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Nothing to say, yet
The speaker expresses frustration about wasting their life and being easily distracted by free trainings and irrelevant information. They emphasize that learning is passive and not productive. They mention unfollowing Instagram models for a better return on investment (ROI). They warn that without considering the ROI, one will achieve nothing and end up being left behind by others who make better choices. Wasting my life. Wasting my life. Wasting my life. Wasting my life. Wasting my life. Ooh, a free training for a business I'll never start. Ooh. Wasting my life. Wasting my life. Ooh, let me learn about that. Well, learning is actually passive. It's consumption. It's not active. Wasting my life. Wasting my life. Ooh, free training for a business I'll never start. Ooh, that sounds interesting. Wasting my life. Ooh, those are pretty big. Hmm, biceps. Those are pretty big biceps. Because I unfollowed all the Instagram models. Because there's no ROI in following Instagram models. So before you do anything, ask yourself, hey, what's the ROI in this? Because if you don't, you're going to be achieving nothing. And then in five years, that guy who actually threw his iPod 5 from 2015 in the garbage, and I unfollowed all those Instagram models and stopped giving them free attention for nothing, is going to drive past you in his Ferrari and leave you in the dust like this.