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cover of 16 June 2024 Service 2, Pastor Erik van Rhyn
16 June 2024 Service 2, Pastor Erik van Rhyn

16 June 2024 Service 2, Pastor Erik van Rhyn


16 June 2024 Service 2, Pastor Erik van Rhyn


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The speaker talks about sensing God's movement during worship and the invitation to follow Him without knowing where He's going. They use an illustration of Jesus moving and people tucking in behind Him. The speaker encourages going with the flow and going to new places in worship and in life. They emphasize that God is moving in the church and invite people to join in. They also mention that God wants to intervene in the lives of men who are in trouble and lead a prayer for them. I feel like God wants to just show us something here this morning and we've got to see this before we continue. I don't know if you've ever come to church and then you feel like during worship it feels like something's moving. It just feels like God is busy doing something. We don't always know exactly what He's doing and that's okay but we know that He's doing something. It feels like there's something in the atmosphere that's different and I want to explain to you this morning in my limited understanding, in my human ability, on what I think we are supposed to do in mornings like this. Is that okay? It's like nine of you. Okay, so I need somebody to help me. Kevin, why don't you come? And we're going to need Pastor Rion as well. He's a long one. Okay, so for this illustration, the tall one, sorry, long one, tall one. I speak English delicious at times. So for this exercise, Pastor Rion is going to be Jesus. Okay, and Jesus, Pastor Aunty, she can shout like that. Okay, so God is busy moving. We're in church and we just sense in worship it's like something's happening in the atmosphere and we don't always know exactly what's happening. But in that sense of knowing that something's happening comes an invitation to go with Him. And here's the beautiful thing about following Jesus. We don't always need to know where He's going. So Jesus is going somewhere. Kevin, come this side. Turn around, Pastor Rion. So we just feel like Jesus is moving. We're not sure where He's moving. I can tell you what He's doing this morning. In the atmosphere this morning, Jesus is moving things. That's the movement. He's moving things. So He's moving and the best thing I can do is I just tuck in behind Him and He's moving. And now, not too fast, not too fast. And now Gavin senses that something's moving. And normally it's the worship team that tucks in first and they sense like God is moving in a direction. And they tuck in. Fifi, come here. Come tuck in here. Yes, yes. So we tuck in. We sense Jesus is moving and we just, it's like He's breaking and I'm just behind Him. And He goes. And now Gavin comes in as well. He senses something is going. And we go. And we go with the flow. Come Charbu, come in. Come in. We just go. We go with the flow. We go with the flow. Okay. Turn around here. Turn around here. It's still flowing. I'm moving. I'm moving. I'm moving. I'm moving. I'm with it. I just follow the flow. And what happens, thank you, thank you, and what happens in that flow is you are able to possess ground that you haven't possessed before. The invitation in moments like this is to go to places where you haven't been before. The best advice I can give you in mornings like this is push yourself into a place of worship that you haven't been before. In this church it's not about how high you lift your hands or how loud you scream. It's not about that. No, there's no limitations to that. Scream as loud as you want. Lift your hands as high as you want. But in this morning, when it moves, move with it into places you haven't gone before. Give yourself in ways that you haven't given yourself before. Love in ways that you haven't loved in before. And as you flow, you'll start to sense what He's doing. All of a sudden, if there's a breaker anointing the Spirit, you'll sense breakthrough in your own life as well. If there's an invitation to intimacy, you'll experience the intimacy. It's when we go with Him, it's when we flow with Him, that He leads us into what He's busy doing. And this morning, God is moving things, church. God is moving. And it's not just for the men and for the dads this morning. Now He's going to move some powerful stuff for them. But there's something that He can move in all of your life. And sometimes it's not what He moves out of our past. It's what He moves us into. And maybe this morning, He wants to move you into some space near. So can we do the song again? We don't have to start it all over. Just wherever you want to fall in. But you will sense as we sing the song, that it's more than a song. The words are actually not important. It's what happens as I sing. In the Spirit, there's this declaration. The song becomes an anthem, a declaration of something in the Spirit. Flow with God in that this morning. Holy Spirit, won't you lift your hands with me for a moment. Everybody, lift your hands with me. God, we invite you in this morning. Come, God. Come and let it be like a river that flows through this place this morning. Let it be like a mighty river. A river that we can all jump in this morning. God, come and move in this morning in a powerful way. Move stuff in our lives. Move us into new places. God, we make that our declaration, that you are the rock of ages. The one on which we stand. The firm foundation. You've never failed. You cannot fail now. You will not fail us ever, God. We in this morning, just flow with the victory of Christ. The name above every other name. The one that has called Himself Father to every single one of us. God, lead us into new things this morning. Take us higher. Take us to keep the God, we pray. Come on, if that's your prayer as well, say, Jesus, lead me this morning into something new. Take me to keep the God. Come on, let's go with Him this morning. Let's go with Him this morning. This is my firm foundation. The rock on which I stand. Everything around me's shaken. I've never been more glad. I'll put my faith in Jesus. He's never let me down. Faithful through generations. So I would even bow to Him. He won't. He won't fail. He won't fail. He won't. He won't. Hallelujah. He won't. He won't fail. He won't fail. I'm holding Christ in my hands. It's my firm foundation. The rock on which I stand. Everything around me's shaken. I've never been more glad. I'll put my faith in Jesus. He's never let me down. Faithful through generations. So I would even bow to Him. He won't. He won't. He won't fail. He won't fail. When rain came and wind blew, my house was built on you. I'm safe with you, Father, I'm gonna make it through. When rain came and wind blew, my house was built on you. I'm safe with you, I'm gonna make it through. When rain came and wind blew, my house was built on you. I'm safe with you, I'm gonna make it through. Cause I'm standing strong. Yes, I'm gonna make it. I'm gonna make it through. Cause I'm standing strong on you. Christ is my firm foundation. The rock on which I stand. Everything around me's shaken. I've never been more glad. There's men here this morning. As I woke up this morning, as I awoke, the Lord said to me, Yirik, there will be men in both services that's in trouble and I want you to pray for them. We prayed for men in the end of our first service, but I feel like God wants us to contend for that now. If you are here this morning and you are in trouble, it doesn't matter what trouble, it doesn't matter what that might be, whether it's of your own mistakes, if it's something or someone chasing after you, it's what He has said, relocate and you cannot help yourself. You need godly intervention. Come. God's gonna intervene in that situation this morning. Come in. I don't want to shame anybody in this church. We're not in the shaming business, but God wants to intervene on your behalf this morning. Come on. I've been there many times in my life. I find myself in trouble. I need God's help. Come in. Don't be shy. You are in trouble. If something is coming against you, something is happening in your life, it might be something completely beyond your control and you need godly intervention. There's more men that needs to come. Come James. Come in. Don't be shy. This is your family. We're gonna contend with you for a breakthrough today. Come on men. If I'm in trouble and the invitation comes, I need your intervention. Come on. There's one more. There's one more. There's one more that needs to come. Come. Here we go. Here we go. Men, look at me. God is interested in you. I am a dad. I've got a six-year-old Okie. If that Okie is in trouble, I can see Paul. Really. Even if it was his mistake or not, if he's in trouble, I'll be there to help him. Men, it doesn't matter what you're facing now. God is interested in you. God woke me this morning and said there's gonna be men that are in trouble and I need you to pray for them. And as a church, quickly look around. Look behind you men. Check it's your family. It's not just your own wife that's praying for you. There's wives and sons and daughters in this church saying today I'm gonna pray for you. And when two or more agree, so shall it be. Now we've got the Father in heaven that's in constant agreement with the Son, that's in constant agreement with the Holy Spirit, that prays through the agreement of a man that agrees with a congregation. You see, we're not going to get screwed today. God is going to do it. God has brought you today. He didn't know he was coming to church. What did you say? We're going to eat McDonald's? We're going to work? This year, my friend, our family, whether we don't know you from a bar of soap, not sure when we'll see you again, I want to say to you in this house, you'll always have family. Those doors of that church will always be open to you, my friend. You can come work any Sunday in the house of the Lord, my friend. But God brought you here in this day because he wants to intervene. And you may not have had a good dad yourself, Jodie, but he's going to show you how good he is in your life. And he's not a slot machine, he just does what we want him to do. But he's so good that he can do even what you don't expect him to do. Church, agree with me. We're going to pray for these men. I'm going to start with Jodie. Father, I pray in this day that the power of your Holy Spirit, the grace of your Lord Jesus Christ, and the incredible love of God touch this man now. God, we pray for a divine intervention of him. God, in this day. Jodie, Jodie, I don't want to put you on the spot today, my friend, but I sense there's an invitation from God. And I feel like he's stopping me in what I pray. First, he wants to give you an opportunity to say, God, I want you to be my father. You don't have to do it, my friend, but if that's in your heart, then I want you to pray that prayer in your heart with me. And then I'm going to pray for you for your breakthrough. There's nothing that he desires more than to call you son. He brought you here to this place, I believe, to pull you into a divine relationship with him, that you will know him as your dad. So if that's your heart, if you're in this place this morning, and you do not know Christ as your personal Lord, you cannot call him Abba, then in this morning, pray with me now. It's the best prayer that you can ever pray. Say, God, I give you my life. Father, I give you my heart, my mind, my body, my soul. I give you everything in this day. I give you my life. I give you my life. I give you my life. Write my name in the book of life. Book for deliverance. Write my name in the book of life, God. In the book of life. Jodie, in this day, God gives you the assurity. John 1 verse 12 says you can call him. You've got the right, Jodie, to call him God, Father, Savior, who's your dad. Father, I thank you that now I can pray for your son. I pray that you will give him the grace of God. Help him in his day of trouble. In Jesus' name, let everything about him change in this day. Renew him in this day, God. I thank you that you move him from darkness to light, from death to life. If there's any other person that prayed this prayer this morning, it's been your moment, just stay where you are, raise a hand. Is that you, if you've prayed that prayer? Anybody else? If you've given your life, if you've surrendered that, I want to see if there's anybody else. Father, give this man a revelation of your love in this day. Jodie, hold this leaf there by her. I love you. God has a plan for your life. He brought you this day. He used this man. I salute you, sir. He brought you here today to tell you that he loves you. He's called you by your name, Jodie. You will do great things for God, man. I prophesied over your life. I see how something starts to burn in you. I pray that it will happen now. God, let it be like a fire. It starts to burn in his inner being. God, like a flame. Let him experience the warmth of your Holy Spirit. Touch of God in this day. Ignite of God in Jesus' name. You will run for God. I prophesied over your life, Jodie. You will run for God, man. God's going to send you to places you've been there before. The others fear to tread, you'll go there, man. You're going to shake the gates of hell. I tell you now, you're going to shake the gates of hell. I prophesied over your life, Jodie. You're going to make a difference, man. You're going to make a difference. You're going to make a difference for God. Heaven will know your name. Father, I pray in this day, every man standing in front, won't you raise your hands. Father, we pray now. Agree with me, family, for a divine breakthrough. They need help in their day of trouble. Help them now, God. Help them, God. In Jesus' name. You need answers, you need solutions. God says He'll give it to you. God, I pray that you will give it to Him now. Show Him now. Show Him in this moment, God. Don't care. Church, pray with me, just softly in the Spirit. Softly in the Spirit, let them hear your prayers. Don't care. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. Vindara bhagatam. 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Change lives, marriages that's restored, kids that comes home. That's what we want to see. Chains of poverty being broken over people. Addictions, the chains of addictions being shattered. Every demonic struggle broken, God. We want to see the kingdom of God manifest. We want to see the king, God. That's our desire. More than anything else we want to hear, God. Lift your hands with me for a moment, church. And in your own way just say, God, I want you. You are my great desire. The object of my affection. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. 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