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Rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeith gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y 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nor fine furniture We deal with jealousy In every avenue of life in at home At work at school even at church It's all through life and it's all through scripture I think of the relationship saul had with david david was a faithful servant, but saul's jealousy Ate him up like a cancer Uh, I think of joseph and his brothers Oh jealousy spun out of control and they they threw their brother in a pit and eventually sold him into slavery Jealousy will make you do crazy things save crazy things That in normal day you would never say so today We're going to take a little bit of a look at jealousy. Let me read a passage of scripture galatians chapter 5 Verses 19 through 21 now listen to what this says Now the works of the flesh are evident sexual immorality impurity sensuality idolatry sorcery enmity strife Jealousy fits of anger rivalries dissensions divisions Envy drunkenness orgies And things like this I warn you as i've warned you to before That those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of god Now as paul writes this we see nestled among all of these just uh, just egregious sins like uh sexual immorality and sorcery and uh Drunkenness all all right in the middle of that is jealousy. So that should tell us that god takes a very very dim view of jealousy and we ought to also if we could Step back and maybe take that thirty thousand foot view We would see the hurt and the pain and the broken relationships That jealousy or covetousness Has in our lives today what I want to do real quickly is give you three things that I believe are just characteristics of people that allow jealousy to rule their lives that consistently Exhibit jealousy and project jealousy To and about people so i'm going to give you three things real quick. Number one Those who are habitually jealous Have no self-evaluation Uh, they spend all of their time looking at others and not at themselves This is really what we ought to call a no-brainer To be jealous means you're paying attention to what others have others have accomplished or others have achieved Uh, you're spending way too much time on those things Um, and you don't see what you have how god has blessed you what you've accomplished and what you've achieved Uh, they spend their lives in a miserable pursuit which is comparing ourselves to other people and uh and instead we should be thankful for the things that we have and Things that we've accomplished and are the things that we've achieved And but people who choose to live that life of comparison They're going to grow bitter with time and they're going to find their relationships always in conflict and and just going to sink into a deep hole of bitterness and jealousy um, listen, um and they do this instead of Evaluating themselves and say you know what? I need to I need to apply myself more. I need to work harder I need to be more faithful. Uh, I need to be kinder. I need to I need to cultivate my marriage I need to cultivate this friendship Instead they constantly looking at another person. So I want to tell you something This is this is good stuff If you want to nip if you're dealing with this and you want to nip jealousy in the bud Stop evaluating others and evaluate yourself and I guarantee it will stop jealousy dead in its tracks God wouldn't have us spending our lives comparing ourselves to others um Sometimes it's just we we have to take a realistic look at us a real Honest evaluation of ourselves reminds me of those little dogs those little yapping dogs Uh, they nip and yap and think that they're a pit bull. That's not realistic Uh, and you've seen in cartoons and stuff an elephant frightened by a mouse That's not realistic. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror and think you know what? This is why I haven't Done this accomplish this achieve this this is why I don't have that kind of relationship And and i'll be the first to tell you It's not easy and it's it's painful sometimes So if you're dealing if you have that propensity to be a jealous person, here's the first thing you need to do self-evaluation what is keeping you from Having or possessing or achieving or accomplishing things that that person you're comparing yourself to so Jealous people have no self-evaluation number two Jealous people have no self-determination They don't grow Jealous people don't mature Some of them are still back in their teen years in high school. Here's something you need to know. Our god is a god of change Uh everything and everybody changes in one's life. There should be a steady rate of growth and maturity I hope that i'm not the same person. I was when I was 17 years old I hope i'm not the person I was when Jennifer married me. I hope that i've become a better man A better husband a better father a better preacher Um in all relationships, there must be a degree of growth and maturity When we choose we make that choice to stop maturing and stop growing working on ourselves Evaluating ourselves. How can I do this better? There's going to be jealousy and there's going to be conflict and there's going to be uh, Just a trail of broken relationships behind us God is an agent of profound change and he wants to change me and he wants to change you Salvation is justification. We are made justified before god through jesus christ When we die, that's what we call glorification We we will be changed into our glorified self, but in between those two points is a word called sanctification And that is what i'm speaking of a steady growth a steady Maturing in our faith in our in our dealings with each other. We should be growing and being sanctified People who change people who excel people who achieve people who have Are often objects of jealousy by the people around them that don't Pursue don't work don't try to grow and mature People who are jealous have no self-determination to change to grow to do better And you know what they they despise those who do those that do have determination those that do practice Self-evaluation, they will demonize them and they will pick them apart So if you're experiencing jealousy and you're experiencing these things we're talking about Know that you need to practice self-evaluation quit worrying about the other person and and take care of business yourself Self-determination have some gumption. Uh Guided by the spirit, uh, where does god want you to go? What does god want you to do? What does he want you to practice in life? lastly Those who suffer from chronic jealousy Uh have no self-realization Jealousy blinds people to who they are And what they are and their purpose in life Listen to this people who allow jealousy to eat away at them Never are able to see that the problem lies within themselves. Let me say that again People who allow jealousy just day after day year after year to eat away at them eat away at their relationships They're not able to see that the problem is themselves I will never understand the obsession people have with someone else's business. I hate turmoil. I hate Conflict I hate drama yet to those that are eaten up with jealousy. They seem to thrive on these things Uh thrive on conflict thrive on drama um, we need to know that uh, uh, god has better things for us than this god, uh God wants us to to do better. He wants us to grow. He wants us to To be a a better disciple. We should be better women and men. We should be better teenagers Uh, that's going to take self-evaluation That's going to have to gin up a new sense of determination Within us and we're going to have to have some self-realization that listen I am causing most of my problems I knew some folks that had some goats one time and they uh These goats were always sticking their head outside of the fence. It was a perfect line almost like you had poisoned the grass Outside the fence all the way around this pin Uh, it was it was just a perfect line and it was it was the grass was dead it was gone I always said it looked like the surface of the moon Where they could reach with their necks and eat the grass But back inside their pen there was there was still plenty of grass there was Plenty of stuff that they could have eaten up and chewed on But they were obsessed with what was on the other side of the fence I think that's what we do folks. We We stop looking at ourselves where we are. We stop praying God, who do you want me to be? What do you want me to be? And we we we want to blame everything else. We don't have any determination to to do better um to grow to mature and We don't have the ability sometimes to say, you know what? I'm the problem. So if you're dealing with jealousy or with jealous people Uh, just know that that this is not new and but it's something that can be overcome and it's something that can be fixed So my friends, I thank you for joining me this morning. I pray that you have a great day and a great week Let me pray for you father god. We thank you lord for this day. Thank you for your word God, I pray that you would help us not to be jealous hearted people, but god to To compare ourselves to you lord and to your word And lord you would help us to evaluate ourselves and and be critical of ourselves when when criticism is needed and and god to realize Where we've done right where we've done, right? God help us to uh want to grow to want to change to to do our very best for you And god when we're the problem help us to be honest And know that it's us and not to blame those around us god I pray for my friends lord that you would just bless them with a good week use them lord Give them divine appointments and god. We love you and we thank you for loving us first in jesus name amen

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