The main ideas from this information are: - The speaker is discussing the concept of being crucified with Christ and the need to deny oneself. - They talk about the powerlessness of the old man and the importance of being in Christ Jesus. - They emphasize that trying to live the new covenant life with the old man is futile and that one must be born again. - The speaker also talks about the legal aspect of sin and the need to be freed from the law of sin and death through crucifixion with Jesus. - They mention the authority problem and the need to relinquish the old man to experience the power and rule of God in one's life. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the need for believers to be crucified with Christ, deny themselves, and let go of the powerlessness and bondage of the old man in order to experience true freedom and the authority of God. We'll review just a little bit. Oh, I think I set that thing up too high, didn't I? Oh, okay. Praise the Lord. I think this is the last evening that I need to talk about this old man. I hate talking about this old man. Such a beating. I get to talk about rest next time. I will give you rest. Hallelujah. I will give you rest, Jesus said. Okay, but we've been talking about powerlessness. We're powerless. We're first lonely. The old man is cyclically lonely. He can't do anything about it. He's stuck unless he's going to be crucified with Christ. All the promises that belong to dwelling in them and dwelling among them and tabernacling with them and all those things, all that belong to the other side of the Red Sea. And brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, the promises of God are all yes and amen to those that are in Christ Jesus, the Scripture says. But it also tells us, in case we didn't know, that those that are Christ have crucified the flesh with its affections and love. That's what it means to be in Christ Jesus. And Paul says in Romans, as many of us as were baptized into Christ. So you're in Christ day to night. Very good. Wonderful. You were baptized into his death. That's what that was. If you're in Christ tonight, you are identifying together with his death. Where's he going? Your notebook. OK. Here we go. That is a little scary. If you're trying to get past him and he doesn't see you. OK. So we're lonely and we're powerless. They come up to the Red Sea. Here comes the Egyptians chasing them. And as I said before, God does not say, OK guys, rally the troops. Moses, go out ahead of them. Your first big battle. I delivered them into your hand. No. No. No. Because fighting the flesh is absolutely useless. You die to the flesh and then you resist Satan. And until you're crucified with Christ and buried with him. Until the only path out of that situation was through the Red Sea. The only path for you and me out of the bondage of sin. Oh yeah, temporarily you can leave Egypt for a little bit. And then the power of sin comes galloping out to get you again. And if they had refused to go into the Red Sea, Pharaoh would have just came, would have just got them and drug them back into Egypt. That's all that is. And there is not just one story that goes like that. There's lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of stories that go just like that. I applied the blood. I said I was sorry for my sins. I even believe he forgave me. And for about a day and a half it was wonderful. And then... I don't really know. I just... What happened is I just got drugged back into Egypt. There's one route. They're pinned. It's Egyptians chasing them. Come down around that gulf there. Egyptian army is crowding between the sea on this side and the mountains here. You have mountain, army, mountain, Red Sea. You're pinned. Absolutely pinned. The only route out is if there's a safe path through the Red Sea. Jesus Christ has blazed a path through death. And that is your only route to victory. You cannot stand and fight. And so, like I said before, you might pat that person on the back and mean well to tell them that you're a child of God now, but beware, it's going to be a fight. It's not going to be a fight. It's going to be a lose. You need to be crucified with Christ. You don't have options. You have to be crucified with Christ. You have to be buried with him. Until then, you're powerless. Period. And we discovered why in the scriptures that we are powerless. We're powerless by birth. We're powerless by covenant. We're powerless by territory. We have a natural problem. We have a legal problem. And we have an authority problem. A kind of territory problem. Or maybe like a kingdom problem, we'll call it. And through this discovery, we don't have on this page, we talked about birth on the other one, but the old man is the old man and the old man doesn't get to live the new covenant life. You can try as you might, you cannot live the new covenant life. It isn't for you. You don't possess those features. It talks about trying to spruce up the old washing machine by reading to it all the features of the new washing machine. It doesn't help the old washing machine do its job any better. It can't do it. You have to actually get rid of it and get the new one. And that's the problem. That's the natural problem. You are born dead in trespasses and sins. Legal problem is that when you participate in sin, there's a legal aspect to every single sin. And when we sin, we make a covenant with death and we hide ourselves in lies, the scripture says. That's a real bad deal because you can't get free of that covenant until you die. The scripture says in Romans just like the woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives, that covenant can only be broken with death. And he says you also are freed from the law in the body of Christ, in our crucifixion with Jesus when we are dead. When we know this, Romans says, that the old man is crucified with him, we are delivered from the law of sin and death. That's our legal problem. But until then, we've got an issue. The law of sin and death keeps us in bondage because as soon as we die, as soon as we sin, our spirit dies and you can't walk in the spirit with a dead spirit. And until we are crucified with Christ and we die to our flesh by faith, only then is our spirit quickened and made alive we can walk in the spirit again. And that's that problem. And then of course we have an authority problem. We have a kingdom problem. And we talked about that. We talked about the fact that you can say all the big fancy things you want about how you're... There's things I wouldn't say at all. The scripture speaks about reviling principalities and things like that. But they'll say things like, I'll kick the devil out of here. That's all this brand sounding stuff. The devil just laughs at you. You're not kicking him anywhere. As long as you're living in the flesh, he has rights. He has rights. And that's just that. The scripture is clear. And I suppose we could do some more. There was more that could have been taught on that, but I think the Lord has released us for now. But the kingdom of God, Jesus says, Jesus as the officiator of the kingdom of God, he comes as a strong man to a strong man's house. He comes as a stronger man to a strong man's house. And he says that the house cannot be spoiled and taken from the strong man unless first the strong man is bound and the armor in which he trusts is taken away from him. And we noted the fact that the armor in which the enemy trusts in our lives is our old man. As long as there's old man there, as long as we're living in the flesh, he's safe from Jesus. But if we relinquish that, he is open and bare and his power can be broken and he can be bound in our lives and we can live in liberty with Jesus. And experience the kingdom of God or the authority of God, the power, rule, and dominion. We discovered the fact that the word kingdom doesn't refer to, it is not primarily in description at all, primarily is a gentle way to say it. It is not at all primarily a places and things. It is authority, power, rule. The right to rule is what the kingdom of God is. And so when we're crucified with Christ, Jesus has the right to rule in our lives. Or if you're ministering to somebody and they need prayer, I just heard a testimony from a source that I deeply respect. And they were talking about the fact that a young lady, about 18 years old, he didn't know for sure her age, but he said she wanted prayer for a particular malady. And he said, but he noticed in her eye, in her countenance, there was something that told him of a cult. This man's worked in a lot of this. And so he and his wife, they started to pray and seek God. He said, we need to figure this out before we pray for you. There's a blockage to faith. We were talking about this on Sunday. There can be blockages. And there was something stopping faith and so they asked the young lady, did you ever have anything to do with witchcraft? Did you get involved in anything? No, no, no, no, no, no. And they kept praying and praying and they were laying their hands like this. And then the Lord gave this man's wife a word of knowledge and she said, it's rock and roll music. And as he said those words, that lady hit the deck and they rebuked it in the name of Jesus and she was also healed of the malady. And so you see that when we live in the flesh, we are not free from the law of sin and death. This lady was a believer and she'd been brought up in church, but there was a bondage that was holding into her life. She needed that rock and roll. She made excuses for it, whatever the case may be. And guys, just saying you're sorry doesn't set you free from bondage. You need to be crucified with Christ. Kimberly, in her testimony, just being sorry that you're, I'm so sorry for being worrying, I'll try harder not to worry, is absolutely useless. Absolutely useless. I hope that you are absolutely hopeless in the flesh so that you fly to Christ and take his answer. When we go to speak to the practical issue at hand, at being crucified with Christ, first, you can't bury something that isn't crucified and you can't crucify something that isn't condemned. And so that's why Jesus, more often than he said, be crucified with me, he said, deny yourselves. And we're going to talk about that practically. You have to first deny your rights and deny yourself. And then you can be crucified with faith and in faith when you're crucified you can kiss a goodbye and bury it with Jesus. When we talk about the practicality of that, which is very practical, the Holy Spirit is very practical and he tells you exactly how to do it. But, it doesn't mean anything to you unless you desperately want it and you've actually given up on this old man. The old man's still kicking and you're still giving him a shot. It's not going to help out. So, in conclusion of these things that we have learned, we're going to go to a case study. Acts chapter 8. This is an example. This is a perfect, I almost said beautiful, it is beautiful in its conclusion, but it's a little gnarly, honestly. And I told you that I want you to take it easy on Simon here because I want you to treat Simon... Oh, you've heard this story before. I'm not going to tell you anything new. We're not going to read something you've never read before, okay? We're not going to talk about something you've never heard. But I want you to take it easy. That way it's a little easier for you and me. I want you to take it easy on Simon. Pretend I invited Simon here with us and Brother Simon is telling us about what happened to him, okay? That's the attitude. If we hold that attitude, this is going to go over a lot easier and I won't step on as many people's toes. But if we get our panties in a bunch and we decide we know all about Simon already, we may encounter a you are the man moment somewhere in here and it won't be as pleasant as it could have been. So, Philip went down to Samaria beginning in verse 5. If we pick our drama up here, this is an example of this problem. And I'm just going to write right now just so that we don't forget it. This problem is the problem with every single child of Adam that ever breathed there that hasn't been crucified as Christ, okay? So, we got that part. But we're about to read a specific example of this problem in the life of a believer who's been baptized. That's why I told you to take it easy on Simon because this is going to get real close to home. This is the context of this problem and it's an example of everything we've been looking at so far. So, listen. If you're sitting here this evening and you don't know Christ, you have never humbled yourself, never begged His forgiveness for your sins, that doesn't mean anything to you, then everything we've been talking about applies to you. But there's an issue. When the Gospel is not preached in fullness, then people start thinking that the entirety of the Gospel is just getting forgiveness, getting like asking for forgiveness and hopefully believing that you receive it. Usually it doesn't even make it that far. It's asking for forgiveness and trying to trust the blood of Christ to pay the ransom for your sins, which is all wonderful and good. It's a wonderful part of the Gospel, but it doesn't stop there, brothers and sisters. And the New Testament believers, that's not what they called the Gospel and there, no. The Gospel was actually sold as the promise that God would dwell in you and among you and in the last days He would pour out His Spirit. That was the Gospel, that He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh. And if you wanted to know how you could participate in that new life, oh, you'll have to repent of your sins and you'll have to be buried with Jesus. And then you can live like we do. And there were preconditions to this life, but the Gospel was actually preached as a life new in the Spirit. And then you would get the question as to what must we do to have that and then you could give those things. See, today we say the Gospel. I asked you earlier and nobody answered, which is good because we don't need to incriminate ourselves. But if somebody asked you the Gospel, pop quiz, go, say the Gospel, we would have seen a lot of answers from myself included. I'm not exempting this ignorance where it's like, well, Jesus died to pay for your sins. And that would be about it. And He loves you and so He died to pay for your sins. Well, I'm not sorry for my sins. Oh, okay. And you're stumped a little bit. When the Gospel is preached as it was here, as it was in the olden days, they address this issue. We need to too. We must do the same. Okay. So, Philip goes down to the city of Samaria. Why does he go down to the city of Samaria? It seems, verse 4, you can fight me on this, but it seems that it says they were scattered and went everywhere preaching the Word. Kind of like, then Philip goes to the city of Samaria. That's kind of what it seems like. Okay? That's what it seems like. In Jerusalem, anywhere where the Sanhedrin and their socio-political, religious tentacles lay, they had authority. Even to later, we would read, where they're sending up to Antioch and these different places and they're exercising their authority to imprison people and even put them to death. So, it's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that. He did not preach Martin Luther, and he did not preach non-denominationalism, did he? What did he preach? Christ. Good. That's a good thing to notice there. He didn't preach Jerusalem Christianity. He didn't preach a Jewish churchianity. He preached Christ. It's very important that we maintain what high and lofty sounding people say, call it Christocentric ministry. It just means Jesus at the center of all things. His glory, His will accomplished, His kingdom coming, His will being done on earth as it is in heaven. To the extent, Christocentric does not mean that we neglect the things He only says one time. There's that attitude. You must have grown up in a home where your parents had to say, one, two, three, before they meant it. Guess what? God just says something once, He means it. And if you actually saw the glory and grandeur of the God who spoke this universe into creation, He'd say something half a time, and you'd take it seriously. So this idea that God has to say something three times before He means it is absolute nonsense. Christocentric. Christ at the center. The people with one accord, verse six says, gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. I did not see this coming, but I am so thankful. Brothers, Nate, you were not here on Sunday, but we talked about faith. And when I was coming across this, I thought, oh, Lord, thank you that we already talked about faith, because this is a bit of a problematic thing to American churches. The people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. Wait, wait, wait, Philip. You're not supposed to be doing this. This is not how you do ministry. We have figured out a far more spiritual way to plant churches since then. He just didn't. He wasn't up to speed. You don't need miracles, Philip. Okay. You don't need miracles. You should have just taken your family and moved there, started a successful business, hopefully got a few other families to move there. And you could have just been a light in that community. Because lights don't talk. And you don't have to cause this big stir and like you're trying to stir everything up. You could just show up and just show people how Christians do business. Now, I'm not picking on this. You should show people how Christians do business. But for some reason, Philip didn't consider that as the best way to start God's kingdom in this area. He didn't. I don't know. I don't quite get it. He's not up to snuff here. One reason his tactics may have differed, I did discover this, is that it seems like he might have been a little bit like Stephen, man full of faith and the Holy Ghost, whatever that means. And so he probably had this other attitude about how you just bust into an area and turn everything upside down and demonstrate the power of God over the power of darkness and all this stuff. But it's a good thing we don't need to do that anymore. We've nailed it. And I speak as a fool, hopefully. You know that. For unclean spirits crying with a loud voice came out of many that were held by them. The word is held. That's actually the strongest insinuation of demonic spirits over the power of people in the whole scripture that I have discovered anywhere. It says they came out of the ones that were held by them. And many taken with palsies and them that were lame were healed. So unclean spirits came out of many that were held by them. This is the context. This is the story that what we're going to read is set in. Palsies and the lame were healed. Praise the Lord. And there was great joy in that city. Isn't that something? That's something. For all we know, one man, he might have had his family with him, but one man goes to a city and after, I don't know how much time he left, not that important, but there's great joy in that city. Great joy. And then the pot thickens. But there was a certain man called Simon, which before time in the same city used what is, the Greek word is magic, but King James is sorcery. Does anybody have an NES or another translation? Does anybody else say magic? The Greek word is literally magic, that exact word. Interesting. So before time, he used magic and bewitched, the King James says, or threw them off, literally displaced them, misplaced them. He got them off track. He bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one. So, okay, so let's set this right here. Philip comes to Samaria. Demons are cast out. They're screaming. They're running. People that can't walk can walk. People that are shaking that palsy literally is, the side is loosed. It's like, you see somebody like this, there's something usually, you can correct me, but neurologically off, isn't controlling the musculature anymore, and it gets sloppy, like this. And they came like this, and they went away like this, perfectly strong and whole. Okay, this is what's happening. Philip comes into Samaria, and now this is happening under the authority of Jesus Christ. But he's kind of stepping on somebody's toes, because there was somebody already here that was the somebody, okay? There was already somebody that was the somebody. So you can imagine how this might be going over a little bit, a little like a lead balloon, at least for somebody, at least for one person. There was a certain man, Simon, who before time, before Philip got here, he used magic, and he was the great one, before Simon was the great one. Interesting, one more note, just make this set right in your minds. This is a Jehovah-respecting culture, okay? This is not a heathen, like pagan culture. Remember the woman at the well, the Samaritan, do you remember what she was saying? She was saying, our fathers worshiped in this mountain, you guys say over there, it's the only place you can worship. There's this squabble they have, because the Samaritans are not in good standing with the rest of the Jews, but they're a Jehovah-respecting culture. So interestingly enough, if you notice what they say about him, they say, this man is the great power of God. You see, there's this, bewitching is a good word. He didn't try to stop the whole Jehovah thing and go, by the way, Jehovah doesn't exist, I am God. That would be a little too affrontal. No, what he does, he just kind of runs everybody off the little track here, and actually engages them in magic, to say the least, and total witchcraft, to say the worst, which is probably not at all a stretch, while they're still sort of acknowledging Jehovah God at some point. So that helps. It's not a heathen culture in its worst form, but there's some problems here, and they were subject to this bewitching. So they used to call Simon the great power of God, and now Philip marches in here with a competing power, a competing authority. Hallelujah. That's what we were talking about on Sunday, that God is willing to demonstrate. Believers, just for the record, believers do not follow signs. Jesus says these signs will follow them that believe. In my name they shall. Okay? So, when we believe, God doesn't want you waiting for signs to believe. That's a Wiccan and adulterous generation, who says, hmm, if you do something special, I'll believe. No. We believe, and God does great things through us, to show his mighty power. Okay? That is the demonstration of scripture, and like I told you on Sunday, I just have to apologize for it, or tell you the truth, and I'm not going to apologize for it. They used to call Simon the great power of God, and now Philip is demonstrating a competing power. To him they used to have regard, verse 11 says, because that of a long time. I mean, so he's been doing this a long time, this magic. They used to give heed to Simon, and they used to hold him in regard. But when Philip, verse 12 says, Philip came preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, this was new. This is why they note this, this is new. It wasn't because they probably had never heard the kingdom of God. In fact, I can't imagine how much time, I was going to talk to you about this, I forgot. If there's a way to calculate how much time it's been since the woman from the well had ran back, it actually can't be that long. It can't be this enormous amount of time. Like inside of a generation, easily of course. Inside of probably three years. So the kingdom of God may not have been utterly strange, but this Jesus Christ, and then this mighty power being exercised through this person named Philip, who keeps saying this name Jesus Christ. I don't know, yeah, we don't know exactly how this landed on their ears, except that it says they believed. Verse 12 says, when they believed, Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, what does it say? They were baptized, right? Both men and women. When Philip comes to town demonstrating the kingdom and authority of God, the power and freedom available in the name of Jesus Christ, they believed. And they were baptized, men and women. And I wonder how Simon's doing, right? Like this has got to be a little rough. Philip literally comes in and steals the show, the whole show, just steals the show. Hands it to Jesus, but nevertheless, steals the show from Simon. But then verse 13 solves all our problems. Then Simon believes also. What more could you want? I mean, answer the prayer. You literally have saved the witch doctor, right? And I'm not being facetious. Yes, I am setting you up. Yes, it's setting us up. Yes, yes, you can hear that in my voice inflection. But nevertheless, it says that Simon himself also believed. Now, this is the first bridge that you might have to cross or build really hastily, because you might have thought that this man Simon, because you heard such terrible things about him, he's a farce. He's a fake in what he is. He's not really sincere. Yeah, that's not what it says. It doesn't say he pretended to believe. It doesn't say that people thought he had believed. Like maybe our not-so-good friends fall over dead with his wife. What's her name? Yeah, thank you. Yeah, it doesn't say they believed. It doesn't say anything good about them, except the first thing we hear is that they saw everyone selling stuff and getting attention for it, and so they decided they'd sell stuff. They could get attention for giving everything without actually giving everything. They were hoping everybody thought they were giving everything, but they were actually giving part of it, because they didn't actually want to be poor or anything, but they wanted to have the same recognition that other people. Yeah, the narrative on that is a lot different than this. And so I want to make sure that you're not, like I said, you're not jumping all over Simon's head here. It says Simon believed. So we're all nervous about what Simon's thinking here, but then Simon go up and believes. It says he believes. And then he's baptized, it says in verse 13. So he's just thinking, well, what's the worry? It says he continued with Philip and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done. He believed also, and he was baptized. Well, that was easy enough, wasn't it? It says here he even continued with Philip, beholding. I mean, you can't get a better, I mean, and I want you to, I'm going to speak very honestly, for real right now, no facetiousness. I really, reading this and meditating, I really got the feel for Simon. I really, I don't doubt there was a lack of sincerity there at all. Yeah, I know, I know, I know. But I think he believed because it says he did. But maybe, maybe there was a problem, and maybe he's not the only one. I'll prove to you in a second here he's not the only one. Even if we're all exempt from this, like you and me, we're all way past this. This is nothing that would afflict us in any manner. We weren't witch doctors, for heaven's sake. So, you know, this is not a problem we would ever face. But at least, I'm going to show you here in a second, he at least wasn't the only one struggling with this. He believes he baptized, according to the narrative. It says here he continued with Philip. This is discipleship. I mean, you couldn't get any better. He didn't, like, believe and get baptized and then run back to his little shop and sit there fuming that, you know, people aren't coming anymore. That we know. It literally says that he's continuing with Philip. If somebody believes and is baptized, and then they, like, follow you around everywhere you go and they listen to what you say, I don't know what else you're asking for, right? So it's good to have that whole sticky mess with Simon taken care of, isn't it? That was crazy there for a minute. We had, like, Philip and Simon. But Simon believes and... All good. Look. Well, it says in verse 14... It might seem like I'm shifting gears here, but this is encouraging to me. And I actually wouldn't share on this, except that I don't think the Lord gave me liberty to skip it. And so it's probably important for us. This truth is something we're going to revisit a little bit later, but we're going to touch on it right now. And hopefully there's some good ground that the seed can fall into. When the apostles were at Jerusalem, when they heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John, who, when they were come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost. For as of yet, he had not fallen upon any of them. King James says, none of them. Only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then laid they their hands on them, Peter and John show up, they lay their hands on them, and subsequently begin, one at a time, to receive the Holy Ghost. You've probably heard people preach on Simon before. I have heard a lot of sermons in my lifetime. I've heard a lot more than just Sundays and Wednesdays. I haven't heard anybody preach on this passage. And it's because it's sticky. You don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. Okay? I wish this is not how this was. But the Lord, actually this morning, the Lord opened a beautiful reality to me, and I see it like I didn't see it before. And it's beautiful, and it's so comforting to me, and I want to pass that on to you. Here we have people who have received the Word, but have not received the Spirit. Are you taking notes? I don't know. I don't have any more room to write here. Received the Word, not received the Spirit. Okay? This is just a narrative. This isn't like doctrine. I'm not trying to convince you of this. That's just what it says happens. People that have received the Word, but have not received the Spirit. So, I don't have to do any fancy footwork to conclude that receiving the Word, and receiving the Spirit, are not the same thing, brothers and sisters. Not the same thing. Here we have people who have believed, have even been baptized, but are not receiving the Spirit. They have not received the Spirit. They have not received the Spirit. They have not received the Spirit. They have not received the Spirit. They have not received the Spirit. They have not received the Spirit. They have been baptized, but are not filled with the Holy Spirit. And just now, I heard it happen. I stepped on every denomination's toes except for the Pentecostals, which I wish I stepped on their toes, because it just irks me that I didn't. I disagree with the Pentecostals on a myriad of things. That's the main line of what they say about a lot of things. They don't believe in holiness without which no man will see the Lord. There's a lot of problems that they think that they're exempt from. They don't have to obey. That's all legalism and bondage. Don't tell me about that. You get a lot of that. And there's wonderful pockets of people that would tell you that they're a Pentecostal and they love the Lord and they obey Him and everything, but I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that you'll run into that a lot and you didn't run into a rare person if you found that out. But the rest of us sit here comforting ourselves that because we read and memorize and meditate on the Word of God, that as you said the other day, we think that the Godhead has somehow become God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Scriptures. That's not the case, brother. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. And all three are eager to be involved in your testimony and the work that God wants to do in your life. We have people that have believed and been baptized, but are not filled with the Holy Spirit. I've got folks who've believed and been baptized, but not filled. Good news is Peter and John are coming to Samaria. Praise the Lord. To pray for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost. This feels painfully practical. I wish this was something I could just sweep under the rug and just tell you, I don't know, I wish my conscience, sometimes in the flesh, I wish my conscience would allow me to just dismiss this, but I cannot. And there's something beautiful and breathtaking. I don't know how else to call it, you hug the porcupine, you just run up to what you think is going to kill you, and you go up to that passage. So many times, if anybody tells you there's a passage of scripture that is a problematic passage of scripture, you go read it, and meditate, and let the Holy Spirit speak to you, because there's probably something there the devil's keeping from you. That's what this feels like to me. It's painfully practical. I don't like this. But this is the beautiful thing. Okay, check this out. This might be helpful to us in this little problem that we're discovering. See that word receive? I'll believe baptized, I'll say here, not received. This is a very helpful word. It would be more helpful if our English language had a better word to put in place of this Greek word. And I'm not picking on the translators here. They did the best job. They did a better job than I would ever do. They did a great job. But I'm going to tell you what's happened here. This word receive is Greek lombano. And of the 263 times that it is translated into your New Testament, it is translated take almost half of the times. 263 times. Almost half of those times it is an aggressive form and very often just simply take. So you're hearing me. Are you hearing me? This word receive that you just read right there, that they might receive the Holy Spirit? If you're like me, maybe you all are exempt from this, but I had the wrong impression. The Lord revealed this in a different way in my life, and I didn't realize it was sitting smack in front of me like this. And I'm so delighted to report it to you. Receiving the Holy Spirit. I had a wrong impression about that. I thought that I was waiting for God to give it to me. But you see, this word lombano is it's translated almost half of the time as an aggressive word like this. If any man will sue thee at the law and lombano thy coach, let him have thy cloak also. When he even was come and they brought unto him many that were possessed of devils and he cast out the spirits with his word and healed all that were sick that it might be fulfilled which is spoken by the prophet, saying he himself took our infirmities. He received our infirmities. I guess received is an okay word, but I kind of like took. And he that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me. Is lombano. So it's not something that happens to me. It's something that happens to me when I lay hold. And that's exactly what that word means. If I put it in its shortest form, it's literally to lay hold or some other grappling that it would be like take to oneself. Reach with the hand even quite properly and lay hold and take to oneself. Okay, I told you I was telling you something beautiful. Hang on. Because as of yet, they had not received the Holy Ghost. Peter and John come to pray for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost. This word receive is not a passive word. Not at all. It is an active, even aggressive word. This is the exact word that Jesus used when he said in the imperative mood, in a command form, receive ye the Holy Ghost to his disciples. We hear lombano. This is receive. Actually means to take to oneself, to lay hold. And what a beautiful thing, brothers and sisters, to lay hold, take. Now listen. God was not failing to give his Holy Spirit to the Samaritans and to fulfill the promise of the Father to pour out his Spirit on all flesh. They were failing to receive. God was not holding out on the Samaritans. The Samaritans were holding out on God. Peter and John were not coming to pray God to give his Holy Spirit to them. Peter and John were coming in faith to help them break through the unbelief so they could receive. Brothers and sisters, you are not waiting on God to give you his Holy Spirit. He's waiting on you to receive. Receive ye lombano. Take. Lay hold. Philip calls for Peter and John because something's wrong. I love Philip. I think Philip was a young guy. That's what it seems like. We all see Philip as quite sagey because of what the Scripture reports. But interestingly enough, the descriptions of how to choose a deacon do not include that he must be an elder of any kind or aged. And it is very likely that Stephen, Philip, and other men that were named were men that were too young to be elders but were full of the Holy Ghost and power. There you go, young man. Yeah. And Philip preaches the Gospel, moves in power, comes in like a gangster. I don't know why this picture comes to mind. Maybe it's not the most satisfactory to you. But I see Philip in the spirit realm just walking into the devil's territory like a gangster. And I own this place. Everybody ducks like this. And he just starts calling the shots in someone else's kingdom. Just dominates it in faith. Absolutely just walks in and just starts calling the shots and everybody goes for cover. The power of God through one man overturning an entire city. You see what God wants to do through you, young man? This guy was ordained, actually, initially, to wait out tables. He qualified for his job by being filled with the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah. If we made that qualification, we wouldn't get anybody to do tables. But it was common in those days. Men were filled with the Holy Spirit and with power. And you could choose among men filled with the Holy Spirit and power to wait tables. And just on the side, you'd catch them turning the whole city upside down. Hallelujah. Or sending an ambassador for Jesus into Ethiopia. Where the life radically changed. Ethiopia would meet Christ. And no one knows exactly how. I'll tell you how. God sends Philip to a road he doesn't know why he's going down it just to load him on the back of a chariot so that that whole land could meet Christ. God's not... You're not waiting on God. He's waiting on you. I told you I left Philip because he just shows up. He walks in power. They repent. They believe. He goes, OK. You're supposed to get baptized. Get baptized. And he's like... Something else is supposed to be happening. It's not happening. Send somebody back to Jerusalem. Tell Peter and John the last part's not happening. I don't know. Tell them I'll be at the next city. And he just doesn't seem to even assume the responsibility. It's just like, that's not my gift. I don't know. I'm off to the next thing. Tell them to come down here and figure out what's going on here. There's a problem. Why is there a problem? Nobody... This isn't going like this is supposed to be going. And I don't believe that Philip was failing the Lord. I actually think that there's a great possibility that he was new, strong, powerful, but new, young in the faith. He didn't know what the world was going on. He's walking in power. Why aren't you walking in power? He doesn't know why. What's the problem? Just go ahead. Believe for it. And he's like, I don't know. I mean, are you sure? You think this is... He's just like, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. 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