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The Best Way (Part1)

The Best Way (Part1)

Robin AndersonRobin Anderson



Mini Podcast by Minister Lucretia Jordan shares with the listener practical and Biblical instruction on knowing God and His ways .... which is the "Best Way" Background music- "JOY"

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The transcription discusses different modes of travel and the importance of planning ahead. It then transitions into a discussion about the Holy Spirit and its role in the Christian walk. The Holy Spirit is described as a comforter, protector, and guide. It is emphasized that asking for assistance from the Holy Spirit is not a sign of weakness, but rather a necessary part of one's spiritual journey. The transcription concludes with a prayer and a healthy tip to pray and meditate daily. I just love traveling, don't you? All modes of travel have their excitement and pleasurable moments. With research at my fingertips, the acceleration of an airplane on the runway pushing speeds of 150 to 180 miles per hour to accomplish takeoff. Up, up and away, feel free as a bird. Or you may feel more confident with your feet on the ground on a luxury passenger train with comfortable coach seats. Depending on what type of train, it can reach speeds up to 110 maybe to 130 miles an hour. I once had the opportunity to ride a bullet train in Japan and it was capable of reaching speeds around 200 miles per hour. Wow! Even a long-distance trip on a bus. Do you remember that jingle? And the driving to us. The bus typically cruises 65 to 70 miles per hour. You sit back and relax but the only drawback is that you will be sharing space with people you don't know. As long as I have my headphones on, I can pretty much keep to myself and maybe even catch up on a few Z's. Lately, I've enjoyed traveling by car to get to my desired destination. Planning well makes all the difference in the world. You can stop and go whenever you desire. Enjoying the beautiful scenic route of God's open country is like no other. You may consider the following helpful tips when going on your next road adventure. Start out early to avoid all traffic. Plan out your stops in advance so that you know what to expect on the way. For instance, eating places or attractions if you have time. Try not to eat too heavy so you will not get sleepy. Stay hydrated. Drink H2O. Yes, water. Listen to your body and enjoy the rest stops when necessary. If you make time, stop and smell the roses. Lastly, be grateful. Thank goodness for whoever invented GPS. Google Maps. It is a lifesaver. Have it available to use. You may be old-fashioned though and feel more comfortable using a paper map. The chances of the paper map usually will not give you a bump steer and leave you stranded like Google Maps can on occasion. The big takeaway is don't be too proud to use your resources. It's better to get assistance than to spend hours of wasted time moving in the wrong direction or in circles and having to backtrack. You're already in unfamiliar territory so make it easy on yourself and plan ahead. Why do we often view asking for assistance as a sign of weakness? I have been guilty of this very thing. Yes, I heard you. So you too. How does this behavior reflect on our Christian walk? Do you ask God the Father for help? He has always been with us. From the beginning of time, God was with man. Our original foreparents did not ask God for help when they were faced by the enemy with the greatest temptation of mankind. Things turn out much different when you allow God to be God in your life. Mary, the mother of Jesus, allowed the Holy Spirit to work through her and be their earthly host to bring Jesus into the world. God, through his son Jesus, came to the world to dwell amongst us. After Jesus went back to heaven, God kept his promise and sent the Holy Spirit in his place to be with man as the great comforter. The Word of the Lord has a lot to say about God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit, dwelling amongst and in us. According to 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verses 19 through 20, now this is the Passion Translation, have you forgotten that your body is now the sacred temple of the Spirit of Holiness who lives in you? You don't belong to yourself any longer. For the gift of God, the Holy Spirit lives inside your sanctuary, your temple. He promised that he would not leave man comfortless and that the Spirit of God is available at all times, day and night, night and day, 24-7 during the good times and the bad times. The Holy Spirit is available and very much necessary to everyone who has accepted Jesus as Lord in their life. Acts 1, after Jesus had died and rose again, he was seen by many and certainly the Apostles. In verse 4, the Passion Translation says, Jesus instructed them, don't leave Jerusalem but wait here until you receive the gift I told you about, the gift the Father has promised. Jesus most certainly found the Holy Spirit necessary for the journey in their Christian walk and building up his kingdom on earth. If the Apostles of Jesus needed the Holy Spirit, then we certainly need it too, my friend. Luke 11, chapter 11, verses 13, Jesus tells us to ask him for it. In the Passion Translation it says, if imperfect parents know how to lovingly take care of their children and give them what they need, how much more will the perfect Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit's fullness when his children ask him? The Holy Spirit and our children. If your children have accepted Jesus into their heart, then yes, they are a candidate for the receiving of the Holy Spirit into their lives as well. Our children are being subject to the enemy's attack on a daily basis in their schools, just like we are adults. The Holy Spirit will act like an alarm going off in their heads, in their minds, that something is not right. Our children are smart if we give them credit. I hope you are in the habit of having family prayer each day. God is faithful and will lift a standard in their behalf. When I grew up, our family had a short prayer before going off to school. We also had family prayer in the evening time. We can't pray too much. These days our children are being challenged and faced with anti-Christ ideas and doctrines of, yes, the devil. They need to know that God is with them and his spirit is always present. God's Holy Spirit is available to keep them from falling and he wants to be fully operational in their everyday life, just like the adults, us. The Holy Spirit comforts and preserves us, fills us up with the presence of God and equips us. According to John 14 and 16, I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper who will be with you forever. Amen. You can be full of the Spirit of God, His Holy Spirit, to the overflowing. His presence at times can feel like a burning, an unquenchable fire that never goes out. The fire of God may get low, but it can't be rekindled over and over again. Hallelujah. Acts 2nd chapter, verses 1-4, Passion Translation, speaks about the day of Pentecost, how everyone was gathered together in one place and on the one accord and with mind and spirit. Suddenly they heard the sound of a violent blast of wind rushing into the house. It was so powerful that it was more than anyone could bear. All at once a pillar of fire appeared before their eyes. It separated into tongues of fire that engulfed each one of them. They were all filled and equipped with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the glue that keeps God in us together. According to Ephesians chapter 3 verse 16, that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man. 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 verse 22, who hath also sealed us and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. Passion Translation says he knows we are his, since he has also stamped his seal of love over our hearts. The Holy Spirit is everything we need. The Holy Spirit equips us, John 14 and 26, but the Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you. The Holy Spirit recalls things, yes thoughts, recalls the Word of God back to our memory, gives us direction, protection, John 16 13, but when he the Spirit comes he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak of his own, he will speak only what he hears and he will tell us what is yet to come. If you are going down the wrong path in life, the Holy Spirit will nudge you and say in an audible voice or impression, don't go down that path. He looks ahead and protects us from any traps, hurt, harm, and danger. The Holy Spirit gives us power and boldness, Acts 4 and 31, and when they had prayed the place where they had gathered together was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the Word of God with boldness. The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom in what to say, how to say it, and when to apply it. As we witness to others about the goodness of God, his Spirit will give us utterance. We will have a new boldness and not be ashamed. The Holy Spirit shows us things to come, Amen. John 16 and 13, when the Spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own, but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future, just like Mary when the Holy Spirit was with her. There is a lot more to say about this topic next time. Let's agree in prayer. Father God, we thank you this day for loving us, taking care of us. We need you more and more every day. We are open to learning more about your comforting, keeping power of the Holy Spirit. Please be our ultimate helper, Amen. Are you ready for your healthy tip for today? Take time to pray and meditate in the presence of our Father God once per day. Begin to ask God to reveal his Holy Spirit to you. This is Lekresha Jordan. We would like to thank Robin and Matthew Anderson with Prayer and Share, an invitation to intercede in prayer for our nation on Metta, and New Generation Christian Family Matters podcast for making this presentation possible to you. God bless you as our prayer.

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