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This Is Our Prayer

This Is Our Prayer

Robin AndersonRobin Anderson



Intercessory Prayer from the heart by Robin Anderson Music- Christina Pellebon

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The transcription is a prayer expressing gratitude to God for his faithfulness, care, and compassion. It asks for healing and restoration in various aspects of life, including physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It also seeks healing for broken hearts and prayers for families and communities. The prayer acknowledges the power of God's name and his ability to bring peace and strength. The speaker emphasizes the importance of faith, turning away from ungodliness, and seeking God's guidance. The prayer ends with a declaration of trust in God's promises and authority over demonic forces. Our Father, our Father, which art in heaven Hallowed be thy holy name Thy kingdom come, thy will be done In earth as it is in heaven We pray, Lord, to you There's nothing you can't do Let the power reign on me We thank you, dear God, for being faithful to us. We thank you, dear God, for your care and your compassion for each and every one of us, oh God. You care about us. You care about our soul. You care about our mental status. You care about our physical well-being. And we thank you for that, dear God. We praise you. We glorify you. We lift up your holy name. Lord, our sins, and you nailed it to the cross, Lord, that we might have a newness of life, that we may be a new creation in you. Have the mind of Christ, oh God. And we thank you, dear God, that the Scripture says that by your stripes we are healed. We praise you, oh Lord, for loving us that way. In Jeremiah 17 and 14, Heal me, oh Lord, and I will be healed. And God, we stand on this by faith. We stand on the rock of our salvation. We stand on your strength. We thank you, dear God, that the life that we go through, you know the brokenness that some of us are facing. And we thank you, dear God, that we could come to the throne of grace and just speak your name for healing, oh God. And we know that if we speak your truth, we know, dear God, if we're living all to our ability in the spiritual realm, Lord, that you will heal us. And then, Lord, if we have any faults in our lives, oh God, any shortcomings, Father, you could take those things away as well. You could save us, dear God, from the spirit of wickedness. You could save us, Lord, from darkness, Lord, that tries to overtake us. You could save us, dear Father, when the enemy tries to come in, dear Father, and make us doubt you, Lord. We thank you, dear Father, for you are our praise. We praise you in advance, Lord. We praise you for what you've done already. We praise you for what you're going to do in our lives. We praise you, oh Father. And then the scripture in Psalms 147 and 3 says that you do heal the brokenhearted. And, Lord, there are a lot of people right now that are suffering from a broken heart, oh God. They're suffering, dear Father, in their minds and in their souls, Lord. Somebody did them wrong or somebody hurt them emotionally or mentally. And, dear Father, you care about the whole man. Lord, we're asking you, God, to touch those right now, dear Father, who are broken in their spirit. Help them to know that you care about them. Help them to know, dear God, that you are a God who pulls us out of the miry clay. And you set us upon a rock, oh God. You give us a new mind. You give us hope, oh Lord, when we feel hopeless. You give us, dear God, a light, Lord, when we feel like we're just in the darkness, Lord. When we feel, Lord, the pain in our spirit, dear Father, you let us know that you love us. And you bind up and you put sad, Lord, in those places that are hurting, oh God. And we just thank you for that. We thank you, dear Father. Dear Father and Jeremiah, as we read that scripture, the 30th chapter and the 17th verse, it says, I will restore your shelf. And, God, we are standing on that, that you will restore our shelf 100%. We know that healing sometimes is a process, dear God, and help us to believe and know, dear Father, even if we don't see it right away, that it's taken place in God. And we can continue to trust you. We can continue to stand on your word. We can continue to hold on to truth and righteousness, Lord, because you promised us. You lift us up and you make us strong in you. And you let us know that we belong to you and that we are your child. Lord, help us to believe that with all of our heart. Increase our faith, oh God, in the name of Jesus, we pray. By your stripes we are healed. By your wounds, dear Father, we are restored, oh God. And we just thank you, dear Father. We thank you, dear God, for the peace of mind that we have because we trust you. We thank you, dear God, by the power of your name, Lord. We stand on your word and we can claim healing. We can claim peace in our hearts and peace in our mind in the name of Jesus. And, Lord, even in our families, oh God, we ask you to be healing in our families, in our relationships, oh Father, between husbands and wives, dear God, between parents and children. Lord, we trust you, we praise you, we lift you up, dear God. We ask you, Lord, that you could heal our communities, heal our neighborhoods. Lord, heal our land, oh Father. There's just so much going on. Lord, we know that in your scripture, 2 Chronicles 7 and 14, you said that, if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, oh God, help us to humble ourselves before the throne of grace. And then the scripture goes on to say, and pray. God, we're praying with all our might. We're praying in faith because we walk by faith and not by what we see. And we seek you, oh God. We seek you in the word. We seek you in our thoughts and through our meditation, oh Father. And then you say, Lord, if we turn from those things that are ungodly, Lord, when we turn from unrighteousness, Lord, those things that we know that is not pleasing in your sight, oh God, and we confess our sins and confess our wrongdoings and confess our shortcomings, you promised that you would heal our land. You would heal our families, oh God. You would heal us, oh, and we thank you, dear God, for those promises. We thank you for hearing our prayer. We lift you up. We glorify your name. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for health and strength. Thank you for restoration. Thank you for healing, oh God. Thank you for deliverance. Oh, God, even those, Lord, who have mental problems or those who are living under duress, those who are living with anxiety and fear, Lord, we thank you, dear God, that you could bring peace to our hearts and peace to our mind. We thank you, dear God, for the joy of the Lord. You said it gives us strength, oh God. Help us, Lord, to know who we are in Jesus Christ. Help us to continue to stand on your word. Help us to know that the Holy Spirit is available, Lord, to lead us and to guide us, Lord, and to reveal revelation and clarity of your word. We thank you, dear God. We stand on your promises. We praise you, Lord. We thank you, dear God, for working it out for our good. Thank you, Lord. We trust you. Thank you for healing us. Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah. Thank you, dear God, for those who are listening to this podcast, oh God, that are seeking healing, Lord, that are seeking hope, oh God, Lord, that are seeking salvation and deliverance, oh Father, from demonic powers. Thank you that we have authority in the name of Jesus to speak to situations in the name of Jesus in our homes, lives, in our families, oh God, in our relationships, oh God. We come against demonic forces right now, and we stand on the promises of God. We thank you, dear God, of who we are in Jesus Christ. We thank you for the authority that we have in the name of Jesus. We thank you for victory. We thank you that we are more than conquerors. We thank you, Lord. We praise you, oh God. We lift you up, oh God. We thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Amen and amen. This is Robin from New Generation Christian Family Matters. If you need personal prayer, please contact me. If you have something to say, I promise I'll listen. Thank you. Amen.

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