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In this episode of Healthcare Happenings, Riley Reynolds explores the issue of nurse burnout. Despite nurses being the ones we interact with the most in healthcare facilities, they are often overlooked. Riley discusses the psychological issues that arise from working as a nurse, how it leads to burnout, and why many nurses leave the field as a result. The impact of nurse burnout on patient care is also highlighted, emphasizing the need for us to care more about this issue. Hello, and welcome to another episode of Healthcare Happenings. My name is Riley Reynolds. I'm a double psychology and nursing major. I couldn't decide which path I wanted to pursue, so why not both? Both of these are driving forces for my career, so I've decided to look into how one of them can affect the other one. Whenever you go to the hospital, or even just a regular doctor's office, who do you usually interact with the most? Not the doctors. Usually the nurse. Yet they always seem to be overlooked, even though subconsciously, we all know that without them, healthcare facilities would completely fall apart. So in this episode of Healthcare Happenings, I will be discussing the entirety of nurse burnout. We'll talk about the psychological issues that come from working as a nurse. We will look into how the psychological issues that arise from being a nurse can cause more burnout and how it causes more nurses to end up leaving the field, thus resulting in even more nurse burnout. Then we'll talk about how these affect some patients and their care, and how we should care more about that, because that directly affects us.

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