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Créer des savons gourmands à Yaoundé, seule : Greta Arlette l'a fait.

Créer des savons gourmands à Yaoundé, seule : Greta Arlette l'a fait.




J'ai adoré chaque seconde et c'est à ton tour de découvrir l'esprit et le professionnalisme et la passion à l'origine de Grety Soap, l'entreprise de création de savons gourmands de Yaoundé. Introduction_Musique de fond et Outro : The Improv by Dj Quads soundcloud.com/aka-dj-quads Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs youtu.be/zbJvyyTXQao

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Ladies and gentlemen, could I please have your attention? I've just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story. And I need all of you to stop what you're doing and listen. Grétar, hello, thank you for accepting the invitation from Saint-Alice to the blog but also from the world to listen. For those of you who are listening right now, I am with the promoter of Grétissant, a company that manufactures soap to Tizana Ayaoundé. It's true that these are things that I saw a lot more on my fingers, but coming across the Instagram of this company really interested me and especially the price part. But we're really going to talk about the entrepreneurial side and we're going to talk about your product. The first question for me is, how did you get the idea to create a soap manufacturing company? For me, the basics are things that I notice a lot more abroad. The way they do it with little bottles, little... But you really added a little particularity where there are cakes-shaped soaps, muffins, if I'm not mistaken. Really, all possible forms. Where did this idea come from? Hello to you, thank you for inviting me. For the inspiration, first of all, I love cooking. At first, I wanted to get into pastry and sell cakes, cupcakes and everything. But then I realized that it was perishing. I was waiting for the machine to be sold. People don't sell it, it perishes. I don't know about the children in Italy, but it perishes. While watching my YouTube video, I discovered that we could make soap movements. For me, because I already knew the gesture and everything. So I did this little soap training. Then I improved to make soap movements. Otherwise, we don't make soap movements. So the training was self-taught. So I did it, I improved. It was more than the cakes themselves. In fact, people were very impressed. They took it, they tested it with the formulas that I adapted at home, in our pots. So they were very satisfied. And that's how it started. It started more than the cakes. It's not as if you've already seen it. It's not enough that you look at the images like that. You have to adapt a love for the pastry. That's what I was expecting. Honestly, I didn't expect the answer. I realized that there are people who go to schools or selectors who learn how to make cakes. But you were really ... How did you learn? What were the steps that you followed to start making soap? The steps? First of all, the concentration. What was it? Self-discipline. Self-discipline. Searching, reading, tests, tests, tests. Did you have a lot of tests? Yes. So obviously, you can't take advantage of it. There, at least, the posts took advantage of the soap. It was not so beautiful. Before, in the post, they took advantage of it. And there too, the formula is good. So they take advantage of the soap, not of the visual. They took advantage of it. So cakes everywhere, cakes, cakes, cakes. Then it was to launch the Instagram page. To make you know the product. It wasn't as easy as it was at the beginning in a company. We started little by little. Now it's not as I would like. But people are starting to know. All of this exists. And many are interested. Your biggest challenge so far when you launched this company, this activity? It's getting to know the product. It's getting to know everything. And you find that Instagram, for example, it's not that yet? No, it's not that yet. For you, what would it be? The number? Is it a matter of subscribers? Is it a matter of commitment? I commented on it. The orders? Or else? It's a matter of orders, yes. Because that's what I launched. It's a matter of orders. And then, of ... That certain people ... I went on Facebook because ... You know, Facebook is a bit of an amalgam of a lot of people whose questions were a bit ... It frustrated the questions. So Instagram, I had a receptive audience on Instagram. So people who understand what I do. It wasn't the case on Facebook. But on Instagram, I had an audience that understands what I do. Especially since the product is very visual. So it gave ... And immediately, it took ... Is that, for example, the number of subscribers today? Let's say you have 1,000 subscribers. Did you have 1,000 orders on Instagram? Or else? There are more curious than the chic. No, there are more curious than the chic. Since people even ... People want to know the product because they want to share it. Because the audience shares. When the audience shares, it helps a lot. It helps a lot. Of course, because of the engineering. Of course. And the most important moment, the most important thing we want to achieve. These are the returns. These are the returns of personalized soap. What I do for some customers. Tell me that the guests were wow. So amazed to see all that. And to say these are the soaps. They were really amazed. These are the warm returns of customers who make me really happy. What differentiates you from this competition? What differentiates me is the product. The visual, the design of the product. And I think for the moment, I don't have a competitor yet. Someone who does Australian soap. They are here like mine. Here in the country. How do you choose the tables, the people, the soaps to give? I choose what I want. Depending on our incarnation of the product. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. I choose what I want. Est-ce que ça coûte plus cher que quand vous vendez les savons ? Est-ce que ça coûte plus cher que quand vous vendez les savons ? Est-ce que ça coûte plus cher que quand vous vendez les savons ? Est-ce que ça coûte plus cher que quand vous vendez les savons ? Est-ce que ça coûte plus cher que quand vous vendez les savons ? Est-ce que ça coûte plus cher que quand vous vendez les savons ? Non, pas du tout. Les formats sont plus petits. Ce sont des gifs. Les formats sont plus petits. Donc c'est moins cher. Vu que ce n'est pas un savon spécial, Vu que ce n'est pas un savon spécial, c'est plutôt le monde. C'est le minimum. C'est le minimum. C'est le minimum. C'est le minimum. C'est le minimum. C'est le minimum. C'est le minimum. C'est le minimum. C'est le minimum. C'est le minimum. C'est le minimum. C'est le minimum. C'est le minimum. C'est le minimum. Vu qu'on ne fait pas ça ici. Elles vont sur des sites européens. Elles vont sur des sites européens. Elles me demandent si je peux le faire. Si je peux le faire, j'évalue le coût. Mais là, vu que ce sont des petits formats, je fais en sorte que le prix ne soit pas exorbitant pour que la cliente puisse avoir son produit et être réussie. C'est génial. C'est génial. C'est vraiment une très belle idée. C'est une idée cadeau. Moi, je trouve très élégante. C'est particulier. Je suis sûre que ce serait même plus intelligent que les gradués, qu'on partage chaque jour les gens qu'on aime bien, parce qu'ils ne savent pas ce que ça veut dire. Alors, moi j'ai un problème. Souvent, je gâte le service. J'en achète. On fait tout son déposé dans la salle de bain. C'est un beau conseil pour prolonger la durée de vie des savons qu'on achète. Moi, chaque année, je me demande pourquoi je le fais. Je me conseille de mettre le savon un peu loin de ma tête. C'est logique. Là, le savon, on va le mettre à 21 mètres. C'est un petit conseil en moi. Si on l'ouvre, c'est parfait. On met le savon au-dessus. On le lave, l'eau coule. Je mets un peu d'huile aussi. Je les pose en bois. C'est très joli. C'est une fois décoratif. Pour ce que j'ai vu, c'est vraiment joli. C'est décoratif. C'est comme si c'était un objet de décoration dans notre salle de bain, sans ressembler à un savon. Un autre conseil, c'est de frotter le savon sur une éponge. Moi, ma mère m'a appris qu'on prend le savon, on le frotte sur la peau et on utilise le gant de toilette à côté. Ma mère passe le temps à frotter, à frotter, à frotter. Le savon, en général, chacun son savon. Je voudrais que vous lui donniez un conseil en particulier pour qu'elle arrête ça, s'il vous plaît. De frotter, déjà, on peut compter. Une, deux, trois. On dépose, on se frotte. C'est ce que je veux dire. Elle compte, parce que si elle ne compte pas, elle ne va pas se rendre compte qu'elle est en train de frotter le savon. Le problème, c'est aussi que ce n'est pas elle qui achète. C'est là qu'on va résoudre le problème. Est-ce que les savons, il y en a qui sont adaptés aux enfants et aux pépites? Oui, j'ai celui aux enfants 100% carité et au lait. Il y a des enfants promotionnels en ce moment. Non, en ce moment, non. Je compte faire des offres, surtout pour la fête des mères. J'ai un... C'est pour ça que je suis entrée là. C'est très beau pour la fête des mères. Et le 8 mars, on aura une réduction sur les pâques. Le pâque bleu. Une santillante et savon au cucuma. D'accord. Une bonne réduction. Quelque chose de plus. D'accord. J'attends impatiemment. Vous-même, quels sont vos petits savons? Parmi tous ceux que vous avez créés. Parmi tous ceux que j'ai créés, j'en ai un. Je suis fière de ça. Quand j'ai une bonne commande, c'est là. Ah oui, je suis contente. Ça, c'est clair. Ça a été très rapide. Certains auditeurs nous m'ont dit arriver au terme de cette décision. J'étais avec Christa à l'aise. Nous avons parlé de savons. On est fleurant un peu le côté anthropomagie. Je vous remercie vraiment pour votre attention. A bientôt pour un nouvel épisode sur le monde à écouter. Au revoir, Christa. Merci beaucoup pour le temps. Merci pour les informations. Vous en avez dit très dans le deuxième épisode. Ça a été un plaisir aussi de partager ce que je fais et ce que vous aimez. Ça, c'est clair. Merci, merci encore et à très très bientôt. 60% du temps, ça marche. Chaque fois. Ça n'a pas de sens. Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org Abonne-toi !

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