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Fat Shepherds

Fat Shepherds

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Interactive Teaching Podcast Message We look at what the scripture says about leaders who serve themselves before loving their sheep. Many in this season are building their own ministry rather than building their people and feeding God's flock. Peter was called to, "Feed my Sheep"

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The title of today's message is "Fat Shepherds." It talks about how the shepherds, which can be pastors or leaders, were neglecting their responsibilities. They were feeding themselves instead of taking care of the flock. They were living well while the flock suffered. They were harsh and brutal to the sheep. Without a shepherd, the flock was scattered and became prey for other animals. The shepherds should have been seeking and gathering the scattered sheep. It is a reminder for leaders to fulfill their responsibilities and not neglect the well-being of those they are leading. There we go. Friday, September 23rd, welcome to each one. We praise God for his word and we thank God for the opportunity to be together once again. The title of today, I love this title, it's simply called Fat Shepherds, Fat Shepherds. We take our texts from two places in the Old Testament as well as in the book of 1 Peter. So let's begin in Ezekiel chapter 34. Sister Bertha, if you'd be so kind as to read, verse 1 through 6, Ezekiel 34, verse 1 through 6, please. Ezekiel 34, 1 through 6. Okay. And the word of the Lord came to me saying, son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy and say to them, thus says the Lord God to the shepherds. Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves. Should not the shepherds eat the flock? You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool. You slaughter the fattening, but you did not feed the flock. The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick. Nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost. But with force and cruelty, you have bruised them. So they were scattered because there was no shepherd. And they became food for all the beasts of the field when they were scattered. My sheep wandered through all the mountains and on every high hill. Yes, my flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth. And no one was seeking or searching for them. Praise the Lord. Amen. So in your own words, describe what are the shepherds doing? Which the Lord is so unpleased, so displeased about. What things? Just begin in the second, third verses and just begin to pick out. Brother Zebedee, you pick out a couple. Bertha, can you find several? What's the first one you run into, Sister Bertha? What were they doing? God was displeased. Okay, from verse two. It says, God says, the Lord goes to the shepherds. Go to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves. Should not the shepherds feed the flock? Okay, so they were feeding. Go ahead. They were feeding themselves instead of the flock. I guess they neglected the flock and concentrated on themselves rather. Right, so we're really not talking about sheep, are we? No, no. So actually, these shepherds here are, what would be another word you could put for shepherds? In our contemporary time, I would say the pastors. Okay, the pastors. And I agree with you, Brother Zebedee, as well, because it's not only spiritual leaders, but it would be also the political leaders, the community leaders. So people of responsibility whose job it is. Sincerely, what is the actual job of the government? To protect life and property of the people. Right, and provide opportunity for the people to feed themselves, to prosper, and to do well. Unhindered and unharmed by other nations or by evil or by war coming into the land. So the government is to protect in many ways, not just to protect the borders, but to protect from, let's say, just from evil. So what's the next one, Brother Zebedee? What do you see next? Well, I saw that they were living fine. As in, they were including themselves with choices. Good. Yes, the flock are in urgent poverty. Ah, yes. They are in pain. They're skinning. They were living healthy, yes. They were living healthy while the flock were sick. Right. Yes, they were strong while the flock were weak. They were totally like better, totally indifferent to the responsibility in their hands. Good, good. Brother Manuel, can you come in then? Go ahead. Go ahead, Zebedee, if you have more. Yeah, I saw one in verse four. They were harsh and brutal to their flock. Yeah. Yeah. Brother Manuel, Alan, are you able to come in and participate with this Ezekiel chapter 34? And I think we're down to about the fourth verse already. What do you see that the Lord had against those shepherds? What were they doing? Praise God. Even though I have the light to read the scripture and my phone will not allow me to go to the phone app, because if I do, the network will die. I'm listening carefully to the reading by Sister Berta and then to Brother Zebedee Manuel's contribution. The truth is, I think the shepherds were negligent of the sheep. They didn't care the outcomes that were happening to the sheep. They were only mindful of their own outcome. That was Brother Zebedee's intention to make it even more challenging. At some point, they were brutal. They were abusive. Abusive, yes. Yes, that's a better word. To the sheep. To the sheep. So, they were completely, completely unconcerned about the welfare of the sheep. Only about themselves. Good. Good answer without having the scripture available, without light and without availability of the word. Thank God. Any more, Sister Berta? You're sitting on the side there. I'll come around to you again. What other things? Sister Berta, are you there? Oh, sorry. I was working without permitting. Sorry about that. It will be good if you unmute. Then we can hear you. Okay, yes. The shepherds are supposed to ensure that righteousness and justice reigns in the land. Because the people were supposed to get what they were supposed to get. But unfortunately, the shepherds the Lord was referring to here, they did not do that. Because the Gospel says that the weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost, but with forth and to help you, you have moved them. So they did not, I think this is taking me back to, I think somewhere else in the scriptures. I'm trying to remember where the Lord said that the leaders trample upon them justice. And so then some people, I'm trying to remember how God put it there. Yes. So, the leaders, the shepherds the Lord was referring to at this place, they did not discard their duties the way they were supposed to. As a result of that, the flock that had, they didn't get that which they were supposed to get. As a result of that, some of them were wounded and could not be healed. And because of that, some were scattered and lost. And the shepherds never bothered to go looking for them because I think they became self-centered. Yes. Right. And so there are enemies of the flock as well. And what are some of the enemies which, without a shepherd, begin to destroy the flock? You see most of the answer in verse 4, 5, 6. Mostly 5 and 6. The flock has enemies. What happens to a flock which doesn't have a shepherd? Verse 5 and 6 mostly. Go ahead Brother Zebedee, it's okay. I'm even wondering why there are shepherds when there are no flocks. A shepherd when there's what? I'm wondering if the flocks are scattered, then there are no shepherds then. Because there's nothing... I'm wondering why there are still shepherds. Because there's no flock, so you don't have any job again. You're not responsible for anything. Ah, you can just be lazy and you don't have any sheep to eat. Oh, you're really in trouble. Is this a good shepherd? This is a... This is a very... There are many things running through my mind. It's a very, very bad situation here. It is. It is. It's beyond... It's gone beyond having a flock. There is no more flock for the shepherds. There are no more shepherds. Yes. What has scattered and destroyed the sheep? What is it you find in verse 5 and 6? Because there was no shepherd, that's why they were scattered. So they were scattered because there was no shepherd. And they became food for all the beasts of the field. Right. Yeah. So without a shepherd, the sheep, the flock, is easy prey for devouring. So that's the reason... Go ahead, Emmanuel. They lack protection. Yeah. They lack protection. Yes. They lack the feeding of the shepherd. They are weak as well and hungry. Right. They could not defend themselves. They were destroyed by lack of knowledge. They were destroyed by lack of teaching. They were destroyed by lack of authority to oversee. Any other thoughts? Go ahead. So let me challenge you first. Let me challenge you first. Okay. So if in fact you are a shepherd and the flock is scattered, look then at the end of verse 6. What should you be doing as a shepherd? And your flock is scattered. You should be in search for them, gathering them one after another. Does that answer your question? Yes. But my concern from verse 5 has not been a concern. Why... There was a shepherd that God was not happy with. I hear verse 5 is saying that they have no shepherd. It's like somebody occupying a vacuum. You are there but you are just like a goose. You are not... You are in an office but... Yeah. But you are not... But you are not reliant. Yeah. Doing nothing. And yet on your desk, on your desk there's the title shepherd. Shepherd. And they have a parking spot. They have a parking spot in the front of the church that says shepherd. And they have special clothes for you to wear on every Sunday. Yes. But what did you say, Zebedee? You're just a goose? Yes. Just a goose. It's a goose because we are seeing a shepherd but it's not a shepherd. Yeah. It's not there. It's not there. It's not there. And it's a real concern for me as an individual. Where God is... Where people will be thinking you are doing... You are there as a leader. But God is just saying that you are not a leader. Yeah. What do you mean though, not a leader? I mean, do you mean you're not called to be one? You're not qualified? What do you mean by that? No, I mean you are not doing the work. People see you as a leader. Yes. But you are not there. And God is concerned that there is not a leader. But people are seeing you as a leader. It's like what we are seeing here. There was a shepherd but God is saying that there is no shepherd and the people scattered. Yes. So that has been my own concern and I'm just praying I should not be like this shepherd. Occupying an office but in essence, you are not there. Amen. I hear you brother. When you said it from the beginning, I could hear your concern and the Holy Spirit was saying pay attention. That's why I was asking you. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. So then let's turn it around. So if we turn this around, what would be the duties and responsibilities and action of a good shepherd? According to this Ezekiel chapter 34 verse 1 to 6. Let's put it in reverse. We know it. Let's just do it. Verbally. All right. Let's begin with you again Sister Bertha. Let's turn it around. What is it? The duties of a shepherd. Correct. A good shepherd. That's a good word. A good shepherd. Yes. One of his duties is to feed the flock. To feed the flock that is entrusted into his hands. Then number two is to strengthen the flock, especially when they are weighed down. No matter the circumstances. To heal those who are sick. To bind up those who are broken. And also to protect. To protect. Very, very important. Should I say destroyers or predators? Yes. From the outsiders. Yes. Yes. Just like you rightly said, Reverend, that a government. Of course, a government has sovereignty over his territory. Yes. And he's also to protect the borders against foreign invaders. So that they don't. What does that? Yeah. What does that? What does that mean in our ministries? What would protect the borders? We should prevent any other denominations. What does that mean? Okay. I think that is to guard against the doctrines of Satan. Yes. The doctrines of Satan, like tenfold. Rightly so. When I remember, I think the Indonesians. When some of the people came and brought in the doctrine of circumcision. A perception of circumcised. Yes. I think that's an Indonesian too. The perception of circumcised. You have no place. And Semko was trying to tell them that. If it's about the law, then do it to have no effect. So the shepherd is supposed to guard the sheep. In whatever they hear. Because whatever they hear, the Bible says faith comes with hearing. And hearing the word of God. So it's very important what we as the shepherd. Sorry. We as the sheep. Take in. And the shepherd is supposed to ensure that the sheep takes in the right thing. So that what they hear will take them outside the word of God or the faith. Amen. Yeah. So to rightly defy the word of truth. Paul very clearly was talking to Timothy. And he instructed him very clearly that he should preach the word with boldness. And that he should. That the word of God was good for doctrine for correction. Instruction in righteousness. So that a man of God could be fully equipped and ready for every good work. So a shepherd. Is not the only one who does the work. The shepherd is training up. You know. It's the sheep who have the babies. Well. Well cared for. Or sheep. Will bear once or twice a year. Once a year. And so this is the way. Of sheep. What about. God's people. Who are well cared for. Amen. Who have the truth. Of the doctrine. Instruction. Correction. Correction. Amen. Amen. All right. Anything else. On the positive side. What should the shepherd be doing. As mentioned here. In Ezekiel. Chapter 34. Well. I've said. Most of them. One of the things I'm also seeing. Is. That the shepherd should be. In search. For the lost sheep. Amen. At each point. You are accountable to. The sheep. Under you. Once. Once. You discover. That one is missing. Then. You are accountable. To. The sheep. Once. You discover. That one is missing. The shepherd should be on. Search. You're. You're. You're. You're. Taking stock. Each day. Of. Your sheep. Under your care. Right. And. Like. I said. You also have to protect. Them. One for. Another gospel. There is. The gospel. And there is. One for. Another gospel. So. The duty. Of the shepherd. To. Protect. The sheep. From. Another gospel. One already. Is the doctrine of. Circumcision. As she. Rightly. Put. Into place. So. The shepherd. Must. Always. And. All the time. Look. At the interest. Of the sheep. Not on. Yourself. You may not. Be doing. Too well. But. It is in the. Doing well. It is in the. Doing well. Of the sheep. That. He. Say. He. He. Justification. Is. A certain. Amen. Well done. My good. And faithful. Shepherd. Amen. Amen. So. Let's. Let's. Go on. Based on. Brother Emmanuel. Anything else. That you think of. What a shepherd. Must be doing. Or should be doing. Rightly. From this chapter. Praise. God. Brother. And brother. Everybody. Has said. Powerful. Contributions. That. I am. So. Blessed. I wanted. To talk. On that area. Brother. Everybody. Spoke on. That the shepherd. Go. After the lost. Sheep. But. We should. Also. To. When the sheep. Is going. Sometimes. You are. Taking the sheep. And. The way. By. Certain. Distraction. Or. Whatever. So. The shepherd. Should be sensitive. When. A sheep. In his care. Is being lured. Away. Whether by. A different gospel. A different. Doctrine. Or whatever. That it is looking at. That's trying to draw. That sheep. Away. The shepherd. Needs to be. Very much. Sensitive. In. Protecting the sheep. And also. Try to recover. Any sheep. That is lost. Any sheep. That is trying. To be distracted. Away from the. Sheep. Amen. That's good. I think. It's. Relations. Yes. Go ahead. This person. Okay. Okay. I guess. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. 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