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It's all About Jesus !

It's all About Jesus !

Robin AndersonRobin Anderson



Jesus came to redeem us from the curse of sin and death. Jesus is the way the truth and the Life .. If we believe and receive Him we can be reconciled to our father God .

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We celebrate Jesus this Resurrection Weekend. The prophets of the Old Testament foretold and prophesied about His coming and about His mission. In Isaiah 61 and 1 it says He was anointed to preach good news to the meek, to bind up the brokenhearted, and to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. In Isaiah 53 and 4 it says He bore our griefs and carried our sorrows and we just read that earlier. He was wounded for our transgressions, for our disobedience, our violation of God's law and command. He was bruised for our iniquities, our wickedness, and our simple nature. And with His stripes, praise the Lord, we are healed, not only in our body, but in our soul and in our mind. Who was Jesus? We know that He was there from the beginning with God. The Bible said that He was the Word and the Word was made flesh and lived among us. And the Word was the splendor and radiance of God wrapped in flesh, the manifestation of grace, God's gift, God's favor, and God's kindness toward man. We know that scripture, for God so loved the world that He gave us Jesus. Further along in that scripture, verse 10 of 1 John, it says His soul was an offering for sin. So God gave us Jesus that we might be reconciled to Him and that we might have peace with Him. He gave His soul as an offering for sin. He gave His all. In verse 12 it says He poured out His soul into death in intercession for the transgressors. Then when John the Baptist saw Him, his cousin, he says, Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world, as found in John 1 and 29. Jesus was given an assignment and He knew His mission and His purpose. Mankind was spiritually lost and disconnected from the living God, our Father, and confused about our God-given birthright. Luke 19 and 10 says, I came to seek and save that which was lost, so He came to save us. He came to dispel darkness and expose the work of the enemy, expose the work of darkness. We know from scripture that the enemy's purpose is to kill and steal and take your life from you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, paralyzed, steal your peace and your joy, your hope, your purpose, your dreams and ambitions, your spiritual heritage. His purpose is to totally destroy your soul. The Bible says, You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. We know of a shadow of doubt that God came that we might be reconciled to Him, that we might be more than conquerors, that we have a life of victory in His household. That's why Jesus came. The truth about the enemy of our souls, He's a liar, He's a father of lies. That's the enemy. He's a spiritual slave master who wants to keep you bound and in chains. He wants to keep you confused about life and confused about who you are. Jesus came that He might show you the way. In John 14 and 6 it says, I am the way. He's the door. This is the only way that we could be saved. This is the only way that we could approach the Father. That's why Christ came to set us free. And we praise Him for that. We praise Him for the sacrifice. We praise Him for the shedding of His blood. We have a right to become the sons and the daughters of God. It's also claimed in John 6.35 that He's the bread of life. And that if we come to Him we will never hunger. That's why Jesus came. What Jesus did, we celebrate His death. We celebrate His resurrection on the third day. He came forth victorious, more than a conqueror. Conqueror over sin and guilt and shame. That He might present to us the gift, with the gift of salvation. Jesus said that I have come that you might have abundant life. Not just life, but life abundantly. The peace of God, which includes the joy. Strength and endurance and stability. And what is the world looking for right now? They're looking for peace. And they're looking for joy. But it's in stuff. It's in things that are temporal. Jesus came to bring completeness and wholeness to man. Because man was fractured by sin. Fractured by separation from the Father God. But Jesus came that we might be complete and whole in Him. In Romans 10 and 10, it says if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, this is the plan of salvation. And believe in your heart that God raised Him for the dead and you will be saved. It is with your heart that you believe and are justified. And it is with your mouth that you confess. And you are saved. So it's as simple as that. Now, I would like to pray that prayer with you. Thank you, dear Father, for coming and giving yourself as a living sacrifice. We thank you, dear God, for salvation. We thank you for loving us so much. You gave all that we might have right at the trail of life. I confess my sins and for dying on the cross that I might. Thank you, dear God, for your love. I stand on your word, Lord. I receive you into my heart. Thank you, Lord, for life. Thank you for forgiveness. Thank you for joy and peace. In Jesus' name, amen. We are justified by faith. We are now in the family of God because of the plan of salvation. We have been justified by His blood. And we are saved from sin and wrath with the precious blood of Jesus. We are made clean, and now we can approach the throne of grace. This is Robin from New Generation Christian Family Matters. If you need prayer, please contact us. If you have something to say, I promise we'll listen. New Generation Christian Family Matters www.newgeneration.org New Generation Christian Family Matters www.newgeneration.org New Generation Christian Family Matters www.newgeneration.org New Generation Christian Family Matters www.newgeneration.org New Generation Christian Family Matters www.newgeneration.org New Generation Christian Family Matters www.newgeneration.org

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