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An Islamic Studies Podcast exploring the Challenges faced my Muslim youth in relations to: The various outside influences (a)Family (b)Friends (c)Media and (d) Culture.


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Say Assalamualaikum, start the introduction Okay Okay go, just say Assalamualaikum Assalamualaikum Say properly before you bring it to the table Properly? Yes What did you say? Just properly Assalamualaikum Okay look please, take a Okay wait, we all say Assalamualaikum 3, 2, 1 Assalamualaikum everyone My goodness Welcome back to another video with Why are you fulfilling your 2016 YouTuber dreams? Can I not be a YouTuber for one study? One last time, one last take please Assalamualaikum Why are you acting like you've never studied for one week before? Okay in all seriousness, the topic of today is going to be Outside influences and what role they play in a young Muslim's youth life Hooray! Yay! Okay, so first we're going to start off with the first factor which is family And Jenna's topic is The influence of friends and peers The influence that social media has on the younger generation in Islam So finally to amuse us with your topic, the story that you've prepared for us today Okay so basically the story, I'll just give an overview of it But basically the story follows this one girl that She's going to stay anonymous, but basically she explains how she was brought up in A kind of western, white neighborhood where all the people around her and the kids around her Were quote on quote kuffar as her mom would put it And she basically goes on saying that her mom was really strict She wouldn't let her wear any revealing clothes Naturally you would think, but she goes on by saying that Even from a young age, four years old, she was always supposed to be covering up With long sleeves, layers, even to the point she gives an example of When this one day where she was meant to go to the pool with her peers She wasn't allowed to because her mom gave the excuse of Oh, you can't go because men might look at you Again, she was only four, yeah, she was only four Four? That's crazy Her father however was quite the opposite He would always make Jesus for his prayer And always lie about his prayer, says the author He called himself a Muslim whenever he would be around other Muslims Or on Eid, Ramadan celebrations, etc He would also drink and smoke Now you can imagine how much of an impact this could be on an individual That's growing up with quite the opposite parents in a Muslim household And how that can affect them in the future As I read through the story, I could tell that she did leave the religion Or she's trying to distance herself from the religion She also made plans of leaving the country To separate herself as much as she could from her family, especially her mother She goes on saying that she grew up to saving money So that she could buy the clothes that she wanted She wanted to become a free man To have the freedom of choice that she didn't have before And you can tell that if it were a little bit more different Or if her parents had the characteristics of the prophet that we look up to You could imagine things would have been more differently And the outcome would have not been as it is And this has me thinking that if the parents Like nowadays, the reason why their children might be led astray Or try to further themselves from the religion Is because parents will reinforce these strict rules And they won't let the child know the wisdom behind it Or let them know the benefits So it will just leave that person really confused And then when that same person has a more confused Or ignorant perspective of what Islam is Because of those strict rules No, it's just those strict parents Strict parents, they're perceived strict rules, right? Next to someone who has more freedom Quote unquote freedom, especially in the western world It might seem like the way to go Like, oh I've been sheltered in a sheltered life Away from the actual freedom Away from the way to go, you know? What do you have to say about this? Especially because the younger generation, the generation we're in right now You tend to find a lot of teenagers that have reached that age Their adult years, they're 18, right? They were raised in an Islamic household But it wasn't taught Islam wasn't really shown in the way you would show it to a child, you know? We all grew up as in watching Islamic TV shows We'd watch prophet stories and things But then when you probably see other children They would be raised, not to be liberal or something If you go back home, you would be raised in an environment Where the teacher would kind of go And he would beat you He would kind of hit you if you don't get your Quran properly I think there was a hadith that showed that the prophet has never raised his hand To the younger kids, you know? Even when there was Quran teachings or hadiths being told He would never raise a hand or even raise his voice At someone that was younger than him Or older people It shows us how much Islam has kind of changed And the teachings changed when it comes to the Western world and back home And back to what I was saying about when you reach 18 You tend to find a lot of Muslims that they leave Islam Because of the pressure and stress they were put under when they were younger And the kind of abuse they went through Of being forced to learn Islam in a difficult way Than it should have been Without knowing why they're doing this Exactly It's just, if you don't do this, you'll get in trouble Or if you don't do this, you'll face the consequences And then one day, especially growing up in the West You get surrounded by all these other people in school And especially because you're really young too If I'm a child and I'm raised in an Islamic household Where I'm happy, but I'm not really happy If you understand what I mean But then I'm surrounded by fitness I'm surrounded by other girls That they dress a certain way And I'm dressed in a modest way Even though that's the way to please Allah As a child you wouldn't know that Yeah, because you don't know the way things are Dressing up or following their things would be the easiest way Alhamdulillah, because when I started dressing modestly It was because I had my sisters They were a big role model for me Because they started wearing their hijab when they were younger And then I remember, I think it was grade 2 I put on the hijab for the first time Took it off after 20 minutes But that's not what I want to say But I took it off 20 minutes after Because I had a lot of I can't say a lot, but I had a lot of Who were your friends? Caste friends, if I'm allowed to say that I had a lot of non-Muslims actually That were my friends And I saw all their hair out and everything So I'm like, you know what? I don't have to put on right now because I'm still young And it was true, I was young That is a really big mindset Especially to be in the middle ages My mom didn't really put the hijab on me when I was younger I did it out of me wanting Oh, who was that? I put the hijab on because I wanted And I saw my older sisters wearing it And my mom, she was wearing the hijab And she's bad, very alphabetic And I saw that, so I wanted to try it out And then I didn't last long wearing it But I think it was a good 20 minutes I had It was a nice experience of going to school Going to school, wearing it Everybody's like, oh wow, what's on your head? I'm like, oh it's a hijab And then music came, I took that thing off I can't say thing, but I took the hijab off That's a perfect example At a union, I feel like that's a perfect example And it was a public school too So a lot of children weren't I can't say like that But a lot of children weren't raised to have that type of mindset When they're younger Because I know a lot of students I know that they were forced to wear the jibaab At a really young age But that was really good Although it wasn't good to wear their pants It wasn't by their own will It was by force And it wasn't like They were told things like Oh, if you don't put it on, Allah won't be pleased with you And saying that to a really young child Is really traumatizing to me It would be really traumatizing To put the positive side The parents, they had a good perspective They had a good mindset It was good in them to treat their kids this way Like, cover yourself Because we're Muslims Maybe that's something they were raised as well So that's the side we have to actually understand It can't be like Oh, I don't get why my parents are making me wear it Blah, blah, blah We have to understand that That's the only way they know how to Exactly, because it's a parent's first time parenting too We only live once I think a lot of people understand that Our parents and our mothers especially The way we treat them It's their first time living as well They already know what they're doing in life as well They're really trying to find themselves In a journey to finding you And helping you and guiding you For who you are This also reminds me of how the city operates There'll be really young children Three-year-olds that'll come in They'll be thrown into the routine of Pass or fail Don't pass, face the consequences of getting beat They don't really understand They don't really have a connection With the Quran as much And they don't really understand What that connection with the Quran means Or the benefits of that They're just taught to learn the letters Learn how to read Get to that certain level And you will be punished, right? And the punishment is especially back home I think you had a story? So I was going to say My cousin One time he didn't memorize his ayahs And basically He knows he didn't memorize So he just started wearing layers Over layers, over layers So when he got beat It wouldn't be as painful And then That's smart What? Smart Yeah, so actually Especially on the kids Especially on the kids Yeah, even on the kids It's so sad But um Yeah, and He ended up getting caught That he was wearing layers, obviously Because it's really obvious And he didn't take everything off And then, yeah That's to the point where the child's more Like fears more The consequences In the dunya Than the actual reward Yeah, the reward And what might be the consequences If you don't have much of a connection with the Quran, right? So the fear is not there The fear should not be in that Especially since you mentioned that hadith Of how the process was And then it touched a child And then beat up a child And you'll see like And then they put under the word And then they would like I wouldn't say the audacity But like they would put under like the fact that Oh, like in Islam you're like At a young age you should be a hasid You should be like a member of the Quran Like it's not bad to have like good expectations Of your children Exactly It should be realistic And it should be realistic enough That in the future it doesn't backfire Right? So that they know that their parents did this to them And they know that like it's gonna benefit them Because for me personally If I went through that I wouldn't want to like I would be more hesitant Like to build a relationship with the Quran And also like As a parent you're supposed to be like a good influence And if you're not confident yourself Like how do you expect your like Especially like you're learning the Quran Like I wouldn't say it's a bad thing But like in Dixi Like how Fatimah said It's either pass or fail Or face the consequences Like you're really depending on passing And not understanding the Quran Like you'll read a couple ayahs Right? Or one surah And you'll be like Oh okay I passed Right? But like at the end of the day Did you really pass? And like meaning Like did you understand Did you understand Did you understand As getting like Pass or fail Did you understand the surah And like what it means Or did you actually Have like deep insight Of like what you're actually learning And like whose words You're actually reading Or where they came from Right? Because like at the end of the day At the end of the Not the end of the head Like the only thing That you care about Is like making sure That a stick Or like the pencil Of that man's hand You know Touch your skin And it would always be Like a thought At the back of your head And like you would be At the back of the Dixi room And you would be Practicing Practicing You know And like you know Like Allah says Like every word That you read Like in the Quran It's like a It's like a good deed Right? 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