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This video provides easy and fast ways to speed up fat burning. The main tips include incorporating intermittent fasting, consuming more fat during fasting, maintaining a minimum of 50 grams of fat per day, lowering carb intake, eating nutrient-dense foods, improving sleep with supplements and breathing techniques, incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT), using apple cider vinegar or gummies, and considering a natural herbal fat burner supplement. It is important to stay consistent, disciplined, and patient throughout the weight loss journey. Alright, this video is for HolisticMD. Easy and fast ways to speed up the fat burning. Aren't you tired of feeling sluggish and unhappy with your weight? I used to be that way too, don't worry, we're all in the same boat. Well, I have great news for you. By incorporating these essential principles into your daily routine, you can easily speed up your fat burning process. As an internist and hormone specialist, I have seen some amazing results that my patients achieve when they follow my expert advice. In just one month, you can easily lose up to 10 pounds and feel more energized than ever before. Stay tuned for my video today as I share my top tips and tricks for safe and sustainable weight loss. Get ready to transform your body and your life. Number one, intermittent fasting has gained popularity. If you have not heard of it, I'll explain to you. It's a way to speed up fat burning and achieve weight loss. Another tip to maximize the benefits of intermittent fasting is to consume also more fat at the end of your meal, especially in the beginning stages when you are doing intermittent fasting. Let's say you're fasting for 16 hours, you're basically eating one meal with high fat content that makes you feel fuller faster and keeps you full longer, right? So that will help also your body adapt to using fat for energy. Once you become fat adapted, you can gradually reduce your fat intake because at the end of the day, fat has calories, so you have to reduce those fat intake as well while you're also fasting. It's important to maintain though a minimum of 50 grams of fat per day to ensure your body has enough energy to function properly. The best fat out there is typically olive oil and avocado oil, of course. Once you have reached your desired weight, you can add more fat if you want to, if you're exercising more, depending on your progress. Like I said, these tips with intermittent fasting can be really effective. One of the most effective things to sustain and achieve your weight loss goals and making the decision to lower your carb intake along with intermittent fasting will be challenging, but it will be very rewarding. Now when it comes to consistency, it is crucial to stay consistent and disciplined throughout this process. When your body is not receiving as many carbs and you're trying to lower your carbs while you're intermittent fasting, it will start to speed up fat burning to produce the energy. However, this can take sometimes a long time, so it's essential to be patient and stay committed. One of the best ways to measure your progress is by checking your glucose levels. If you're a diabetic, check your A1c levels, check your HDL levels, triglyceride levels, but cheating on your diet can disrupt your journey. What ends up happening is we go out, somebody comes as a guest, etc., etc. We have all those excuses to cheat on our diets, but you have to stay strong. It's important to remember that consistency is the key. Keep in mind that each day is a new opportunity to make healthier choices and stick to your goals. So make sure you have a plan every single day. Don't just yank it. So stay focused, motivated, and consistent with lowering your carb intake for a healthier you. Next thing is you've got to have nutrient-dense foods. It's a crucial step in maintaining a healthy body. So don't just put anything in your mouth. These foods not only provide, these nutrient-dense foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, but also help speed up fat burning in the body. It is really important to choose foods that provide the most nutritional benefits per calorie consumed. And when it comes to finding resources on nutrition, there's a wealth of information available out there. For instance, I have another channel called SugarMD. It's a YouTube channel. It is a great resource for learning about healthy eating habits. It's great for pre-diabetics, diabetics, and insulin-resistant people. With expert advice and some informative videos, you can educate yourself on the types of foods that support a healthy lifestyle. So why not check it out, right? Now with the right information and motivation, you can take control of your diet and start living your best life. Also remember to check for my free books. I have free books, folks. I am giving it for free. So normally they're $20 each. On my website, I'm giving them free. So take advantage of them. Now next thing is getting a good night's sleep can be the key to leading a productive and fulfilling life. However, achieving this can be easier said than done. There are many factors that can impact the sleep, such as stress, the noisy environment, etc. There are also steps you can take to improve your sleep. One such step is to speed up fat burning. How do you do that? Now, you can actually help your sleep and your fat burning by taking vitamin D3, vitamin K2, benthetiamine, magnesium, or some nutritional yeast even, before bed. Now, you can help speed up fat burning, which in turn can improve your sleep because most of the time, if your body is inefficient in fat burning, you're also not going to be able to sleep well. Additionally, trying a breathing technique, taking a nap, or trying a sleep support supplement sometimes helps. Like, for example, on our website, we have sugar and meat sleep support, which is a combination of all the natural things. Most of the time, just melatonin, or just valerian root, or chamomile may not work by themselves. So that's why you combine all of these in one capsule so you can get the best out of it. Now, that way you can get a solid night's rest without worrying too much, which will help your fat burning. Now next step is exercise, right? Of course, it's an important aspect of leading a healthy lifestyle and healthy weight loss. Other things you can do is high-intensity interval training, some people call it HIIT, that has become increasingly popular because of its ability to speed up fat burning and provide a challenging workout in a short amount of time. Because most people say, I don't have time. Well then, do this. Right, do HIIT. However, it's also important not to overdo it because then you will burn out. It's recommended to only do HIIT maybe once or twice per week, and the rest of the time maybe do lighter exercises with plenty of recovery between these high-intensity exercises to allow your body to properly recover and avoid the injury. So next time you plan your workout routine, remember to incorporate that HIIT, high-intensity workout strategically for optimal results. Now, if you're also looking for speeding up fat burning in a natural and non-invasive way, you need to incorporate apple cider vinegar into your nightly routine. It may just do the trick. By simply mixing one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with six ounces of water and drinking it about an hour before bed, you can reap the potential benefits of its acetic acid component. Not only can this help with the weight management, but also has been shown to improve blood sugar control and digestion. Now, if you're concerned about the acidity affecting your teeth, you need to be sure to brush thoroughly before hitting the hay. Alternatively, for those people with, for example, reflux disease, gastroesophageal reflux, who cannot take apple cider vinegar, well, SugarMD apple cider vinegar gummies are a tasty and harmless option to try. We all know that regular exercise and a healthy diet that I just talked about are the key to achieving our fitness goals. Just to do it more like in a strategic way, in a more planned way, because otherwise everybody is trying to do exercise and dieting and theirs don't work. But if you follow this advice, it will work for you. So if, you know, what if there was a way to speed up fat burning process in addition to all of these things without harmful side effects? Well, I will say look into SugarMD fat burner, which is a natural herbal supplement designed to do just that. By adding this icing on top of your already healthy lifestyle, you may see increased fat burning power. Now, are you curious about the ingredients? I would suggest you check out the,, to see what customers are saying and what this is all about. But thanks for watching. I'll see you in the next video. Remember to share, like, subscribe, and take care of yourself. Happy weight loss. Talk to you soon.