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HighlyFavored#10 (1)

HighlyFavored#10 (1)

Robin AndersonRobin Anderson



Lucretia encourages the listener to Trust God, believe his Word and stand on His Promises. God loves us and will not withhold any good thing from us. Yes ...we are Highly favored by God.


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The speaker discusses the idea of being blessed and highly favored by the Lord. They emphasize the importance of having a clean heart and mind, and how dedicating one's life to Jesus Christ can bring joy and spiritual growth. The speaker also encourages resisting temptation and relying on God's strength. They highlight the concept of following God's ways and receiving His mercy and forgiveness. The speaker discusses the rewards of righteousness and the importance of praising God. They conclude with a prayer expressing gratitude and a desire to stay in God's will. Have you ever greeted someone with a salutation accompanied with a hug or handshake and their reply back to you was, I am blessed of the Lord and highly favored. You either strongly agreed, celebrated with them and knew exactly what they want or you felt feelings of happiness, yes, as well, but with wonder of curiosity what that all meant. With our last poster beam, entering into the new year, I am glad you made the decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ. I rejoice with the angels in heaven that you have dedicated your life to him as well. So right now let's look at the book of Psalms, chapter 119, this is the longest chapter in the Bible, God preserves us, his children, that's you and me, we are now considered his offspring. Verses 1, blessed are the undefiled in the way, being undefiled meaning clean, you have a clean heart and mind before your God and yourself. You have a changed heart from the old man, you used to be prior to having your sins forgiven. Thank God for throwing your sins in the sea of forgiveness, to remember them no more. If God has forgotten, then we are to forget the former things. Let God work his purpose in your life by you spending time with him. We accomplish this by meditating on his blessings toward us. This is how we don't let the deceiver of this world, Satan, overtake us with temptation. He is a sore loser and wants you to turn your back on God and rejoin his kingdom. Your spiritual eyes are now open and you know that the end of serving the enemy is eventually spiritual death. Use your weapons of spiritual warfare, push back and resist him. Tell him to go in Jesus name. Jesus in Matthew chapter 4 was even tempted in the wilderness of his life here on earth from Satan himself. He knows first hand how to defeat the enemy. Commit your way unto the Lord and let every word of God be established in your walk, talk and actions. Line yourself up with the way, the truth and the life. Hebrews 8 and 12 says, all defilement is washed away from our spirit, heart and mind. I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. The term, the way, in Hebrew writings represents an acceptance, belief, adoption, new way of life according to the teachings of Jesus. We are blessed and highly favored. He has chosen us to be his child and a part of the family of God. He gives us power to walk in his ways. You have probably noticed that you do not have the desire to take part in certain activities any longer. Maybe some habits you've had that you were not proud of are now put down and you have no interest in participating in them. He gives us a mind and a will to seek him with our whole heart. We can do nothing on our own but trust and believe in Psalms 25 verse 10 and it says, all the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth to such as keep his covenant and his testimonies. When we follow his spirit and leading as an example of our lives, it will only lead us to righteousness. The footsteps of a righteous man and woman are ordered of the Lord, amen. It is as if no iniquities existed because they have all been forgiven, hallelujah. Keep his precepts diligently, amen. Let's go back to the term precepts. A pre-dictionary meaning is a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought. God will help us to have respect for his way and obey his ordinance. Let's see what the reward of the righteous will be. For one thing, we do not have to be ashamed of our past habits or discretions. No more guilt. When we were living in our own terms and against God's way, the enemy would often lead us down paths of embarrassment, shame, and disappointment. We used to have no self-worth, but thanks be to God for his mercy and compassion. God will not spread our business, betray us, or forsake us. God will not embarrass you. Did you hear that? We have received him as Lord of our lives. We are blessed and highly favored. Isaiah 41 and 10, so do not fear for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous hand of righteousness. Fear thou not for I am with thee. Be not dismayed. If blessings come from God our Father, then we should give God all honor, praise, and glory for what he has done. He inhabits our praise. He loves to see himself in his children. Praise shall be commonly. It is easy to be thankful to God and give him praise because as of 1 Thessalonians 5, verse 18, Can everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. I will praise thee with a brightness of heart when I shall have learned thy righteous judgment. Amen. We thank God for our lesson today. I hope you are ready for your healthy child. I want you to pray this prayer with me today. Thank you Lord for giving me the power to stay in your will for my life. Thank you for living in me and I in you. I daily draw closer to you in prayer, meditation, speak to myself in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in my heart to you, O Lord, so that I learn more about you. I now realize keeping your statutes will lead me to the paths of righteousness, happiness, fulfillment, and success in my life. Ephesians 3 in 20, Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us. I esteem you, O God, and hold you in great regard. I love you in Jesus name. Amen. Our Father is ever present. This is Lucretia Jordan. Thank you to Robin and Matthew Anderson with Prayer and Share and Invitation to Intercede in the Prayer for Our Nation on Metta and New Generation Christian Family Matters Podcast for making this presentation possible to you. God bless you as our prayer.

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