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final podcast project - Riley Moulton

final podcast project - Riley Moulton

riley moulton



music - hollow body blues by mr. smith interview - Chloe Newman

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The speaker discusses their love for coffee and how it boosts their mood and helps them through stressful times like finals week. They admit to having multiple cups of coffee a day and mention their favorite types of beans. They also talk about their favorite coffee shops and the positive energy they feel when visiting them. The speaker interviews a friend who is a barista and asks about their experience and favorite coffee to make. Overall, the speaker expresses their enjoyment in talking about coffee and thanks the listeners for tuning in. So, you know, as it is finals week, we've reached week 10. Crazy. I feel, you know, everyone can need a reminder of one of the things that always gives me a boost. No matter if it's in the morning, afternoon, even nighttime, doesn't that matter to me? That thing is no other than coffee. Now, I'm going to be real here. I feel like I've talked about coffee a lot on this podcast. I don't know if you guys can tell that I really like it, that whenever I'm recording, it's probably right by my side, but there's just something about the joy of brewed and roasted coffee beans that always just really makes me happy, puts a smile on my face, and frankly reminds me that everything is going to be okay. No matter if one might be so stressed out when it comes to finals, just taking that little moment and having a little bit of coffee, it can really make a difference. Not even going to lie. You know, whether I'm just sipping it or absolutely chugging it, I usually do have at least two to three coffees a day. Yes, maybe not the best for you. I get lots of hate for it. Everyone is like, Riley, what are you doing? But it's just something I've always done. So if anything, you know what, the damage is already done. And to be honest, I'm having a coffee right now, which, again, ultimately inspired this podcast and what made me want to talk about it. You know, from my experience, I honestly love so many different flavors of coffee and their respective beans. I will say, obviously, a lot of the beans kind of have complicated names. If I butcher these, I am so sorry. But I will say Robusta beans being my favorite, as it's like the most caffeinated of them all and I would caffeine girly to the eye die. The other types of beans being Arebica, Liberia, and Excelsa, with the last one being the least caffeinated. All of these beans have their different origins and tastes, which I really enjoy. I really enjoy that these beans kind of come from different places. It gives them all their own unique story and can mean different things to certain people. And, you know, I'm a person who associates tastes, smells, or anything of that sort to memories. Therefore, I honestly do this with coffee all the time, making memories with each glass that I have. Although I know I've talked about this before, I would say some of my favorite coffee places around the city would have to be Blue Bottle, Dollop, Pedestrian, Asiatic Grounds, and Goddess and the Baker. They all have amazing coffee, obviously, but they all also just have such good vibes attached to them, causing me to always go back. I always try to try new places, but then once all has failed, I always find myself back there. There's just nothing like sitting in these places and taking in the vibes that are attached to them and all the good energy. Plus, a lot of the baristas are always so nice, which makes such a difference. However, my favorite coffees from these places have to be the Iced Nola from Blue Bottle, Nutella Iced Latte from Pedestrian, and the Spiced Latte from Dollop. If you can't tell already, I'm a latte girl through and through, especially oat milk lattes. I also love that you can throw in such fun flavors when it comes to coffee. I've been dying to try a lavender latte, so that's on my list. You know, one of the things that's provided me the most knowledge on coffee was that a bunch of my favorite people and friends have worked at coffee shops throughout my life. It's always been so great being able to go to those familiar places and see a familiar face. So today, one of my best friends, Chloe Newman, has shared a few thoughts on her experience as a barista. All right, reporting live from On The Move. I'm here with Chloe Newman, who's a barista at Seven Stars Bakery in Providence, Rhode Island. And we're currently on the way to the train. She's all the way in Chicago, which is crazy. Chloe, how are you doing today? I'm doing so good. I'm so excited to be here talking to you today. Love to hear it. So as I mentioned, we know you're a barista at Seven Stars. How has that been so far? Honestly, one of the best experiences ever. I feel like, you know, I got introduced to coffee really young because my dad was a big coffee drinker. So that was just always a big part of my life. Like, one of the ways that he and I kind of, like, bonded as I grew up. And so, like, to take something that I've always, like, loved and associated with good to, like, work with that has been super awesome. And it's just very much, like, a craft, kind of, like, science-y stuff to really dig into it. So it's all around really good. That is so amazing. So out of, like, all of the coffee that you've made, what has probably been your, like, favorite, most, like, rewarding coffee you've ever made? Oh, I would say that I really perfected the honey oat milk cappuccino. It's best served hot. At the store I work at, we're required to do latte art on all of our in-house drinks. So, you know, being able to, like, whip up a honey oat cappuccino at, like, 530 in the morning, there's just something special about that. That is so amazing. All right. Thank you so much for talking to me today. It was so great hearing your insights. Any last words? Nope. Just drink coffee. Love to hear it. Thanks, Chloe. So big shout out to Chloe for that. Love her dearly. That was so amazing hearing from her. But after all of that, you know, I'm thinking I need another coffee. You know, that just sounded so good, what she makes. But overall, talking about coffee today has been very enjoyable to me, as I hope it has been the same for all of you listening. And thank you for giving my podcast a listen. And thank you for giving all of my podcast a listen. It really means a lot. And I'll see you all next time, most likely with a coffee in hand. So thank you so much. Whoever it has been, thank you.

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