a story of a crazy chick we call shasta
a story of a crazy chick we call shasta
Hello everyone and welcome to The Shit Show 21. I'm Jessica and this is our first podcast so we will try our best. Let me introduce you to the host, Jer. What's going on people? What? I don't know. What's going on people? So basically what we're going to do is we're just going to talk about certain subjects and get feedback of what other people want to hear and we're going to go from there. So this episode is probably why we called it Shit Show. So let's rock and roll. Saturday Shack, Saturday Shack. So let's go ahead and set it up with the back story of it. A friend of mine, we'll call her Candy. With a K. With a K, with a K. Introduced me to a lady named Red. So I traveled, went to visit Red. Red told me about this girl named Shasta that lived out there and warned me pretty much about her from her experience, I guess, seeing what goes on or what not about her. Well, let's fast forward a little bit and Candy ended up kicking Red out and this Shasta... We are not using real names here. Shasta reaches out to me and starts just talking some wild crazy stuff, which I have most of it on my phone so I'll go through some of it as we go through. But how do you put it, I guess. At first she started talking and I told her that she needs to realize that I'm basically still with Red at the time. And so she quit talking, which is fine, Candy, whatever. Is that when she told you to block her? Or no? No. Okay. That wasn't until just last night I believe it was on that one. Last night I believe it was on that one. Anyway, so she's messaging me telling me that she's been lonely, missing somebody sleeping in the bed next to her and stuff like that so I told her, well, let's see what we can do. Let's see if we can find somebody to hook you up with down there or whatever. She tells me that she don't have anybody that everybody she tries to talk to doesn't respond, doesn't do this, doesn't do that. And I'm like, okay, well, give me some numbers. Give me some names and numbers, I'll help you out. Well, mind you, Candy, she just had neck surgery so she's not even at her apartment. So she has to be at her apartment right now watching her dogs. Which, why she's got to stay at her apartment to watch the dogs, beyond me, don't understand it, don't get it. But she also stays in the same complex. Well, next thing you know, this young lady decides to tell me that Red is down here with me and that we are sending people over to the apartment trying to get her in trouble with Candy. Why she thinks that, I have no idea. But that's not even the gist of it. But let's get to the fun parts of it now. Yeah, she tells me that she has a friend that's close friends with me that is worried about me. And I told her that, why would your friend, or my friend be worried about me and tell you and not just call me and basically ask me what's going on or whatever. And she says that it's a friend that I don't know about. So how does that make somebody that's close to me that I don't know about? That's so worried about you. Yeah, that's so worried about me. And then, let's see, what else did she tell me? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. She asked me, well, do you want to know that basically that Red has been talking shit on me? And if I wanted to know about it, I told her, no, I don't want to know about it. Whatever her opinion of me is, her opinion, it is what it is. So she proceeds to start saying, and so, this is where it gets real funny, in my opinion to this. She tells me that when... Is this before she starts flirting with you or after? She never really flirted with me. She never really flirted with me. I think she tried to hint around to flirting, but no, she sent me pictures and stuff like that, which I mean each to their own, not my type. Oh, what did you send back? I didn't send anything back. I did send her a picture of my dog and told her it was my girlfriend and asked her if she was cute, but she never did want to respond back to that one. And just for everybody's knowledge, we are not into bestiality. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Okay, so when... I had Red come up here for 21 days to hang out with me, and she supposedly read Coach Asta that... She said that... Where are you? Come on. Get to it, get to it, get to it. Okay, here it is. She told me that... She was trying to figure out how to tell me that I messaged her too much, and that she had a lot going on and didn't know how to really react to someone who actually cared for her. And I'm like, okay, so what's wrong with that? So she wasn't used to someone giving a shit about her? Then this is Shasta. This is what Red supposedly told Shasta. This is what Shasta was telling her. And she said that I had asked her if she wanted to have sex. And she said that she didn't want to unless she was in the mood. Which, you're a female. If somebody wants to have sex, don't you usually have to be in the mood in order to want to have sex? Yes. Okay, that's how I kind of figured it too. And that she wasn't used to that, because normally Red is the one who... Not antagonized, but leads it on basically. Provokes it, pushes it, whatever. And then she tells me that Red isn't fully there in the head. And basically she's batshit crazy. Which you will soon find out that Shasta is batshit crazy. Yes, definitely, definitely that. So I replied back to her and I told her that no, I spent three weeks with Red while she was here, let alone the other time that I spent with her when I went to go visit her. I go, she's very well up there in the head, she knows what's going on. And I go, and everything isn't about sex either, usually that's how it works. You've got to be in the mood in order to want to have sex. And she's just like, well that's not what she told me, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I told her, well, I go again, what's the point? And she tells me the point is that she's normally the one that starts wanting to have sex, she's the one that pushes for it. So basically I told her that there's no sense in crying over spilled milk, it is what it is. And I told her, so what you're telling me is I should just throw my hands in the air and be pissed because Red wouldn't give me some pussy while she was here. Is that what you're telling me? And she says, never mind. And I said, no, you brought it up, so let's hear it. And then she goes, then she tells me, no, I'm not going to say anything. And I told her, okay, well, I'll drop it for now. I go, but I guarantee you, I'm going to ask about it tomorrow. You brought it up, you said she's bashing me and talking shit about me and my daughter. And she says she's going to bed. And I said, okay, night. So how did she get your number anyway? Because I don't know if it was, if there's a possibility I may have gave it to her or it's a possibility that Candy had given it to her. But again, I'm not positive on that. Excuse me. And she goes, and she said basically, or take that back, sorry. And I told her, okay, well, I'll talk to Red about it tomorrow. When I talk to her, guess what she tells me? What Red tells you? No, what Shasta, what Shasta. Because I told Shasta that I'll talk to Red tomorrow about this and if it bothers her, why she couldn't just talk to me. She tells me, don't bring me up. Why? How are you going to tell her where the information came from? Right, well, even then, if Red told Shasta, then Red's automatically going to know who said it, right? Exactly. Right, right, right, right. And then she turns around and says, I meant to say, please don't mention me. Well, whether you say please or not, I mean, like I said, Red's going to know. And then I asked her, I said, okay, I go, well, you also said that she was bashing my daughter. I go, so what did she say about my daughter? And she says, I don't want to talk about Red no more. And I said, we're not talking about Red. We're talking about what Red said about my daughter. And she still. And she still. Still possessed, basically. I don't want to talk about, I don't want to talk about Red no more. I don't want to talk about Red no more. Because Red never said anything about our daughter. That's, that's my opinion, yes. But eventually, I did get her to tell me what she said about our daughter. And she told me. Why you're looking for that? By the way, we have two kids together. We've known each other for 21 years now. And we are great friends. So when we talk about our kids and stuff like that, that's why. So you don't get confused. Go on. All right. So. She tells me she was bashing your daughter to the point where she didn't like, like it on your daughter. Which I'm, I don't, her texting and stuff. You kind of, she got a little bit, yes, yes, yes, yes. But then again, I misspelled, mispronounced all that too. But now, let me give you a little background on her. My relationship with my daughter, we joke constantly. We basically talk shit to one another. So, and the three hour ride that me and Red had from her place to mine, I explained all this to her. Yeah. You have to kind of explain the family dynamics. Well, before you get somewhere and all of a sudden you start hearing stuff, you're like, what the hell's going on? This is fucking crazy, I'm out. I gave her the lowdown before it even happened. Well, she was basically telling me that Red told her that she didn't like the way that my daughter was treating me. And the fact that my daughter wanted to go to the mall and was pretty much making me pay for all of my daughter's stuff. Even though my daughter has money. And then she said, there, I said it, now I'm freaking done talking about Red. Freaking done. Freaking, don't make me have a bitch fit. And I said, well, that's what dads are supposed to do. You know, help their daughters or if my daughter wants to go to the mall, I'll take her to the mall. I pay for her food, whatever. And I go, but again, Red didn't bash my daughter. That was her opinion, if that's even what was said. Which again, I don't think it was said for the fact that it took our daughter and Red to even communicate in the slightest while she was here. By the time she left, yeah, they would talk bullshit and goof around and pick on me basically. That's the fun part. Right. And then of course, you know, she's freaking done talking about Red. So I asked her, okay, well, what would you like to talk about? And she tells me, yeah, it is bashing your daughter because I also didn't like your daughter's attitude that she's been having towards you. Again, it's not attitude. It's the way me and my daughter is with one another. Let's see. And then let's go to the next day. I asked her if she's in a better mood. She says it depends on the stuff you say to piss me off. Which I'm pretty good at that. I'm kind of an asshole. Yeah, you're definitely good at that. I'll give you that. So I asked her, well, why would you even get pissed off about anything? And then I also told her, I go, but it pisses you off when you ask me if I want to know. I tell you no. You proceed to tell me. So I ask questions. I go, but, yeah, I'm the asshole in this. And she said, all you have to do is say no, getting tired of seeing and hearing Ruby's name. Well, again, I told her I didn't want to hear what Ruby had to say, or Ruby Red, sorry. Ruby Red. Ruby Red. And she said, no, you didn't tell me that. Well, I sent her a screenshot showing that I told her I didn't. And then she goes, I did tell you all of it. And then, so, now here's where it got real fun. This is where it got real fun. So now, at this point, are you, like, messing with her, just, like, piss her off, kind of? No, that part hasn't came yet. Okay. But it was getting there. Because it all started off because I told her, you know, since you're going to say all this stuff, I'm going to just don't bash Red. Because I'm still friends with Red. So, don't bash her. So now, is this after you and Red decided to... Yes. Okay, so this is after you guys decided... This is after we've split. Okay. And... So this is the next day? Yeah, this was... No, this is actually still on the same day. And this is how long after you took Red back that she started talking, or messaging you and all that? Well, she, the day I took Red back, which was on the 18th of January, she DM'd me that same day. But now, once Kandi kicked Red out of her apartment... Kandi with a K. Kandi with a K. That was on the 20th, I believe? The 19th. It was on the 19th. Of January. And, a lot of these messages are on, what, the 21st of January. But, she'll... She'll send me, uh... Really? This wife of shitshow. This wife of shitshow. Stutter, stutter, stutter, dog, bark, bark, bark, bark. But anyway, she'll... All of a sudden she'll message me and say, like, I'm at a basketball game. Okay. And I put, wow. She goes, what? I'm, uh, nothing. And I asked her, uh, if she's seen any cuties there at the basketball game. Okay. For her to hook up with since she wants to hook up. She's lonely in bed. I figured, okay, well, there's cuties there. Go talk to them if there's cuties. So, do you think that we should set up, like, a dating service for you? Like, you can, like, have people call in to you and have you hook them up with people. That wouldn't be a bad idea. Right? Yeah, that might be something we can talk about here. We'll see how long this shitshow goes before... So, yeah, I don't mind doing that. I'll help them out. And I asked her, you know, basically, are there any cuties there? She says, no. I said, are you looking? She says, yes. I said, well, keep your eye out. Maybe Mr. Wright or even right now is there. She says, I'm trying. But just a second ago she told me she wasn't looking. So, give or take. Give or take. Maybe there's two people in there and they're both fucking crazy. That's a good possible thing. And, excuse me, and she said that there was a cop there. And I said, well, ask him out. And she said, no, because he has a wife. I said, well, ask his partner. And she says... His cop partner? Yeah. Okay. And she says, well, the other cop went to school with my brothers. I said, even better. So, now you know. Went to school with your brothers? You can talk to them. She says, he has a camera on him that records everything. And I'm like, well, that's between you two. I don't care what you do behind closed doors with cameras. And she goes, well, I think he might be married. I said, only one way to find out. I'm trying to help her out, trying to give her a little nudge to go. But now here's where I have the subtle thought or whatever that she's not wanting anything there. The reason why she started DMing me and trying to bash Red and all that is because, and again, this is just my opinion, I think she was trying to link up with me. Not happening. And why is that? Well, because every option, every idea, every thought I tried to help her out with, she shot down. Okay. Now... Did she start sending you pictures and selfies? She did send me a picture. And she's not my type. I'll just put it that way. That'll be the nice way to put it. She's just not my type. I wonder if there is someone out there that... There possibly could be. But now, again, I don't know how true it is. Through the rumor mill, I heard she's a ho. I mean, I don't know if she is or not. I don't care if she is or not. I just, again, rumors. But now, here's where shit kind of went downhill from here. I was just asking her, you know, questions or whatnot, and she started getting frustrated with the questions I was asking because I was just asking her why she was watching Candy with the Caged Dogs at her apartment and not just over at her own apartment. Did we mention that she got her kicked out yet? Well, I don't know. That's something I don't know because, like I said, what happened between Candy and Red, I honestly don't know everything on that. So I don't want to accuse anybody, but I think Shasta made up stories about Red to Candy that kind of helped push her getting kicked out. Even though the place that they live, I guess she wasn't supposed to have roommates anyway, so it's kind of hard to say, and Red was going to have to leave anyway. So now, when, because you know that, well, I guess we don't know, but Shasta, all right, so now Shasta definitely had a hand in getting Red kicked out. I think so, yes. But now here's where it got real fun. Now this is about 8, 8.30 at night. And when was this? Same day, 21st. Oh, 21st. I get this long message saying that from what I heard, both you and Red are setting me up. I'm all setting you up. And she said, yeah, you and Red are trying to set me up. And there was two guys that showed up at Candy's house looking for Red. And you're just standing up for her when done something wrong. I don't know what that meant. She said, you and her are trying to get me to invite a friend over to Candy's house so you guys can tell Candy that I invited someone over to get me in trouble and trying to get Candy turned against me. And she tells me that I'm sticking up for Red because you don't want to be with anyone else when she's not stable for herself. So now she's a licensed psychiatrist. Yes, a therapist. And so I told her, okay, well, why are there people at the door? No clue. And it's wrong. And I asked her, I go, and it's wrong if I'm standing up for a friend? She says, she's not a friend because she's not stable for herself. I said, says who? She says, you're just sticking up for Red because you don't want to be with someone else and she is playing mind games with you. She's a liar. I go, how is she a liar? And what does who I want to be with have anything to do with the price of rights in China? Who am I supposed to get with? You? And she says, you and Red are trying to set me up. I told her, you're tripping. She says, she has connections with people, both me and Red, that don't know about and they said that both of us are trying to set her up and it's not candy. And the only people, like how many people do you actually know in this little town? In this little town, I know, let's see. I know one, two, three. I know three people that I know and then her who I really don't know. Or really don't want to know. But now, her accusing me of trying to, sorry, not just me. Of her trying to accuse me and Red of setting her up. Now it's just become fun and now it's just become a game. So, I told her, again, you're tripping and I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I have no reason to set you up and Red's got enough problems of her own that I'm pretty sure she's not worried about you. And she says, I'm not fucking tripping on anything. I have people that keeps their eyes out on me and that they keep telling her that I'm lying to her and that I'm setting her up and all this. And I just laughed and told her, I go, what is your point about you tell certain people and I go, go ahead and have them call me. Yeah, I'd like to know who this is. I'm like, you got somebody looking out for you, somebody that I know. Go ahead, have them call me. But she's saying that this person knows both you and Red. Right, but we don't know about them. But they know about me. But they know about me. But I only know less than a handful of people in this town. So I know they don't know me. And they're like, well, they just want to be anonymous and you will never know who it is. And I'm like, okay. And here's my other favorite thing. They ran a background check on Red and they told her that she is not fit to be with someone and isn't fit to be talking to anyone. Talking to anyone. They're not fit to be able to talk? Red. Red isn't fit to be with someone or isn't even fit. I thought this was the person that, the mystery person. No, no, no, no. It's anonymous. The anonymous person. And then I said, well, that's their opinion. And lucky for me, I'm a grown man. I don't need to hear anybody's opinion. I'm old enough to talk to whoever I want whenever I want. And honestly, I don't give a fuck who it is. And she replies back with basically, well, look what fucking Red did to you. She fucked you up and played you. Again, I'm still waiting for that answer on how I got played. Okay. Because I'm still lost at that. And I told her that you don't know anything that Red did to me. The only one person who knows what Red did to me is, guess what? Red. Red. That's the only one. I go in and she played me. Not like I ain't never been played before. But I just don't understand, you know, where you're coming from. And I asked her again. I go, so what? I'm sorry, was I supposed to get with you? Because I'm still lost with this. I don't understand where you're trying to come from with it. What she's trying to prove or what she's trying to even do. Right. And then she says, you know, that she has people tied into with Red. And Red had told, so I do know what she did. But if you remember, right, what I just said, I don't know, maybe 10, 15 minutes ago, is she told me everything that Red said, right? Okay. So. Now she's coming up with new shit. New shit. Or she's trying to make up shit. Well, of course we know this is all made up shit. But. So. Go ahead. Okay, quick question. Go ahead. How well does Shasta and Red know each other? Are they friends? Okay. That's a good question because I did ask Red how she knew her, how well she known her. And she hasn't met her long other than when she first moved in with Candy. And just, you know, sit back, watch, observe type shit. So, I mean, it's not like they were good friends at all anyway. But then. So, instead of texting, she decides to call me. And. Okay. So she calls me and she starts basically barking at me, telling me that, you know, Red played me, Red did this. Same stuff I've been talking about this whole time. But it doesn't matter. I mean, how, like, what is she trying to accomplish with this? And that's. Like, telling you every, you got played, you got played, you got played. And that's what I asked her. Okay. And the only answer I got back was, well, I consider you a really good friend. I've never met, I have never met Shasta face to face. But she's looking out a seat for you because. Because we're good friends. Great friends. She considers me a great friend. That's just heartwarming right there. It just warmed my heart too. I'm like, Jesus Christ. Kind of threw up in my mouth a little bit. So, that conversation didn't end well. Well, the phone calls didn't stop from there. Now, mind you, we're about, oh, I want to say 1130 midnight about. Is this still on? Let's say 21st, 22nd. Yeah, 21st, 22nd. So, she. How long after you took Red back on the 18th? She took her back on the 18th. 18th. Okay. So, within a matter of. Three days. Three days. Three to four days. She's on it. So, then she, I guess I pissed her off because she, I basically told her that I don't need her opinion and I already asked her once not to bash on Red. And so, I stuck up for Red and that pissed her off. So, I hang up. She calls me again. And she goes, well, you're a, you waddle like a 400 pound walrus. And I just started laughing. I said, okay, so it took you five minutes, a stutter to come up with that? I wonder if she was looking it up, like trying to look up burns on her phone. Maybe Googling. Googling. How do I burn this guy really bad? So, I basically told her I'm going to do better. Well, that didn't stop. I got phone call after phone call after phone call, which I'm happy to give her phone number over the podcast. Maybe somebody else wants to call. And maybe she could find somebody. Maybe. Let's see. Let's see. There's, there's, we're almost there to that too. So, they kept calling back and, you know, basically spitting in the phone going, or whatever. Yeah, that's what I thought was just so fucking weird. Right? Like, throw up a little bit, maybe? Right. And it came from her number and a different number, right? Right. I got two different numbers that were calling. And they, like a child, they just went. Yes, that's all they did. No, no words. Nothing else. Just that. Just. It was just dumb. And, and of course, you know, yeah, I probably shouldn't have answered the phone. I probably should have blocked. But. Like, knowing you, I'm pretty sure I know why you answered the phone. Because. To get a kick out of it. It started getting entertaining to me. So, finally, I don't know, maybe 1.30 in the morning. She called again and I didn't say, I didn't let her do anything or whatever. I just told her, suck a dick and choke on it. Okay. And I hung up the phone. Well, then she turns around and messages me and says that I'm the one that sucks dicks because I'm a faggot. Which she spelled faggot wrong. So, of course, again. It's not even a nice word. No, it is not a nice word. But, so, instead, I messaged her back and told her it's faggot and spelled it right. I said, so, not only can't you talk, you can't spell. So, best of luck with you on that. And that continued to go on and whatever. So. Now, didn't you guys, like, didn't she stop talking to you for like a couple of days or something like that? Um, let's. Or did it just continue because you just wanted it to be entertaining? Well, I kept it up that night to keep it entertaining because, like I said, I was entertained. So, I think it was the next day I took a picture of my dog and I sent it to her and said, look, this is a picture of my new girlfriend. Which, again, just so that everybody out there knows, there's no bestiality. And so, then, I let things go, let things go, let things go. Well, then, there's an interesting young man that I asked if maybe he might be interested. And he said, sure. So, last night at 5.30, I messaged her and said, hey, I got this guy, he's 32 years old and he's interested. Let me know. No response, no response. So, at 9.30, I just said, I'm going to take it as a no. Just figured I'd be nice. I get a message back saying I'm at fucking work. And, besides, you can take that how you want because, right now, I'm getting paid to ride the clock while riding my boss's cock. I'd rather be taking dick than taking your attitude and impatience for something that isn't guaranteed to happen. Considering you can't show patience. Clearly, you like things done quick, whereas I like dragging things out. Which is why I can ride the clock and the cock at the same time, getting paid and late. I guarantee you I will never be going into that store. Should we mention that store? Yeah, I'll go ahead and say it. It's the Dollar Tree. So... And, not only that, it's the Dollar Tree in a small town, so everybody touches everything. God knows what she may have caught by riding her boss's cock. While on the clock. While on the clock. She made it rhyme. She's Dr. Seuss there. But, now, I have a few questions in that, too, because she was saying that... What did she say there? Taking attitude and patience for something that isn't guaranteed to happen. What is supposed to happen, considering I can't show patience? You can't show patience? That's what she said. She said I can't show patience. Okay, let me see. I like things done quick, where she likes to drag things out. What do you mean, she likes to drag things out? Does she even know what she means? I don't think she knows what she means. And, I just replied back, I'm like, okay, well, that made no sense. I go, I was just asking if you'd be interested. That's all I was asking. I go, then you shouldn't be having sex at work. I go, but that's my opinion. I go, let alone your boss, but, again, each to their own. I'm like, but don't let corporate find out that you're having sex on the clock, because both of y'all will lose your motherfucking jobs. And then she told me that she's at work. Again, and that unless I'm going to text her to stay at home, then I need to understand that she works. Like, I guess she's the only bitch that works. Here, but then here's, here's going to be my favorite part of this whole thing, out of all this today. That when I messaged her about if she was interested in meeting somebody. After I told her that, you know, you shouldn't be doing that at work, and if corporate finds out, they both could lose their job. The text I got was, that was my boss texting you. Okay, well, it doesn't matter who's texting me. You shouldn't be doing that shit at work regardless. I mean, and I just want to say that the texting of how she texts is the same through all the texts that have came through that I've been shown. So for her to say that it's her boss texting, really? I agree. And then, let's go ahead and finish this up here with this. She, I asked her, I go, again, I was just asking if she was interested. That's all I was curious about. And she said, because you've been an asshole and didn't want to listen to me when I was telling you the truth about Red. What the fuck does that have to do with anything? What does Red have to do with anything about asking if she was interested in... This guy. Into this guy that... Chet. Chet. We'll go with Chet. Chet. And she said, and she told me that I was so much drama and don't make sense, and now I'm starting to, as she puts it, harass her. And she said, leave me alone. So therefore, that's how I'm going to end this one, because I'm just going to leave her alone. I'll end up blocking her or whatever, because I had fun while I had fun. I think it could have been a lot more if I could have got her and Chet introduced, because then I'd have more Chet to talk about with her. But I appreciate you all listening. And we'll go ahead and go back to... We're going to try to do this at least, maybe, what? At least once a week, maybe? Yeah. At least put one out a week. So, I guess, before we go, what's your predictions for the Super Bowl? Seriously, that's what we're going to go for? Why not? You know, I... At this point, I don't care, because, I mean, they're not my teams. I know you're with four pilgrims in a row. You know, you can talk shit. If you want to do another podcast about us just talking shit about football, like, we could do that for ten hours straight. But, you know, I... I guess I'd rather see Philly take it than the Chiefs. But... I don't know. What do you think? I don't think we'll be doing that. Yeah? Yeah. We'll see. Maybe we should bet on it. Yeah, maybe we can do that. But, alright, thank you for listening. So, that is it today for the Shit Show 21, and if you have any questions, comments, concerns, please leave them down below. We would also like to hear what you would like us to talk about. Like we said, this is our first Shit Show, and we do have a lot of shit to talk about, and what do you think? What do you think? And hopefully it gets better. If not, at least it's called the Shit Show for a reason. For a reason. For a reason. Anyway, this is Jeremiah. This is Jess. So long for now. See ya. Thanks for the warning.