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Nothing to say, yet
The speaker talks about the importance of speed reading and how it can lead to success. He shares a story from the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" about a young boy who starts a mini library and earns passive income. The speaker emphasizes that there are business opportunities everywhere and reading can provide valuable information to change one's life. He also mentions other books he has read and the benefits of speed reading. He explains the technique of pre-reading and focusing on key information such as headers, sub-headers, vocabulary, names, and dates. Stopped meowing at my door at 7.30am. Stopped saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Screechiest Speakers I've Ever Heard on Planet Earth at 7.30am. Alright. This has been Beat Drops where I voice over my problems. Okay. It may seem like I'm super spontaneous and goofy and silly but I'm also super serious at times. So I think the best skill that you could possibly learn right now to become successful as a young man is speed reading. Why? Because ignorance, the cost of ignorance is everything that you don't have. For example, if you knew how to make a million dollars you'd make a million dollars but you don't. Therefore your ignorance costs you one million dollars each year minus the money that you make now. Which is probably late. Well we can just give an example if you make $30,000. Your ignorance costs you $1,000,000 minus $30,000 okay. So I went on a journey to basically learning everything that I can about business, marketing, sales, personal brands, everything. That way there would be no excuse as to why I wasn't making the money that I want to make. Right? My ultimate success, ultimate success for me is complete freedom. Not having to check in, not having to clock in and clock out of a job everyday to a boss that I don't like working. A job that a robot will probably be able to replace me doing in like 10, 15 years from now. So I read a bunch of books and if you haven't read a book recently you need to start because you don't understand how much one bit of information can change your life. It truly can't change everything. One little bit of information. The first life changing book for me was Rich Dad Poor Dad which I have over here somewhere. I think it's in that box. Rich Dad Poor Dad. I learned that there are business opportunities everywhere. Everywhere. Because he gave this example. And the example was, and here's a spoiler alert for the book. Okay. So basically, spoiler alert, he wanted to learn how to be rich like his rich dad. Which was his friend's dad. So his friend's dad is what he called his rich dad. And that guy was rich so he asked him, hey teach me how to be rich. So then the guy employs him at his convenience store, they were in Hawaii, sleeping off the shelves with, from sleeping sand off the shelves because in Hawaii sand blows in, makes everything dusty and sandy. So he had him doing that and he was paying him very, very little. And then he's like, look I'm missing my baseball games, sleeping off your shelves, I'm getting kind of pissed. I want to make more money. And he goes, not a chance. And then actually stops paying him. And he goes, this is so unfair, I quit my baseball games for this. Tell me why are you doing this. This is unfair. I'm going to sue you. This is what he says. He's like 8 years old at this point. And then he goes, yeah you're just like all my other employees. They say give me a raise, I say no, and then they just quit. So the kid was about to quit. And then he says, and then he figures out something. He says, you will never, he basically says you will never get rich like me by working a job. And so the kid's all like depressed, he can't even buy the comic books that he wants anymore because he's not making the pennies that he used to make. And I kind of butchered a little bit of this, but the basic premise of how there are business opportunities everywhere is that the kid sees one day that the old lady who managed the shop was tearing the covers off, the covers in half, the comic book covers in half, and throwing them in this bin. And they were just going to be thrown away. And he says, hey, are you just going to throw those away? And she goes, yeah. And he goes, hey, mind if I have them? And so she goes, well, let's see if the vendor approves. And the vendor says, yeah, as long as you just don't resell them or something. So he doesn't resell them. He takes all those old comic books that are renewed like every week or every month, can't remember, and he starts a mini library outside of his home where all the kids, should be looking at this camera, I think, at this part, where all the kids would come after school and they'd pay to borrow the book at the library for a few hours, read as many comic books as they could, and then, you know, go home, whatever. And so each kid would pay like a quarter, I can't remember. And then with all that money, they had enough left over to pay someone to main his library so they didn't even have to be there. So he paid his little sister, the only person he could really trust, to manage the library. So he's making passive income at like eight years old and it was like ten times, you know, it was a lot more than he was making at this convenience store job and that was his first ever business. And so this guy just understands business. And from that little story right there, I realized how if there's a need or a demand or even if there's not, and you can create like a whole new industry using the blue ocean method that I learned recently, you can make a lot of money, okay? So there's business opportunities everywhere. At first, I thought it was just selling an item, but it's a lot more than that. You can sell, you can sell information, you can sell services, you can sell physical products. I think those are the main things. But I learned all this because I read. I never would have learned this if I didn't read, okay? Another thing, I didn't know how lazy I was. I'm not really lazy. But I'm training for a marathon and an Ironman. So I would not consider myself lazy. I'm also getting my degree. I also am building a business, whatever. So I'm not very lazy. But when I compare myself, when I see what other people are capable of, like when I read Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins, this guy is an absolute animal. He'll just go for like 100 mile, 200 mile runs. I mean, it's ridiculous the level of just intensity this guy has. He never stops. So how to speed read. I'm about to get to it, but first, let me just tell you a few of the books that I recently came across that I speed read. So Good They Can't Ignore You. You should be looking at this camera right here, I keep messing that up. So Good They Can't Ignore You, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Predictable Revenue, Pre-Suasion, Influence, Unreasonable Hospitality, 33 Strategies of War, Blue Ocean Strategy, How to Get Rich Without Getting Lucky by Nival Ravi Kant, really good one, Evolve Your Brain, Joe Dispenza, also, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Joe Dispenza, Expert Secrets,, Secrets, all the different Russell Brunson books, 30 Days by Russell Brunson, 30 Success Stories, Using Funnels, and I tell you how they would have redone all of it if they had a thing in 30 days, so you have 30 different business models that you can study from, that you can study from. It's perfect, and they tell you, alright, day one, day two, I need to get all my stuff planned out, I need to get my website, I need to start contacting people, I need to just get all my ideas planned out, and they'll even say, like, wake up, write down what you're gonna do. Like, actual, practical, actionable, doable things, great book. Hypomanic Edge, this one, I got from that guy that you've probably seen, I forgot, he's like this Indian guy, makes a lot of money, he's, I forgot who he is, but, basically, the link, like, how hypomanic and manic are almost related, in that manic has a bunch of bad qualities as well, but hypomanic has all the grandiosity and the illusions of grandeur that the manic people have, but without the manic episodes, and so these hypomanic people have this insane ability to chase something that's not even real, like, whether it be a crazy business idea, a gambling idea, anything like that. Rudolph Steiner, well, I didn't really get to this one, 100 million dollar offers, lords of easy money, I got that from Luke Belmar, law of success, Napoleon Hill, I basically just went online and I looked at all the books that you should read, and I speed read all of them, I didn't flip through, page by page, reading every single word, I gathered the most valuable information, and therefore, I learned the big ideas and the big pictures about reading every single word, and I retained, like, 90% of what I read, I can tell you about every single one of those books, and I might in the future, but, Howard Berg, the founder of speed reading, said, reading for most people is like this, one word at a time, and they retain almost nothing, almost 0%, okay, but he posits, postulates, whatever the right word is there, I'm using big words today, that reading is like this, when you're in a car, you're reading the road in all four directions, alright, you're driving, you're looking at your side view, rear view, you're looking over your shoulder, right for your blind spot, you're looking straight ahead, four different directions, and he says that, why should this, and why is it different from reading though, so here's how you do it, pre-read the book, he can read a 400 to 500 page book in five minutes, okay, this is not, this is not kind of how it seems, alright, he's not reading every single word in 400 to 500 minutes, there's five things that he's paying attention to while he's doing this, so go through, and he'll look at headers, sub-headers, okay, the first and last sentence of each paragraph are the most important sentences, vocabulary, names, and who they are, and what did they do, okay, and then afterwards, oh, dates and places as well, and then afterwards, he goes, what did I not understand, and then he goes and finds the answer, so in genetics, personally, there is a ton of vocabulary, I'm talking like per chapter, like 100 terms I've never seen before, that are all just like different variations of the same thing, it's frustrating, because just use the same word, like core promoter, versus promoter, versus the start site, or, I mean, it's ridiculous, and they're all just slightly, slightly different, anyways, so he says that when he reads like this, when you're scanning through, and you're looking at the big ideas, and the vocabulary terms you didn't know, you get clear on those, by going through and writing them down on a flash card, and then putting the definition on the back, this really works for genetics as well, I apply this to genetics, I'm doing great, definitely need to knock on wood on that one, but, he says, when I read, I don't see words, he says, I see pictures like a movie, and I replay that movie, to remember the things I read, so, if you can get in the zone, and if you can read, and you can go through the major ideas, apply this to maybe a book that you've heard of, like think about this right now, and as you're reading, you let images pop up into your mind, that remind you of what you read, that give you the big picture, then, you can just replay that, you can recall that kind of in a sequential order, so, it's not just enough to read, he says, you have to see the importance in what you're reading, and then visualize yourself using it in the future, I was a little bit, I'm not sure what he meant by this, how you visualize yourself using what you're reading in the future, I don't think that applies for a lot of things, but he says, why is this important, how will I use that, and what application does this have for the problem that I'm trying to solve, because if you're reading stuff, even if you're watching videos, if you're taking in any sort of information, and you're not applying it, then you're just stagnant, it's absolutely useless to read things and not apply them, so he says, here's the secret sauce right here, this is how you start, read one page and time yourself, then read the second page, and then follow your hand from left to right, reading as fast as you can, until you can't comprehend what you're reading anymore, then slow down just a bit, until you can comprehend what you're reading, that's your threshold, now you've found your ceiling, now read the whole chapter at that speed, read the whole chapter at that threshold speed, then go back and time yourself reading the first page again, you'll increase, you'll blow past your time by 40-60% if you do that. So, how about to convince you to start reading, it'll change your life, it'll make you money, it'll make you more charismatic, it'll make you more attractive, it will, it'll teach you amazing habits, I mean, atomic habits alone, that teaches you, that'll teach you how to dial up every single possible variable that you could, to the maximum, to where you are just miles ahead of everybody else, and making routines so, so well, that it's like subconscious, you don't even have to think about it, and you go and you do these routines, other people would have just a lot of problems doing because they're lazy, and you're not, so, speed reading by Howard Berg, I didn't pay for any of his lessons or anything like that, I just gathered this from the internet, so, you can probably go and look up and learn a lot more information, but, that's one of the single most important things in the past, like, six months, as far as my education. So, go learn how to speed read, and increase your bank account, increase your money, your status, all that stuff, relationships, everything.