Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the importance of investing in order to create generational wealth. They highlight the differences in demographics and resources between lower-income communities and suburban areas. They emphasize the need to be intentional about building wealth and provide information about the Sweet Millionaire Formula courses and community. They stress the importance of investing in assets, such as stocks and real estate, and encourage listeners to take action and plan for their financial future. The speaker also mentions the upcoming master classes on investing and encourages listeners to register on the Sweet Millionaire Formula website. How y'all doing today guys? Welcome back to another episode of Sweet Millionaire Formula. Today we are talking about some of the most important aspects of your financial inequality and what it looks like to shape your generational wealth for the better, okay? So what dawned on me the other day was that I was thinking to myself like, you know, when I first came to the DMV area about 12 years ago, there was this vibrant young population of workers at the Walmarts, at the Chipotle's, at the, it was just a diverse young group of people between ages, I would say 17 to 35-ish or 20, yeah. And so now that I'm looking around, I'm just wondering, do you guys wonder like why there's a switch between, or have you noticed in your hometown 10, 15 years ago versus now, 15 years later, the switch in the demographic of workers that work at the Walmarts, the local supermarkets, the local, where else? Just the local areas where you go shopping, where you eat, where you dine and things like that, if you notice there's a switch in the dynamic of who is actually working there and which led me to my topic today is invest now and worry later. Invest now versus worrying later. And so you're probably like, Courtney, what does that mean? So basically there are no shortcuts to long-term results. The more money you squander away now will be less money you have to depend on when you reach retirement. So no one in their teens can imagine themselves being 35 with a family and children. The same goes for 35-year-olds who just can't imagine that one day they'll be 85, if they make it to 85, because now they're showing statistics with the Operation Hope ran by John Hope Bryant. He broke down that there is a difference between living 10 miles up in a neighborhood that's a suburban that has an average credit score of 700 plus and an average income of 75,000 plus versus maybe 12, 15 miles away where the average income is 23,000 and the crime rate is 17 per capita of 1,000 people and the average credit score is going to be somewhere between 523 and 600. So basically your demographic can determine your lifespan, and they were saying that, John Hope Bryant was saying that in the area where they're suburban, higher income, higher credit scores, that those people are destined to live or from research it says that they're living up to age 82 plus. Now if you go to the communities where the credit score is between 500 and 600, 550 and 600, their life expectancy is like 65 plus, 65 is where the base is starting from. And I just noticed also that when you live in lower income communities, the access to fluent resources is none. And I'm being quite honest because when I lived in Cleveland, when I would drive to places like out Snow Road up to like Shaker Heights, they would have fluent community centers. You can do hockey, ice skating. The recreation centers had indoor pools. All of these amazing like resources that you can have for your children and you can have for your family. And then you go to our neighborhoods, we don't have any recreation centers. If you do go to our recreation centers, all we have is a gym. There's no dance programs. There's no financial literacy programs. There's no community centers and community operations where we have hockey, football, volleyball, and access to all of these amazing resources that make up our children's lives for fulfillment. And also in the adult sector of having things to do, there's like community events, there's all types of things simulated around the wealth and the prosperity of life for the people who are living in suburban areas. They have cleaner streets. They have more places to eat. They have whole foods. You don't see all the, you don't see save a lot. If you go into areas that are suburban, you see stores that are like Whole Foods or Harris-Peter. And I just know and understand that when I go into Harris-Peter or Whole Foods that I'm going to be expected to pay almost twice as much for my food. And it's like for those communities, that's okay and that's the standard because they're already making $90,000. But when you have a community of people who are eating food that is all these, that is old, that is ran down, that is given away, that's not fresh, that is all clumped together, the molded, the fresh, the new, the old. And it's like if people have to live in areas and their food is segregated, how do you think the resources are delegated? How do you think the taxes of the city are delegated? And I just think about things like that. When you decide to create generational wealth for yourself, it goes all the way down to the food that you're eating about you creating wealth for yourself. The food that you eat will determine the max capacity of your livelihood. So if you're not busy creating generational wealth, then you're busy dying because you have to make up in your mind that you will have a life that supersedes poverty, strife, complacency, stagnancy. When you don't think, you don't move and don't do, you die. And however long it takes for you to literally die, it will be cut in half by the things that you consume, what you read, who you surround yourself by, the drugs that you intake, the food that you intake, the time that you spend idle, is that time building your business, building a brand, building collaboration with people who can help you guys create a nonprofit, or is it spent with you gossiping, shopping, spending frivolously, taking out loans, buying cards, expensive card notes that you can't afford, never realizing that your financial vision should be of high quality, of excellence, of generational wealth. And generational wealth starts with things like life insurance, stock options, building your assets, deducting your liabilities, excuse me for that, deducting your liabilities. And all of that starts with where you put your dollar. That's why a sweet millionaire formula has taken the sting, the scariness of, oh, my God, what is my family's financial future going to look like? Once you take the sweet millionaire courses on home buying, investing, credit recovery, you will have ten times more knowledge saving yourself hundreds of thousands of dollars in your lifetime because you know what you're investing, you know how to clean up your credit, you know how to buy real estate, you know how to have digital literacy so you can create websites for your cooking, for your whatever it is that you do, you need to be able to structure your asset towards investing in yourself so that your generations that are coming behind you have inheritance. It is God's will for us to have inheritance. It is God's will, let me repeat that, for us to have inheritance. So, yes, just like it's hard for teenagers to imagine being 35-year-olds with a family, it's also hard for 35-year-olds to imagine that one day they'll be 85. The reason investing is such a great tool to bidding long-term wealth is because when you look over your stock investments in 20 years from now, the stock market will be the only reliable source of compounded funds that will yield a meaningful return with nearly no cap on how much you can expect to earn. The sooner you become smart and intentional about what your generation wealth looks like and stop avoiding greatness, the better your life will be. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Sweet Millionaire Formula has courses on investing in a community of wealth builders who are working with intention to build wealth with their family while receiving encouragement from other like-minded individuals, okay? So this is what we do here at Sweet Millionaire Formula. We give you the tools on the courses on investing, on building wealth. You're also surrounded by like-minded individuals from across the world, internationally, locally in your community, and domestically around the world who are dedicated, who are intentional about building wealth, and who are intentional about creating passive income, multiple streams of passive income that supersedes their one income from their job that they may be working. Worrying later is not the life you should set up for yourself. Look around, again, at the people who work at Walmart. If you haven't looked around yet and haven't been to your Walmart lately, I'm sure that it's packed with 65-plus-year-old foreign people, individuals, who still have to work minimum wage only for that to not be enough income for them to support their families. So not only are they older, 65-plus, lifting packages, working on their feet all night, morning shifts, late night shifts, early morning shifts, all day shifts, but they also are working minimum wage just to survive, not to take care of their families. So it's only natural for the brown and black people who created America for us to transition from just working a nine-to-five into using our passions, using our gifts, our intellectual wealth, and our blessings and our faith from God to reap the abundance that God has assigned for us. No one on this earth is supposed to live in poverty. God made one earth. So when he created this earth, he had in mind every billion of people, every one in a billion of people that was going to be here. And when you don't move, when you don't think, when you don't do, when you're just waiting and just letting time pass you by, that is the moment that you start to deteriorate. The moment that you awaken in your millionaire mindset is the day that you start to make moves, make savings, make budgets, and make investments into your assets, okay, make investments into your assets. So, yes, it's important and it's imperative that you, instead of worrying later, you invest now. And the Sweet Millionaire Formula has a master class coming up that you want you to guys go to to register for our new master classes coming up on investing. We want you guys to be knowledgeable. My people perish for my lack of knowledge. When you have the knowledge, it's not having the knowledge that's going to get you the wealth. It's your execution on the knowledge that's going to get you the wealth, guys. So that's today's episode. Play this back and find out what it is and how it is that you're going to get out of your poverty mindset. And poverty doesn't have to literally be in your neighborhood. Poverty is your mindset. Poverty is your eating. Poverty is the man that you sleep with. Poverty is the decision that you make with your money. Poverty is literally starving and being able not to have what you need to have an abundant life. So the moment that you do decide that, hey, you know what? I want to have generational wealth. That's one decision from the same decision that you made to stay in generational poverty is the same decision that you can make to make generational wealth. No, it's not going to be easy. No, it's not going to be a walk in the park. But if it was easy, everybody would be doing it. But it's possible. That's how we know there are generational wealth people who have established generational wealth for themselves. There are individuals who have beat the odds, and we know that it's possible. We know that Tyler Perry came from nothing. We know that he's a billionaire now because he used his intellectual property. You know, you guys have to make sure that you use your intellectual property and take the digital literacy course where we show you how to build a website from step by step by step so that you're able to maximize the profits of your intellectual property. So if you guys have any questions or comments about today's episode, please leave them in the comments. And also tune into our new Sweet Millionaire Formula Masterclass that's coming up. All right, guys, see you guys later. Thank you for tuning in today.