Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The devotion for January 12th, 2023, titled "What Do You Expect," emphasizes the importance of being humble, gentle, and patient with others. We often place our values and expectations on others, leading to disappointment. Instead, we should approach each day and relationship with the conscious thought that God wants us to be kind and understanding. By allowing others to be human, we can see them grow. We should also reflect on our own expectations for others and ourselves. Being patient with ourselves can help us be patient with others. The prayer asks for God's help in being patient and focusing on our own responsibilities rather than criticizing others. this devotion is for Thursday January 12th 2023 today's devotion is titled what do you expect and today's scripture is from the book of Ephesians chapter 4 verse 2 always be humble and gentle be patient with each other making allowance for each other's faults because of your love it is so easy to place our values and expectation upon others measuring them by our standards and grading them on how well they fit into our plans and sadly we are most prone to do this with those closest to us they sometimes become our emotional punching bags because we know they are the least likely to abandon us when we show our demanding side expectations create unnecessary disappointments try to approach each day each relationship in each situation with a conscious thought that God wants you to be humble and gentle with others think about how patient God is with you he meets you right where you are loves you unconditionally and focuses on your possibilities not your faults or failures this is how he wants you to be with the people in your life as well if you will allow those who are closest to you the opportunity to be human you will be surprised at how quickly they grow ask yourself this question one do you tend to judge others too harshly at times which of your expectations for others might be too high question 2 how are your expectations for others tied up with your expectations for others how are your expectations for yourself tied up with your expectations for others can being patient with yourself help you be patient with others ask God dear Lord please help me to be patient with others as you have been with me and keep me ever conscious of the fact that you work with each of us on an individual basis help me to focus on what is expected of me today and not busy myself with the fault of others