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RobinLJPodcast#5 To know Him Is To Please Him A (1)

RobinLJPodcast#5 To know Him Is To Please Him A (1)

Robin AndersonRobin Anderson



Host-Lucretia Jordan Music / Pianist Michelle Love


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The main ideas from this information are: the importance of faith in pleasing God, the role of parents in shaping our values and beliefs, the need to trust in God's promises, the story of Noah's obedience and trust in God, the significance of resting in God's plan, the consequences of unbelief and doubt, and the importance of sharing our faith with others. I am sure that we have all encountered times as well as opportunities to put our best foot forward. During our formative years we may remember as a child receiving an outstanding grade in school and could not wait to get home to share the report with mom and dad. We wanted to please our parents and hope they were proud of our accomplishments. Parents knew their children from birth what type of personality they had, what their needs were, and how they were maturing and growing and being successful in life. I mean our parents was on the top of our list because we knew that they loved us. So when my siblings and I received a good grade our parents would give us extra allowance as a reward. They taught us to save a little, spend a little, and give a little. I remember taking a trip to the bank with my parents to make a deposit into my savings. Sometimes we only had a dollar to deposit but it was all good. Our peers expected us to attend institutions of higher learning. Earning that degree certificate of completion made the entire family proud. The popular slogan in our day was the mind is a terrible thing to lose. No one really wanted to admit having that mentality. So the primary thing to do was to prove that you were not lazy. Study hard and show yourself approved. You know that is still for today. I had the best Sunday school teacher ever. Her name was Sister Mary Branch. She made studying and memorization of our lessons so enjoyable. She had faith in us and truly invested in our growth and the Lord as young adults. She never hesitated to share an encouraging word. I believe she enjoyed teaching us just as much as we enjoyed listening and learning. We truly respected her. To know him is to please him. Now, let's talk about faith. What does it mean to have faith in something? The first word that comes to my mind is trust. When you trust someone or something you have the utmost confidence in what they present. You have utmost confidence in what they say. Their actions match what they say. To know God is to hear what he is saying through his word. The spoken words come from the mouth of the servant who represents him on the earth. This also may be in the form of listening to a sermon, a message, or even a talk. Faith is now. Right now. Not tomorrow. Not yesterday. And if you're thinking yesterday, you missed it. We do not have all the answers to life in our own ability and interest. God is all-knowing and is willing and ready to bless you now. Learn to just accept what he has already done for us. He lives in us so the answer lies within us. Seek him and you will find him. The kingdom of heaven is within you. Amen. Your faith might feel weak compared to the situation you're facing. God expects you to use it. Still, he has dealt to every man a measure of faith. That means everyone has been given faith to help live a victorious life. God has no respect for persons. Everyone starts out with a grain of mustard seed sized faith. We already have been equipped with it inside our spirits. Trust it. Trust him which is in you. We do not have to ask God for something he has already given to us. As the actor Shia LaBeouf says, just do it. Well then, let's just do it and work it to please our father. This is the plane or if you will, realm of the spirit that God operates in. Matthew 15 to 20. Mustard seed faith. The bible references a familiar story about Jesus and mother Mary at the wedding feast. The source of wine had run dry. Mary turned to her son. Jesus told his mother that his hour to perform any miracles had not come yet. Mary, mother of Jesus, had some kind of faith. She pulled her son into his calling that day. She knew that Jesus was a chosen messiah sent by God. Mothers know their children and she stood on God's promises that her son would do great things. She told the servants, whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. Jesus performed his first miracle, turning water into wine. St. John chapter 2. For all of us, obedience is better than sacrifice. This is pleasing to God. So, building your faith. It pleases the father God when you begin to use the measure of faith that he has given you. Don't let the enemy convince you that any given situation is impossible to turn around when God gets involved. Matthew 10 to 23. I can see Jesus looking at his disciples and all those involved. With men, he says, this is impossible. But with God, all things are possible. When God, his word, says all, A-L-L, that means yes, all. To please the father and obtain strong faith. It is to listen and to obey. In one of our pastor lessons, we mentioned and again reflect on Hebrews chapter 11 and 6. Without faith, it is impossible to seek him. For he that cometh to God must believe that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. He is softly hiding from us, you know that. He is easily to be found though. He wants us to believe that he is the only answer that needs to be sought out. Try God, my friend. He is present, dependable. You should try and you will find out that he is true. He is above all others and no other God can compare. A passage of scripture found in Genesis chapters 6, 7, and 8. Man on earth at that time became very wicked and corrupt and the Lord found a man called Noah who would do his will, helping to preserve the animals and every creeping thing. The preservation also included Noah's family. There would be time that God would send a great rain for the first time to the earth to wash away all evil and start mankind again through this chosen family. Talking about this was a great opportunity to blindly trust God. Noah's obedience of following God's explicit instructions to restore mankind was very difficult. Those who did not know God persecuted Noah and his family. Noah did not understand it at all, but listened to the heart of God and pleased him with utmost obedience and trust. He even forgave his enemies. God took care of him and set their feet again on solid ground. In your leisure, read the entire chapters. To be in God's perfect will and plan, we need to learn to rest just as Noah had to. Let's look at rest. Romans 10 and 17. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. We're still building our faith. Thank God for the measure of faith he has already given you. Let's consider God's word. Hebrews chapter 3. It talks about if we are partakers of Christ, we will enter into his rest. We must hold on to our confidence from the beginning to the end. Amen. When you sense and feel unbelief, doubt, and fear coming over you, begin to thank the Lord for all he has done in your life. Quickly make sure your spiritual armor is on. And if it is already on, make sure it's tight in the name of Jesus. Make sure your helmet of salvation is on your head. Be on guard and ready at all times. Don't be sloppy, careless, or filthy, or foolish. Begin to quench every fiery dart of the wicked one. Then have faith, confidence that God has it figured out. God does his best work in silence, you know, because his word will not return until he voids. It's already been written. If he said it, he will do it. He has already taken care of you and me. Practice standing on his promise and resting on purpose. In the book of Deuteronomy, 32nd chapter, another account, Moses and many of the children of Israel who were older than 20 years of age were not permitted to go into the promised land because of wavering with unbelief of God's promises coming to pass. Obedience, again, is better than sacrifice. When God speaks through us through his word and reveals promises of a better way, be obedient and you will eat the good of the land. Always trust and have faith. Amen. He must and will bring it to pass. I have heard that we should starve our doubt and feed our faith. It sounds great. Since we have faith, we are able to relax from anything that is pressing us. No matter what happens around us, we can rely on a certain outcome. And in God, we know that he wants the best for us. God requires us to have this important attitude toward him. Faith, F-A-I-T-H. It truly pleases him. Faith can be an action word. As well, as you open your spirit more to our Father God, give him permission to commune with you. Remember Proverbs chapter 3, 5, and 6 about trusting the Lord with all your heart. Make that commitment to trust him. That pleases him. We will continue this subject next time. I know you're ready for your healthy tip for today. Let's share this message that you have just heard with someone else to encourage them. In closing, I would like to give a special shout out to our niece, Chief Master Sergeant Carolyn Russell, who has worked hard and with God's help has accomplished great things. She serves proudly in the U.S. Air Force as Command Chief of the 436th Airlift Wing, Dover Air Force Base. Most of all, she loves the Lord God with all her heart. We are so proud of you and you aim to let your light shine as you serve him and our country. God is pleased when we step out with the God kind of faith. This wraps up our time with you today. Our Father is ever present. This is Lucretia Jordan. We would like to acknowledge Robin and Matthew Anderson, our prayer and share, an invitation to intercede in prayer for our nation on Facebook, Metta, and New Generation Christian Family Madness Podcast for supporting our presentation to you today. God bless you as our prayer. you

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