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My friend, listen. I want to get health insurance. Wordy insurance companies create issues with claims, you know. Honestly, there are cases where claims have been rejected. But, there are ways to avoid this. First, when getting the insurance policy, you should disclose your current health situation and past medical history, like surgeries, properly to the company. Second, not only your medical history, but also your current lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking, should be properly explained to the company. And when getting the policy, you should understand the terms and conditions, like waiting period and room rent limit, properly. So, if I do all this, my claim won't be rejected, right? Not likely. Okay, thanks buddy, I'm going to get my policy. Policy Bazaar. यार सुन। मुझेने health insurance लेना है। बटाया वर्डिय इंशॉरन्स कॉंपनी ना claims के टाइम issues create करती हैं यार। देख, honestly there are cases where health insurance claims have been rejected. But, there are ways that you can avoid this from happening. जैसे कि सबसे पहले तुझे insurance policy लेते वक्त company को अपनी current health situation और अपनी past medical history जैसे कि surgery etc. अगर है तो सही से disclose करना चाहिए। दूसरा, not only तुझे medical history, तुझे current lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking अगर है तो वो भी company को सही से बताना चाहिए। और आगर पॉलिसी लेते वक्त पॉलिसी के टर्मस और कंडिशंस such as पॉलिसी का वैटिंग पिरिएट रूम रेंट के लिमिट वग़ेरा सब कुछ अच्छी से समझ लेना चाहिए। तो मतलब यह सब करने से मेरा claim reject तो नहीं होगा न? बहुत नहीं। चल थैंस यार, मैं चला अपनी पॉलिसी लेने। पॉलिसी बजार