you we do need to go and see oh yeah when we're in london let me find the team then give me two seconds bro god leave me prepared i saw this i saw this earlier nice because uh the page reloaded itself oh yeah likely story we need to go and see section t when we're in london right why because the goat is playing on that team bro the goat the goat who's that full english oh fucking yas we gotta go see that we gotta see full english full english pinchy who else i've got to see beans on toast going beans on toast is apparently going there maybe i'll see beans on toast and ah you know what you know i sent you that um that snapchat that geezer earlier when i was like i guess we guess the smurf account yes beans on toast was on my team in that game and he put he put in the chat he was like 27 and 12 who is he someone was like oh i don't know who that is the game and i was like i was like warlord smurf the warlord smurf account i did i did a bit of investigating i don't think it is a warlord smurf account i think it's um i think it's one of the french guys because he was friends with like a couple of the french halo players and i was like more than likely gonna be a french um halo player then smurf account definitely a smurf account but i don't think it wasn't a warlord smurf but the guy was like nasty though like he was unkillable like literally unkillable it was so annoying but at the same time i didn't feel like i was getting played off the park so that's a good thing you know what i mean world training sessions are coming along nicely yeah definitely i definitely didn't drop less than a 0.5 kd in a game earlier with beans on the team either no we don't even talk about that i mean what i won though yeah see how how the fuck we won that game is beyond me i don't know i don't know like literally every five seconds i was dead i walked out dead like go over there dead right and there was like people sitting in like the most like the wildest locations like places i've never seen people sit before ever like yeah like knowing that like we were spawning long haul but then sitting on oh no sorry no not even knowing that we were spawning long haul like knowing that like specifically i was going to spawn attic and then the guy was sat on the box next to the triple stack looking at glass so i walked out and immediately started taking shots inside the head and turned and he was just sat there crouched looking at me i'm like who does this who are you like what is what the fuck is going on here and then i looked at like the skill levels of the players afterwards and i was like all right that makes a lot of sense it was basically an onyx 1600 lobby that i was playing in as a diamond six yeah i was like monodons welcome to eu in the afternoon slash early evening where no one else is on so it just goes yeah you're all roughly in the same boat like go for it and then you get in there and you just get in like absolute fire oppressive levels of gunfire coming at you like every single time you turn a corner but hey man all right got the dub so here's what it is isn't it i'm playing then fucking hold that drops out less than a 0.5 kd and still gotta win my fucking god i don't know i'm just i'm just unbelievably cracked but yeah mate what can i say i'm the best player in the game can't hold you down no i can't you're talking about where's complexion gonna land where am i gonna land bro that's the big question uh-huh i'm just undisguised bro if any if one of us is gonna chat shit it's normally me so can we just fucking go back to our normal where we normally stand you talk since i talk shit okay i'm here to give out l you're right here to get take w's both start taking w's and both start taking l's we're over that's it that's the end of team head yeah it's either if we're both taking bills we're too powerful for both taking l's we're dog shit this is yeah this is true man this is very stop recording fucking leave it like sopranos cut it blank mid-conversation fuck it been off what was the um what was the cod saying i don't know i saw a bit of it on thursday and not thursday friday and saturday but i i didn't manage to watch any sunday you didn't watch any sunday no i was out last night oh fucking sly fox you there that's why i wasn't on sly fox yeah snake in the grass all right well well i'm gonna start with the the the the the the news that broke on the friday or the saturday i don't remember what day it was probably this could have been either day because obviously i don't love this optic are gonna host champs have you seen the cost of the prices yes i have i was gonna i was gonna mention that to you because the cost of those tickets is fucking ridiculous the fact that they're charging 80 quid in booking fees like mental what are they doing are they fucking sending an uber to the airport to pick you up like what like is that included do i get a tour do i get do i get to sign for optic gaming like because for 80 quid does that formal hold me in his hands what like formal to hold me cradle me that's weird you know you're telling me but formal was like up mate don't worry i've got you you know what what if he gobs a bit of dip on your head you sorry if he gobs a bit of dip on your head gobs a bit of dip on my head right yeah when we watched that 1v1 thing and you were like what the fuck is that oh he spat out a massive fucking bit of spit in his tobacco chewing tobacco yeah like what if what if just like a big fuck off chunk of it just lands like bang on your head bro what are you doing then while he's cradling me if that's the word that you want to use for to describe what's coming on while he's cradling me well yeah and i can't can't tell you what's going to happen at that point it's a fucking disgusting it's a pg podcast it's a pg podcast no it's not brother i swear way too much for it to be a pg podcast rebranding your parents have to watch it first and then they can say whether whether you're allowed to see it 12a oh mate you gotta get your parents to listen first and then you can listen to it double up the viewership bang hold that bro like kids on the internet these days aren't going to do that they're not like they're savage bro like they're actual savage yeah i mean genuinely yeah but that's fine kids listens at first and the parents go what are you listening to then they give it a listen bang double the viewership i mean i can't fault the vision i just feel like the execution is 99 vision zero passing that's 99 vision but zero zero short passes long pass is there say that's about a 30 short pass non-existent that's like me with a football my feet i can see i can see it i know what i want to do can't make the ball do that absolutely fucking not mate like oh my days yeah the travel from your head to your feet that's the point where it all dissipates and you're like oh that's the thing the twitch vibe is just on good stuff it's confused halfway down my leg gets to my knee and it just goes like what we did hang on wait hang on let's go back up and check i have input input lag on my feet bro my nervous system oh dear yeah that was the news for for that fucking ridiculous prices but what can you do people are going to stop pay it you know i mean the fucking normal tickets are already full out bro like the the bigger question is though right is i want you to pick to the scene close my eyes here we go it's sunday evening oh yeah championship sunday champs oh the green the green wall is in full effect optic optic plane hitch has got his fucking drum out optical plane yeah optical optical plane and the final championship weights on the sunday and then hitch has done his thing right and then guy blaze comes out and he goes uh-huh says some like guy blaze stuff no no i need you to do it i need you to give us some guy blaze i can't remember i don't know what sort of thing he says he just adlibs it on the fly like it's impossible to imitate that guy because he's just he's just too good at what he does okay yeah and he goes and now everyone welcome atlanta phase and then like they come out and rather does this flexing thing right and then they sit down and it goes to it's flexing thing and points his shoes yeah and then he's got a phase he's got the phase custom shoes right he's got the half and half shoe half of his green half of his red you can't hear anything fucking missus screaming yeah anyway it goes to game is it game nine in chance is it game seven best of seven best of seven okay so it goes game seven round 11 yeah yeah phase win in it's a 3v3v1 and somehow somehow phase managed to pull it out of the bag can you imagine the level of shit talk that is going to come out of draza he's being optic right in optics building whilst hex is in the front row do you think he just do you think he just gets off the stage and walks up to him with the mic and just goes i fucking own you whilst looking him in the face like what happens then does he not punch him like what goes on i think at that point form would come in out of nowhere and just like spare sell him tell him has nothing to do with it but form would just come in and attack him you know you know like movies and stuff and then they catch the criminal like the barriers and like a shopping mall like i'm crashing down that'll happen at the venue and then form will spear the fucking lot of them in one everybody's two in each arm bang hold that it'll go super satan yeah like like with that the one where the entire venue darkening crim six arrived but it'll be like that except crim six will pull up in like his porsche and then formal like the both of them like barrel roll out and kismet will be there as well because you know i mean gotta keep the bmi up you know you know you ever see the the psy clip of him at a concert where he's like the stage is under like it's like the stage and it's got like a platform underneath it yeah it fires him up that's gonna be formal up into the air bang hits the fucking floor you just walked up ripped that sheet off the station toes uncurled speaking of dashi right i was gonna i was actually gonna because before i realized it was your birthday today this was going to be my intro to it i was going to be like joined tonight by the man who is flying out to america to be in optics as the latest piece of content where he gets to date dashi mr. what are you saying bro yeah right that is a like what the fuck is that like there's copy on the side man dating dashi like that's wild right i saw like on it was like on the on the reddit thing and dashi's only question is going to be what's the p3 rio spawn point either that or like it'll be i think someone will tell i tell them they'll just turn around and be like i'm challenged bro you're tick yeah you're one shot there's two of them left you've got an mcw what do you do charlotte eagle i'm the straightest sugar sure eagle that you know all right but like yeah i saw that today and i was like that's just like that's just a wild idea for content it's just copying the segment though because i'm gonna do all the time yeah 20 versus one i know i saw someone say about like zoomer doing it like doing it as well or something like i don't know when that was though you know we need to i know what we need that's not we need a doug since i'm art in 20 versus one that's what we need in our lives that is generous what we need i think i'd die happy these are just going to pull up you know it's sunday night right four o'clock 4 p.m right i'm about to go do my warm my warm-ups for my pull-ups what are you doing holding the election of life ready for me to down it when i'm finished i'm trying to get the camera for two hours the electrolyte i love how like emotionally gets bro when he's like rest sets you know like when he comes and sits down he's just like saying every motivational quote that comes to mind doesn't matter who said it are you just reel it off the one that got me the most is when we first it first started happening he was like that water there that's the elixir of life it's never going to be taste any better than it is when i'm all done i'm going to down that water that is the elixir of life man shut up my mind just enters a different realm when he starts yeah my guy is the athlete bro actually don't we know he's warm but christ oh weird guy oh doug sensor martin shout out weird fucking guy we should get him on for an interview but i reckon we could swing that i don't know i thought they were i thought we talked about guests and i don't think we'd be able to hack it with doug sensor martin for long if anyone if anyone has a link to doug sensor martin like anyone knows anyone who knows him like sending sending my stuff maybe not this episode but sending something right and we want to interview him we want to get him on watch out to the goat doug sensor martin he's crying after the weekend result that's why you can't get him on anytime soon he'll be in a car park somewhere speaking of results i i don't even know what happened in the card all right well i will tell you what's happening the card we've got three record breaks three record breaking games okay this uh this weekend so friday the 19th you've said that and i've literally just remembered okay friday the 19th of april we had new york slot liners two ravens three yeah that that blew my mind yeah that was a big which then this is the first uh record breaker we had gwynn getting the most kills in a series broke simps record and is now the record holder a rookie with a raven's win as well which is mental you know i have some of the defending champions i have a question about this right yeah the the simp record you say was it simp that you said yes right so the simp kill record for a series when was that set well i couldn't tell you because like i feel like the because when you mentioned that to me the other day when we were chatting about like i immediately like in my mind i thought you meant the record that simp set on the land at the most recent one you know where like killstreak or something like that right like or whatever you know like or whatever it was where he just was like gunning everybody fucking everyone that came into his crosshairs yeah um which to me brought up a question of should you be able to break a record online or should it be a two separate things should it be so should you have like an online record and a land record i don't think it matters i think you just have the one because i guess you've got online and land but like it is different though it is different oh yeah i get it's different but it's still you're still you're scrimming you know what i mean it's like it's like scrims and competitive that's where i would say you would draw the line yeah i don't know i don't think you would if it happened in a scrim i'd tell that yeah but i don't think land and online should have different records in my own opinion anyway i don't know i don't really know what i think about that to be honest with you yeah um game two we had optic three surge nil no surprises there yeah i think that's unusual yep ultra three heretics one um and that was the second record breaker in this one we had kleenex get the new respawn kd record of a 6kd the goat which is mental by the way it's absolutely mental going 24 and 4 and then invasion control yeah he's he's just like bro invasion control is gravy oh it's just mental like oh yeah i think it's if i say invasion control i think that's what makes it even madder because invasion control is bad enough to play but then to go and fucking batter heretics that hard after heretics thought they were so fucking well during the first hard point as well oh mate like that that shit pissed me off so much bro like in that um in this in the game to search and they had like they have ultra they had them all they had to do was to continue doing what they'd been doing for two more rounds and they won the game yeah and i think it was like um i think they got to like four two or something like that like they won round six and like in the player cams they just all like i literally i just looked at it i saw it and i was like yeah you've just lost the entire series yeah because they're all awesome because their reaction wasn't like oh that was that was that was good shit bro like keep it up like you know i mean it wasn't that it was it was a decent fucking trash like yeah and the moment you start thinking a team like ultra is bad is the moment that you there was you you lose like you just lose like you know i mean um and they just they they just didn't look the same following that apparently ultra in the first in the hard point had connectivity issues and communication issues don't know how much truth there is in fact it's quite easy to claim that we were playing online games but that was the claim i did i don't know if you did you watch that series i watched most of it did you watch the map one i can't remember at all they they did back-to-back listenings um so they went to heretics first which i like i don't speak spanish but obviously it was all in spanish so it sounded hype like super hype yeah like and then when they went to the ultra one i know ultras comms are always really clean and chilled out and like you know i mean you don't you don't get a lot of extra and ultra listening but like they they did just seem really like flat in the listening you know i mean like they you know i mean like they literally like they did just seem a bit like oh well whatever man we'll just go next like you know i mean like that sort of like that's kind of how they felt i guess that's how sorry that's how it felt listening to them i guess um but then at the same time like it was on a map that i feel like they haven't really played that much like so i don't know you know i mean it could be anything it could be any reason as to what was going on man like well i i have a i have a stat for um for for one of the ultra boys uh current hardpoint um current hardpoint kd records um but i'll i'll tell that after i get through the rest of the fixtures because there's another ultra game this weekend um so we're going to go to saturday the 20th um we have heretics to lat3 big win for lat yeah big ghosty big ghosty like unbelievable 3d1 it was beautiful such a one at the bottom of the game was so so nice so good um optic 3 legion nil fucking christ almighty that fucking hardpoint karachi jesus like the fact that like shotzi and pred after they finished this after they finished the games pred went home so i think both of them went home and they went on stream and watched it together re-watched it when you said like for a second then when you said pred went home i was like fuck you went back to australia they went all the way back home two hours later on stream he's got that next level jet yeah yeah uh yeah so they weren't all hopped on stream together and then co-watched like the game back yeah and then they were saying like that shotzi was so checked on that first map on karachi hardpoint right um there was one point it was him and nero nero like they just killed him specifically three times in a row maybe four times in a row he would die spawn up be killed that straight away again and just kept it three or four times did he get flashed no if he was just spawned out spawned out spawned out yeah didn't even need the the didn't even need the bedsheet yeah so i was worried that you wouldn't understand the reference didn't need the bedsheet or or the skull so it was all right but yeah the point it was it was pp3 karachi ice cream yeah you know where i am yes yeah so then i was thinking of invasion the hill popped right asun was at the back at the back right of the hill like not even in the hill like outside the building okay yeah yeah yeah wasn't getting on it there was two of them near the hill wasn't getting on it pred was on old came through red through the middle of the map and got onto the hill before vegas even touched it about 15 seconds into the hill why didn't they just that's the fucking problem that's what they were saying they were like why is nobody touching this hill the hill has popped um it was point i was like bread was like the hills popped hello hello was vegas at that point no no i i know they were because they lost 42 seconds on hit on p1 then they gained back 50 something on p2 but then proceeded just to try and they were like the shots you're saying in their headspace they were going get all the kills then get the hill instead of the hill and the kills yeah yeah yeah we're like they were the time the time where shots he was getting continuously killed by needle is like they were if you if you watch optic play they kill somebody then they push towards the hill and try to get more kills legion we're playing as we've killed shotty let's hold back let's try get another kill a couple more kills then go for the hill okay yeah hence why he was just getting spawned i spawned i yeah they were just trying to get him they were trying to get all of them like it wouldn't surprise me if they were trying to get him as far away from the hill as humanly possible before they did anything else with any of the players you know i mean it was as well um it would have been p4 right in the open right in front of the truck outside the church yeah at one point somebody in the comms like oh shotzi bridge so he killed somebody shotzi killed somebody at the bridge and shotzi was like whenever you ever seen me or heard me sitting at the bridge that's how checked i was like i was at the bridge with a yeah but yeah it was just it was a mental series to watch it was just like a camp fest like even watching the player cams it was like shotzi came off of it that's they won the gate of the round and then you can see in his player cam he just went what the f**k really yeah i look i watched the player camera i just went away to get a drink just as it finished and i've seen uh kenny like shaking his head and scratching his arms like oh f**k kenny's f**king annoyed it's like yeah he doesn't understand what's going on but no it was a fact that that f**king legion just played extremely weird super yeah they were playing super cringy and what shotzi was saying was that nero when they had per when they had purge on the team purge force made them like play faster and played harder and get more aggressive yeah where nero was able to just floor in the map and do whatever he wanted to get killed and hill time but now he is solely hill time and can't really do anything to get to help out and it's the legion team just isn't working or gelling with this asan pickup asan is a good pickup for search but for respawns it's not that good of a pickup it's interesting that it's really interesting that like it's that they've still got a lot more work to do for the respawns because like i guess that's the thing right because like purge obviously didn't have the numbers he always was it looked like he was kind of slacking in the slaying department but like clearly because of the way that he played and like the impact and the pressure that he put on the map meant that you know i mean it's it's kind of like one of them in it like i mean it gave them a different dimension to their gameplay yeah but then also it is only like what two weeks into the split yes so i would imagine that they they saw that situation out with asan pretty quickly you think so but i'm not i'm not i'm not sure needs to be quick yeah they don't they don't have a great deal of time i suppose no um and then last game of the saturday we had new york subliners one surge three surge what a control then went on to beat the fucking rain the defending champions what the fuck is going on with subliners bro subliners in the mud um which there's a thing i want to talk to you about search right you know at the start of the year they've all got their intro videos yeah the only people still on surge is who can abuse her in it yeah yeah so their intro video it's literally only who can abuse it there's two of them and they could easily could have quite easily changed the entire squad by now so it's like that intro video how much do you spend time and money making these intro videos and editing them and doing them right and getting all the music and shit just for it to be non-existent half a couple of weeks down the line yeah exactly like i did um i didn't notice that the last time i watched search play the first time it's only a boozer and who are in the video i just find it so bizarre like you go all like it must be a league requirement to do these intro videos yeah i'd imagine so but i feel like it'd be far easier if you just did like in-game cod clips like they did with um brezzy brezzy for surge it's like it's just a cod character with his name on it which is what he does that makes more sense to me than being like oh here's this person and their name and what they do or like the search when they're walking through a ship closing the fucking locker doors and shit like that like you're going over an extra mile but like i guess it's because it's um i guess it's because of the nature of the league and everything is franchised so i guess that like they um the league wants them to have that media available because then they can in in to my thinking i guess the theory behind it would be with they would they would go and they'd be like well if they were looking for like investment or something maybe they'd go well look at how professional we are we have this many teams um they have like this is the quality of production of their stuff like it's the quality of production of our stuff like you know i mean um but yeah it is weird like i feel like subliners need to bring back their mw2 after the after the new york subliners loss it was that mama priesta tweeted it was like i can't remember what she tweeted but everybody's going mental because they got rid of priesta to bring in sib and yes they've looked decent enough but they're now losing against bottom set teams yeah ravens um they played again on the sunday so i'll quickly run through this sunday once they had sunday the 21st of april lag three ravens three lag nil ravens three so another lag loss big shock about another big ravens win ravens this was their these are the first two games that they all played in the same venue which was royal ravens head coach's penthouse uh apart like um uh like top of the penthouse room what yeah they all played at land in this boy's apartment like in his penthouse on the top floor who did all the ravens were all in one place yeah for the first time these two games this weekend they were all in the same place that's actually wild right wait a minute who's the ravens coach um i'll quickly double i'll quickly grab it i guess the person who owns the ravens i can't remember um where's where is my twitter b is the first time they've ever played on land like all in the same room together these first two games and they've won both of them but one of them is fucking new york as well like write that for the ravens to be fair because i mean they are a lot better on historically than they were online when they're all sat together anyway um oh i'm not gonna be able to find it now am i must be christ is emo vibes bringing them bring it like bringing them through bro do you reckon neither i don't know i can't find this anymore who was it from i don't remember who it's from i thought it was but it's not remind me to tell you the picture of the land that i saw after we've finished going through these schools i want to circle back to the subliners for a second as well but we'll do it again afterwards can't seem to find the tweet i don't know where it's gone it's all right i'll believe you no one else might but i will fuck the lawyers a very nice thing to say to our listeners well i've got a fucking issue oh it's his birthday now i guess we have to let him off if you got a fucking issue get out me you know i mean like tweet it out man what are you gonna do anyway get out me i'm tweeting it right now at 4p.m you are shit shit um right the rest of the games while i try to find the street um rocker three boston two you good mate i just took a fast look at a and then the only thing i think i could just hear in in my mind going and brian saying is brian barbosa and head coach of the royal ravens it was like fucking on barbosa can do it all can't he like he can go to world's end he can marry people on a ship he can buy a penthouse and have a cod team playing out of it like you can shout my god are you quite done no i'm done yeah i'm done now yeah good yeah so they were playing in this penthouse apartment that's wild bro and then the final game we had ultra nil phase three one of those a demolition that was um which was the final third record of this of this weekend was sell set a new cdl series record kd of 1.83 against the top three team i think it's fucking woeful i think like the maddest thing about that phase team right now right is like when i was watching rebroadcast earlier and you know they they bring the stats up at the start of each of the games i eat like the maps right and it was like literally i think it was like map three and it just said phase clan no weakness this season yeah last week last last week they've been the top number one in map count number one in kd number one in rotations number one in breaks number one in retakes and one in bombs and literally number one in everything every possible way to measure this team they're like at the top it's like that is fucking wild to me yeah they're literally they have no weakness quote unquote like yeah yeah so for the past six weeks they have they've been top dogs in everything this was nuts yeah so my uh stat for a certain ultra member dylan envoy in his last nine hard points his kd the height he's been here we go right kd for the last nine hard points 0.5 0.59 0.62 0.71 0.4 if you shut the fuck up i'll read it well go on then hurry up 0.54 0.68 0.75 0.35 0.62 0.70 0.50 0.53 and 0.52 my man is three five yep my man has not gone above a 0.75 kd in the last nine hard points in a row that is extremely worrying that's fucking terrible that's what he needs to do the hat yeah you're caught cheating didn't he did he yeah when it was like years ago a long long time ago before but before he was like a pro player basically don't forget bro don't forget bringing up the past she's not for that digging it up digging it up yeah exactly bro it's out there it's on the internet it's documented like i mean you know literally you can go to it's either on the tactical rab um youtube channel or it's on the breaking point youtube channel and it's literally called the pro that got caught cheating on voice it's just a monster's face that's right next week's pictures right um saturday the 27th of april why have i put the 8th it's fucking four months in advance do you fucking specky cunt boston versus lag ultra versus ravens and then rocker versus lat and then sunday the 28th of april we have lag versus rocker and then saturday the 27th of april ultra versus ravens and then rocker versus lat and then sunday the 28th of april we have surge versus legion optic versus heretics and then the big game of the weekend yet again on sunday at 11 o'clock maybe 12 o'clock new york subliners versus phase one of those yeah phase will probably win that subliners are in a big rut um i just like to say it's not called the pro that got caught cheating it's called from cheater to world champ the story of envoy okay but also if you do do if you do search the pro we got caught cheating on boy the number the number three result is a video about uh our mate are you searching this on fucking good on youtube yeah man it's about our mate bro our mate right so what do i have to search the pro who got a pro who got caught cheating on boy pro who got caught cheating and boy the fourth video third video third video who's our mate what is yours is the third result on yours not story of the halo pro court cheated no is it not mine's the biggest call of duty cheating scandals youtube search is weirder well anyway i've got a recommended i scroll down a little bit lower and i get back a little bit more and i get bad boy demon i love color shade videos bro cheetah z lane a humiliated a world series of war zone global finals man event 10 minutes so you can get the mid rolls in oh dear but yeah my night is shady is the l shady not shady oh my god bro is that warlord oh my god yeah you need to you need to watch that video bro there's a clip of warlord and he looks like ola when ola had upon her nice it's wild yeah that's the call for the weekend you want to talk about the subliners yeah just to come back to the subliners like um i feel like the subliners have the highest potential of being beaten by a team that's in the bottom quarter of the league yeah out of any of the top teams right because i feel like the subliners don't really have that like x factor about them like obviously hydra is absolutely disgusting player yeah but i feel like they just they just don't have anything like especially special about the way that they try and play the game you know they need to be provoked into like going to the back of the playbook like yeah exactly well i mean that playing um who beat him on friday ravens yeah when they were playing ravens right i turned it on and it was round three high rise control ravens were already two games up in that two two rounds up in that map yeah so it's like they were if they were going to win they were going to have to do a reverse sweep of a reverse sweep but you know i mean they're gonna have to reverse sweep them in the high right and they're gonna have to reverse sweep the series and it was literally just like you could see it they like they they won that game three rounds straight and it's like but you the point where they woke up and they just started playing like the call of duty that they're capable of playing it was like all right okay we're back in business but like before it's just like who the fuck are these guys i don't even know on the screen but i don't know who it is that's holding the pad like yeah you know i mean it's just kind of like i don't know i've been really mad about that i'm just gonna make sure i am getting this right that control game i'm pretty sure they had they were all four dead right at the end just before they captured the b point on um high-rise control they were all four dead in the back of the spawn no time at all and they managed to capture it no i was wrong i can't remember who which game that was is that not the optic game where they spuffed off the cruise missiles no it was this weekend as well there was something i want to say it was it was definitely like it was i feel like it was definitely control game they were like they had no right to be still in it sounds like subliners though to be honest with you um but yeah i want to speak about that right so there's a video i think it was on i saw on twitter just by jake whatever he's called you know the geezer that just like does all the e-sports stuff like jake walker yeah that's him that's the geez um and it was he was like these counter-strike players held a van outside with the most amazing backdrop you've ever seen and like literally they were playing like it was like a small hill and they had the stations out yeah so they had like all of them you know i mean all five five pcs next to each other two-sided desk 10 players there and like behind them was like a fucking mountain bruv like it was wild it was literally the maddest thing like ever it's just like that that was sick right like don't get me wrong that was that was amazing but how and why like what do you do if it rains you know i mean you got your 9 000 pounds fucking nothing that's a pc like i mean what you don't see is they got a big fuck-off purple one across their heads they wouldn't surprise me to be fair blue tarp um i found what i was talking about oh yeah go on subliners ravens it was 2-2 subliners on the attack ravens on the defense it was 21 lives for the ravens 14 to the subliners 22.8 seconds left for the game to be over how many left sorry 21 ravens 14 subliners okay yeah they were all four dead two well four dead two on the read already on the respond to in the response screen 27 seconds left somehow they get out of the out of the hill get two kills 14 set 13 seconds they go no 11.8 seconds they get on to b with only who's this felony left in the elevator they then keep the hill they get b control captured hydra gets around the back to try and help along the they capture yeah and they've reduced the lives down at this point uh when hydra kills them nine to eight so they were down they were down by seven lives took it back to joint lives and then proceeded to win to keep the keep the series alive see what this is the thing in it man right they're very clearly careful doing it so why they're not doing it all the time is is beyond me yeah but maybe they're just the team that like is well maybe they're just the team that is like better playing from behind like yeah yeah well it wouldn't be the first time i've seen like well it's like that shit happens with like sports teams you know i mean like unlike boxers and stuff in it and like martial artists and shit like that fighting off the back foot yeah it's just wild bro like especially considering how good they were towards the end of it i'll get back to it eventually oh but no that's it that's it for the cod i think that was also a pod and that's it i think i think you might be right bro i think that might be it might be the podcast happy day completed it mate completed it mate oh well same as always everybody thank you very much for listening any feedback positive constructive negative you want to call me dog shit you want to say mr grinery doesn't know he's talking about which is a high likelihood that um don't know what i'm talking about i just made this shit up and just happened to be right mate legend to ssg fucking best easy one nil still riding the like you said that i just got like i was literally like i was fucking right i was in that room and i saw it happening well we all don't know everybody is that when when i click end stop recording here and i say right it's done jayan meets his mate gets to his kitchen and goes in the kitchen no the balcony bro the balcony screaming like the whole fucking screaming let everyone know everyone knows what's going on most noise that comes out of manchester anyway so hold that well you know i wouldn't i wouldn't say that yeah it was manchester this is my next old favorite no noise coming to that shit oh all right okay here we go right thank you very much everybody for listening we will catch you next week for the next episode

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