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Content with True Riches

Content with True Riches

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Many who teach on wealth and prosperity often focus on material things. Undoubtedly, God loves to give "every good gift" to his children but the greatest of gifts cannot be held in your hand. In this class we look at what scripture says about "True Riches"

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The speaker reflects on the importance of godliness with contentment, emphasizing that it brings great gain. They contrast this with those who pursue worldly gain without godliness, which leads to conflict and loss. They discuss the importance of being faithful stewards of worldly riches and the true riches found in Christ. They also explore the dangers of trusting in worldly riches and the need to focus on heavenly treasures. The speaker shares examples from scripture, including the story of the rich fool, to illustrate their points. Friday, April 22nd, 2022, I don't suppose, I imagine this date would come when I was 20 years old or 30, and blessed to see this day and what God is doing in the earth. Let's invite the wonderful presence of Jesus to meet with us today, and we'll also be praying for those who would like to be here but have other challenges, and we'll pray that the Lord gives them grace and strength. Father, in the name of Jesus, we're so grateful for your word, for your anointing, for your presence, for your guidance, oh God. We're thanking you, oh Lord, that you have provided for us to be content with true riches. Oh Lord, we just thank you for your blessings upon our lives, and as we jump into this sharing and fellowship and study tonight, God, that you would enrich us, encourage us, and strengthen us by your spirit through your word. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Oh, so it's so interesting. I was thinking about a particular verse from 1 Timothy chapter 6, and it was a verse from the time I was a youngster, probably in high school, that began to intrigue me. I was challenged again by a gentleman when I was in my 20s, and the question he asked me from this verse, I'll tell you after we read it. 1 Timothy, sorry, chapter 6, verse 5 and 6, and 7, 5 through 7. 1 Timothy 6, verse 5 to 7. Yes, sir, I'm ready. 1 Timothy chapter 6, 5 to 7. Perverse disputings of men, for godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. So the phrase that so intrigued me, and again I was challenged with as I was a young man, is this phrase, godliness with contentment is great gain. It's in contrast to the phrase earlier of these men who are without the truth. They're empty regarding the truth, as some translations put it. They're depraved minds, and they're devoid of the truth. These men regard godliness as a means of personal worldly gain, a mammon, gain in mammon, gain in this world. And then the Berean Bible, I like how it translates this next word. It says, of course, godliness with contentment is great gain. So the Bereans, well-known God-fearing people, have translated this one saying, of course, you must know godliness with contentment is great gain. Great gain. Godliness without contentment. I wonder what that looks like. What is godliness without contentment? Great conflict, great loss. Great. Imagine yourselves in a state where you had godliness but discontentment and all that means. Would you be happy? Would you feel blessed? No, you wouldn't. Uh-huh. You will be complaining and feeling miserable, I guess, feeling poor, feeling abandoned, feeling left out because you're so different than other people. I'm all godly, but I'm not happy with it. A great gain of this world without godliness, is it that the Lord says that riches or the love of riches brings a snare, it's a trap in it. So let's just take a few minutes and look a little, a few of the verses about riches and those who trust in their riches, just some of those verses. How about Luke chapter 16, verse 11? Luke chapter 16, verse 11. If therefore you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your sin? If therefore you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? So here we have two kinds of riches. I guess I could have titled this one two kinds of riches, and it would have been also an appropriate title. There are two kinds of riches which Jesus talks about here, and he speaks this word faithful. Faithful. Faithful with unrighteous mammon, this world's riches. And in this, we'll take the rest of this time to really understand what this summary of Jesus is here. He's saying being faithful with this world's goods, being a good steward. And then he's talking about committing or entrusting, being committed to you, or being given to you in trust that you would properly manage, what is it? True riches. So not only do we have to be good stewards of this world's goods, what have we done with the talents, not the abilities you naturally have so much, but the true riches that are entrusted to you by grace. Paul said we're not excellent ministers by any good that we, we're not qualified by our own selves, by our own ability. He says, but by God's mercy, God's given us this ministry. It was entrusted to us, Paul said, in another place. So we're talking about two kinds of riches, and we'll see the rest of this study as we go through. Hallelujah. Let's look in the book of Revelation. Hallelujah. And we're going to see two kinds of riches here again in the church. Hallelujah. He's written in chapter three from verse 14 to the church of Laodicea, possibly, possibly the final church who arises in this day and age, and possibly a church that appears rich and wealthy and has it all together, possibly a group of people called God's people, and they are God's people. However, there's a description here, which is difficult for us to put our minds around. Let's read the third chapter of Revelation from verse 14 up to verse 19. Okay. And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, These things yet the amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God. But thou art neither cold nor hot. I would thou wert cold or hot. So then, because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth, because thou seest I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing. And knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. I counsel thee to buy of me gold dried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich and white, raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear. And anoint thy eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Be zealous therefore and repent. Very interesting. He said they are increased with goods. Very simply, goods is things, stuff of this world that worldly riches can buy. And so because they were increased with things which godly, I mean worldly riches could purchase, they were missing out on the riches that could be found in Christ. And he advised them, Jesus himself, speaking here to the churches, dictating to John, he said, he said, I advise you, buy from me gold dried in the fire so you may become rich and a white garment so that you could clothe yourself. So the shame of your nakedness, I'm certain they had excellent clothing, but they were naked. They were not clothed with the glory of God. And that shame of your nakedness be not revealed. And eyesalve to anoint their eyes so that they may see. Hallelujah. Brother Emmanuel needs eyesalve for his eyes because it's dark where he is. So may the Lord bless you. And they did not know. They were ignorant of the fact that they had things, they had organization, they had structure, they had excellence of talents. They had all of these things coordinated. They had membership roles where they were wealthy, their buildings were excellent. And yet he said, you are poor, miserable, blind, and naked. Wow. All of us would wish to have all the things I mentioned. But the Lord said, don't strive after the things of this world. We should focus on things which cannot be seen. Things which cannot be seen. So let's go back to 1 Timothy chapter 6. We need to see something else there, I believe. Verse 7 and 8. 1 Timothy chapter 6, 7 and 8. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. In having food and raiment, let us be there with content. When he goes on to say if we have food and clothing to cover us, we should be content. He goes on by the favor of verse 9 and 10, and it really instructs us about this. So if he could carry on reading verse 9 and 10 correct. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have heard from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. I think it's really interesting that that contentment is so explained here. Someone who is content realizes, you know, I brought nothing into this world. Naked came I into the world, and naked will I leave. Penniless came I into this world, and penniless will I leave. I often have said, your Naira are worth nothing in heaven. The exchange rate is terrible. You will not receive anything for all of your millions, because they cannot be converted into heavenly riches. However, we can gather up for ourselves treasures in heaven. Put it, Jesus say, lay not up for yourselves treasures upon this earth, where moth and rust had corrupt. Rather, lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Amen. Amen. So what was he talking about? What are these riches? We understand there's two kinds of riches, and what are these riches that we can lay up in heaven? Or do we even have to wait until we get to heaven to begin to possess these riches? Because if we don't have them here, we're not able to carry them also to the other side. It's beautiful how Jesus put it. And he also gave a parable in the same place. How about Luke chapter 12 and verse 21. Luke 12, verse 19. And I will say to my soul, so thou has made up, thou has made much. Okay, sorry. And I will say to my soul, so thou has much goods laid up for that for many years. Take thy ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, thou fool, this night, thy soul shall be required of thee. Then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided? Here's an example, I believe, of someone who laid up so much of this world's goods, but could not translate those goods into eternity. But Jesus said in Matthew 6. So that's the, we know this story. You know, the foolish rich man who was blessed and blessed, and he never considered anyone but himself. And he was thinking, I will just get more and more. You know, a rich man was asked, how much wealth is enough? And his answer was simple, just a little bit more. For we never have what would satisfy us that we are rich enough. We have enough. And Jesus said this, Matthew 6, verse 19, 20, 21. What did he say? I quoted it already. Sorry, you said Luke? Yeah, Matthew this chapter, verse 19 to 24. Matthew chapter 6, 19 to 24. Right. Matthew 6, 19 to 24. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Amen to 24. Okay. The light of the body is the eye. If therefore thy eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thy eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness. No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. And mammon is what, brother Faber? Mammon is world wealth, material things. Material things. Right. Worldly status and wealth. Yes. The whole system of this world. So Jesus' instruction was to, of course, not lay up for ourselves treasures on this earth, because it's easily destroyed. But rather seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and these things would be added to us. That's verse 33 in the same chapter. He says we need to begin laying up, seeking and laying up for ourselves treasures. Not here on earth, but in heaven. And yet, remember, he said, be a good steward of the things on this earth. It's interesting. But don't love it. Don't seek it. Just use it. They're to be used for the glory of God as we seek the riches which are above. All right. So what are these riches? What are we seeking? What are these true riches? Which Jesus said, if you're not faithful to these little things on earth, how will you ever be committed to your trust? True riches. And then, you know, Jesus gave the parable of Lazarus and the rich man and Lazarus. And then Jesus asked the question, well, I asked the question, which one was truly rich? Was the rich man rich or was Lazarus truly rich? It's a two-part answer. So, Sister Jane, which one was truly rich? Do you remember the story of Lazarus and the rich man? Lazarus. Lazarus. Yeah, Lazarus and the poor man. Lazarus and the rich man. Lazarus was a servant. He was a beggar, and he wished to just eat the crumbs that fell at the feet of the rich man as he ate. But they both died. And one went into Abraham's bosom, and the other was in torment. And he said, just let me a drop of water. And then he said, well, send this Lazarus. Oh, go and tell my family how horrible it is here. And he said, if they don't believe Moses and the commandments, they won't believe that somebody came back from the dead. So, which one in that story, Jane, is truly rich? So, the answer is two parts. The rich man was rich on earth, but Lazarus was rich forever in heaven. So, the rich man was rich on earth, but Lazarus was rich So, the rich man was rich on earth, but Lazarus was rich in God. And he was welcomed by Abraham. So, which one was truly rich? Oh, the rich man was rich on earth. No doubt. You have to admit that. But he was empty when it came to true riches. So, what was it that this man, Lazarus, had? What were the true riches? Well, there's different scriptures we can read. We can read. And let's just pick one. Ephesians 3.8. Ephesians 3.8. Let's read several scriptures. Jerry, welcome. We see you're there. I should be with us. 3.8. And unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given? That I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. The unsearchable, unmeasurable, unfathomable. You can't even understand it. You can't measure it. You can't find it out. You can't measure it. You can't find it out. How great are these riches in Christ? So, it's talking about these riches, but it's still not telling us. What are these riches? Hallelujah. Amen. Let's read another one, then. Hebrews 11.26. Hebrews 11.26. Exceeding the report of Christ, greater riches than the treasures in Israel. For he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. So, I like from, it's talking about Moses, and this is Hebrews 11, and that's called the Hall of Faith. The Hall of Faith, not the Hall of Fame. All the people that are mentioned in this one, Moses, when he was in Egypt, he thought of the reproach of Christ, greater riches than all of the treasures in Egypt, which were at his disposal. Why? How could he do such a thing? Because he looked and had his eyes fixed, as it says in the NET Bible. It says, for his eyes were fixed on the reward. His eyes were fixed on the reward. So, that's talking about riches he would someday get. Do we have any riches here? What do you think, Faber? What riches in God can we have here? Here on this earth? Here on this earth. The riches of his suffering. What I mean is, when Paul is writing, he says the fellowship of his suffering. So, that fellowship, and just like the scripture in Hebrews as well, St. Assisi says, esteeming the reproach of Christ. Reproach of Christ is actually a word for spiritual work. A word for it. Yes. So, even the one we were reading in Revelation 3, he's talking to the church of Laodicea, and he says, buy from me gold tried in the fire. Fire, yes. What's gold tried in the fire? One who's gone through this process. Very good answer. Like it says in Malachi, I'm like a refiner's fire, and like a puller's soap. I'm going to purge the sons of Levi, so that they can bring forth an offering to the Lord. I'm going to purge the sons of Levi, so that they can bring forth an offering to the Lord. I'm going to purge the sons of Levi, so that they can bring forth an offering in holiness. Oh, the riches of having been disciplined and trained. We are princes now, but we don't have all that is being prepared for us. But we begin to get a foretaste of it. So, let's see if we can brainstorm. Maybe Sister Easy would be able to help us as well. What are some of those spiritual riches that we can have now? What are things that are richness of Christ toward us now? Sister Easy, are you there? Are you able to speak up? I don't suppose you are, but if you are, we'd be happy to hear from you. Enjoying God's protection. Oh, what a beautiful thing. Do you have any others while you're at it? Do you have any others? Any other suggestions, Sister Easy, while you're there? I can't think of any right now, but I'm guessing of the blessings that go beyond you to your generations after you're gone, you know. Yeah, wow. That was heavy. That inheritance, that heritage of godliness, godly heritage. In many places in the Word of God, that's confirmed what you say, Sister Easy, that one of the blessings for God's people is to their children and to their children's children. So, let me preach it a minute. Do you not realize how important it is how you live your life? Because your life, your decisions you make, affect the next generations. The decisions in Christ that you make to stand against wickedness and to not allow in your life any evil. You know that there's a heritage that goes to your children, your children's children, your spiritual children, and to those God has put under you for you to be a shepherd of. Oh, Lord Jesus, thank you. That's a good one, Sister Easy. The protection and then for the future generations, that's excellent. Amen. Brother Favor, Sister Jane. What else is a riches? The riches of wisdom. Oh, that's true. Wisdom is priceless. And walking with the Lord, gaining the experience of fellowship of his suffering, we begin to, we begin to grow, we grow and receive wisdom beyond what you can ever imagine. And that is such, that is such a huge wealth to possess on the inside, to have wisdom inside into matters and situations and how to answer and what to chase after in life, how to prioritize. Because as we talk about contentment, a lot of wisdom is needed to help, you know, to help us stay content. Because wisdom tells you that, wisdom tells that, that you, that just a step at a time, you will still get to your destination. Wisdom tells you, encourages us that you don't have to force everything to happen at once. And so that is a huge blessing. And that's a, that's a huge gift, a riches in itself. So wisdom, yes. Amen. We can be content because we have enough wisdom to realize that we, we're not going to have everything right now. So if we carry on, the blessing of the Lord will follow us. So seek after that faithfulness, hallelujah, that wisdom. Amen. Sister Jane, do you have any ideas? You are rich. You are very rich in the Lord. What makes you rich in God? What quality do you have, which makes you rich in God? The question is making her think. Wow. Wow. You are rich with a relationship with Jesus. Excellent. So a rich person is able to give. If they should choose, they're able to give. What are we able to give other than things that you can see, what else can we give? We're rich enough to give out of the abundance of our hearts. You can give what? So, Favor, what are your thoughts about that? What do you have to give? You can give encouragement. Yes. You can give exhortation. Yes, because Paul writes and he says, we comfort others with the comfort where we have been comforted. We live in a world, and we live in a time and age where we have to give out of the abundance we live in a time and age. And it's always been that way, though, where people get discontent, where people become irritated by what they don't have, the wish to have, how things are going and all of that. But we who have received of spiritual, you know, the riches of Christ, the spiritual riches, we can also encourage people. We can bring encouragement. We can bring exhortation. We can bring hope, the message of hope. And that way, we are giving from the abundance of that which we have received from the Lord. Hallelujah. Amen. We have a lot to give. I've been just thinking about, Jane, when you're at school, you have something to give to these children. Education, yes, but what else do you give to them? What is the most valuable thing that you give to these children besides education? Love. Amen. Loving the child, the parents, loving God, give them love. Yes. Amen. That's good. Amen. That's good. If you are rich in love and you have a lot to give, you are truly rich. Let's read, unless someone else would like to comment, you're welcome. Brother Emanuel, are you able to comment? Amen. The next scripture, 2 Corinthians chapter 4, and I truly love this scripture in this context. 2 Corinthians chapter 4, verse 16 to 18, please. 2 Corinthians chapter 4, 16 to 18. All right. For which cause we think not, but though our outworn mind perish, yet the inward mind is renewed day by day. For our light of fiction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Amen. For I will look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. Amen. Can you see how this applies to what we're talking about? We're talking about things, we are rich in things you cannot see. Can you actually see love? No, sir. You can't really bring it in your hands and show me, oh, here's my love. You can demonstrate your love, but that love is invisible, but it is eternal. And what is it that it says in 1 Corinthians 13, these three abide or remain faith, hope, and love. And of these that will remain after prophecy will cease, after all the gifts are gone, three things will remain. The greatest of these is the greatest riches that you can have is you've gone through the fire until you begin to love others with the love of Christ. You've gone through suffering and trials and testing and learning until the riches of the love of God is revealed to you and then through you. This is to be truly rich, you must have something to give, to be truly blessed, you must be able to have something to give to others, to bless others. Otherwise, you're like the rich man who consumed everything upon himself, the foolish rich man. He says, I'll just build bigger barns so I can store more stuff for myself. Oh, this love is not for me, this love is to be given away, to be blessed, blessing of others. Things which are not seen are eternal. You know, there's another thing that is a blessing from God, and you can actually see it. It's your house. Your health is really a blessing from God, or without health. Wow. It's something to be truly grateful for, isn't it? Well, thank you for strength, I can wake up with joy for the day, and energy and strength to come home and do what needs to be done. Grace of Lord. Grace and strength. So the riches of God, are any of them things which you can see? Any of the wealth of God, can you actually see any of it? I suppose you could say, yes, I can see the demonstration of God's riches. I can see the demonstration of God's love. I can perceive that you have such wisdom, that people come around and are seeking for God's love, and I can perceive that you have such wisdom, and I can perceive that you have such wisdom, that people come around and are seeking for guidance and direction, and what the word of the Lord says. But to actually see wisdom, it's an invisible, eternal blessing, the riches that begins now. We begin to operate in love, in riches of God's nature, in, like you said, Sister Jane, our relationship with Jesus. And from him, all riches come, for we've been blessed in Christ Jesus. All the riches that we have, come from him. Come from him. But so often, our focus is on our momentary light afflictions, or our stuff, or attaining things in this world. When we get our eyes off of these things, and begin to set our hearts upon things above, as Jesus said, seek first God's kingdom. Seek first ministering to others, being a blessing, encouraging and strengthening. Seek first our walk with Christ, and these other things, they come along. And contentment. Contentment with what? Godliness. Godliness. Contentment with riches that come from above. True riches that we're content with, and it's sufficient for us. Paul said, I had to learn these things. Philippians 4.11. You know this one well. Philippians 4.11. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Not that I speak in respect of one, but I have learned in whatsoever state I am. I am very to be content. You can read the next two verses as well. 12 and 13. By God's strength and God's grace, I can be rich with this world's goods. I can be rich with this world's goods. I can be rich with this world's goods. I can be rich with this world's goods. I can be rich with this world's goods. I can be rich with this world's goods. I can be rich with this world's goods. I can be rich with this world's goods. I can be rich with this world's goods. I can be rich with this world's goods. Or I can suffer need and be hungry. And Paul had learned how to pull grace from God, the provision, the patience, the strength, the kindness from God to be hungry, to be at a loss as to how to meet simple needs. But do you know it takes equal or greater grace to be blessed with this world's goods? It takes greater grace to be blessed with this world's goods and not consume it on yourself. To be blessed with this world's goods and to remain in that relationship with the Lord. Jesus said, let me say, for those who are rich, it's nearly impossible for them to enter into the kingdom of God. The disciples marveled that he would say this. Like, really, Jesus? It's almost impossible, he said. What did he say? It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into God's kingdom. Why? Because we trust in riches. We focus on these things and not on things which are truly important. If we have it, we become proud. If we don't have it, we complain and we're miserable. But Paul said, I've learned. How did he learn? This word learned here, it means by experience. I have learned by the things which I've gone through. He instructed Timothy, having food and raiment there with be content. In the verse we read earlier, 1 Timothy 6, 8. If we have food and raiment, let's be content and let's seek God's kingdom. Paul learned how to do that, both to be a base and to abound. He said, he's given us all things to enjoy. Can we enjoy the things without being distracted by them and turned away from the Lord? Hmm. Can we be content and faithful, good stewards with what God has given us, using wisdom from God and have an increase of good without a decrease of God's presence and God's invisible riches? Oh, mighty God. You know, nowhere in the word does it teach against having things. It is loving and seeking and having our eyes on these things. Hold it lightly. If you have it, give it away freely. If the Lord requires it of you. Hallelujah. Psalm 37. I love this one. Psalm 37, 16 says, a little that the righteous man has is better than the riches of many wicked. What does it mean better? You'll enjoy it more. You'll appreciate it more. You know, you'll be so thankful. You know, you and Jane are a new couple, young couple, newly married. And consider the things that you have better than the riches of many wicked. Can you appreciate and you celebrate? Can you find great joy in every little curtain that you put up? Every screen you can afford for your windows. Every dish that matches another dish. Hallelujah. My dishes all match. They're all bent and broken. Each one of them. Hallelujah. Can we find joy in the Lord and in the things he's blessed us with? Hallelujah. Anyone with another thought or another scripture? Sister Bertha, we sure welcome you. You came in a little after time. But I'm sure you are caught up with us already. Sister Bertha, welcome. Share with us. Thank you very much. Good evening from my end. Good evening, everyone. I'm so sorry I joined you. Sorry. Thank you. Please, can you all hear me? You're fine. Thank you. We can hear you. Yes, I'm so sorry I joined you. I want to give you something. But I thank God I was going to be able to join. And I'm so happy. I'm so happy for this topic. Because I think sometime last week. Oh, I think two weeks ago. I read something about a brown movie. Yeah. That's the owner of, I think, Chelsea. Am I right? For football lovers. Yes, you are. A brown movie. I am right. A brown movie, yes. I read something about his daughter. So as I read, as I was reading about it. I started contemplating on something. Because it was talking about the lavish life she was living. So all she has and everything. So I started contemplating as a child of God. And I found myself asking something like, God, if the children will be safe. If the father will be safe like Jesus Christ said. And give to the children true faith. That Jesus Christ said that he will give us much more. That somehow I just found myself asking, why is it that sometimes we don't have the faith we need? And immediately I thought about that. I think the Holy Spirit dropped. I don't know what Reverend is talking about. He just dropped it in my heart quickly. Like, it's difficult for a rich man. Very difficult to make heaven. That it is easier for the camel to enter into the eye, through the eye of the needle. Than for a rich man to make heaven. So I realized at that point in time that it is not as if it is not in the power of God to make us rich. But also the Holy Spirit gave me this understanding. You know, the Bible says that to us, he's giving the riches and the mysteries of the kingdom. It's not that it's difficult for him to do. It's not something he cannot do. But the truth is that he has to prepare us. Because there's always the scriptures where Saint Paul said, we have to do many tribulations inside to the kingdom. And sometimes then we have all these things we need, yes. Those tribulations, those asking might not really be there because for the rich, I mean those that are speaking in rich. When they need something, they go for it. They don't ask the father for it. Because everything is at their beck and call. It's at their disposal. So when they need something, they don't ask for it. If they are sick, they don't even ask to be healed because they have their private doctors. Everything they need is at their disposal. So God has fashioned our lives in such a way. And I started meditating on those in the group. I actually wanted to share it because that after the Bible study, because I read it on the Bible study very well. And I wanted to share it on the Bible study, but I left it because somehow I didn't even listen to the topic. But I bless God, yes. I bless God for this topic. Because the Holy Spirit took me through a whole lot of other scriptures. And all I can do is just to thank God for the opportunity to serve God in this capacity. Because when you look at our lives, everything about us is already written in the scriptures. That our sufficiency is of the Lord. If you look at us, somehow it's not as if maybe we are not graduates, we're not intelligent, we're not smart. We don't somehow have all it takes to get everything we need. But we need to understand that God has set us in motion on this path. Because like Reverend said, through blessing and riches. Like when people, for most times, when people need a better place, I need you to help me say about this thing. This is what I dreamt about my dad. That I want to do this. Can you join me in prayers? Honestly. It just opened up my eyes to see that there is nothing richer than this. We might not see ourselves as having the money. Like the way we would want. But because I also think about it sometimes. But I just want to bless God. Because He has put us amongst those who He shares in the mystery of His divine existence. Hallelujah. In His Word. Because when we look at ourselves in the light of His Word, we see that we fit into, He said that the rich, they already have their consummation in those walls. Our consummation Lord, our consummation is in Christ. It's in Christ. Because it's not that we are proficient of ourselves in any way. But the Bible said, just like it said, Reverend, everything we need, the Lord provides it for us. And we are grateful. Sometimes I've seen people tell me, Betta, what's happening to you? I don't expect that you'll be here at this point, you know. I expect you to by now be a little bit more like a high flyer. To be there and there. But I believe God has a purpose for everything He does. Because He is rich of Himself. So brethren, I just need us to be encouraged. You're not alone. I'm there. We are all in there. And I'm praying. I always pray for us that God should remain proficient. That we should really see that we are blessed. If we have bread on our table, even when we get sick. I had the surgery. I almost died. My family was so scared. But God gave His word and said, nothing, you're not going to die. And I came out of that. I fall into a slugger's trap. I came out of it alive and well. So no matter what's happening brethren, our consummation is in Christ Jesus. It's not in this world. That's why He's saying to me that for now, we don't get everything we need. For truly, we are blessed. Praise the Lord. Lord, hallelujah. Beautiful. Oh, we are truly rich. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. If we look at this word blessed and we see what blessed is. Let's just read James 2 verse 5 first. And then we'll look at the word blessed. Okay. The word blessed to me means happy, full, rich, prosperous, glorious. It's a beautiful word. But before we get to that, let's read another one. James 2 verse 5. James 2 verse 5. Earth and my beloved brethren, had not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and hence of the kingdom which he had promised to them that love him? Oh, rich what? The poor in this world are what? Rich in faith. Rich in what? Faith. What does it mean to be rich in faith? What does it mean to be poor in faith? Oh, I don't even have enough faith to believe that God could hear my call. I don't even have enough faith to trust. I have to worry. I have to struggle. I have to... Oh, Lord Jesus, if I was rich in faith, I would have the confidence in God that no matter what happens to me, my God has never left me. He's never forsaken me. When Jesus was talking to Peter, he says, Peter, you're going to fail me. You're going to deny me. He said, but I've prayed for you that your faith fail not. These three things remain, faith, hope, and love. Hallelujah. But the poor who are rich in faith, they're heirs of the kingdom. Oh, my Lord Jesus, heir of the kingdom. We're only a prince now. We've not inherited yet all that God has for us. The unfathomable riches in Christ Jesus. But one of the richest is those, as you said, Sister Bertha, we have to trust God and believe him for every day. Isn't it a wonderful thing? Isn't it a wonderful thing that we don't have enough to last three months in our story? Hallelujah. Isn't it great that we have to trust him day by day and that we grow in faith and our faith doesn't fail. Our faith is tested. Our faith becomes like gold. Oh, I'm getting myself excited now. Oh, I'm getting myself excited now because this is one of the riches is to be rich in faith. Hallelujah. And an heir of God's kingdom. Oh, I don't put all of that heir of God's kingdom after I die. I get to begin to walk in his kingdom now. Hallelujah. Where Jesus is guiding, Jesus is providing. As Sister Izzy said, Jesus is walking in a relationship with me. As Jane said, this is a richness that you cannot see. But oh, so poor is a person who's miserable and oppressed and broken and worn out sitting in the palace. And a miserable, oppressed, demonized individual who can only think of wickedness continually. He's worried about his riches. He spends all of his energy struggling to keep what he has. Miserable, poor person. But we're rich in faith because we know what God has promised us and we know he loves us. So I'll read that verse again, by the favor. James 2.5. Listen, my beloved brothers. How can my beloved brethren, hath not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? James had to say, come on, guys, you really need to listen up here. What I'm saying, consider this. Hasn't God chosen the poor to be the richest? They are the richest in faith. Faith. Are you rich in faith? Hallelujah. Ephesians 2.7 says that God has chosen to demonstrate the surpassing wealth of his grace. So another riches in God's kingdom, invisible, is God's grace towards us. Our faith is a riches, love is a riches, and also God's grace. Rich in grace. What does it mean? I just like to say the word grace means God's help. God is continually being kind to me and helping me. Being kind to me and helping me. God is continually providing for me. God is continually guiding me. God is continually, God is continually bringing his presence near unto me. And I am blessed. I am blessed. I am blessed. I'm highly favored. I am increased in faith. Though I struggle in this world's goods, I've learned to be content with true riches. Oh, I think we just came full circle to understand the title of this message. Hallelujah. Oh, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. You know, Luke chapter 8 is an interesting parable, and it's Luke's account of the sower and the seed. And in that, I think it's the 24th verse, the last verse of that passage, it sums it up and says that the seed that fell among thorns. Talking about the seed that fell among the thorns, where there's so many weeds, so much activity, so much going on, that the seed is choked out. How is it choked out? The seed of God's invisible kingdom is choked out by what? Oh, let's read it and we'll find out. So, Brother Faber, read a few verses there. You choose and put it in context. Luke chapter 8. And it's around the 24th verse. And it begins in verse 14, the whole parable. But you choose where you would read from. Okay. Luke chapter 8, verse 14. And that which fell among thorns are they which when they have heard, go forth and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection. For that on the good ground are they which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it and bring forth fruits with patience. No man when found a candlestick, that they which enter may see the light, for nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hidden that shall not be known and come abroad. Take heed therefore how you hear, for whosoever have, to him shall be given, and whosoever have not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have. Then came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not come at him for the price. And it was told him by certain which said, thy mother and thy brethren stand without desiring to see thee. And he answered and said unto them, my mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God and do it. Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his disciples, and he said unto them, let us go over unto the other side of the lake, and they launched forward. And as they sailed, he fell asleep. And there came down a storm of wind on the lake, and they were filled with water and were in jeopardy. And they came to him and awoke him, saying, Master, Master, we perish. Then he arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water, and they ceased, and there was a calm. So what was choking the seeds in verse 14, 15? What was it that choked those seeds? The seeds of the word. The cares and the riches and the pleasures of this life. Cares, riches, and pleasures of this life. Cares, riches, and pleasures of this life. Sometimes too many cares. Sometimes too many pleasures. Sometimes it's just pursuit of riches. Those visible things, temporal things, can choke the eternal seeds. Can choke our spiritual growth and development. There is the good seed which brings forth God's kingdom and Christ's nature in our life. And then there's those other things, all the cares, all the worries, all the pleasures, and seeking after those things hinders and weakens and drowns out that plant of Christ's nature, of faith, of God's love through us. Not your own love, but God's love. Our own love is not sufficient. Our own love fails, but God's love never fails. We need God's love in our life, not our own. Oh, amen. I believe that we have come to understand the difference between riches and true riches. Between contentment and discontentment in this world. And so can we celebrate? Can we be thankful for every true riches that God brings in our life? Can we focus, as he said in 2 Corinthians 4, those things which can be seen are just temporary. Can we set our eyes on the things which cannot be seen and begin to enjoy the kingdom of God here in our life? Oh, the presence of God, the love of God. Appreciate the spirit of wisdom in our life. Oh, the spirit of counsel. Don't take it lightly. God can use you to speak a word in due season. Don't take it lightly. It's a gift of God, a very rich gift. Don't take it lightly when you know what you shouldn't know except God has shown you something. These are gifts and riches. Richer than diamonds. Richer than any precious metals. The things of God. And those things that you grow into here on this earth will do you very well in heaven. And they will prepare you to rule in heaven. To be used of God in heaven. Hallelujah. Oh, mighty God. So let's seek after those things which are above. And not the things that are on the earth beneath. Hallelujah. We started a little late today, but I think we'll finish here. And let us know that we should be content with godliness. Which is great spiritual gain. I would encourage you to take a little time before the Lord and say, God, speak to me. Or I'm discontent. I'm not satisfied yet. With godliness. With seeking things which are above. Or having your nature in my life. Lord, just speak to me. And deal with those areas. So I can be free from the cares. The riches and the pleasures of this life. So you can bless me. And you can use me. Especially in this world. It's wonderful. Somebody has a car. It's wonderful. When someone has a home. It's wonderful. When you have facilities and beautiful things. It's absolutely wonderful. And I myself have been blessed. But can we use these things. And not hold them in our hands or be proud of them. Can we give God glory and be good stewards. And use them. To serve others. If all you have in your heart is love. You're already rich. You're already rich. And you have so much to give. The world needs what you have. Amen. Be blessed today. By the encouragement of the word of God. Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah. Sister Bertha. I was going to ask her to pray. But I don't know if there's someone else. Oh bless you Lord. I think I'll just pray. Father we just thank you to take this word. And Lord. Just encourage us. That we would pursue things above. We pursue relationship with you Father. Oh mighty God. That we would consider that. Knowing you is great gain. Walking with you is great gain. Oh being filled with more of you. Is great gain. God if you call us. And use us. Oh God. Let us consider. That the treasure of anointing. That you put in our lives. Is truly a treasure. Truly a treasure. Oh we go through. A few light afflictions. As Paul called it. But who knows. The great overwhelming. Weight of glory. Will resolve. From these trials. That we've gone through. For the work of Jesus. Oh mighty God. Just help us to change our perspective. And to begin to rejoice. As you do over our lives. God we bless. These precious people. In your wonderful name Jesus. Amen. Amen. Amen. Sister Bertha. You're still welcome. To share something. You're welcome. We love you. We love you also sir. Let me just say. Since I didn't start from the beginning. What the reference. The Bible reference. Yeah. First Timothy. Chapter 6. Okay. Verse 5. 6 and 7. 5 and 7. Where it says. Godliness. With contentment. Is great gain. Great gain. Great gain. Okay. Yes it is. I just want to. Ask a few lines. Tonight. As you were teaching. I guess the Holy Spirit took me to this place. In the future. Before the Sermon on the Mount. Because. Many a time. The truth is that. At this time. God has been doing it. In opening our eyes. And enlightening the eyes of our understanding. Each time. To understand who we truly are. In Him. And I pray that the Holy Spirit. Each day will continue to expand. This in our hearts. Mind and spirit. In the Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew chapter 5. I'll quickly read it to you. Let me end it there. And Jesus said. And Jesus seeing the multitude. He went up on the mountain. And when he was seated. His disciples came to him. Then he opened his mouth. And taught them saying. Three. Blessed are the poor in spirit. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Four. Blessed are those who mourn. For they shall be comforted. Five. Blessed are the meek. For they shall inherit the earth. Six. Blessed are those who hunger. And thirst for righteousness. For they shall be filled. Seven. Blessed are the merciful. For they shall obtain mercy. Eight. Blessed are the pure in heart. For they shall see God. Nine. Blessed are the faithful. For they shall be called sons of God. Ten. Blessed are those who are persecuted. For righteousness is. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Eleven. Blessed are you when they revile. And persecute you. And say all kinds of evil against you. Firstly for my sake. And lastly two of these. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad. For grace is the reward in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets. Who were before you. Now this is King James Version. I think when we read. The Good News Version. The word blessed there. Is replicated as happy. There. And so. Sometimes. Just like we say. We think that. The only thing that makes us. Blessed or happy. Blessed. Is monetary gain. Or provisions of art. But the Bible has. God through his word has. Opened our eyes to see. What true blessings are. And what true happiness is. And as a Christian. I believe that we should always see ourselves. In the light of the word of God. Because Jesus Christ. When he walked on mother earth. Sometimes the Bible says. He will tell them. He will order for the scriptures. When they bring it to him. It will be read. And then the next thing he will say is. What you have heard now. Is a fulfillment. What you are seeing now. Is a fulfillment of what we have read. So I believe that. As sisters and as children of God. We should always see ourselves. In the light of the word. What is happening to me. If you think you are not blessed. By the grace of God. Are you not pure in heart. By the grace of God. Are you not merciful. When you see people suffering. Even if you don't have something to give them. Can't you offer a word of prayer in your heart. And say God please. Can you do something for those persons. When you see people quarreling. Do you have the heart. Naturally to just say please. That means you are merciful. Are you pure in heart. Are you a peacemaker. Do you seek for righteousness. Maybe sometimes when you say. You say God I am really very sorry. I just want to stop this. I don't like doing this. But I don't know. Can you remember where Saint Paul said. In the word that. In Romans 7. That which I don't want to do. I find myself doing it. Who can help me out of this body. Thank thee to our Lord Jesus Christ. Can you see yourself. In the light of this scripture. Can you even assume. Can we assume with. In Matthew 5. Call the deacons. Can we see ourselves. In this scripture. That Jesus Christ has enumerated. He said you are blessed. If you find yourself doing this. Or if you are blessed. Indeed you are blessed. And tonight I just want to let us all know that. We are blessed. Regardless of what is around us. No matter what the situation is. No matter what the circumstances is. I know we are lovers of peace. I know by the grace of God. He helped us to be pure in heart. I know we are also poor in spirit. And I know. That we are among those. That are persecuting. And people are doing it. Why don't you do it. I know each and everyone of us can find ourselves. In one or more of these scriptures. And remember that we are truly blessed. No matter what. It's not out of place for anyone. To think we are poor. Because somebody said to me. God will do it. And he said to me. You have been saved. Do you know when you started saying those things. I said don't worry. Don't worry. I know God will come and do it. But you see that all the things. All the things we need to be regarded as. Blessed. Even though we don't. Blindly believe for now. God has made. God has made it available to us. And I really want to. Bless people. I wasn't there. From the beginning of today's teaching. But I just. I just feel. Through the spirit that. This is it. And because we have. We have a seal. On to our days of redemption. Which is the Holy Spirit. Which will always be there. To guide and lead us into the Holy Spirit. Because I also find myself. Sometimes because most times. These are some of the. Because the Holy Spirit takes my heart. To understand that. You can find it in the scriptures. So you are blessed. Many are the afflictions of the righteous. And most times. Just like you said reverend. Life afflictions. And all these things we are going through. They are life afflictions. And I say God is nothing compared to the glory ahead. They are life no matter what. No matter the pain. No matter the distractions. No matter the delays. I believe that. We are all life afflictions. And we are to be blessed. If we are going all through these. We are to be blessed. So I just want you all to. Let's cultivate this habit. Of having a relationship with God. Sometimes you talk to him. Just like you are talking to. A friend of yours. Or your mom or dad. Or that part of you. Just talk to him. There should be a sort of communion. There should be a glass of water. Just talk to him. Tell him your mind. This is what I feel about this world. We are truly blessed. And I pray that. The Lord will continue to help us. To understand this world. This is all we take. To be a child of God. If we read the word. And we are able to practice. Not just being forgetful. I believe at the end of the day. The word of God. We will truly do it. It is not easy. It is not easy for you to serve God. And the money is not coming. All those good things. Sometimes we want to get. It is not easy. Anyway. I speak from experience. God is faithful. Thank you so very much. God bless you. Thank you sister Bertha. I also want to bless God. Okay go ahead. I want to bless God. For how he has missed you. And mommy. That is what we call it over here. My family last weekend. I pray that. He will continue to strengthen you. In this nation. In the name of Jesus Christ.

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